49 research outputs found

    Digital Architecture for a Trace Gas Sensor Platform

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    A digital architecture has been implemented for a trace gas sensor platform, as a companion to standard analog control electronics, which accommodates optical absorption whose fractional absorbance equivalent would result in excess error if assumed to be linear. In cases where the absorption (1-transmission) is not equivalent to the fractional absorbance within a few percent error, it is necessary to accommodate the actual measured absorption while reporting the measured concentration of a target analyte with reasonable accuracy. This requires incorporation of programmable intelligence into the sensor platform so that flexible interpretation of the acquired data may be accomplished. Several different digital component architectures were tested and implemented. Commercial off-the-shelf digital electronics including data acquisition cards (DAQs), complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs), field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and microcontrollers have been used to achieve the desired outcome. The most completely integrated architecture achieved during the project used the CPLD along with a microcontroller. The CPLD provides the initial digital demodulation of the raw sensor signal, and then communicates over a parallel communications interface with a microcontroller. The microcontroller analyzes the digital signal from the CPLD, and applies a non-linear correction obtained through extensive data analysis at the various relevant EVA operating pressures. The microcontroller then presents the quantitatively accurate carbon dioxide partial pressure regardless of optical density. This technique could extend the linear dynamic range of typical absorption spectrometers, particularly those whose low end noise equivalent absorbance is below one-part-in-100,000. In the EVA application, it allows introduction of a path-length-enhancing architecture whose optical interference effects are well understood and quantified without sacrificing the dynamic range that allows quantitative detection at the higher carbon dioxide partial pressures. The digital components are compact and allow reasonably complete integration with separately developed analog control electronics without sacrificing size, mass, or power draw

    Development and quality evaluation of small rock oyster sauce from Saccostrea spp.

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    Small rock oyster (Saccostrea spp.) are abundant in the Province of Samar and presently there is no oyster sauce produced from this species available in the Philippine markets. Hence, this study aimed to produce small rock oyster sauce at different concentrations (i.e. 70, 80 and 90%; treatments 1–3) and investigated their microbial and sensorial qualities. Based on the result of the overall acceptability of sensory evaluation, treatment 1 containing 70% of small rock oyster extract showed no significant difference with the control commercial oyster sauce suggesting that the treatment 1 is the most acceptable product. There is no microbiological standard limit for fermented fishery products in the Philippines. The total plate counts of the treatments ranged from 3.64 to 4.62 log CFU ml–1. Halophilic bacteria were present in all treatments, ranging from 3.49 – 4.67 log CFU ml–1. Also, lactic acid bacteria were detected in all treatments, ranged from 1.75 – 3.07 CFU ml–1. This study concludes that the small rock oyster sauce produced locally can compete with the available commercial oyster sauces in the market

    Impacto ambiental del suelo del cultivo de arroz por uso de plaguicidas, con remediación de miel de cacao, Tarapoto, 2021

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    La presente investigación constó con el título de “Impacto ambiental del suelo del cultivo de arroz por uso de plaguicidas, con remediación de miel de cacao, sector La Florida, Tarapoto, 2021. Teniendo como objetivo general de la investigación Estudiar el impacto ambiental del suelo del cultivo de arroz por uso de plaguicidas, con remediación de miel de cacao, en La Florida, Tarapoto, 2021. La metodología de investigación fue aplicada, El Diseño de investigación es Aplicada, donde se tomaron como muestra 9 hectáreas de arroz y 10 agricultores para ser encuestados y colaboradores para la información necesaria. Los resultados de los tratamientos de abonamiento con residuos de agua miel de cacao, con diferentes dosis aplicadas en las parcelas demarcadas, se obtuvieron que redujeron una mínima parte de los contaminantes por metales pesados como Cadmio, Cromo y plomo, la cual no lograron disminuir de acuerdo a los límites establecidos por los ECA para suelos agrícolas. Se concluyó que mediante el abonamiento a las parcelas de arroz para reducir los contaminantes fue efectivo en mínimas porcentajes y no alcanzando los límites del ECA para suelos agrícolas en los elementos Cadmio, cromo y plomo

    Satisfacción laboral en el sector hotelero en la ciudad del Cusco

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    En el sector de servicios es innegable la relación existente entre la calidad percibida por los clientes, los niveles de satisfacción laboral y el compromiso organizativo de sus trabajadores. Esta identificación es más intensa en el sector hotelero donde la satisfacción del cliente está íntimamente ligada a la de los trabajadores. En este estudio se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre el nivel de satisfacción existente en el sector hotelero de la ciudad del Cusco, Perú, y su relación con las variables ocupacionales: (a) área de trabajo, (b) género, y (c) tiempo de servicio. El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es que los directivos del sector hotelero conozcan las diferentes condicionantes socio laborales y organizativos que determinan el nivel de satisfacción laboral, y con este conocimiento, poner en marcha políticas que fomenten el desarrollo del capital humano que conforma, hoy en día, el activo más importante en dicho sector. Para conseguirlo, se ha realizado un amplio trabajo de campo consistente en la aplicación del cuestionario "Escala de Opiniones SL-SPC" (Palma, 2005), que utiliza cuatro factores: (a) importancia de la tarea, (b) condiciones de trabajo, (c) reconocimiento personal y/o social, y (d) beneficios económicos. Posteriormente se realizó el tratamiento estadístico de la información recopilada. Como conclusión general se puede señalar que la mayoría de los empleados se encuentran en un nivel de satisfacción “satisfecho” y “promedio”, destacándose positivamente la relación con el factor “significancia de la tarea” y con los beneficios económicos percibidos, siendo mayor la probabilidad de satisfacción laboral en los empleados que trabajan en los hoteles de mayor categoría y de género masculino.In the service sector is undeniable relationship between customer perceived quality and levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of its employees. This identification is more intense in the hotel industry where customer satisfaction is closely linked to the workers. In this study the results of a research on the existing level of satisfaction in the hospitality sector of the city of Cusco, Peru, and their relation to occupational variables are presented: (a) workspace (b) gender and (c) service time. The objective of this research is that the hotel industry executives familiar with the different socio labor and organizational factors that determine the level of job satisfaction and, with this knowledge, implement policies that promote the development of human capital that makes up today day, the most important asset in this sector. To achieve this, it has done extensive work consistent field in the application of the questionnaire "Scale Reviews SLSPC" (Palma, 2005), which uses four factors: (a) importance of the task (b) working conditions (c) personal or social recognition and (d) economic benefits. Subsequently, the statistical treatment of the data collected was performed. As a general conclusion we note that the majority of employees are at a level "satisfied" satisfaction and "average" positively highlighting the relationship with the "significance of the task" factor and the perceived economic benefits, with a greater chance job satisfaction in employees working in higher rated hotels and male.Tesi

    Project Learn: The Development and Assessment of a Cross-Platform Tutor Finder

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    creation of an online tutor finder application, called "Project Learn", aimed to address the difficulty in finding a tutor for any subject in today's fast-paced world. To achieve this, the study utilized a developmental research design to create an application that connects students with qualified tutors. Students can view a tutor's background and the subjects they teach before choosing the best fit for their needs. To evaluate the system's technical quality, a survey was conducted with 20 end-users and 10 IT-experts. The survey was based on ISO 25010 software quality standards and included components such as functional suitability, reliability, usability, performance efficiency, security, compatibility, portability, and maintainability. The survey results indicated that both the end-users and IT-experts rated the system above 3.26, which equates to a "very acceptable" grade. This suggests that the system's overall internal and external performance exhibited consistency and met the compliance requirements. However, there is still room for improvement to better serve the needs of its users. The success of the development and assessment of the online tutor finder application demonstrates the potential impact it can have in connecting students with qualified tutors. The study's use of a developmental research design and adherence to ISO 25010 software quality standards ensured the technical quality of the system. With further improvements, the application can continue to make a significant impact in helping students find the right tutor to achieve academic success

    Fatores de Influência na Retenção Discente: Um Estudo com Alunos de Graduação em Ciências Contábeis

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    Objective: The research objective is to analyze influential factors in student retention with a view to producing indicators for the management of Accountancy courses. The factors considered derive from the model by Cabrera, Nora and Castañeda (1992), including cognitive and behavioral factors as well as factors external to the institution. Method: The data were collected through a survey, involving a sample of 155 students from an undergraduate Accountancy program. The students’ perception of the factors considered was measured on a Likert scale. The data were submitted to factorial analysis and structural equation modeling. Results: The results evidenced that the factors “encouragement by close persons” and “academic and intellectual development” were more important in the explanation of student retention. Contributions: The results contribute to the creation of mechanisms and indicators that affect the retention, contributing to the management of the Accountancy courses through the students’ perception of the course and its context.Objetivo: O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar fatores de influência na retenção discente, visando à geração de indicadores para a gestão de cursos de Ciências Contábeis. Os fatores considerados são derivados do modelo de Cabrera, Nora e Castañeda (1992) e abrangem fatores cognitivos, comportamentais e externos à instituição. Método: Os dados foram coletados por meio de pesquisa survey, com uma amostra de 155 alunos de um curso de graduação presencial em Ciências Contábeis. Mediu-se a percepção dos alunos em uma escala Likert, quanto aos fatores considerados. Os dados foram submetidos à análise fatorial e à modelagem por equações estruturais. Resultados: Os resultados evidenciaram maior importância dos fatores “encorajamento de pessoas próximas” e “desenvolvimento acadêmico e intelectual” na explicação da retenção discente. Contribuições: Os resultados contribuem para a criação de mecanismos e indicadores com impacto na retenção, colaborando com a gestão dos cursos de Ciências Contábeis, por meio da percepção dos discentes em relação ao curso e seu contexto

    Response to correspondence on Reproducibility of CRISPR-Cas9 Methods for Generation of Conditional Mouse Alleles: A Multi-Center Evaluation

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