3,391 research outputs found

    Making sense: dopamine activates conscious self-monitoring through medial prefrontal cortex

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    When experiences become meaningful to the self, they are linked to synchronous activity in a paralimbic network of self-awareness and dopaminergic activity. This network includes medial prefrontal and medial parietal/posterior cingulate cortices, where transcranial magnetic stimulation may transiently impair self-awareness. Conversely, we hypothesize that dopaminergic stimulation may improve self-awareness and metacognition (i.e., the ability of the brain to consciously monitor its own cognitive processes). Here, we demonstrate improved noetic (conscious) metacognition by oral administration of 100 mg dopamine in minimal self-awareness. In a separate experiment with extended self-awareness dopamine improved the retrieval accuracy of memories of self-judgment (autonoetic, i.e., explicitly self-conscious) metacognition. Concomitantly, magnetoencephalography (MEG) showed increased amplitudes of oscillations (power) preferentially in the medial prefrontal cortex. Given that electromagnetic activity in this region is instrumental in self-awareness, this explains the specific effect of dopamine on explicit self-awareness and autonoetic metacognition

    Analytical methods and experimental approaches for electrophysiological studies of brain oscillations

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    Brain oscillations are increasingly the subject of electrophysiological studies probing their role in the functioning and dysfunction of the human brain. In recent years this research area has seen rapid and significant changes in the experimental approaches and analysis methods. This article reviews these developments and provides a structured overview of experimental approaches, spectral analysis techniques and methods to establish relationships between brain oscillations and behaviour

    Identifying the neurophysiological effects of memory-enhancing amygdala stimulation using interpretable machine learning

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    BACKGROUND: Direct electrical stimulation of the amygdala can enhance declarative memory for specific events. An unanswered question is what underlying neurophysiological changes are induced by amygdala stimulation. OBJECTIVE: To leverage interpretable machine learning to identify the neurophysiological processes underlying amygdala-mediated memory, and to develop more efficient neuromodulation technologies. METHOD: Patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy and depth electrodes placed in the hippocampus and amygdala performed a recognition memory task for neutral images of objects. During the encoding phase, 160 images were shown to patients. Half of the images were followed by brief low-amplitude amygdala stimulation. For local field potentials (LFPs) recorded from key medial temporal lobe structures, feature vectors were calculated by taking the average spectral power in canonical frequency bands, before and after stimulation, to train a logistic regression classification model with elastic net regularization to differentiate brain states. RESULTS: Classifying the neural states at the time of encoding based on images subsequently remembered versus not-remembered showed that theta and slow-gamma power in the hippocampus were the most important features predicting subsequent memory performance. Classifying the post-image neural states at the time of encoding based on stimulated versus unstimulated trials showed that amygdala stimulation led to increased gamma power in the hippocampus. CONCLUSION: Amygdala stimulation induced pro-memory states in the hippocampus to enhance subsequent memory performance. Interpretable machine learning provides an effective tool for investigating the neurophysiological effects of brain stimulation

    Recurrent Activity in Higher Order, Modality Non-Specific Brain Regions: A Granger Causality Analysis of Autobiographic Memory Retrieval

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    It has been proposed that the workings of the brain are mainly intrinsically generated recurrent neuronal activity, with sensory inputs as modifiers of such activity in both sensory and higher order modality non-specific regions. This is supported by the demonstration of recurrent neuronal activity in the visual system as a response to visual stimulation. In contrast recurrent activity has never been demonstrated before in higher order modality non-specific regions. Using magneto-encephalography and Granger causality analysis, we tested in a paralimbic network the hypothesis that stimulation may enhance causal recurrent interaction between higher-order, modality non-specific regions. The network includes anterior cingulate/medial prefrontal and posterior cingulate/medial parietal cortices together with pulvinar thalami, a network known to be effective in autobiographic memory retrieval and self-awareness. Autobiographic memory retrieval of previous personal judgments of visually presented words was used as stimuli. It is demonstrated that the prestimulus condition is characterized by causal, recurrent oscillations which are maximal in the lower gamma range. When retrieving previous judgments of visually presented adjectives, this activity is dramatically increased during the stimulus task as ascertained by Granger causality analysis. Our results confirm the hypothesis that stimulation may enhance causal interaction between higher order, modality non-specific brain regions, exemplified in a network of autobiographical memory retrieval

    Assessing brain activations associated with emotional regulation during virtual reality mood induction procedures

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    Emotional regulation strategies are used by people to influence their emotional responses to external or internal emotional stimuli. The aim of this study is to evaluate the brain activations that are associated with the application of two different emotional regulation strategies (cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression) during virtual reality mood induction procedures. We used Emotiv EPOC to measure the brain electrical activity of participants while sadness is induced using a virtual reality environment. We monitored 24 participants, who were distributed among three experimental groups: a control group, a cognitive reappraisal group and an expressive suppression group. In the control group, we found significant activations in several right frontal regions that are related to the induction of negative emotions . We also found significant activations in the limbic, occipital, and parietal regions in the emotional regulation groups. These regions are related to the application of emotional regulation strategies. The results are consistent with those shown in the literature, which were obtained through clinical neuroimaging systems.The work of A. Rodriguez was funded by the Spanish MEC under an FPI Grant BES-2011-043316. The work of Miriam Clemente was funded by the Generalitat Valenciana under a VALi+d Grant.Rodríguez Ortega, A.; Rey, B.; Clemente Bellido, M.; Wrzesien, M.; Alcañiz Raya, ML. (2015). Assessing brain activations associated with emotional regulation during virtual reality mood induction procedures. Expert Systems with Applications. 42(3):1699-1709. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2014.10.006S1699170942

    Actin/microtubule crosstalk during platelet biogenesis in mice is critically regulated by Twinfilin1 and Cofilin1

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    Rearrangements of the microtubule (MT) and actin cytoskeleton are pivotal for platelet biogenesis. Hence, defects in actin- or MT-regulatory proteins are associated with platelet disorders in humans and mice. Previous studies in mice revealed that loss of the actin-depolymerizing factor homology (ADF-H) protein Cofilin1 (Cof1) in megakaryocytes (MKs) results in a moderate macrothrombocytopenia but normal MK numbers, whereas deficiency in another ADF-H protein, Twinfilin1 (Twf1), does not affect platelet production or function. However, recent studies in yeast have indicated a critical synergism between Twf1 and Cof1 in the regulation of actin dynamics. We therefore investigated platelet biogenesis and function in mice lacking both Twf1 and Cof1 in the MK lineage. In contrast to single deficiency in either protein, Twf1/Cof1 double deficiency (DKO) resulted in a severe macrothrombocytopenia and dramatically increased MK numbers in bone marrow and spleen. DKO MKs exhibited defective proplatelet formation in vitro and in vivo as well as impaired spreading and altered assembly of podosome-like structures on collagen and fibrinogen in vitro. These defects were associated with aberrant F-actin accumulation and, remarkably, the formation of hyperstable MT, which appears to be caused by dysregulation of the actin- and MT-binding proteins mDia1 and adenomatous polyposis coli. Surprisingly, the mild functional defects described for Cof1-deficient platelets were only slightly aggravated in DKO platelets suggesting that both proteins are largely dispensable for platelet function in the peripheral blood. In summary, these findings reveal critical redundant functions of Cof1 and Twf1 in ensuring balanced actin/microtubule crosstalk during thrombopoiesis in mice and possibly humans.Peer reviewe

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.21, no.5

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    Candles Spread Christmas Cheer, Mary Ellen Sullivan, page 2 Milk Strengthens Defense, Betty Ann Iverson, page 3 American Wares Set Nation’s Tables, Ann Koebel, page 4 New World Harbours Refugees, Dorothy Ann Klein, page 5 Sally Anticipates a Gala Season, Mary Lou Springer, page 6 Applied Art Highlights, Lila Williamson, page 8 Bookmarks, Julie Wendel, page 9 What’s New in Home Economics, Dorothy Olson, page 10 For Holiday Shoppers, Betty Roth, page 12 Residence Halls Honor Women Leaders, Dorothy Gross, page 13 Express Ingenuity in Greetings, Doris Plagge, page 14 Alums in the News, Bette Simpson, page 15 Fruit Cakes for Holidays, Margaret Anne Clark, page 16 Across Alumnae Desks, Marjorie Thomas, page 18 Journalistic Spindles, Florence Byrnes, page 2

    Adenovirus adenine nucleotide translocator-2 shRNA effectively induces apoptosis and enhances chemosensitivity by the down-regulation of ABCG2 in breast cancer stem-like cells

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    Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are resistant to chemo- and radio-therapy, and can survive to regenerate new tumors. This is an important reason why various anti-cancer therapies often fail to completely control tumors, although they kill and eliminate the bulk of cancer cells. In this study, we determined whether or not adenine nucleotide translocator-2 (ANT2) suppression could also be effective in inducing cell death of breast cancer stem-like cells. A sub-population (SP; CD44+/CD24-) of breast cancer cells has been reported to have stem/progenitor cell properties. We utilized the adeno-ANT2 shRNA virus to inhibit ANT2 expression and then observed the treatment effect in a SP of breast cancer cell line. In this study, MCF7, MDA-MB-231 cells, and breast epithelial cells (MCF10A) mesenchymally-transdifferentiated through E-cadherin knockdown were used. ANT2 expression was high in both stem-like cells and non-stem-like cells of MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cells, and was induced and up-regulated by mesenchymal transdifferentiation in MCF10A cells (MCF10AEMT). Knockdown of ANT2 by adeno-shRNA virus efficiently induced apoptotic cell death in the stem-like cells of MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cells, and MCF10AEMT. Stem-like cells of MCF7 and MDA-MB-231, and MCF10AEMT cells exhibited increased drug (doxorubicin) resistance, and expressed a multi-drug resistant related molecule, ABCG2, at a high level. Adeno-ANT2 shRNA virus markedly sensitized the stem-like cells of MCF7 and MDA-MB-231, and the MCF10AEMT cells to doxorubicin, which was accompanied by down-regulation of ABCG2. Our results suggest that ANT2 suppression by adeno-shRNA virus is an effective strategy to induce cell death and increase the chemosensitivity of stem-like cells in breast cancer

    Beyond the black box: Promoting mathematical collaborations for elucidating interactions in soil ecology

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    © 2019 The Authors. Understanding soil systems is critical because they form the structural and nutritional foundation for plants and thus every terrestrial habitat and agricultural system. In this paper, we encourage increased use of mathematical models to drive forward understanding of interactions in soil ecological systems. We discuss several distinctive features of soil ecosystems and empirical studies of them. We explore some perceptions that have previously deterred more extensive use of models in soil ecology and some advances that have already been made using models to elucidate soil ecological interactions. We provide examples where mathematical models have been used to test the plausibility of hypothesized mechanisms, to explore systems where experimental manipulations are currently impossible, or to determine the most important variables to measure in experimental and natural systems. To aid in the development of theory in this field, we present a table describing major soil ecology topics, the theory previously used, and providing key terms for theoretical approaches that could potentially address them. We then provide examples from the table that may either contribute to important incremental developments in soil science or potentially revolutionize our understanding of plant-soil systems. We challenge scientists and mathematicians to push theoretical explorations in soil systems further and highlight three major areas for the development of mathematical models in soil ecology: Theory spanning scales and ecological hierarchies, processes, and evolution

    Beyond the black box: promoting mathematical collaborations for elucidating interactions in soil ecology

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Understanding soil systems is critical because they form the structural and nutritional foundation for plants and thus every terrestrial habitat and agricultural system. In this paper, we encourage increased use of mathematical models to drive forward understanding of interactions in soil ecological systems. We discuss several distinctive features of soil ecosystems and empirical studies of them. We explore some perceptions that have previously deterred more extensive use of models in soil ecology and some advances that have already been made using models to elucidate soil ecological interactions. We provide examples where mathematical models have been used to test the plausibility of hypothesized mechanisms, to explore systems where experimental manipulations are currently impossible, or to determine the most important variables to measure in experimental and natural systems. To aid in the development of theory in this field, we present a table describing major soil ecology topics, the theory previously used, and providing key terms for theoretical approaches that could potentially address them. We then provide examples from the table that may either contribute to important incremental developments in soil science or potentially revolutionize our understanding of plant–soil systems. We challenge scientists and mathematicians to push theoretical explorations in soil systems further and highlight three major areas for the development of mathematical models in soil ecology: theory spanning scales and ecological hierarchies, processes, and evolution