6,670 research outputs found

    Tolerance and hyperaccumulation of a mixture heavy metals (Cu, Pb , Hg and Zn) by four aquatic macrophytes

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    El propósito de este trabajo fue comparar la tolerancia a la exposición de una mezcla de los metales (Cu2+, Pb2+, Hg2+ y Zn2+) así como el nivel de hiperacumulación en Typha latifolia, Lemna minor, Eichhornia crassipes y Myriophyllum acuaticum, para proponer un sistema de bioacumulación selectiva que permita la biorremediación eficiente de cuerpos de agua contaminadosIn the present investigation, four macrophytes, namely Typha latifolia (L.), Lemna minor (L.), Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms-Laubach, and Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vell.) Verdc, were evaluated for their heavy metal (Cu, Pb, Hg, and Zn) hyperaccumulation potential under laboratory conditions. Tolerance analyses were performed for 7 days of exposure at five different treatments of the metals mixture (CuC2, HgC2, PbC2, and ZnC2). The production of chlorophyll and carotenoids was determined at the end of each treatment. L. minor revealed to be sensitive, because it did not survive in all the tested concentrations after 72 hours of exposure. E. crassipes and M. aquaticum displayed the highest tolerance to the metals mixture. For the most tolerant species of aquatic macrophytes, The removal kinetics of E. crassipes and M. aquaticum was carried out, using the following mixture of metals: Cu (0.5 mg/L) and Hg, Pb, and Zn 0.25 mg/L. The obtained results revealed that E. crassipes can remove 99.80% of Cu, 97.88% of Pb, 99.53% of Hg, and 94.37% of Zn. M. aquaticum withdraws 95.2% of Cu, 94.28% of Pb, 99.19% of Hg, and 91.91% of Zn. The obtained results suggest that these two species of macrophytes could be used for the phytoremediation of this mixture of heavy metals from the polluted water bodies

    Potential of mathematical modeling in fruit quality

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    A review of mathematical modeling applied to fruit quality showed that these models ranged inresolution from simple yield equations to complex  representations of processes as respiration, photosynthesis and assimilation of nutrients. The latter models take into account complex  genotype environment interactions to estimate their effects on growth and yield. Recently, models are used to estimate seasonal changes in quality traits as fruit size, dry matter, water content and the concentration of sugars and acids, which are very important for flavor and aroma. These models have demonstrated their ability to generate relationships between physiological variables and quality attributes (allometric relations). This new kind of hybrid models has sufficient complexity to predict quality traits behavior

    Quality improvement of mixed and ceramic recycled aggregates by biodeposition of calcium carbonate

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    This research focuses on improving the quality of mixed and ceramic recycled aggregates by microbially induced carbonate precipitation (Bacillus sphaericus). The precipitation contributed to a weight increase and unleashed a waterproofing response. The roughness of the ceramic particles created a more uniform layer compared to natural or concrete particles. For the concrete fraction, which had a higher macroporosity, the consolidation effect was more pronounced. High ceramic content aggregates profited from a greater biodeposition, leading to a remaining amount of precipitates after sonication which was still greater than in cementitious materials. Pore-filling effect was detected by SEM, supporting the waterproofing result. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Distribution of epicatechin metabolites in lymphoid tissues and testes of young rats with a cocoa-enriched diet

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    An increasing number of scientific studies support that flavanol-rich foods and beverages such as cocoa can promote human health, and are beneficial agents for the prevention of some diseases. Our previous studies showed that long-term cocoa intake enhances the antioxidant status in lymphoid organs and also modulates lymphocyte functionality in healthy young rats. Cocoa polyphenolic antioxidants seem to be the best candidates for those effects. However, data regarding polyphenol metabolites in tissues after a long-term cocoa intake are scarce. In the present study we mainly focus on the uptake and accumulation of epicatechin metabolites in lymphoid organs, including the thymus, spleen and mesenteric lymphoid nodes, as well as in the liver and testes after a diet rich in cocoa. Ten young weaned Wistar rats were fed randomly with a 10 % (w/w) cocoa diet or a control diet for 3 weeks, corresponding to their infancy and youth. Tissues were treated with a solid-phase extraction and analysed by liquid chromatography-tandem MS. The major compounds recovered in these tissues were glucuronide derivatives of epicatechin and methylepicatechin. The highest concentration of these metabolites was found in the thymus, testicles and liver, followed by lymphatic nodes and spleen. The high amount of epicatechin metabolites found in the thymus supports our previous findings showing its high antioxidant capacity compared with other tissues such as the spleen. Moreover, this is the first time that epicatechin metabolites have been found in high concentrations in the testes, confirming other studies that have suggested the testes as an important site of oxidation

    Investigation of the effect of double-walled carbon nanotubes on the curing reaction kinetics and shear flow of an epoxy resin

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    In this article, the effect of combined temperature-concentration and shear rate conditions on the rheology of double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs)/RTM6-Epoxy suspension was investigated to determine the optimum processing conditions. The rheological behavior and cure kinetics of this nanocomposite are presented. Cure kinetics analysis of the epoxy resin and the epoxy resin filled with DWCNTs was performed using Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) and parameters of the kinetics model were compared. The DWCNTs have an acceleration effect on the reaction rate of the epoxy resin but no significant effect is noted on the glass transition temperature of the epoxy resin. This study reveals that the effect of shear-thinning is more pronounced at high temperatures when DWCNTs content is increased. In addition, the steady shear flow exhibits a thermally activated property above 60°C whereas the polymer fluid viscosity is influenced by the free volume and cooperative effects when the temperature is below 60°C


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    Abstract:  Latin America is a region known for its extensive use of agricultural pesticides, which pose severe threats to health and the environment. The correct assessment of exposure among workers and communities is a necessity and an important challenge, particularly in informal production contexts. A systematic review of the literature was developed in order to generate learning about assessment methodologies applied in the region. Material and Methods: PubMed, Scielo (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica and Peru) and Lilacs were searched between January 2010 and April 2021. Keywords selected: "pesticides", "occupational exposure", "farmers", "pesticide exposure" and "Latin America". After a filtering process, 114 publications that met the defined criteria were retained for analysis from Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Cuba, Ecuador and Venezuela. They were grouped into sub-themes: a) evaluation of exposure to pesticides (EEP); b) EEP in formal workers, c) EEP in informal economy workers. Results: Different expressions of the term exposure, a concept scattered in the literature, were identified. Pesticide exposure in LA is heterogeneous and has been assessed in different ways, using methods that are difficult to identify and classify. Most epidemiological studies were descriptive and used different types of assessment: a) indirect methods: surveys, construction of algorithms, use of population censuses in ecological studies, and measurement of environmental parameters (water and soil); b) direct methods: identification of biomarkers of exposure in blood and urine; c) combination of both methods. It is evident that in informal contexts pesticide exposure transcends the work environment and happens in the daily life of the worker and his family. Conclusions: There is a need for further study of exposure assessment, mainly in informal work contexts.Resumen:  América Latina es una región reconocida por el extenso uso de plaguicidas agrícolas, los que representan severas amenazas para la salud y el ambiente. La correcta evaluación de la exposición que generan entre trabajadores y comunidades es una necesidad y un importante desafío, particularmente en contextos productivos informales. Se desarrolló una revisión sistemática de la literatura a fin de generar aprendizajes acerca de metodologías de evaluación aplicadas en la región. Material y Métodos: Se investigó en PubMed, Scielo (Brasil, México, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica y Perú) y Lilacs, entre enero de 2010 y abril de 2021. Palabras clave seleccionadas: «plaguicidas», «exposición laboral», «agricultores», «exposición a plaguicidas» y «América Latina». Luego de un proceso de depuración se retuvieron para su análisis 114 publicaciones que cumplieron con los criterios definidos, de Brasil, México, Colombia, Costa Rica, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Cuba, Ecuador y Venezuela. Se agruparon en subtemas: a) evaluación de la exposición a plaguicidas (EEP); b) EEP en trabajadores formales, c) EEP en trabajadores de la economía informales. Resultados: Se identificaron diferentes expresiones acerca del término exposición, concepto disperso en la literatura. La exposición a plaguicidas en AL es heterogénea, ha sido evaluada de diferentes maneras, a través de métodos de difícil identificación y clasificación. La mayoría de los estudios epidemiológicos fueron descriptivos y utilizaron diferentes tipos de evaluación: a) métodos indirectos: encuestas, construcción de algoritmos, utilización de censos poblacionales en estudios ecológicos, y medición de parámetros ambientales (agua y suelo); b) métodos directos: identificación de biomarcadores de exposición en sangre y orina; c) combinación de ambos métodos. Queda evidenciado que en los contextos informales la exposición a plaguicidas trasciende el ámbito laboral y sucede en la vida cotidiana del trabajador y su familia. Conclusiones: Es necesario profundizar el estudio de la evaluación de la exposición, principalmente en contextos laborales informales.

    MultiMetEval: comparative and multi-objective analysis of genome-scale metabolic models

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    Comparative metabolic modelling is emerging as a novel field, supported by the development of reliable and standardized approaches for constructing genome-scale metabolic models in high throughput. New software solutions are needed to allow efficient comparative analysis of multiple models in the context of multiple cellular objectives. Here, we present the user-friendly software framework Multi-Metabolic Evaluator (MultiMetEval), built upon SurreyFBA, which allows the user to compose collections of metabolic models that together can be subjected to flux balance analysis. Additionally, MultiMetEval implements functionalities for multi-objective analysis by calculating the Pareto front between two cellular objectives. Using a previously generated dataset of 38 actinobacterial genome-scale metabolic models, we show how these approaches can lead to exciting novel insights. Firstly, after incorporating several pathways for the biosynthesis of natural products into each of these models, comparative flux balance analysis predicted that species like Streptomyces that harbour the highest diversity of secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters in their genomes do not necessarily have the metabolic network topology most suitable for compound overproduction. Secondly, multi-objective analysis of biomass production and natural product biosynthesis in these actinobacteria shows that the well-studied occurrence of discrete metabolic switches during the change of cellular objectives is inherent to their metabolic network architecture. Comparative and multi-objective modelling can lead to insights that could not be obtained by normal flux balance analyses. MultiMetEval provides a powerful platform that makes these analyses straightforward for biologists. Sources and binaries of MultiMetEval are freely available from https://github.com/PiotrZakrzewski/MetEv​al/downloads

    The preterm cervix reveals a transcriptomic signature in the presence of premature pre-labor rupture of membranes

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    BACKGROUND: Premature prelabor rupture of fetal membranes accounts for 30% of all premature births and is associated with detrimental long-term infant outcomes. Premature cervical remodeling, facilitated by matrix metalloproteinases, may trigger rupture at the zone of the fetal membranes overlying the cervix. The similarities and differences underlying cervical remodeling in premature prelabor rupture of fetal membranes and spontaneous preterm labor with intact membranes are unexplored. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to perform the first transcriptomic assessment of the preterm human cervix to identify differences between premature prelabor rupture of fetal membranes and preterm labor with intact membranes and to compare the enzymatic activities of matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9 between premature prelabor rupture of fetal membranes and preterm labor with intact membranes. STUDY DESIGN: Cervical biopsies were collected following preterm labor with intact membranes (n = 6) and premature prelabor rupture of fetal membranes (n = 5). Biopsies were also collected from reference groups at term labor (n = 12) or term not labor (n = 5). The Illumina HT-12 version 4.0 BeadChips microarray was utilized, and a novel network graph approach determined the specificity of changes between premature prelabor rupture of fetal membranes and preterm labor with intact membranes. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting confirmed the microarray findings. Immunofluorescence was used for localization studies and gelatin zymography to assess matrix metalloproteinase activity. RESULTS: PML-RARA-regulated adapter molecule 1, FYVE-RhoGEF and PH domain-containing protein 3 and carcinoembryonic antigen-ralated cell adhesion molecule 3 were significantly higher, whereas N-myc downstream regulated gene 2 was lower in the premature prelabor rupture of fetal membranes cervix when compared with the cervix in preterm labor with intact membranes, term labor, and term not labor. PRAM1 and CEACAM3 were localized to immune cells at the cervical stroma and NDRG2 and FGD3 were localized to cervical myofibroblasts. The activity of matrix metalloproteinase-9 was higher (1.22 ± 4.403-fold, P < .05) in the cervix in premature prelabor rupture of fetal membranes compared with preterm labor with intact membranes. CONCLUSION: We identified 4 novel proteins with a potential role in the regulation of cervical remodeling leading to premature prelabor rupture of fetal membranes. Our findings contribute to the studies dissecting the mechanisms underlying premature prelabor rupture of fetal membranes and inspire further investigations toward the development of premature prelabor rupture of fetal membranes therapeutics

    Spontaneous Abortion and Preterm Labor and Delivery in Nonhuman Primates: Evidence from a Captive Colony of Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

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    Preterm birth is a leading cause of perinatal mortality, yet the evolutionary history of this obstetrical syndrome is largely unknown in nonhuman primate species.We examined the length of gestation during pregnancies that occurred in a captive chimpanzee colony by inspecting veterinary and behavioral records spanning a total of thirty years. Upon examination of these records we were able to confidently estimate gestation length for 93 of the 97 (96%) pregnancies recorded at the colony. In total, 78 singleton gestations resulted in live birth, and from these pregnancies we estimated the mean gestation length of normal chimpanzee pregnancies to be 228 days, a finding consistent with other published reports. We also calculated that the range of gestation in normal chimpanzee pregnancies is approximately forty days. Of the remaining fifteen pregnancies, only one of the offspring survived, suggesting viability for chimpanzees requires a gestation of approximately 200 days. These fifteen pregnancies constitute spontaneous abortions and preterm deliveries, for which the upper gestational age limit was defined as 2 SD from the mean length of gestation (208 days).The present study documents that preterm birth occurred within our study population of captive chimpanzees. As in humans, pregnancy loss is not uncommon in chimpanzees, In addition, our findings indicate that both humans and chimpanzees show a similar range of normal variation in gestation length, suggesting this was the case at the time of their last common ancestor (LCA). Nevertheless, our data suggest that whereas chimpanzees' normal gestation length is ∼20-30 days after reaching viability, humans' normal gestation length is approximately 50 days beyond the estimated date of viability without medical intervention. Future research using a comparative evolutionary framework should help to clarify the extent to which mechanisms at work in normal and preterm parturition are shared in these species