1,529 research outputs found

    Negative feedback control of jasmonate signaling by an alternative splice variant of JAZ10

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    The plant hormone jasmonate (JA) activates gene expression by promoting ubiquitin-dependent degradation of JAZ transcriptional repressor proteins. A key feature of all JAZ proteins is the highly conserved Jas motif, which mediates both JAZ degradation and JAZ binding to the transcription factor MYC2. Rapid expression of JAZ genes in response to JA is thought to attenuate JA responses, but little is known about the mechanisms by which newly synthesized JAZ proteins exert repression in the presence of the hormone. Here, we show that desensitization to JA is mediated by an alternative splice variant (JAZ10.4) of JAZ10 that lacks the Jas motif. Unbiased protein-protein interaction screens identified three related bHLH transcription factors (MYC2, MYC3, and MYC4) and the co-repressor NINJA as JAZ10.4-binding partners. We show that the N-terminal region of JAZ10.4 contains a cryptic MYC2-binding site that resembles the Jas motif, and that the ZIM motif of JAZ10.4 functions as a transferable repressor domain whose activity is associated with recruitment of NINJA. Functional studies showed that expression of JAZ10.4 from the native JAZ10 promoter complemented the JA-hypersensitive phenotype of a jaz10 mutant. Moreover, treatment of these complemented lines with JA resulted in rapid accumulation of JAZ10.4 protein. Our results provide an explanation for how the unique domain architecture of JAZ10.4 links transcription factors to a co-repressor complex, and suggest how JA-induced transcription and alternative splicing of JAZ10 pre-mRNA creates a regulatory circuit to attenuate JA responses.Fil: Moreno, Javier Edgardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología del Litoral; Argentina. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Shyu, Christine. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Campos, Marcelo L.. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Patel, Lalita C.. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Chung, Hoo Sun. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Yao, Jian. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: He, Sheng Hang. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Howe, Gregg A.. Michigan State University; Estados Unido

    Single-electron pump with highly controllable plateaus

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    Future quantum based electronic systems will demand robust and highly accurate on-demand sources of current. The ultimate limit of quantized current sources is a highly controllable device that manipulates individual electrons. We present a GaAs single-electron pump, where electrons are pumped through a one-dimensional split-gate saddle point confinement potential, which show quantized plateaus with length and width that can be independently tuned with the application of a source-drain bias and RF amplitude. The plateaus can be over two orders of magnitude longer than conventional pumps, and flatness improves with the application of a source-drain bias

    SpBase: the sea urchin genome database and web site

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    SpBase is a system of databases focused on the genomic information from sea urchins and related echinoderms. It is exposed to the public through a web site served with open source software (http://spbase.org/). The enterprise was undertaken to provide an easily used collection of information to directly support experimental work on these useful research models in cell and developmental biology. The information served from the databases emerges from the draft genomic sequence of the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and includes sequence data and genomic resource descriptions for other members of the echinoderm clade which in total span 540 million years of evolutionary time. This version of the system contains two assemblies of the purple sea urchin genome, associated expressed sequences, gene annotations and accessory resources. Search mechanisms for the sequences and the gene annotations are provided. Because the system is maintained along with the Sea Urchin Genome resource, a database of sequenced clones is also provided

    Multiple electron pumping

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    The need to pump single electrons with a high degree of accuracy and fidelity has led to the development of a range of different pump and turnstile designs. Previous pumping mechanisms have all demonstrated that pumping more than one electron per cycle degrades the quantisation of the measured current. This unreliable delivery of multiple electrons per cycle has limited the use of on-demand single electron sources in electron quantum optic experiments. We present highly quantised current with multiple electrons pumped per cycle. We experimentally demonstrate that in our pumps an increase in electron throughput per cycle does not lead to an appreciable degradation in the accuracy of the produced current. Our pump is realised in an aluminium gallium arsenide two-dimensional electron gas, where electrons are pumped through a one-dimensional split-gate confinement potential under the influence of an applied source-drain voltage VSD , and where the pump is driven by a trapezoidal arbitrary waveform. This combination of a split-gate potential, VSD bias and trapezoidal wave form has led to the observation of robust quantised plateaus where not just a single electron, but a multiple integer number of electrons are pumped per cycle with a high degree of robustness and without the need of a magnetic field. For seven electrons per cycle, we report an increase of over two orders of magnitude in pumping accuracy from 2.72 × 10 − 2 in devices operating in the conventional pumping regime, to 1.64 × 10 − 4 in pumps operating in what we call the long plateau regime, a regime accessed under a change in a split-gate pumps applied VSD voltage. This pump will find direct use in quantum transport measurements where the metrological accuracy of single electrons pumped per cycle is not required and the low throughput per cycle of electrons is limiting

    Western oceanus procellarum as seen by c1xs on chandrayaan-1

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    We present the analysis of an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) observation of the western part of Oceanus Procellarum on the Moon’s nearside made by the Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer on 10th February 2009. Through forward modelling of the X-ray spectra, we provide estimates of the MgO/SiO2 and Al2O3/SiO2 ratios for seven regions along the flare’s ground track. These results are combined with FeO and TiO2 contents derived from Clementine multispectral reflectance data in order to investigate the compositional diversity of this region of the Moon. The ground track observed consists mainly of low-Ti basaltic units, and the XRF data are largely consistent with this expectation. However, we obtain higher Al2O3/SiO2 ratios for these units than for most basalts in the Apollo sample collection. The widest compositional variation between the different lava flows is in wt% FeO content. A footprint that occurs in a predominantly highland region, immediately to the north of Oceanus Procellarum, has a composition that is consistent with mixing between low-Ti mare basaltic and more feldspathic regoliths. In contrast to some previous studies, we find no evidence for systematic differences in surface composition, as determined through X-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques

    Ursolic Acid Inhibits Collective Cell Migration and Promotes JNK-Dependent Lysosomal Associated Cell Death in Gioblastoma Multiforme Cells

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    Ursolic acid (UA) is a bioactive compound which has demonstrated therapeutic efficacy in a variety of cancer cell lines. UA activates various signalling pathways in Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and offers a promising starting point in drug discovery; however, understanding the relationship between cell death and migration has yet to be elucidated. UA induces a dose dependent cytotoxic response demonstrated by flow cytometry and biochemical cytotoxicity assays. Inhibitor and fluorescent probe studies demonstrate that UA induces a caspase independent, JNK dependent, mechanism of cell death. Migration studies established that UA inhibits GBM collective cell migration in a time dependent manner that is independent of the JNK signalling pathway. Cytotoxicity induced by UA results in the formation of acidic vesicle organelles (AVOs), speculating the activation of autophagy. However, inhibitor and spectrophotometric analysis demonstrated that autophagy was not responsible for the formation of the AVOs. Confocal microscopy and isosurface visualisation determined co-localisation of lysosomes with the previously identified AVOs, thus providing evidence that lysosomes are likely to be playing a role in UA induced cell death. Collectively, our data identify that UA rapidly induces a lysosomal associated mechanism of cell death in addition to UA acting as an inhibitor of GBM collective cell migration

    Canonical Wnt signals combined with suppressed TGFβ/BMP pathways promote renewal of the native human colonic epithelium

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    Background: A defining characteristic of the human intestinal epithelium is that it is the most rapidly renewing tissue in the body. However, the processes underlying tissue renewal and the mechanisms that govern their coordination have proved difficult to study in the human gut. Objective: To investigate the regulation of stem cell-driven tissue renewal by canonical Wnt and TGFβ/bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) pathways in the native human colonic epithelium. Design: Intact human colonic crypts were isolated from mucosal tissue samples and placed into 3D culture conditions optimised for steady-state tissue renewal. High affinity mRNA in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemistry were complemented by functional genomic and bioimaging techniques. The effects of signalling pathway modulators on the status of intestinal stem cell biology, crypt cell proliferation, migration, differentiation and shedding were determined. Results: Native human colonic crypts exhibited distinct activation profiles for canonical Wnt, TGFβ and BMP pathways. A population of intestinal LGR5/OLFM4-positive stem/progenitor cells were interspersed between goblet-like cells within the crypt-base. Exogenous and crypt cell-autonomous canonical Wnt signals supported homeostatic intestinal stem/progenitor cell proliferation and were antagonised by TGFβ or BMP pathway activation. Reduced Wnt stimulation impeded crypt cell proliferation, but crypt cell migration and shedding from the crypt surface were unaffected and resulted in diminished crypts. Conclusions: Steady-state tissue renewal in the native human colonic epithelium is dependent on canonical Wnt signals combined with suppressed TGFβ/BMP pathways. Stem/progenitor cell proliferation is uncoupled from crypt cell migration and shedding, and is required to constantly replenish the crypt cell population

    Primary structure of mature SAG1 gene of an Indonesian Toxoplasma gondii and comparison with other strains

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a persistent protozoan parasite capable of infecting almost any warm-blooded vertebrates. SAG1 (p30) is the prototypic member of a superfamily of surface antigens called SRS (SAG1-related sequence). It constitutes the most abundant and predominant antigen. In this paper the primary structure of mature SAG1 gene of an Indonesian T. gondii isolate is described and sequence comparison is made with published sequence data of 7 other strains or isolates. Sequence comparison indicated that SAG1 is highly conserved through evolution and despite parasite spreading world-wide. Sequences may be divided into two major families, independent of the strain/isolate geographic origin. Variations were mainly localized at the C-terminal half or domain 2 and some clustered in restricted areas. Sequence comparison allowed us to define the Indonesian isolate as genuine virulent RH strain. A phylogenetic tree of Toxoplasma strains/isolates was constructed based on SAG1

    The Overall Coefficient of the Two-loop Superstring Amplitude Using Pure Spinors

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    Using the results recently obtained for computing integrals over (non-minimal) pure spinor superspace, we compute the coefficient of the massless two-loop four-point amplitude from first principles. Contrasting with the mathematical difficulties in the RNS formalism where unknown normalizations of chiral determinant formulae force the two-loop coefficient to be determined only indirectly through factorization, the computation in the pure spinor formalism can be smoothly carried out.Comment: 29 pages, harvmac TeX. v2: add reference

    Eurasian Arctic greening reveals teleconnections and the potential for novel ecosystems

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    Arctic warming has been linked to observed increases in tundra shrub cover and growth in recent decades on the basis of significant relationships between deciduous shrub growth/biomass and temperature. These vegetation trends have been linked to Arctic sea ice decline and thus to the sea ice/albedo feedback known as Arctic amplification. However, the interactions between climate, sea ice and tundra vegetation remain poorly understood. Here we reveal a 50- year growth response over a >100,000 km2 area to a rise in summer temperature for alder (Alnus) and willow (Salix), the most abundant shrub genera respectively at and north of the continental treeline. We demonstrate that whereas plant productivity is related to sea ice in late spring, the growing season peak responds to persistent synoptic-scale air masses over West Siberia associated with Fennoscandian weather systems through the Rossby wave train. Substrate is important for biomass accumulation, yet a strong correlation between growth and temperature encompasses all observed soil types. Vegetation is especially responsive to temperature in early summer. These results have significant implications for modelling present and future Low Arctic vegetation responses to climate change, and emphasize the potential for structurally novel ecosystems to emerge fromwithin the tundra zone.Vertaisarviointia edeltävä käsikirjoitu