630 research outputs found

    Identification of neural progenitor cells and their progeny reveals long distance migration in the developing octopus brain

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    Cephalopods have evolved nervous systems that parallel the complexity of mammalian brains in terms of neuronal numbers and richness in behavioral output. How the cephalopod brain develops has only been described at the morphological level, and it remains unclear where the progenitor cells are located and what molecular factors drive neurogenesis. Using histological techniques, we located dividing cells, neural progenitors and postmitotic neurons in Octopus vulgaris embryos. Our results indicate that an important pool of progenitors, expressing the conserved bHLH transcription factors achaete-scute or neurogenin, is located outside the central brain cords in the lateral lips adjacent to the eyes, suggesting that newly formed neurons migrate into the cords. Lineage-tracing experiments then showed that progenitors, depending on their location in the lateral lips, generate neurons for the different lobes, similar to the squid Doryteuthis pealeii. The finding that octopus newborn neurons migrate over long distances is reminiscent of vertebrate neurogenesis and suggests it might be a fundamental strategy for large brain development

    Evaluating genetic traceability methods for captive bred marine fish and their applications in fisheries management and wildlife forensics

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    Growing demands for marine fish products is leading to increased pressure on already depleted wild populations and a rise in the aquaculture production. Consequently, more captive bred fish are released into the wild through accidental escape or deliberate restocking, stock enhancement and sea ranching programs. The increased mixing of captive bred fish with wild conspecifics may affect the ecological and/or genetic integrity of wild fish populations. From a fisheries management perspective unambiguous identification tools for captive bred fish will be highly valuable to manage risks. Additionally there is great potential to use these tools in wildlife forensics (i.e. tracing back escapees to their origin and determining mislabelling of seafood products). Using SNP data from captive bred and wild populations of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) and sole (Solea solea L.), we explored the efficiency of population and parentage assignment techniques for the identification and tracing of captive bred fish. Simulated and empirical data were used to correct for stochastic genetic effects. Overall, parentage assignment performed well when a large effective population size characterizes the broodstock and escapees originate from early generations of captive breeding. Consequently, parentage assignments are particularly useful from a fisheries management perspective to monitor the effects of deliberate releases of captive bred fish on wild populations. Population assignment proved to be more efficient after several generations of captive breeding, which makes it a useful method in forensic applications for well-established aquaculture species. We suggest the implementation of a case by case strategy when choosing the best method

    Reconciling seascape genetics and fisheries science in three codistributed flatfishes

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    Uncertainty hampers innovative mixed‐fisheries management by the scales at which connectivity dynamics are relevant to management objectives. The spatial scale of sustainable stock management is species‐specific and depends on ecology, life history and population connectivity. One valuable approach to understand these spatial scales is to determine to what extent population genetic structure correlates with the oceanographic environment. Here, we compare the level of genetic connectivity in three codistributed and commercially exploited demersal flatfish species living in the North East Atlantic Ocean. Population genetic structure was analysed based on 14, 14 and 10 neutral DNA microsatellite markers for turbot, brill and sole, respectively. We then used redundancy analysis (RDA) to attribute the genetic variation to spatial (geographical location), temporal (sampling year) and oceanographic (water column characteristics) components. The genetic structure of turbot was composed of three clusters and correlated with variation in the depth of the pycnocline, in addition to spatial factors. The genetic structure of brill was homogenous, but correlated with average annual stratification and spatial factors. In sole, the genetic structure was composed of three clusters, but was only linked to a temporal factor. We explored whether the management of data poor commercial fisheries, such as in brill and turbot, might benefit from population‐specific information. We conclude that the management of fish stocks has to consider species‐specific genetic structures and may benefit from the documentation of the genetic seascape and life‐history traits.publishedVersionUnit Licence Agreemen

    Reconciling seascape genetics and fisheries science in three codistributed flatfishes

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    Uncertainty hampers innovative mixed‐fisheries management by the scales at which connectivity dynamics are relevant to management objectives. The spatial scale of sustainable stock management is species‐specific and depends on ecology, life history and population connectivity. One valuable approach to understand these spatial scales is to determine to what extent population genetic structure correlates with the oceanographic environment. Here, we compare the level of genetic connectivity in three codistributed and commercially exploited demersal flatfish species living in the North East Atlantic Ocean. Population genetic structure was analysed based on 14, 14 and 10 neutral DNA microsatellite markers for turbot, brill and sole, respectively. We then used redundancy analysis (RDA) to attribute the genetic variation to spatial (geographical location), temporal (sampling year) and oceanographic (water column characteristics) components. The genetic structure of turbot was composed of three clusters and correlated with variation in the depth of the pycnocline, in addition to spatial factors. The genetic structure of brill was homogenous, but correlated with average annual stratification and spatial factors. In sole, the genetic structure was composed of three clusters, but was only linked to a temporal factor. We explored whether the management of data poor commercial fisheries, such as in brill and turbot, might benefit from population‐specific information. We conclude that the management of fish stocks has to consider species‐specific genetic structures and may benefit from the documentation of the genetic seascape and life‐history traits.publishedVersionUnit Licence Agreemen

    Accounting for kin sampling reveals genetic connectivity in Tasmanian and New Zealand school sharks, Galeorhinus galeus

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    Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Fishing represents a major problem for conservation of chondrichthyans, with a quarter of all species being overexploited. School sharks, Galeorhinus galeus, are targeted by commercial fisheries in Australia and New Zealand. The Australian stock has been depleted to below 20% of its virgin biomass, and the species is recorded as Conservation Dependent within Australia. Individuals are known to move between both countries, but it is disputed whether the stocks are reproductively linked. Accurate and unbiased determination of stock and population connectivity is crucial to inform effective management. In this study, we assess the genetic composition and population connectivity between Australian and New Zealand school sharks using genome-wide SNPs, while accounting for non-random kin sampling. Between 2009 and 2013, 88 neonate and juvenile individuals from Tasmanian and New Zealand nurseries were collected and genotyped. Neutral loci were analyzed to detect fine-scale signals of reproductive connectivity. Seven full-sibling groups were identified and removed for unbiased analysis. Based on 6,587 neutral SNPs, pairwise genetic differentiation from Tasmanian and New Zealand neonates was non-significant (F ST = 0.0003, CI₉₅ = [−0.0002, 0.0009], p = 0.1163; D est  = 0.0006 ± 0.0002). This pattern was supported by clustering results. In conclusion, we show a significant effect of non-random sampling of kin and identify fine-scale reproductive connectivity between Australian and New Zealand school sharks

    Accounting for kin sampling reveals genetic connectivity in Tasmanian and New Zealand school sharks, Galeorhinus galeus

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    Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Fishing represents a major problem for conservation of chondrichthyans, with a quarter of all species being overexploited. School sharks, Galeorhinus galeus, are targeted by commercial fisheries in Australia and New Zealand. The Australian stock has been depleted to below 20% of its virgin biomass, and the species is recorded as Conservation Dependent within Australia. Individuals are known to move between both countries, but it is disputed whether the stocks are reproductively linked. Accurate and unbiased determination of stock and population connectivity is crucial to inform effective management. In this study, we assess the genetic composition and population connectivity between Australian and New Zealand school sharks using genome-wide SNPs, while accounting for non-random kin sampling. Between 2009 and 2013, 88 neonate and juvenile individuals from Tasmanian and New Zealand nurseries were collected and genotyped. Neutral loci were analyzed to detect fine-scale signals of reproductive connectivity. Seven full-sibling groups were identified and removed for unbiased analysis. Based on 6,587 neutral SNPs, pairwise genetic differentiation from Tasmanian and New Zealand neonates was non-significant (F ST = 0.0003, CI₉₅ = [−0.0002, 0.0009], p = 0.1163; D est  = 0.0006 ± 0.0002). This pattern was supported by clustering results. In conclusion, we show a significant effect of non-random sampling of kin and identify fine-scale reproductive connectivity between Australian and New Zealand school sharks

    Integrating complementary methods to improve diet analysis in fishery‐targeted species

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    Developing efficient, reliable, cost‐effective ways to identify diet is required to understand trophic ecology in complex ecosystems and improve food web models. A combination of techniques, each varying in their ability to provide robust, spatially and temporally explicit information can be applied to clarify diet data for ecological research. This study applied an integrative analysis of a fishery‐targeted species group—Plectropomus spp. in the central Great Barrier Reef, Australia, by comparing three diet‐identification approaches. Visual stomach content analysis provided poor identification with ~14% of stomachs sampled resulting in identification to family or lower. A molecular approach was successful with prey from ~80% of stomachs identified to genus or species, often with several unique prey in a stomach. Stable isotope mixing models utilizing experimentally derived assimilation data, identified similar prey as the molecular technique but at broader temporal scales, particularly when prior diet information was incorporated. Overall, Caesionidae and Pomacentridae were the most abundant prey families (>50% prey contribution) for all Plectropomus spp., highlighting the importance of planktivorous prey. Less abundant prey categories differed among species/color phases indicating possible niche segregation. This study is one of the first to demonstrate the extent of taxonomic resolution provided by molecular techniques, and, like other studies, illustrates that temporal investigations of dietary patterns are more accessible in combination with stable isotopes. The consumption of mainly planktivorous prey within this species group has important implications within coral reef food webs and provides cautionary information regarding the effects that changing resources could have in reef ecosystems

    Integrating complementary methods to improve diet analysis in fishery-targeted species

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    Developing efficient, reliable, cost-effective ways to identify diet is required to understand trophic ecology in complex ecosystems and improve food web models. A combination of techniques, each varying in their ability to provide robust, spatially and temporally explicit information can be applied to clarify diet data for ecological research. This study applied an integrative analysis of a fishery-targeted species group—Plectropomus spp. in the central Great Barrier Reef, Australia, by comparing three diet-identification approaches. Visual stomach content analysis provided poor identification with ~14% of stomachs sampled resulting in identification to family or lower. A molecular approach was successful with prey from ~80% of stomachs identified to genus or species, often with several unique prey in a stomach. Stable isotope mixing models utilizing experimentally derived assimilation data, identified similar prey as the molecular technique but at broader temporal scales, particularly when prior diet information was incorporated. Overall, Caesionidae and Pomacentridae were the most abundant prey families (\u3e50% prey contribution) for all Plectropomus spp., highlighting the importance of planktivorous prey. Less abundant prey categories differed among species/color phases indicating possible niche segregation. This study is one of the first to demonstrate the extent of taxonomic resolution provided by molecular techniques, and, like other studies, illustrates that temporal investigations of dietary patterns are more accessible in combination with stable isotopes. The consumption of mainly planktivorous prey within this species group has important implications within coral reef food webs and provides cautionary information regarding the effects that changing resources could have in reef ecosystems

    Tracing the genetic impact of farmed turbot Scophthalmus maximus on wild populations

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    The impact of escapees from aquaculture is of general concern for the sustainability of natural resources. Turbot Scophthalmus maximus is a marine flatfish of great commercial value whose land-based aquaculture started approx. 40 yr ago; hence, a low impact of escapees is expected on wild populations. However, enhancement of wild stocks using farmed turbot has been carried out along the Northeast Atlantic coasts in the last decades. Recently, a broad panel of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers (755 SNPs; 1 SNP Mb−1) has been used to evaluate the genetic structure of turbot throughout its distribution range, constituting the baseline to evaluate the impact of farmed fish in the wild. Two distinct origins were identified for farmed turbot (F_ORI1 and F_ORI2; FST = 0.049), which differentiated from wild populations after 5 generations of selection (average FST = 0.059), and consistent evidence of adaptation to domestication was de - tected. A notable proportion of fish of farmed ancestry was detected in the wild (15.5%), mainly in the North Sea, where restocking activities have taken place, determining genetic introgression in wild populations. Conversely, effects of land-based aquaculture appear negligible. A simulation exercise supported panels of 40 and 80 SNPs to identify fishes of F_ORI1 and F_ORI2 ancestry in the wild, respectively. Application to empirical data showed an assignment success (wild/farmed ancestry) of approx. 95% in comparison with the full SNP dataset. The SNP tools will be useful to monitor turbot of farmed ancestry in the wild, which might represent a risk, considering the lower fitness of farmed individualsThe project was funded by the 7th Framework Programme for research (FP7) under ‘Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy — KBBE’, Theme 2: ‘Food, Agriculture and fisheries, and Biotechnologies’ Project identifier: FP7-KBBE-2012-6-singlestage Grant agreement no.: 311920 ‘The development of tools for tracing and evaluating the genetic impact of fish from aquaculture: AquaTrace’ and the Spanish Regional Government Xunta de Galicia GRC2014/010. CiĂȘncia sem Fronteiras/CAPES − Brazil supported the fellowship for the stay of F.D.P. at USCS

    SNP discovery using next generation transcriptomic sequencing in Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus)

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    The introduction of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) has revolutionised population genetics, providing studies of non-model species with unprecedented genomic coverage, allowing evolutionary biologists to address questions previously far beyond the reach of available resources. Furthermore, the simple mutation model of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) permits cost-effective high-throughput genotyping in thousands of individuals simultaneously. Genomic resources are scarce for the Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), a small pelagic species that sustains high revenue fisheries. This paper details the development of 578 SNPs using a combined NGS and high-throughput genotyping approach. Eight individuals covering the species distribution in the eastern Atlantic were bar-coded and multiplexed into a single cDNA library and sequenced using the 454 GS FLX platform. SNP discovery was performed by de novo sequence clustering and contig assembly, followed by the mapping of reads against consensus contig sequences. Selection of candidate SNPs for genotyping was conducted using an in silico approach. SNP validation and genotyping were performed simultaneously using an Illumina 1,536 GoldenGate assay. Although the conversion rate of candidate SNPs in the genotyping assay cannot be predicted in advance, this approach has the potential to maximise cost and time efficiencies by avoiding expensive and time-consuming laboratory stages of SNP validation. Additionally, the in silico approach leads to lower ascertainment bias in the resulting SNP panel as marker selection is based only on the ability to design primers and the predicted presence of intron-exon boundaries. Consequently SNPs with a wider spectrum of minor allele frequencies (MAFs) will be genotyped in the final panel. The genomic resources presented here represent a valuable multi-purpose resource for developing informative marker panels for population discrimination, microarray development and for population genomic studies in the wild
