1,441 research outputs found

    In Heaven, Everything is Fine

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    Nature based design : a proposal of Hammarparken based on ecosystem analysis

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    Enligt FN ska en hĂ„llbar utveckling tillgodose dagens behov utan att det sker pĂ„ bekostnad av framtida generationer. Dagens ideal Ă€r den tĂ€ta och gröna staden, tvĂ„ kontrasterande vĂ€rden som ofta innebĂ€r motsĂ€ttningar. Det Ă€r dĂ€rmed viktigt att reflektera kring hur de val som görs i dag kan pĂ„verka framtida förutsĂ€ttningar i den urbana miljön. Ett sĂ€tt att lyfta naturens vĂ€rden för den urbana miljön Ă€r genom begreppet ekosystemtjĂ€nster, som beskriver ekosystemens pĂ„verkan pĂ„ mĂ€nniskors vĂ€lbefinnande. Uppsala kommun genomför just nu ett stort förtĂ€tningsprojekt inom befintlig stadsstruktur, dĂ€r Hammarparken i Eriksberg Ă€r ett av de planerade förtĂ€tningsomrĂ„dena. Idag Ă€r Hammarparken ett populĂ€rt rekreationsomrĂ„de med stor andel skogsmark. En föreslagen detaljplan för omrĂ„det lĂ„g ute för samrĂ„d under vĂ„ren 2019, men omarbetas i nulĂ€get dĂ„ projektet fick ta emot en del kritik frĂ„n allmĂ€nheten pĂ„ grund av dess pĂ„verkan pĂ„ rekreativa och ekologiska vĂ€rden. Detta arbete undersöker hur ekosystemtjĂ€nster kan anvĂ€ndas som metod för att utvĂ€rdera konsekvenser av förtĂ€tning, samt hur begreppet kan anvĂ€ndas i gestaltningsprocessen för att skapa urbana grönomrĂ„den med höga ekologiska och sociala vĂ€rden. Arbetet utgĂ„r frĂ„n Uppsala kommuns detaljplan. Genom analys undersöks vilka ekosystemtjĂ€nster som finns i omrĂ„det i nulĂ€get, vilka miljöer de Ă€r knutna till, samt hur de pĂ„verkas av den föreslagna förtĂ€tningen. Analysen ligger sedan till grund för gestaltningsförslag pĂ„ tvĂ„ skalor: vĂ„rt förslag till husplacering och en gestaltning av parkmarken, med syfte att förbĂ€ttra förutsĂ€ttningarna för ekosystemtjĂ€nster i Hammarparken. Resultatet visar en husplacering med fokus pĂ„ att bevara skog i sammanhĂ„llna grönstrĂ„k, som leder vidare till kringliggande grönomrĂ„den, samt en bebyggelse som frigör siktlinjer mot Ekebydalen, möjliggör gĂ„rdar med mer ljusinslĂ€pp och plats för umgĂ€nge. Parkgestaltningen syftade till att skapa en kvarterspark som uppfyller boendes behov av vardagsrekreation, bland annat genom nyskapade mĂ„lpunkter, tydligare rörelsestrĂ„k och bevarade naturomrĂ„den. EkosystemtjĂ€nster anvĂ€nds som utgĂ„ngspunkt vid gestaltningen för att förbĂ€ttra förutsĂ€ttningar för exempelvis pollinering, artspridning och biologisk mĂ„ngfald. Avslutningsvis diskuteras resultatet, samt hur vĂ„ra avvĂ€gningar pĂ„verkat utfallet. Eftersom vi inte haft samma begrĂ€nsningar som kommunen har vi kunnat utforska platsen frĂ„n ett annat perspektiv, vilket har lett till andra slutsatser. Grönytornas viktiga funktioner i staden kontrasterar mot behovet av fler bostĂ€der, vilket krĂ€ver en medvetenhet hos berörda parter i stadsutvecklingen kring beslutens fördelar och nackdelar. Att arbeta med naturen som grund kan vara en metod i arbetet för social och ekologisk hĂ„llbarhet i stadsplanering.According to the UN, a sustainable city development should be able to fulfill contemporary needs without negatively affecting future generations. The current trend, with dense and green cities, includes contrasting values that often conflict with each other. Therefor, it is important to consider how decisions can affect future prerequisites for the urban environment. One way to convey the benefits of nature in the urban environment is by using the term ecosystem services, that describes the positive effects of ecosystems for human well-being. The municipality of Uppsala currently plan to densify the city of Uppsala, where Hammarparken in Eriksberg is one of the affected districts. Today, Hammarparken is a popular recreational area, characterized by its pine forest. A zoning plan for the area was presented during 2019, and is currently reworked due to critique regarding the large impact on recreational and ecological values. This report examines how ecosystem services can be used as a method to evaluate the consequences of densification, and how the term can be used in the design process to create urban green areas with high social and ecological values. The report uses the proposed zoning plan from the municipality of Uppsala as a base. Thorough analysis, present ecosystem services in the area were investigated, which environments they are connected to, and also how their presence is affected by the suggested zoning plan. The conclusions drawn from the analysis resulted in two design proposals on two scales: one adapted version of the built structure and also a design proposal for the park area, with a purpose to improve the prerequisites for ecosystem services in Hammarparken. The result shows a house placing that focuses on preserving existing forest in coherent green areas that connects to surrounding greenery, and also enable sightlines towards Ekebydalen, create yards with better prerequisites for natural light and space for social interactions. The design proposal for the park area aims to create a park that can fulfill the residents recreational needs, including new social nodes, reinforced paths of movement and preserved natural areas. Ecosystem services were used as a basis for the design to improve, for instance, the prerequisites for pollination, movement of species and biodiversity. After this, the result and how it may have been affected by the chosen perspective and conclusions, were discussed. Because we didn’t have the same limitations as the municipality, we have been able to explore the site from a different perspective, resulting in different conclusions. The important functions of green space within the city contrasts the need for additional housing, stressing the importance of an awareness amongst stakeholders in city development regarding pros and cons of the decisions that are made. To work with nature as a foundation can be method towards social and ecological sustainability in city planning

    TGF-ÎČ1 as a prognostic factor in the process of early osteoarthrosis in the rabbit knee

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    AbstractObjective To assess changes in knee joint fluid concentrations of transforming growth factor-ÎČ1 (TGF-ÎČ1) and proteoglycan (PG) fragments during the early course of post-traumatic osteoarthrosis (OA) after meniscectomy in the rabbit knee, and to ascertain whether the concentrations of these substances shortly after operation could be used as prognostic markers for the OA process.Design In 15 rabbits with medial meniscectomy in one knee and a sham operation in the other knee, synovial lavage fluid samples were taken repeatedly, before operation, every third week post-operatively until 12 weeks, thereafter every sixth week, and at death. Five rabbits each were killed at 13, 25 and 40 weeks. Synovial lavage fluid samples from five non-operated rabbits served as controls. At death, two histological scores were formed that characterized the highest (MAX) and the overall (ALL) degree of OA changes in each joint.Results TGF-ÎČ1 and PG fragment concentrations in synovial lavage fluid correlated highly (R=0.81, P< 0.001). Both OA scores were higher in meniscectomized than controls (P< 0.05). The synovial lavage fluid concentration of TGF-ÎČ1 at 3 weeks, but no other time point, correlated to the histological scores (ALL, R=0.58; MAX, R=0.52;P< 0.001).Conclusion Higher concentrations of TGF-ÎČ1 in synovial lavage fluid early after surgery seemed indicative for the later development of more severe OA changes in contrast to lower concentrations. The association between TGF-ÎČ1 and the changes found later in the cartilage was underlined by the high correlations between this substance and PG fragment concentrations in synovial lavage fluid at all time points


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    The impact of serotonin on mental health in dogs with focus on aggression and anxiety

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    Behavioural problems in dogs might affect the welfare of both humans and dogs negatively. Today, psychological diseases such as depression, are common in humans. In contrast, in dogs, behavioural problems associated with separation and anxiety are commonly reported. Serotonin has appeared to be important for development of depression in humans, and it can therefore be interesting to study if changes in serotonin levels are correlated to behavioural problems in dogs as well. This literature study aims to investigate if there are associations between serotonin and behaviour in dogs and if breed, gender, feed and exercise can affect the serotonin concentration. Since the literature mainly reports studies on aggression and anxiety in dogs this literature study focuses on these issues. Serotonin is a biogenic amine, synthesized from tryptophan, and can be classified as neurotransmitter, a hormone or a mitogen. It has several functions and operates for example in the central nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. There are seven subtypes of serotonin receptors which are called 5-HT1-7. The serotonin concentration has been reported to be lower in aggressive and anxious dogs. The concentration may be affected by breed, and possibly by gender and age. A larger amount of tryptophan in the food can have an impact on the concentration, as well as exercise. However, further research is required since many of the studies show contradictory results.Beteendeproblem hos hund kan pÄverka bÄde mÀnniskors och hundars vÀlfÀrd negativt. Psykisk ohÀlsa, som depression, Àr idag mycket vanligt hos mÀnniskor. Hos hundar rapporteras istÀllet ofta orosrelaterade beteendeproblem sÄsom separationsÄngest och rÀdslor. Hos mÀnniska har serotonin visat sig ha betydelse för utvecklandet av depression, och det kan dÀrför vara av intresse att undersöka om det finns motsvarande samband hos hund. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie Àr att undersöka hur sinnesstÀmningen hos hund pÄverkas av serotonin, samt om ras, kön, Älder, foder och motion har nÄgon inverkan. DÄ merparten av litteraturen behandlar aggressivitet och oro hos hund har denna litteratursammanstÀllning fokuserat pÄ detta. Serotonin syntetiseras frÄn tryptofan och Àr en biogen amin som kan fungera som neurotransmittor, hormon eller mitogen. Serotonin har flera olika funktioner, bland annat verkar substansen i det centrala nervsystemet, magtarmkanalen och i hjÀrt-kÀrlsystemet. För nÀrvarande finns sju huvudgrupper av serotoninreceptorer som kallas för 5-HT1-7. Det tycks finnas vissa samband mellan serotonin och sinnesstÀmning hos hund och serotoninkoncentrationen tycks ofta kunna vara lÀgre hos aggressiva och oroliga hundar. Koncentrationen har rapporterats kunna pÄverkas av hundens ras, och möjligtvis kön och Älder. En högre andel tryptofan i fodret kan eventuellt ha en inverkan pÄ koncentrationen och Àven hundens motion kan möjligtvis pÄverka serotoninnivÄerna. Flera studier visar dock motsÀgelsefulla resultat och ytterligare forskning inom omrÄdet behövs
