60 research outputs found

    Seasonal trends of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in river water affected by fire training sites and wastewater treatment plants

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    Fire-fighting training areas and wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are potential sources of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) to the nearby aquatic environment. This study investigated seasonal variations of PFAS levels in two river catchments in Sweden; one impacted by Stockholm Arlanda Airport (Sites 1 and 2), and the other by WWTPs and a military airport (Uppsala) (Sites 3 and 4). Sigma PFAS concentrations were up to 61 (Sites 1 and 2) and 4 (Sites 3 and 4) times higher compared to the reference site. Distinct different seasonal trends were observed in the two catchments with higher Sigma PFAS concentrations during the high water flow season at Site 1 compared to the low water flow season, whereas Sites 3 and 4 showed an inverse seasonal trend. This demonstrates that the pollution is mobilized during periods of high flow in the first catchment (Stockholm Arlanda Airport), while it is diluted during high flow in the second catchment (Uppsala). Average annual loads for Sigma PFASs were estimated at similar to 5.2 and similar to 3.7 kg yr(-1) for the catchment in Uppsala and Stockholm Arlanda Airport, respectively. Thus, both catchments add PFASs to Lake Malaren, which is Sweden's most important source area for drinking water production

    Re-analysis of organic flame retardants in Swedish rivers

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    Flame retardants (FRs) are used in everyday products such as furniture and electronics to provide fire protection. The intensive use of FRs has led to their wide spread in the environment. Many chemicals have been found to have bioaccumulative, persistent and toxic properties which have led to a ban of some of these FR compounds based on international agreements. For example, Penta- and octa-polybrominated diphenyl ethers (BDEs) have been included in the Stockholm Convention. However, most FRs are not restricted, and in many cases it is not known to which extent they are used or to which degree they are polluting the environment. The aim of this study was to provide a snapshot of the current FR pollution in Swedish rivers and streams. In total, 25 rivers and streams were sampled along the east coast of Sweden from north to south. The sampling was done in October 2013 and results from this pre-study were presented previously (Ahrens et al. 2014). Since then, the analytical method for FRs has been improved, and here we report on the re-analysis of the extracts from the previous study. In total 61 (including 7 PBDEs, 35 AFRs, 19 OPFRs), mainly novel FRs, were included in the analytical method. The highest number of FRs was detected in Nyköpingsån (22) and Indalsälven (16). The most frequently detected FRs were ∑tris(1,3-dichloroisopropyl) phosphate/tris(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate) (ΣTDCIPP/TEHP, quantified as the sum of both) detected in all 25 samples from north to south, followed by tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP) (detected in 15 samples) and tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBPA) (detected in 11 samples). The highest FR concentrations were observed in Nyköpingsån, Fyrisån and Indalsälven with ∑FR concentrations of 240, 230 and 140 ng L-1, respectively. It is evident that FR concentrations in general are higher in the south than in the north, likely explained by the higher population density in the south. Daily loads of ∑FRs transported from Swedish rivers into the Baltic Sea were estimated to be in total 15 kg/day. Indalsälven and Nyköpingsån showed highest total daily loads with 5.2 and 4.9 kg/day, respectively. The composition profiles of these two rivers showed a similar pattern with 3,4,5,6-Tetrabromophthalic anhydride (TEBP-Anh, ~30% of the ∑FR), Tetrachlorobisphenol-A (TCBPA, ~23% of the ∑FR) and TBBPA (~30% of the ∑FR) as the major FRs indicating that these are the three main FRs transported into the Baltic Sea from Swedish rivers. Since this study only provides a snapshot of current conditions, care needs to be taken in the interpretation of the results. This type of screening study is, however, useful for getting a general idea on pollution levels and revealing of tentative hot spots. For better insight into the pollution situation, another sampling strategy is neded, e.g. covering longer time periods (and different seasons) and using more frequent sampling or time/flow-proportional sampling

    Human-lineage-specific genomic elements are associated with neurodegenerative disease and APOE transcript usage

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    Knowledge of genomic features specific to the human lineage may provide insights into brain-related diseases. We leverage high-depth whole genome sequencing data to generate a combined annotation identifying regions simultaneously depleted for genetic variation (constrained regions) and poorly conserved across primates. We propose that these constrained, non-conserved regions (CNCRs) have been subject to human-specific purifying selection and are enriched for brain-specific elements. We find that CNCRs are depleted from protein-coding genes but enriched within lncRNAs. We demonstrate that per-SNP heritability of a range of brain-relevant phenotypes are enriched within CNCRs. We find that genes implicated in neurological diseases have high CNCR density, including APOE, highlighting an unannotated intron-3 retention event. Using human brain RNA-sequencing data, we show the intron-3-retaining transcript to be more abundant in Alzheimer?s disease with more severe tau and amyloid pathological burden. Thus, we demonstrate potential association of human-lineage-specific sequences in brain development and neurological disease.FUNDING: Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the participants in the Religious Order Study, the Memory and Aging Project. Z.C. and R.H.R. were supported by grants from the Leonard Wolfson Foundation. M.R. was supported by the United Kingdom Medical Research Council (MRC) through the award of a Tenure Track Clinician Scientist Fellowship (MR/ N008324/1). J.H. was supported by the UK Dementia Research Institute which receives its funding from DRI Limited, funded by the UK Medical Research Council, Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK. J.H. has also been funded by the Medical Research Council (award MR/N026004/1), Wellcome Trust (award 202903/Z/16/Z), Dolby Family Fund and National Institute for Health Research University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre. J.B. is supported through the Science and Technology Agency, Séneca Foundation, CARM, Spain (research project 00007/COVI/20)

    Learning-based Calibration of Flux Crosstalk in Transmon Qubit Arrays

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    Superconducting quantum processors comprising flux-tunable data and coupler qubits are a promising platform for quantum computation. However, magnetic flux crosstalk between the flux-control lines and the constituent qubits impedes precision control of qubit frequencies, presenting a challenge to scaling this platform. In order to implement high-fidelity digital and analog quantum operations, one must characterize the flux crosstalk and compensate for it. In this work, we introduce a learning-based calibration protocol and demonstrate its experimental performance by calibrating an array of 16 flux-tunable transmon qubits. To demonstrate the extensibility of our protocol, we simulate the crosstalk matrix learning procedure for larger arrays of transmon qubits. We observe an empirically linear scaling with system size, while maintaining a median qubit frequency error below 300300 kHz

    Real-world evidence in Alzheimer’s disease: the ROADMAP Data Cube

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    INTRODUCTION:The ROADMAP project aimed to provide an integrated overview of European real-world data on Alzheimer's disease (AD) across the disease spectrum. METHODS:Metadata were identified from data sources in catalogs of European AD projects. Priority outcomes for different stakeholders were identified through systematic literature review, patient and public consultations, and stakeholder surveys. RESULTS:Information about 66 data sources and 13 outcome domains were integrated into a Data Cube. Gap analysis identified cognitive ability, functional ability/independence, behavioral/neuropsychiatric symptoms, treatment, comorbidities, and mortality as the outcomes collected most. Data were most lacking in caregiver-related outcomes. In general, electronic health records covered a broader, less detailed data spectrum than research cohorts. DISCUSSION:This integrated real-world AD data overview provides an intuitive visual model that facilitates initial assessment and identification of gaps in relevant outcomes data to inform future prospective data collection and matching of data sources and outcomes against research protocols

    Влијание на кинеската традиционална медицина за лекување на болки во грбот

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    Болките во грбот претставуваат еден од почестите проблеми со кој се соочуваат луѓето во нивниот секојдневен живот и се најчеста причина за значајни загуби на работните денови. Хроничните болки во грбот станаа една од најчестите причини за боледување кај вработените на возраст под 45 години. Кога луѓето остануваат дома заради повреда во грбот, само 65% се враќаат на работа по една недела и речиси 14% се сеуште отсутни по еден месец. И ако некој е на боледување подолго од шест месеци, има само 50% шанси да се врати на работа. Поголемиот дел од болките во грбот се должат на иритација на зглобовите, или притисок врз лигаментите и мускулите од заболени дискови или шилци. Притисокот врз нервните завршетоци исто така може, да доведе до болки во грбот и нозете. Многу фактори можат да ги влошат болките во грбот. Доживеаниот стрес, преголемата тежина, неправилното држење на телото и лошата кондиција можат да ги влошат или продолжат болките во грбот. Постојат огромен број причини за појава на болки во грбот, но најчесто се работи за една од следниве: механички проблеми, повреди, стекнати болести, инфекции и тумори и емоционален стрес. Кинеската традиционална медицина се развивала во денешна Кина, потоа била пренесена во Јапонија, Кореа, Монголија, Виетнам, Филипините и др. Од физиолошка гледна точка, древните лекари го разгледувале човечкиот организам како сложен систем, во кој елементите се функционално поврзани. Тие си го претставиле телото како “монада“, поделено на два еднакви дела Jин и Јан. Јан го претставува машкиот дел или татковото потекло, кој се изразува во секое светло, активно, суво, топло, творечко, постојано. Jин е од мајчинско потекло кое се изразува како влажно, ладно, темно, сокриено, пасивно. Здравото тело олицетворение на хармонијата помеѓу Јан и Jин. Дисбалансот помеѓу нив доведува до болест. Друга претстава од страна на старата источна медицина е взаемното дејство помеѓу петте елементи – симболи на физичката состојба на природата: дрвото – црн дроб, оган – срце, земја – панкреас, метал – бели дробови, вода – бубрези. Древните научници откриле точки кои ги нарекле космички точки. Боцкањето со игли, загревањето со мокса, притисокот и масажата во тие точки доведува до подобрување на состојбата. Исто така била откриена и т.н. космичка енергија или Чи која што се движи по невидливите канали - меридијаните. Меридијаните се 12 парни кои се расположени по двете страни на телото и два непарни, кои на краевите се поврзани со внатрешните клонови еден со друг и така енергијата Чи циркулира низ телото во еден затворен систем. Секој меридијан има најголема активност по 2 часа дневно. Кај болков синдром меридијаните со нивните билошко – активни точки (БАТ) се место на надворешна симптоматика и перку нив може да се дијагностицира. Точките стануваат болни, со покачена температура и тврди. Треба да се знае дека точките не се поставени во близина на болниот орган, туку тие се наоѓаат по меридијаните. Акупресурата како метода има предност затоа што е безболна и безкрвна процедура, не е потребна специјална техника и лесно се применува. Таа се употребува за покачување на заштитните сили на организмот, за тонизирање, за подобрување и одржување на општата состојба, се употребува и како профилактички метод. Може да се употреби и со други терапевтски методи: класична или сегментарна масажа, климато терапија, балнео терапија. Клучни зборови Акупресура – метод на лекување со притискање. Јин – вид на енергија во телото кое го претставува женскиот пол Јан – вид на енергија во телото кое го претставува машкиот по

    TDP-43 loss and ALS-risk SNPs drive mis-splicing and depletion of UNC13A

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    Variants of UNC13A, a critical gene for synapse function, increase the risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia1-3, two related neurodegenerative diseases defined by mislocalization of the RNA-binding protein TDP-434,5. Here we show that TDP-43 depletion induces robust inclusion of a cryptic exon in UNC13A, resulting in nonsense-mediated decay and loss of UNC13A protein. Two common intronic UNC13A polymorphisms strongly associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia risk overlap with TDP-43 binding sites. These polymorphisms potentiate cryptic exon inclusion, both in cultured cells and in brains and spinal cords from patients with these conditions. Our findings, which demonstrate a genetic link between loss of nuclear TDP-43 function and disease, reveal the mechanism by which UNC13A variants exacerbate the effects of decreased TDP-43 function. They further provide a promising therapeutic target for TDP-43 proteinopathies