221 research outputs found

    La mesure du contrat psychologique dans un contexte de travail francophone

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    Si le concept de « contrat psychologique » est désormais largement répandu dans la littérature, les instruments de sa mesure font encore défaut. Rousseau a proposé en 1990 le Psychological Contract Index (PCI), qu’elle a actualisé en 1998-2000. Cet article vise à adapter cet outil en France et à le compléter en testant deux mesures de la réalisation du contrat psychologique : une mesure directe et une mesure soustractive. Il pose aussi le problème de la mesure de la réciprocité propre au contrat psychologique et s’appuie sur le modèle de Morrison et Robinson pour tester une relation modératrice entre les scores de réalisation de l’entreprise et ceux de l’employé. Les résultats d’une enquête menée auprès de 217 cadres français confirment partiellement les hypothèses de l’auteure. Ils montrent que la structure factorielle du PCI manque de stabilité et doit faire l’objet de nouvelles recherches quant à sa validité : 14 facteurs sont identifiés au lieu des sept avancés par Rousseau dans le PCI. Conformément aux hypothèses posées, c’est la mesure directe de la réalisation du contrat qui démontre la meilleure validité. En outre, l’auteur valide le rôle modérateur de la réalisation du contrat psychologique par le salarié.The psychological contract (PC) offers a compelling theoretical framework for understanding today’s employment relationships. This contract can be defined as the individual’s perceptions about existing promises and obligations between an employee and their employer (Rousseau, 1990). Although the number of publications about the PC has grown considerably over the last ten years, many research questions are still to be answered; one of them concerns its measurement. This article aims at adapting Rousseau’s instrument—the Psychological Contract Index (PCI)—and at testing its validity and reliability in a French context.In the PCI, Rousseau assesses the PC of U.S. executive managers and centers this assessment on employees’ perceptions: 32 items represent employer obligations and 27 items measure employee’s obligations. Rousseau found that these items can be grouped in seven factors: retribution, job content, equity/trust, good material working conditions for employer promises, altruism, minimal performances at work, and loyalty for employee promises. She found good reliability scores for each factor (Cronbach’s alphas from 0.82 to 0.93). However, no other scholar has used the same items to measure the PC, and the stability of the factorial structure needs to be demonstrated further.While PCI exclusively measures the nature of promises, most researchers focus on PC fulfilment and not only on PC characteristics. To Rousseau’s list of promises, they add a scale aiming at measuring how well each promise has been fulfilled. Promise fulfilment is a major issue, notably because it is more related to talent retention than are promises themselves. It is when promises are broken that the impact on employee retention is the strongest: PC breach has been related to a loss of trust in the other party, as well as to a decrease in organizational commitment and intention to stay. Two measures of PC fulfilment are calculated by scholars. The difference in scores between the level of fulfilment and the importance of each promise is calculated in some studies, but this measure is indirect and has been criticized for its poor reliability (Irving and Meyer, 1999; Johns, 1981). For this reason, many other scholars use a direct score of fulfilment without taking account of the importance of each promise.In addition to these methodological issues, we addressed two other questions about PC measure:We adapted the PCI thanks to 19 interviews with French executive managers. Some items were cancelled since they were not mentioned by the interviewees and were considered by them as irrelevant to their work setting (for instance, healthy working conditions). We used this adapted measure of PCI in addition to a measure of PC fulfilment and to items relating to three attitudes at work: trust, intention to quit and organizational commitment. Control variables such as the age or size of the organization were also added to the questionnaire.The validity of the PCI French version was studied with a factor analysis followed by a confirmatory factor analysis with LISREL. The exploratory factor analysis does not confirm the factorial structure identified by Rousseau. We find 14 factors—seven for the employer promises and seven for the employee promises—instead of Rousseau’s seven factors. The confirmatory factor results lead to the same conclusion: among the alternative models we tested, the 14-factor model shows the best goodness of fit statistics. These results suggest that PCI factor structure lacks stability. As studies testing the validity of PCI are very few, it is difficult to discuss this result further without testing the factor structure again, preferably with a comparison between a French and a U.S. sample. This will enable us to know whether the differences in the factor numbers and labels are due to cross-cultural differences or to poor instrument validity.We then tested which of the two PC fulfilment calculation methods —difference and direct scores—is the more valid. Whether we use a direct or difference score of PC fulfilment, correlations with a single-item and with attitudes at work (trust, intention to quit and organizational commitment) are identical. We conclude that the use of a direct score should be used in future research since its reliability is of better quality.Finally, hierarchical multiple regressions enabled us to test the role of PC fulfilment on attitudes at work. We find that PC fulfilment by the employer is related to attitudes at work, with a significant impact for working climate and job security. Our results are different from those of Robinson. It seems that in France, the perception of a good employment relationship holds a specific meaning. Both transactional and relational exchanges are important for French employees. A transactional exchange based on the fulfilment of promises on retribution retains employees. Job security and job content are more relational and help build a long-term relationship based on loyalty and trust in the other party. Finally, we confirm that the mutuality underlying the PC is well perceived by French managers. This mutuality can be understood as a two-step comparative process: first, the individual compares employer promises and inducements. Then the individual does the same with their own inducements and moderates their reaction to perceived breaches according to their ability to fulfil or not their part of the psychological contract.Si el concepto de “contrato sicológico” (CS) ya está ampliamente difundido en la literatura, los instrumentos para medirlo son aún escasos. Rousseau propuso en 1990 el Psychological Contract Index (PCI), que fué actualizado en 1998-2000. Este artículo pretende adaptar este instrumento en Francia y completarlo evaluando dos medidas de la realización del CS: una medida directa y una medida sustractiva. Se plantea también el problema de la medida de la reciprocidad propia al contrato sicológico y, basado en el modelo de Morrison y Robinson, se evalúa la relación moderadora entre los scores de realización de la empresa y aquellos del empleado. Los resultados de una encuesta administrada a 217 cuadros franceses confirman parcialmente las hipótesis de la autora. Esto demuestra que la estructura factorial del PCI carece de estabilidad y debe ser objeto de nuevas investigaciones respecto a su validez: 14 factores son identificados en lugar de los siete avanzados por Rousseau en el PCI. Conforme a las hipótesis planteadas, es la medida directa de la realización del contrato que demuestra la mejor validez. Además, la autora valida el rol moderador de la realización del contrato sicologico para el asalariado

    La mesure du contrat psychologique dans un contexte de travail francophone

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    Si le concept de « contrat psychologique » est désormais largement répandu dans la littérature, les instruments de sa mesure font encore défaut. Rousseau a proposé en 1990 le Psychological Contract Index (PCI), qu’elle a actualisé en 1998-2000. Cet article vise à adapter cet outil en France et à le compléter en testant deux mesures de la réalisation du contrat psychologique : une mesure directe et une mesure soustractive. Il pose aussi le problème de la mesure de la réciprocité propre au contrat psychologique et s’appuie sur le modèle de Morrison et Robinson pour tester une relation modératrice entre les scores de réalisation de l’entreprise et ceux de l’employé. Les résultats d’une enquête menée auprès de 217 cadres français confirment partiellement les hypothèses de l’auteure. Ils montrent que la structure factorielle du PCI manque de stabilité et doit faire l’objet de nouvelles recherches quant à sa validité : 14 facteurs sont identifiés au lieu des sept avancés par Rousseau dans le PCI. Conformément aux hypothèses posées, c’est la mesure directe de la réalisation du contrat qui démontre la meilleure validité. En outre, l’auteur valide le rôle modérateur de la réalisation du contrat psychologique par le salarié.The psychological contract (PC) offers a compelling theoretical framework for understanding today’s employment relationships. This contract can be defined as the individual’s perceptions about existing promises and obligations between an employee and their employer (Rousseau, 1990). Although the number of publications about the PC has grown considerably over the last ten years, many research questions are still to be answered; one of them concerns its measurement. This article aims at adapting Rousseau’s instrument—the Psychological Contract Index (PCI)—and at testing its validity and reliability in a French context.In the PCI, Rousseau assesses the PC of U.S. executive managers and centers this assessment on employees’ perceptions: 32 items represent employer obligations and 27 items measure employee’s obligations. Rousseau found that these items can be grouped in seven factors: retribution, job content, equity/trust, good material working conditions for employer promises, altruism, minimal performances at work, and loyalty for employee promises. She found good reliability scores for each factor (Cronbach’s alphas from 0.82 to 0.93). However, no other scholar has used the same items to measure the PC, and the stability of the factorial structure needs to be demonstrated further.While PCI exclusively measures the nature of promises, most researchers focus on PC fulfilment and not only on PC characteristics. To Rousseau’s list of promises, they add a scale aiming at measuring how well each promise has been fulfilled. Promise fulfilment is a major issue, notably because it is more related to talent retention than are promises themselves. It is when promises are broken that the impact on employee retention is the strongest: PC breach has been related to a loss of trust in the other party, as well as to a decrease in organizational commitment and intention to stay. Two measures of PC fulfilment are calculated by scholars. The difference in scores between the level of fulfilment and the importance of each promise is calculated in some studies, but this measure is indirect and has been criticized for its poor reliability (Irving and Meyer, 1999; Johns, 1981). For this reason, many other scholars use a direct score of fulfilment without taking account of the importance of each promise.In addition to these methodological issues, we addressed two other questions about PC measure:We adapted the PCI thanks to 19 interviews with French executive managers. Some items were cancelled since they were not mentioned by the interviewees and were considered by them as irrelevant to their work setting (for instance, healthy working conditions). We used this adapted measure of PCI in addition to a measure of PC fulfilment and to items relating to three attitudes at work: trust, intention to quit and organizational commitment. Control variables such as the age or size of the organization were also added to the questionnaire.The validity of the PCI French version was studied with a factor analysis followed by a confirmatory factor analysis with LISREL. The exploratory factor analysis does not confirm the factorial structure identified by Rousseau. We find 14 factors—seven for the employer promises and seven for the employee promises—instead of Rousseau’s seven factors. The confirmatory factor results lead to the same conclusion: among the alternative models we tested, the 14-factor model shows the best goodness of fit statistics. These results suggest that PCI factor structure lacks stability. As studies testing the validity of PCI are very few, it is difficult to discuss this result further without testing the factor structure again, preferably with a comparison between a French and a U.S. sample. This will enable us to know whether the differences in the factor numbers and labels are due to cross-cultural differences or to poor instrument validity.We then tested which of the two PC fulfilment calculation methods —difference and direct scores—is the more valid. Whether we use a direct or difference score of PC fulfilment, correlations with a single-item and with attitudes at work (trust, intention to quit and organizational commitment) are identical. We conclude that the use of a direct score should be used in future research since its reliability is of better quality.Finally, hierarchical multiple regressions enabled us to test the role of PC fulfilment on attitudes at work. We find that PC fulfilment by the employer is related to attitudes at work, with a significant impact for working climate and job security. Our results are different from those of Robinson. It seems that in France, the perception of a good employment relationship holds a specific meaning. Both transactional and relational exchanges are important for French employees. A transactional exchange based on the fulfilment of promises on retribution retains employees. Job security and job content are more relational and help build a long-term relationship based on loyalty and trust in the other party. Finally, we confirm that the mutuality underlying the PC is well perceived by French managers. This mutuality can be understood as a two-step comparative process: first, the individual compares employer promises and inducements. Then the individual does the same with their own inducements and moderates their reaction to perceived breaches according to their ability to fulfil or not their part of the psychological contract.Si el concepto de “contrato sicológico” (CS) ya está ampliamente difundido en la literatura, los instrumentos para medirlo son aún escasos. Rousseau propuso en 1990 el Psychological Contract Index (PCI), que fué actualizado en 1998-2000. Este artículo pretende adaptar este instrumento en Francia y completarlo evaluando dos medidas de la realización del CS: una medida directa y una medida sustractiva. Se plantea también el problema de la medida de la reciprocidad propia al contrato sicológico y, basado en el modelo de Morrison y Robinson, se evalúa la relación moderadora entre los scores de realización de la empresa y aquellos del empleado. Los resultados de una encuesta administrada a 217 cuadros franceses confirman parcialmente las hipótesis de la autora. Esto demuestra que la estructura factorial del PCI carece de estabilidad y debe ser objeto de nuevas investigaciones respecto a su validez: 14 factores son identificados en lugar de los siete avanzados por Rousseau en el PCI. Conforme a las hipótesis planteadas, es la medida directa de la realización del contrato que demuestra la mejor validez. Además, la autora valida el rol moderador de la realización del contrato sicologico para el asalariado

    La confiance organisationnelle au coeur de l’échange social : Et si bien traiter ses employés était payant ?

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    Alors que la confiance organisationnelle est appréhendée comme un élément central à toute relation d’échange, elle n’a pas été étudiée dans le cadre d’une approche globale de l’échange social employeur-employé. Cet article vise à préciser le concept de confiance organisationnelle et à montrer son rôle lorsque l’organisation fait preuve de bienveillance à l’égard de ses employés. Le rôle médiateur de la confiance entre le soutien organisationnel perçu et les attitudes au travail est tout particulièrement étudié. Les résultats obtenus auprès de 249 cadres et gestionnaires confirment que la confiance en l’organisation est au coeur du processus d’échange social, et se présente comme une variable intermédiaire nécessaire pour expliquer l’engagement organisationnel et l’intention de quitter l’entreprise.Several studies show a decrease in employees’ trust toward their organization; in parallel, organizations want to develop a long-term employment relationship to remain competitive in a context of employee shortage (Robinson and Rousseau, 1994). How can organizations develop a high level of organizational trust among their employees?In this article, we propose to integrate organizational trust—defined as “the willingness of the employee to be vulnerable to the actions of the organization” (Mayer, Davis and Schoorman, 1995)—into a chain of relationships between HRM practices, perceived organizational support (POS) and two attitudes that reflect a long-term link with the organization: affective commitment and intention to quit. Our hypotheses suggest that organizational trust will partially mediate the link between POS and employees’ attitudes (i.e., affective commitment and intention to quit). As many past studies found a direct link between POS, affective commitment and intention to quit (Eisenberger et al., 1986, 1997, 2001; Rhoades, Eisenberger and Armeli, 2001; Shore and Tetrick, 1991; Shore and Wayne, 1993; Wayne, Shore and Liden, 1997), we expect that the mediation will be partial. A direct and negative link is also expected between affective commitment and intention to quit. Finally, the chain of relationships identifies two examples of HRM practices—skills development practices and communication practices—as potential antecedents of organizational trust (Lamsa and Pucetaite, 2006) and POS (Allen, Shore and Griffeth, 2003). HRM practices generate a perception of support favourable to trust, because those practices illustrate the attention the organization gives to employees.The chain of relationships is tested with a three-wave longitudinal design that is more appropriate for the study of causal relations between variables than a cross-sectional design. We used AMOS 4.01 software to test two alternative models: the first model does not include organizational trust in path analyses; the second model includes this variable in the structural equation model. Results show that the second model has better fit indexes than the first model (Chi 2 = 170.79; RMSEA = 0.05; CFI = 0.97; GFI = 0.93). We validate that organizational trust partially mediates the relationship between POS and affective commitment, and fully mediates the relationship between POS and intention to quit.The last part of the article aims to discuss results. We focus the discussion on three major contributions: (1) the integration into one unique model of several research fields that were tested only separately in the past; (2) the mediating role of trust in this chain of relationships; (3) the use of a longitudinal design that provides guaranties about the direction of tested relationships. Despite these strengths, our research has several limitations; specifically, we did not control risks of common variance for the answers given in the same questionnaire.Aunque la confianza organizacional es asumida como elemento central de toda relación de intercambio, ella no ha sido estudiada en el marco de un enfoque global del intercambio social empleador – empleado. Este artículo se propone precisar el concepto de confianza organizacional y mostrar el rol que ella puede jugar cuando la organización hace prueba de benevolencia respecto a sus empleados. Se estudia particularmente el rol mediador de la confianza entre el apoyo organizacional percibido y las actitudes en el trabajo. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de una muestra de 249 directivos y gerentes confirman que la confianza en la organización se sitúa al centro del proceso de intercambio social y se presenta como una variable intermediaria necesaria para explicar la implicación organizacional y la intención de dejar la empresa

    La relation d’emploi : état actuel de la question

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    Cette introduction présente les cinq articles sélectionnés dans ce numéro spécial. Elle montre dans un premier temps comment chaque contribution a un lien avec la théorie de l’échange social, qui sert de fondement à l’ensemble du numéro spécial. Ce faisant, l’apport des cinq articles est souligné et les principaux résultats sont mis en perspective avec les travaux antérieurs sur l’échange social. La deuxième partie de l’introduction présente diverses perspectives de recherche sur la relation d’emploi. Les auteures suggèrent des pistes liées aux emplois atypiques, à l’étude de la relation d’emploi dans une perspective temporelle, et à l’approche multi-cibles et multi-niveaux de la relation d’emploi. Le recours aux méthodes de recherche longitudinales et quantitatives y est suggéré.This introduction presents the five articles selected for this special issue. First, it illustrates how each contribution relates to the social exchange theory, on which this entire special issue is based. The contributions of the five articles are highlighted and their main results are compared with those of previous work conducted on social exchange. The second part of the introduction presents various research perspectives on the employment relationship. The authors recommend avenues for contingent jobs, for a study of the employment relationship from a temporal perspective, and a multi-foci and multi-level approach of the employment relationship. They also recommend the use of longitudinal and quantitative research methods

    High-involvement practices and performance of French firms

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    This article deals with the relationship between human resource practices (HRPs) and firm performances in France. It focuses on four specific HRPs that are able to involve employees: empowerment, compensation, communication and training. Each HRP taken in isolation is supposed to be positively related to performances because it is a source of motivation and commitment for employees. But there also exists a synergy between these practices: when they are combined into a bundle and are implemented all together, they should lead to better firm performances. A survey carried out among 180 human resource managers of large French companies leads to validation of most of our hypotheses. Contrary to previous research, we do not find a significant link between compensation and firm performance. The other HRPs are all indirectly related to financial performances, with social performance playing a mediating role. When they are combined into a bundle, HRPs have a stronger impact on performance than when they are studied individually. The article concludes with the importance of developing a strategic human resource policy and of implementing coherent and complementary high-involvement practices to increase firm performance

    C3G is upregulated in hepatocarcinoma, contributing to tumor growth and progression and to HGF/MET pathway activation

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    [EN]The complexity of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) challenges the identification of disease-relevant signals. C3G, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rap and other Ras proteins, plays a dual role in cancer acting as either a tumor suppressor or promoter depending on tumor type and stage. The potential relevance of C3G upregulation in HCC patients suggested by database analysis remains unknown. We have explored C3G function in HCC and the underlying mechanisms using public patient data and in vitro and in vivo human and mouse HCC models. We found that C3G is highly expressed in progenitor cells and neonatal hepatocytes, whilst being down-regulated in adult hepatocytes and re-expressed in human HCC patients, mouse HCC models and HCC cell lines. Moreover, high C3G mRNA levels correlate with tumor progression and a lower patient survival rate. C3G expression appears to be tightly modulated within the HCC program, influencing distinct cell biological properties. Hence, high C3G expression levels are necessary for cell tumorigenic properties, as illustrated by reduced colony formation in anchorage-dependent and -independent growth assays induced by permanent C3G silencing using shRNAs. Additionally, we demonstrate that C3G down-regulation interferes with primary HCC tumor formation in xenograft assays, increasing apoptosis and decreasing proliferation. In vitro assays also revealed that C3G down-regulation enhances the pro-migratory, invasive and metastatic properties of HCC cells through an epithelial-mesenchymal switch that favors the acquisition of a more mesenchymal phenotype. Consistently, a low C3G expression in HCC cells correlates with lung metastasis formation in mice. However, the subsequent restoration of C3G levels is associated with metastatic growth. Mechanistically, C3G down-regulation severely impairs HGF/MET signaling activation in HCC cells. Collectively, our results indicate that C3G is a key player in HCC. C3G promotes tumor growth and progression, and the modulation of its levels is essential to ensure distinct biological features of HCC cells throughout the oncogenic program. Furthermore, C3G requirement for HGF/MET signaling full activation provides mechanistic data on how it works, pointing out the relevance of assessing whether high C3G levels could identify HCC responders to MET inhibitors

    Validación de método analítico para la cuantificación de compuestos de fermentación por HPLC–RI–UV

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    La producción de bioetanol a partir de biomasa lignocelulósica sigue ganando importancia, además de su principal uso como bio–combustible, el etanol es considerado un importante químico de plataforma, debido a su alto volumen de producción esperado. Durante el pretratamiento de los materiales lignocelulósicos se producen compuestos furfurales, tales como el furfural y el hidroximetilfurfural (HMF), los cuales inhiben el proceso de fermentación, y he ahí la importancia de detectarlos y cuantificarlos. El presente trabajo se enfocó en establecer y validar un método de cromatografía liquida de alta resolución (HPLC) para cuantificar glucosa, etanol, ácido fórmico y acético, así como HMF y furfural, en un solo análisis. Esto se logró en un sistema isocrático de HPLC con dos detectores, índice de refracción (RI) y ultravioleta (UV220) acoplados en serie. El método mostro ser preciso y lineal hasta los 10 mg/mL con R2 ≥ 0.98 y límites de detección de partes por millón.The production of bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass continues to gain importance, in addition to its main use as a bio–fuel the ethanol is considered an important building block chemical, due to its high expected production volume. During pretreatment of lignocellulosic materials, furfural compounds are produced, such as furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), which inhibit the fermentation process, hence the importance of detecting and quantifying them. The present study was focused on establishing and validating a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method to quantify glucose, ethanol, formic and acetic acid, as well as HMF and furfural, in a single analysis. This was achieved in an isocratic HPLC system with two detectors, refractive index (RI) and ultraviolet (UV220) coupled in series. The method proved to be accurate and linear up to 10 mg/mL with R2 ≥ 0.98 and detection limits in the order of parts per million

    Echium oil is not protective against weight loss in head and neck cancer patients undergoing curative radio(chemo)therapy: a randomised-controlled trial

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    Background: Therapy-induced mucositis and dysphagia puts head and neck (H&N) cancer patients at increased risk for developing cachexia. Omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 FA) have been suggested to protect against cachexia. We aimed to examine if echium oil, a plant source of n-3 FA, could reduce weight loss in H&N cancer patients undergoing radio(chemo)therapy with curative intent. Methods: In a double-blind trial, patients were randomly assigned to echium oil (intervention (I) group; 7.5 ml bis in die (b.i.d.), 235 mg/ml α-linolenic acid (ALA) + 95 mg/ml stearidonic acid (SDA) + 79 mg/ml γ-linolenic acid (GLA)) or n-3 FA deficient sunflower oil high oleic (control (C) group; 7.5 ml b.i.d.) additional to standard nutritional support during treatment. Differences in percentage weight loss between both groups were analysed according to the intention-to-treat principle. Erythrocyte FA profile, body composition, nutritional status and quality of life were collected. Results: Ninety-one eligible patients were randomised, of whom 83 were evaluable. Dietary supplement adherence was comparable in both groups (median, I: 87%, C: 81%). At week 4, the I group showed significantly increased values of erythrocyte n-3 eicosapentanoic acid (EPA, 14% vs −5%) and n-6 GLA (42% vs −20%) compared to the C group, without a significant change in n-6 arachidonic acid (AA, 2% vs −1%). Intention-to-treat analysis could not reveal a significant reduction in weight loss related to echium oil consumption (median weight loss, I: 8.9%, C: 7.6%). Also, no significant improvement was observed in the other evaluated anthropometric parameters. Conclusions: Echium oil effectively increased erythrocyte EPA and GLA FAs in H&N cancer patients. It failed however to protect against weight loss, or improve nutritional parameters. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier NCT01596933

    Altimetry for the future: Building on 25 years of progress

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    In 2018 we celebrated 25 years of development of radar altimetry, and the progress achieved by this methodology in the fields of global and coastal oceanography, hydrology, geodesy and cryospheric sciences. Many symbolic major events have celebrated these developments, e.g., in Venice, Italy, the 15th (2006) and 20th (2012) years of progress and more recently, in 2018, in Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 25 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry. On this latter occasion it was decided to collect contributions of scientists, engineers and managers involved in the worldwide altimetry community to depict the state of altimetry and propose recommendations for the altimetry of the future. This paper summarizes contributions and recommendations that were collected and provides guidance for future mission design, research activities, and sustainable operational radar altimetry data exploitation. Recommendations provided are fundamental for optimizing further scientific and operational advances of oceanographic observations by altimetry, including requirements for spatial and temporal resolution of altimetric measurements, their accuracy and continuity. There are also new challenges and new openings mentioned in the paper that are particularly crucial for observations at higher latitudes, for coastal oceanography, for cryospheric studies and for hydrology. The paper starts with a general introduction followed by a section on Earth System Science including Ocean Dynamics, Sea Level, the Coastal Ocean, Hydrology, the Cryosphere and Polar Oceans and the ‘‘Green” Ocean, extending the frontier from biogeochemistry to marine ecology. Applications are described in a subsequent section, which covers Operational Oceanography, Weather, Hurricane Wave and Wind Forecasting, Climate projection. Instruments’ development and satellite missions’ evolutions are described in a fourth section. A fifth section covers the key observations that altimeters provide and their potential complements, from other Earth observation measurements to in situ data. Section 6 identifies the data and methods and provides some accuracy and resolution requirements for the wet tropospheric correction, the orbit and other geodetic requirements, the Mean Sea Surface, Geoid and Mean Dynamic Topography, Calibration and Validation, data accuracy, data access and handling (including the DUACS system). Section 7 brings a transversal view on scales, integration, artificial intelligence, and capacity building (education and training). Section 8 reviews the programmatic issues followed by a conclusion

    Measurement of the top quark forward-backward production asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric and chromomagnetic moments in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV

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    Abstract The parton-level top quark (t) forward-backward asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric (d̂ t) and chromomagnetic (μ̂ t) moments have been measured using LHC pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected in the CMS detector in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1. The linearized variable AFB(1) is used to approximate the asymmetry. Candidate t t ¯ events decaying to a muon or electron and jets in final states with low and high Lorentz boosts are selected and reconstructed using a fit of the kinematic distributions of the decay products to those expected for t t ¯ final states. The values found for the parameters are AFB(1)=0.048−0.087+0.095(stat)−0.029+0.020(syst),μ̂t=−0.024−0.009+0.013(stat)−0.011+0.016(syst), and a limit is placed on the magnitude of | d̂ t| < 0.03 at 95% confidence level. [Figure not available: see fulltext.