11 research outputs found

    Battling Imposter Syndrome: You Persevered! Luck has no place here

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    The pressure to succeed and set yourself apart from the rest may seem overwhelming! If you identify as an underrepresented minority (URM) in higher education, the pressure intensifies when you are unable to see yourself, relate and/or identify with your college instructors or campus. Research suggests that identifying as an URM and not having visible representation of yourself in the classroom or on campus can lead to something known as Impostor Phenomenon (IP) also known as Impostor Syndrome. IP is the belief that achievement and success occur not because of performance or ability but rather because of luck. IP negatively impacts students’ college experiences especially their self-esteem, academic honesty, mental health and overall academic success and retention (Parkman, 2016). Research also suggests that first-generation students experience IP at higher levels and more often than other students (Martinez et.al, 2009, Terezini et. al, 1996) During this session, we will define IP and its predictors, share testimonials and discuss how grit and other strategies for success assisted students and professionals in overcoming impostor phenomenon

    Fluid Mechanics in Dentinal Microtubules Provides Mechanistic Insights into the Difference between Hot and Cold Dental Pain

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    Dental thermal pain is a significant health problem in daily life and dentistry. There is a long-standing question regarding the phenomenon that cold stimulation evokes sharper and more shooting pain sensations than hot stimulation. This phenomenon, however, outlives the well-known hydrodynamic theory used to explain dental thermal pain mechanism. Here, we present a mathematical model based on the hypothesis that hot or cold stimulation-induced different directions of dentinal fluid flow and the corresponding odontoblast movements in dentinal microtubules contribute to different dental pain responses. We coupled a computational fluid dynamics model, describing the fluid mechanics in dentinal microtubules, with a modified Hodgkin-Huxley model, describing the discharge behavior of intradental neuron. The simulated results agreed well with existing experimental measurements. We thence demonstrated theoretically that intradental mechano-sensitive nociceptors are not “equally sensitive” to inward (into the pulp) and outward (away from the pulp) fluid flows, providing mechanistic insights into the difference between hot and cold dental pain. The model developed here could enable better diagnosis in endodontics which requires an understanding of pulpal histology, neurology and physiology, as well as their dynamic response to the thermal stimulation used in dental practices

    Collectively breaking down Imposter Syndrome through a DEI lens

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    This presentation unpacks the ways in which Du Bois’ double consciousness and a Psychological lens of Labeling Theory and Imposter Syndrome can be overcome when we understand the ways in which these phenomena are socially and culturally constructed. For those of us who are first-generation, it is not uncommon to experience and internalize imposter syndrome (Peteet et al., 2015). In addition to this real phenomenon, Du Bois’ theory of double-consciousness is also present and presents a solid foundation for understanding the underlying systemic issues and barriers that first-generation students face. In addition to this real phenomenon, Du Bois’ theory of double-consciousness is also present and presents a solid foundation for understanding the underlying systemic issues and barriers that first-generation students face. For example, people with close proximity to wealth and whiteness do not experience the oppressions of double consciousness because they are already part of the dominant culture that would seek to shape how they should understand themselves. Through careful consideration of the deep reaching ways in which systemic oppression creates the experience of imposter syndrome, we can begin to unpack, unlearn, and even subvert white, Euro-centric and upper-class values

    The effects of vehicle congestion on the environment – an EIA in the Ngorongoro crater. The Environmental Impact Statement

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    Nyahongo, J., Lowassa, A., Malugu, L., Nkya, H., Mwakalebe, G., Thomassen, J., Kaltenborn, B. P., Lyamuya, R., Marealle, W., Keyyu, J., Stokke, S. & Røskaft, E. 2007. The effects of vehicle congestion on the environment – an EIA in the Ngorongoro crater. The Environmental Impact Statement – NINA Report 258. 83 pp. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA) faces a great challenge in managing the vehicle congestion in the Ngorongoro crater. They are in need for an assessment of the present situation and realistic plans for mitigating measures and other management actions. The situation is also dealt with in the revised General Management Plan (GMP) for the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) (NCAA 2006). Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) and Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) collaborate on capacity building, of which Environmental Impact Assessment is one of the tasks. In the capacity building programme it has been decided to use a concrete EIA as a training tool. NCAA, TAWIRI and NINA have decided to use the tourist vehicle congestion in the Ngorongoro Crater as the EIA case in the capacity building programme. Previous reports document the EIA training (Thomassen et al. 2003) and the scoping process (Thomassen et al. 2005). This report, the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), documents the assessments done, including recommendations and technical reports from the studies conducted. Important recommendations on management actions include the establishment of a zoning system specifying the number of vehicles allowed in each area per day, differentiated fee systems in NCA, and developing a better education and awareness training programme for NCAA staff and tourist drivers. Monitoring recommendations include monitoring of densities and distribution of endangered species and carnivores, flight distances of herbivores and occurrence of invasive species and diseases in NCA. Further, it is recommended to monitor the health condition of the Maasai livestock and the carrying capacity of NCA. Visitor satisfaction should be mapped/monitored every 5th year. Environmental Impact Statement, EIA, AEAM, scoping, capacity building, Ngorongoro crater, Tanzania, Sluttrapport KU, AEAM, scoping, kapasitetsbygging, Ngorongoro krateret, TanzaniaNyahongo, J., Lowassa, A., Malugu, L., Nkya, H., Mwakalebe, G., Thomassen, J., Kaltenborn, B. P., Lyamuya, R., Marealle, W., Keyyu, J., Stokke, S. & Røskaft, E. 2007. The effects of congestion of vehicles on the environment – an EIA in the Ngorongoro crater. The Environmental Impact Statement – NINA Report 258. 83 pp. Forvaltningsmyndighetene i Ngorongorokrater-området (Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA)) i Tanzania står overfor en stor utfordring i forvaltning og regulering av antall kjøretøyer ned i krateret. De trenger en utredning om status og realistiske anbefalinger om ulike forvaltningstiltak. Problemstillingen tas bl.a. opp i den reviderte forvaltningsplanen for området (General Management Plan (GMP)) (NCAA 2006). Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) og Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA) har gjennomført et 5 års samarbeidsprogram om kapasitetsbygging. Konsekvensutredninger (KU) er et av temaene i dette programmet, og det ble bestemt at en konkret KU skulle brukes i opplæringen av TAWIRI personell. I samarbeid med NCAA, valgte TAWIRI og NINA ut den høye konsentrasjonen av kjøretøy i Ngorongoro krateret som KU-case. Tidligere rapporter fra samarbeids-programmet dokumenterer KU opplæringen (Thomassen et al. 2003) og scoping- (målfokuserings-)prosessen (Thomassen et al. 2005). Denne rapporten, KU dokumentet, oppsummerer de vurderingene som er gjort, inklusive anbefalinger og de tekniske rapportene fra undersøkelsene som er gjennomført. Viktige forvaltningsanbefalinger er bl.a. etablering av et soneringssystem som skal regulere antall kjøretøy tillatt i hvert område i krateret per dag, differensierte parkavgifter i NCA, utvikling av bedre opplæringssystem for utdanning og bevisstgjøring av NCAA-ansatte og turistsjåfører. Anbefalinger om overvåking inkluderer overvåking av tetthet og fordeling av truete arter og rovdyr, fluktavstanden hos gressetere og forekomst av introduserte arter og sykdom i NCA. Videre er det anbefalt å overvåke sunnhetstilstanden til Maasaienes buskap og bærekraftigheten til NCA. Det anbefales at graden av tilfredshet hos besøkende (turister) til NCA blir kartlagt / overvåket hvert 5. å

    Petition Alleging Violations of the Human Rights of John Melvin Alexander et al. by the United States of America

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    7. Literatur

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