110 research outputs found

    Динамічні здібності: систематичний аналіз літератури з теорії і практики

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    Purpose. Although the dynamic capability concept has been one of the most researched topics in strategic management in recent years, it is not commonly defined in theory and hardly applied in practice. For this reason, the authors decided to re-evaluate dynamic capability literature. Design/Method/Approach. Systematic literature review. Findings. Various discrepancies concerning the very nature of dynamic capabilities and their impact on firm performance are identified that need to be resolved. Theoretical implications. For the purpose of enabling more precise prediction, it is recommended to contrast various dynamic capability concepts, reducing the number and increasing the predictability of the contingencies involved. It is advised to develop these scenarios based on the various seminal papers on dynamic capabilities, grounded in empirical research and supported by specific examples. Practical implication. It is concluded that there is a generalized version of the dynamic capability concept that allows one to understand the rough outline of dynamic capability theory. However, it is noted that this generalized, contingency-based version compromises the prediction of specific dynamic capability deployment outcomes, therefore hindering dynamic capabilities in gaining practical application. Originality/Value. Complementary and opposing views on the characteristics, causalities and contingencies of the dynamic capability construct are combined and contrasted respectively. Research limitations/Future research. The paper highlights avenues for further research by contrasting, rather than merging, different perspectives. Paper type – сonceptual.Цель исследования. Не смотря на то, что концепция динамических способностей – одна из самых исследуемых тем в области стратегического менеджмента, не существует единого понимания её теории. Концепцию также трудно применять практически. Поэтому авторы приняли решение провести анализ существующей литературы по динамическим способностям. Метод исследования – систематический анализ литературы. Результаты. Было выявлено множество предстоящих к разрешению разногласий касательно природы динамических способностей и их влияния на успешность фирмы. Теоретическая значимость исследования. С целью более точных предсказаний рекомендуется использовать различные концепции динамических способностей. При этом необходимо уменьшать количество случайных обстоятельств и стремиться к увеличению их своевременного определения. Рекомендовано прорабатывать различные сценарии, которые должны быть основаны на научных статьях по динамическим способностям, особенно базирующихся на эмпирических исследованиях и подкрепленных практическими примерами. Практическая значимость исследования. Был сделан вывод, что существует обобщенная версия концепции динамических способностей, которая необходима для понимания и формирования теории динамических способностей. Однако создание такой обобщённой версии, обусловленной влиянием случайных обстоятельств, ограничивает предсказание результатов применения динамических способностей и тем самым ограничивает практическое применение концепции. Оригинальность и ценность исследования. Сопоставлены и проанализированы взаимодополняющие и противоположные взгляды на характеристики, причинно-следственную связь и обстоятельства конструкта динамических способностей. Ограничения исследование/Перспективы дальнейших исследований. В данной статье обозначены направления для будущих исследований как путь противопоставления, а не слияния различных теоретических подходов.    Тип статьи – теоретическая.Мета дослідження. Не дивлячись на те, що концепція динамічних здібностей – одна з найбільш досліджуваних тем в області стратегічного менеджменту, не існує єдиного розуміння її теорії. Концепцію також важко застосовувати практично. Тому автори вирішили провести аналіз існуючої літератури з динамічних здібностей. Метод дослідження – систематичний аналіз літератури. Результати. Було виявлено низку необхідних до вирішення розбіжностей щодо природи динамічних здібностей і їх впливу на успішність фірми. Теоретична значимість дослідження. З метою більш точних прогнозів рекомендовано застосовувати різні концепції динамічних здібностей. При цьому необхідно зменшати кількість випадкових обставин і прагнути до збільшення їх вчасного визначення. Рекомендовано опрацьовувати різні сценарії, які повинні бути засновані на наукових дослідженнях з динамічних здібностей, особливо тих, що базуються на емпіричних дослідженнях і підкріплені практичними прикладами. Практична значимість дослідження. Зроблено висновок, що існує узагальнена версія концепції динамічних здібностей, яка необхідна для розуміння і формування теорії динамічних здібностей. Однак створення такої узагальненої версії, обумовленої впливом випадкових обставин, обмежує передбачення результатів застосування динамічних здібностей і тим самим обмежує практичне застосування концепції. Оригінальність і цінність дослідження. Зіставлено і проаналізовано взаємодоповнюючі і протилежні погляди на характеристики, причинно-наслідковий зв'язок і обставини конструкту динамічних здібностей. Обмеження дослідження/Перспективи подальших досліджень. У даній статті позначено напрямок для подальших досліджень як шлях протиставлення, а не злиття різних теоретичних підходів.  Тип статті – теоретична

    Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) in a Patient Suffering from Post-COVID Syndrome with Dyspnea: A Case Report

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    Background: Long-term health consequences following COVID-19 disease constitute an increasing problem worldwide. A considerable number of patients still suffer from various symptoms, most commonly dyspnea, months or even years after the acute infection. In these patients, a classical pulmonary function test often yields no significant findings. Subsequently, treating those patients is a challenge for any physician as there are currently no evidence-based treatment plans. Case and methods: We reported the case of a 58-year-old patient who was still suffering from resting dyspnea six months after severe COVID-19 pneumonia. The dyspnea was so pronounced that the patient was supplied with home oxygen, which they used as needed. The regional distribution of ventilation in the lungs was studied twice utilizing noninvasive electrical impedance tomography (EIT). The first examination showed distinct inhomogeneities of regional ventilation, a regional ventilation delay (RVD) of 15%, and pronounced pendelluft phenomena. Seven weeks after treatment with budesonide and physical therapy, the patient reported a clear subjective improvement in complaints. Accordingly, the regional distribution of ventilation also improved. Conclusion: Electrical impedance tomography might be a promising method to assess lung function in post-COVID patients; however, controlled and larger studies are necessary

    EuGène-maize: a web site for maize gene prediction

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    Motivation:A large part of the maize B73 genome sequence is now available and emerging sequencing technologies will offer cheap and easy ways to sequence areas of interest from many other maize genotypes. One of the steps required to turn these sequences into valuable information is gene content prediction. To date, there is no publicly available gene predictor specifically trained for maize sequences. To this end, we have chosen to train the EuGène software that can combine several sources of evidence into a consolidated gene model prediction

    Fine-grained annotation and classification of de novo predicted LTR retrotransposons

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    Long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons and endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) are transposable elements in eukaryotic genomes well suited for computational identification. De novo identification tools determine the position of potential LTR retrotransposon or ERV insertions in genomic sequences. For further analysis, it is desirable to obtain an annotation of the internal structure of such candidates. This article presents LTRdigest, a novel software tool for automated annotation of internal features of putative LTR retrotransposons. It uses local alignment and hidden Markov model-based algorithms to detect retrotransposon-associated protein domains as well as primer binding sites and polypurine tracts. As an example, we used LTRdigest results to identify 88 (near) full-length ERVs in the chromosome 4 sequence of Mus musculus, separating them from truncated insertions and other repeats. Furthermore, we propose a work flow for the use of LTRdigest in de novo LTR retrotransposon classification and perform an exemplary de novo analysis on the Drosophila melanogaster genome as a proof of concept. Using a new method solely based on the annotations generated by LTRdigest, 518 potential LTR retrotransposons were automatically assigned to 62 candidate groups. Representative sequences from 41 of these 62 groups were matched to reference sequences with >80% global sequence similarity

    Plant-RRBS, a bisulfite and next-generation sequencing-based methylome profiling method enriching for coverage of cytosine positions

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    Background: Cytosine methylation in plant genomes is important for the regulation of gene transcription and transposon activity. Genome-wide methylomes are studied upon mutation of the DNA methyltransferases, adaptation to environmental stresses or during development. However, from basic biology to breeding programs, there is a need to monitor multiple samples to determine transgenerational methylation inheritance or differential cytosine methylation. Methylome data obtained by sodium hydrogen sulfite (bisulfite)-conversion and next-generation sequencing (NGS) provide genome- wide information on cytosine methylation. However, a profiling method that detects cytosine methylation state dispersed over the genome would allow high-throughput analysis of multiple plant samples with distinct epigenetic signatures. We use specific restriction endonucleases to enrich for cytosine coverage in a bisulfite and NGS-based profiling method, which was compared to whole-genome bisulfite sequencing of the same plant material. Methods: We established an effective methylome profiling method in plants, termed plant-reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (plant-RRBS), using optimized double restriction endonuclease digestion, fragment end repair, adapter ligation, followed by bisulfite conversion, PCR amplification and NGS. We report a performant laboratory protocol and a straightforward bioinformatics data analysis pipeline for plant-RRBS, applicable for any reference-sequenced plant species. Results: As a proof of concept, methylome profiling was performed using an Oryza sativa ssp. indica pure breeding line and a derived epigenetically altered line (epiline). Plant-RRBS detects methylation levels at tens of millions of cytosine positions deduced from bisulfite conversion in multiple samples. To evaluate the method, the coverage of cytosine positions, the intra-line similarity and the differential cytosine methylation levels between the pure breeding line and the epiline were determined. Plant-RRBS reproducibly covers commonly up to one fourth of the cytosine positions in the rice genome when using MspI-DpnII within a group of five biological replicates of a line. The method predominantly detects cytosine methylation in putative promoter regions and not-annotated regions in rice. Conclusions: Plant-RRBS offers high-throughput and broad, genome- dispersed methylation detection by effective read number generation obtained from reproducibly covered genome fractions using optimized endonuclease combinations, facilitating comparative analyses of multi-sample studies for cytosine methylation and transgenerational stability in experimental material and plant breeding populations

    Review of current Severe Accident Management (SAM) approaches for Nuclear Power Plants in Europe

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    The Fukushima accidents highlighted that both the in-depth understanding of such sequences and the development or improvement of adequate Severe Accident Management (SAM) measures are essential in order to further increase the safety of the nuclear power plants operated in Europe. To support this effort, the CESAM (Code for European Severe Accident Management) R&D project, coordinated by GRS, started in April 2013 for 4 years in the 7th EC Framework Programme of research and development of the European Commission. It gathers 18 partners from 12 countries: IRSN, AREVA NP SAS and EDF (France), GRS, KIT, USTUTT and RUB (Germany), CIEMAT (Spain), ENEA (Italy), VUJE and IVS (Slovakia), LEI (Lithuania), NUBIKI (Hungary), INRNE (Bulgaria), JSI (Slovenia), VTT (Finland), PSI (Switzerland), BARC (India) plus the European Commission Joint Research Center (JRC). The CESAM project focuses on the improvement of the ASTEC (Accident Source Term Evaluation Code) computer code. ASTEC,, jointly developed by IRSN and GRS, is considered as the European reference code since it capitalizes knowledge from the European R&D on the domain. The project aims at its enhancement and extension for use in severe accident management (SAM) analysis of the nuclear power plants (NPP) of Generation II-III presently under operation or foreseen in near future in Europe, spent fuel pools included. In the frame of the CESAM project one of the tasks consisted in the preparation of a report providing an overview of the Severe Accident Management (SAM) approaches in European Nuclear Power Plants to serve as a basis for further ASTEC improvements. This report draws on the experience in several countries from introducing SAMGs and on substantial information that has become available within the EU “stress test”. To disseminate this information to a broader audience, the initial CESAM report has been revised to include only public available information. This work has been done with the agreement and in collaboration with all the CESAM project partners. The result of this work is presented here.JRC.F.5-Nuclear Reactor Safety Assessmen

    ISOL@: an Italian SOLAnaceae genomics resource

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    BACKGROUND: Present-day '-omics' technologies produce overwhelming amounts of data which include genome sequences, information on gene expression (transcripts and proteins) and on cell metabolic status. These data represent multiple aspects of a biological system and need to be investigated as a whole to shed light on the mechanisms which underpin the system functionality.The gathering and convergence of data generated by high-throughput technologies, the effective integration of different data-sources and the analysis of the information content based on comparative approaches are key methods for meaningful biological interpretations.In the frame of the International Solanaceae Genome Project, we propose here ISOLA, an Italian SOLAnaceae genomics resource. RESULTS: ISOLA (available at http://biosrv.cab.unina.it/isola) represents a trial platform and it is conceived as a multi-level computational environment.ISOLA currently consists of two main levels: the genome and the expression level. The cornerstone of the genome level is represented by the Solanum lycopersicum genome draft sequences generated by the International Tomato Genome Sequencing Consortium. Instead, the basic element of the expression level is the transcriptome information from different Solanaceae species, mainly in the form of species-specific comprehensive collections of Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs).The cross-talk between the genome and the expression levels is based on data source sharing and on tools that enhance data quality, that extract information content from the levels' under parts and produce value-added biological knowledge. CONCLUSIONS: ISOLA is the result of a bioinformatics effort that addresses the challenges of the post-genomics era. It is designed to exploit '-omics' data based on effective integration to acquire biological knowledge and to approach a systems biology view. Beyond providing experimental biologists with a preliminary annotation of the tomato genome, this effort aims to produce a trial computational environment where different aspects and details are maintained as they are relevant for the analysis of the organization, the functionality and the evolution of the Solanaceae family

    Improving the annotation of the Heterorhabditis bacteriophora genome

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    Background: Genome assembly and annotation remain exacting tasks. As the tools available for these tasks improve, it is useful to return to data produced with earlier techniques to assess their credibility and correctness. The entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora is widely used to control insect pests in horticulture. The genome sequence for this species was reported to encode an unusually high proportion of unique proteins and a paucity of secreted proteins compared to other related nematodes. Findings: We revisited the H. bacteriophora genome assembly and gene predictions to determine whether these unusual characteristics were biological or methodological in origin. We mapped an independent resequencing dataset to the genome and used the blobtools pipeline to identify potential contaminants. While present (0.2% of the genome span, 0.4% of predicted proteins), assembly contamination was not significant. Conclusions: Re-prediction of the gene set using BRAKER1 and published transcriptome data generated a predicted proteome that was very different from the published one. The new gene set had a much reduced complement of unique proteins, better completeness values that were in line with other related species’ genomes, and an increased number of proteins predicted to be secreted. It is thus likely that methodological issues drove the apparent uniqueness of the initial H. bacteriophora genome annotation and that similar contamination and misannotation issues affect other published genome assemblies