8 research outputs found

    Site-Specific Insertion Polymorphism of the MITE Alex-1 in the Genus Coffea Suggests Interspecific Gene Flow

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    Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Elements (MITEs) are small nonautonomous class-II transposable elements distributed throughout eukaryotic genomes. We identified a novel family of MITEs (named Alex) in the Coffea canephora genome often associated with expressed sequences. The Alex-1 element is inserted in an intron of a gene at the CcEIN4 locus. Its mobility was demonstrated by sequencing the insertion site in C. canephora accessions and Coffea species. Analysis of the insertion polymorphism of Alex-1 at this locus in Coffea species and in C. canephora showed that there was no relationship between the geographical distribution of the species, their phylogenetic relationships, and insertion polymorphism. The intraspecific distribution of C. canephora revealed an original situation within the E diversity group. These results suggest possibly greater gene flow between species than previously thought. This MITE family will enable the study of the C. canephora genome evolution, phylogenetic relationships, and possible gene flows within the Coffea genus

    Identification of morpho-physiological and biochemical markers linked to tolerance to water and salt stress in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.)

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    La salinité et la sécheresse sont parmi les stress abiotiques qui limitent la production agricole dans le monde. Les réponses physiologiques des plantes à la sécheresse et au stress de salinité pourraient avoir des caractéristiques communes. De nombreux traits différents contribuent à la salinité et à la tolérance à la sécheresse (stress hydrique), qui sont spécifiques à l'espÚce et dépendent du stade de développement de la plante. Dans la présente étude, la tolérance à la salinité (Chapitre 1) et stress hydrique (Chapitre 2) a été évaluée chez neuf cultivars de blé dur (Triticum durum Desf.). Les plantes ont été cultivées en hydroponie. Ces cultivars de blé ont été soumis à un stress hydrique à l'aide d'un traitement au polyéthylÚne glycol (PEG) et à un stress de salinité en présence de NaCl pendant 21 jours. Un certain nombre de traits morphologiques et physiologiques représentatifs du développement des plantes et du métabolisme primaire du carbone et de l'azote ont été analysés. L'analyse des composants principaux (ACP) a permis d'identifier des génotypes présentant différents niveaux de tolérance au PEG et au NaCl. Les cultivars INRAT 69 et Om Rabiaa étaient respectivement les plus tolérants aux deux stress respectifs, tandis que les cultivars Ben Bechir et Mahmoudi étaient les plus sensibles. De plus, nous avons pu mettre en évidence, des traits phénotypiques et physiologiques caractéristiques de la résistance à la salinité et à la tolérance à la sÚcheresse. Seule la proline est un trait en commun entre ces deux stressSalinity and drought are among the abiotic stresses that limit agricultural production worldwide. Plant physiological responses to drought (water stress) and salinity stress may have common characteristics. Many different traits are different in salinity and drought tolerance, which are species specific and dependent on the stage of development of the plant. In the present study, salinity tolerance (Chapter 1) and water stress (Chapter 2) were studied in nine cultivars of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). The plants were grown in hydroponics. These wheat cultivars were subjected to water stress using a treatment with polyethylene glycol (PEG) and to salt stress in the presence of NaCl for 21 days. A number of morphological and physiological traits representative of plant development and the primary metabolism of carbon and nitrogen were analyzed. Principal component analysis (PCA) has made it possible to identify genotypes with different levels of tolerance to PEG and NaCl. The INRAT 69 and Om Rabiaa cultivars were the most tolerant of the two respective stresses, respectively, while the Ben Bechir and Mahmoudi cultivars were the most sensitive. In addition, we were able to highlight phenotypic and physiological traits characteristic of resistance to salinity and tolerance to drought. Only proline is a trait in common between these two stresse

    Identification of Phenotypic and Physiological Markers of Salt Stress Tolerance in Durum Wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) through Integrated Analyses

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    Salinity is one of the most important stresses that reduces plant growth and productivity in several parts of the world. Nine Tunisian durum wheat genotypes grown under hydroponic conditions were subjected to two levels of salt stress (100 and 170 mM NaCl) for 21 days. An integrative analysis revealing the impact of salinity on key phenotypic and physiological marker traits was then conducted. Principal component analysis grouped these traits into three different clusters corresponding to the absence of salt stress and the two levels of salt stress. This analysis also allowed the identification of genotypes exhibiting various levels of tolerance to NaCl. Among the nine genotypes of Triticum durum Desf., cultivar Om Rabiaa was the most tolerant whereas cultivar Mahmoudi genotype was the most sensitive. Following the multivariate analysis of the examined phenotypic and physiological traits, we found that shoot length, shoot fresh weight, leaf area, the whole-plant stable isotope ratios of nitrogen (δ15N), shoot ammonium and proline contents, and shoot glutamine synthetase activity could be used as markers for the selection of salt-tolerant wheat genotypes

    Anesthésie-réanimation pour transplantation rénale pédiatrique au CHU Sahloul

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    Introduction: Kidney transplantation in children has special anesthesia and intensive care considerations. All the steps are essential from the preparation period until the postoperative period for both the donor and recipient. The whole team has for mission to obtain an immediate graft function without complication for the couple. The aim of this study is to describe our anesthetic and resuscitation procedures for both living donors and recipients in pediatric kidney transplantation. We also propose practical Protocols for anesthetic management of pediatric kidney transplantation suitable to our unit.Methods : Retrospective, descriptive and analytic study speared over 8 years, from January 2008 to December 2015, covering all pediatric kidney transplant recipients (aged ≀ 18 years) and their living donors operated in our unit. Demographic, anthropometric data as well as the details of preoperative management, procedure of anesthesia and intensive care were collected. The Surgical techinic was precised. The postoperative complications and outcomes were recorded. The hemodynamic, biological and therapeutic data were noted.Results: Thirty couples were collected. The average age of the recipients was 12.80 ± 3.73 years (range: 5 to 18 years). The average age of donors was 40.60 ± 8.75 years (range: 21 to 60 years). Antecedents of recipients were: severe chronic anemia (20 cases), hypertension (14 cases), severe growth retardation (13 cases), urinary tract infection (11 cases), hemodialysis catheter infection (9 cases), transfusion history (27 cases), transfusion the day before the surgery (8 cases) and vesicoureteral reflux (16 cases). 11 recipients had a thrombophilia. Chronic tubulointerstitial nephropathy was the principal cause of chronic end stage renal failure (21 cases). The average duration of dialysis was 24.97±24.23 months (range: 2 months and 8 years). Hemodialysis was the initial dialysis mode in 28 cases. The general anesthesia in recipients was classic intravenous in 25 cases and by TIVA (Target controlled intravenous anesthesia) in 5 cases. The narcosis maintenance in 22 cases was provided by volatile anesthetic with an equal proportion of sevoflurane and isoflurane. Propofol was the induction narcotic in all donors and the narcosis maintenance was provided by propofol in 4 cases and volatile anesthetic in the rest of the cases divided as follows: 19 cases by isoflurane and 7 cases by sevoflurane. We monitored the recipients with an invasive blood pressure in 29 cases and central venous pressure (CVP) in 22 cases. The average of crystalloids perfused in the recipients was 125.54 ± 77.57 ml/kg, whereas in the donors it was 44.42 ± 15.70 ml/kg. 16 recipients were transfused intraoperatively. Drugs administered intraoperatively in recipients were: ephedrine (5 cases), albumin (3cases), mannitol(2cases), diuretics(16 cases), heparin (16 cases), antihypertensive in one cases. Postoperative analgesia in the recipients was multimodal and morphine was administered in only 12 cases. No locoregional analgesia was performed in recipients, while intrathecal morphine was performed in 21 donors. Antibiotic prophylaxis in the recipients consisted of co-amoxiclav (20 cases), cefotaxime (7 cases) and a case of antibiotherapy. In donors, co-amoxiclav was administered in pre-induction in 12 cases and cefazolin in 9 cases. Intraperitoneal implantation was carried out in 24.1% with a median weight of 20.5 kg (range: 19.5 and 24.5 kg). While the extraperitoneal route was carried out in the rest of the cases with a median weight of 36 kg (range: 19.5 and 67kg). The extubation was performed after surgery for all the couple. Immediate diuresis resumed at vascular declamping in 26 cases and no case of delayed graft function was reported. The average time of total warm ischemia was 104.27 ± 28.49 min and that of cold ischemia was 52.17 ± 26.13min. On day 2 postoperatively the diuresis in the recipients was 7.98 ± 5.8 ml/kg/h and the creatinine clearance was 78.58 ± 32.53 ml/min. The creatinine clearance of donors dropped by 40 ± 22 ml/min within 24h postoperatively. 14 recipients had perigraft hematoma with no causal relationship with intraoperative heparin therapy (p = 0.696). Surgical revision was performed in six recipients. Bacterial infections involved 25 recipients and 16 donors. Three recipients had got graft loss. Only one death was reported in recipients at six months after surgery secondary to septic shock.Conclusion: Anesthesia-reanimation is a specialty in continuous progression. Good practice and technological innovation in hemodynamic monitoring are essential for successful pediatric kidney transplantation. The analysis of our experience is useful to establishing practical Protocols.Introduction : La transplantation rĂ©nale pĂ©diatrique prĂ©sente des particularitĂ©s anesthĂ©siques et rĂ©animatoires. Toutes les Ă©tapes sont primordiales pour obtenir un bon fonctionnement du greffon ; de la prĂ©paration prĂ©opĂ©ratoire du donneur et du receveur jusqu’au postopĂ©ratoire. Les complications pĂ©ri-opĂ©ratoires du couple doivent ĂȘtre prĂ©venues, diagnostiquĂ©es et traitĂ©es Ă  temps. A travers notre travail, nous exposant nos procĂ©dĂ©s d’anesthĂ©sie-rĂ©animation du couple donneur vivant-receveur pĂ©diatrique, tout en proposant un Protocol de prise en charge pĂ©ri-opĂ©ratoire adaptĂ© au CHU Sahloul de Sousse. MĂ©thodes : Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective descriptive et analytique sur 8 ans, de janvier 2008 Ă  dĂ©cembre 2015, qui a inclus les couples donneurs vivant-receveurs d’ñge infĂ©rieur ou Ă©gale Ă  18 ans le jour de la transplantation rĂ©nale. Les donnĂ©es dĂ©mographiques, anthropomĂ©triques et les antĂ©cĂ©dents ainsi que les donnĂ©es de l’évaluation et de la prĂ©paration prĂ©opĂ©ratoire ont Ă©tĂ© colligĂ©s. le dĂ©roulement de l’anesthĂ©sie-rĂ©animation et de la chirurgie ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©cisĂ©es. Les paramĂštres hĂ©modynamiques, biologiques, thĂ©rapeutiques et les donnĂ©es Ă©volutives ont Ă©tĂ© aussi notĂ©s.RĂ©sultats : Trente couples ont Ă©tĂ© colligĂ©s. La moyenne d’ñge des receveurs Ă©tait de 12,80 ± 3,73 ans (extrĂȘmes : 5 et 18 ans). La moyenne d’ñge des donneurs Ă©tait de 40,60 ± 8,75 ans (extrĂȘmes : 21 et 60 ans). Les antĂ©cĂ©dents des receveurs Ă©taient : anĂ©mie chronique sĂ©vĂšre (20 cas), hypertension (14 cas), retard de croissance sĂ©vĂšre (13 cas), infection urinaire (11 cas), infection sur cathĂ©ter d’hĂ©modialyse (9 cas), antĂ©cĂ©dents de transfusion (27 cas), transfusion la veille de l’acte (8 cas) et antĂ©cĂ©dents de reflux vĂ©sico-urĂ©tĂ©ral (16 cas). 11 receveurs avaient au moins une anomalie au bilan de thrombophilie. La principale cause d’insuffisance rĂ©nale chronique terminale est la nĂ©phropathie tubulo-interstitielle chronique (21 cas). La durĂ©e moyenne de dialyse Ă©tait de 24,97 ± 24,23 mois (extrĂȘmes : 2 mois et 8 ans). L’hĂ©modialyse Ă©tait le mode de dialyse initial dans 28 cas. La technique anesthĂ©sique chez les receveurs Ă©tait intraveineuse classique dans 25 cas et par AIVOC dans 5 cas. Les halogĂ©nĂ©s avaient assurĂ© la narcose d’entretien dans 22 cas avec une proportion Ă©gale entre sĂ©voflurane et isoflurane. Le propofol Ă©tait le narcotique d’induction chez tous les donneurs. La narcose d’entretien Ă©tait assurĂ©e par le propofol Ă  la PSE dans 4 cas et par les halogĂ©nĂ©s dans le reste des cas rĂ©partit comme suit : 19 cas par isoflurane et 7 cas par sĂ©voflurane. Le remplissage peropĂ©ratoire chez les receveurs Ă©tait guidĂ© par la PAM instantanĂ©e (29 cas) et par la PVC (22 cas). La quantitĂ© de cristalloĂŻdes perfusĂ©es chez les receveurs Ă©tait de 125,54 ± 77,57 ml/kg alors que chez les donneurs, elle Ă©tait de 44,42 ± 15,70 ml/kg. 16 receveurs ont Ă©tĂ© transfusĂ©s en peropĂ©ratoire. Les mĂ©dicaments administrĂ©s en peropĂ©ratoires chez les receveurs Ă©taient : Ă©phĂ©drine (5 cas), albumine (3 cas), mannitol (2 cas), furosĂ©mide (16 cas), HNF (16 cas) et nicardipine (1 cas). L’analgĂ©sie postopĂ©atoire chez les receveurs Ă©tait multimodale et la morphine n’a Ă©tait administrĂ© que dans 12 cas. Aucune analgĂ©sie locorĂ©gionale n’a Ă©tait pratiquĂ©e. Alors que la rachianalgĂ©sie a Ă©tĂ© pratiquĂ©e chez 21 donneurs. L’antibioprophylaxie chez les receveurs a consistĂ© en co-amoxiclav (20 cas), cĂ©fotaxime (7 cas) et un cas d’antibiothĂ©rapie adaptĂ©e au portage de germes. Chez les donneurs du co-amoxiclav a Ă©tĂ© administrĂ© en prĂ©-induction dans 12 cas et de la cĂ©fazoline dans 9 cas. La voie d’implantation intrapĂ©ritonĂ©ale Ă©tait rĂ©alisĂ©e dans 24,1% avec une mĂ©diane de poids de 20,5 kg (extrĂȘmes : 19,5 et 24,5kg). Alors que la voie extrapĂ©ritonĂ©ale Ă©tait effectuĂ©e dans le reste des cas avec une mĂ©diane de poids de 36 kg (extrĂȘmes : 19,5 et 67kg). L’extubation Ă©tait rĂ©alisĂ©e sur table opĂ©ratoire pour tous les couples. 26 receveurs avaient eu une reprise immĂ©diate de la diurĂšse au dĂ©clampage et aucun cas de reprise retardĂ©e de la fonction du greffon. La durĂ©e de l’ischĂ©mie totale Ă©tait de 104,27 ± 28,49 min et la durĂ©e de l’ischĂ©mie froide Ă©tait de 52,17 ± 26,13min. A J2 postopĂ©ratoire la diurĂšse chez les receveurs Ă©tait de 7,98 ± 5,8 ml/kg/h et la clairance de crĂ©atinine Ă©tait de 78,58 ± 32,53 ml/min. Chez les donneurs, la clairance de crĂ©atinine a chutĂ© de 40 ± 22 ml/min Ă  J0 postopĂ©ratoire. 14 receveurs ont prĂ©sentĂ© un hĂ©matome pĂ©ri-greffon sans relation de causalitĂ© avec l’hĂ©parinothĂ©rapie peropĂ©ratoire (p=0,696). Six receveurs ont eu une reprise chirurgicale. Les infections bactĂ©riennes ont intĂ©ressĂ© 25 receveurs et 16 donneurs. Trois receveurs ont eu une perte du greffon. Un seul dĂ©cĂšs a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©plorĂ© chez les receveurs Ă  6 mois postopĂ©ratoire secondaire Ă  un Ă©tat de choc septique. Conclusion : l’anesthĂ©sie-rĂ©animation est une spĂ©cialitĂ© en progression continue. La bonne pratique et l’innovation technologique en monitorage hĂ©modynamique sont essentielles pour rĂ©ussir une transplantation rĂ©nale pĂ©diatrique. L’analyse de notre expĂ©rience est utile pour Ă©tablir des stratĂ©gies meilleures