2,099 research outputs found

    Diversity of functional groups in the vegetation sandy seashore of the Grande, Anclitas and Caguamas Cays (Jardines de la Reina Archipelago, Cuba)

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    Las costas arenosas son ambientes extremos donde la vegetación desarrolla adaptaciones morfológicas y fisiológicas para su supervivencia. Con la finalidad de cuantificar y relacionar la diversidad funcional con factores abióticos, se tomaron datos de riqueza y abundancia en la vegetación de costa arenosa de los cayos Grande, Anclitas y Caguamas. La flora se caracteriza por poseer un predominio de plantas caméfitas y hemicriptófitas, con hojas nanófilas y síndromes de dispersión de anemocoria y zoocoria. No obstante, la riqueza de los grupos funcionales varía entre los cayos estudiados. La diversidad funcional es semejante entre las estaciones lluvia y seca, y su variación espacial depende de la interacción del conjunto de factores abióticos medidos.Sandy shores are known to be extreme ecosystems where the vegetation has evolved many morphological and physiological adaptations for its survival. With the aim of identify possible relationships between the vegetation´s functional diversity with abiotic factors and its corresponding quantification, we collected data on the abundance and richness of the sandy coast vegetation complex in Grande, Anclitas and Caguamas keys. Its flora is largely characterized by the dominance of hemicryptophytes and chamaephytes plants with nanophyllous leaves and displaying dispersal syndromes such as zoochory and anemochory. However, the functional groups´ richness, in the present study, varies from one key to another. Functional diversity is similar between the wet and dry seasons, and its spatial variation is influenced by the interplay of the set of abiotic factors herein studied


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    El estramonio es una planta de la familia de las Solenaceaes, del género Daturae, que crece como maleza junto a campos de cultivo. Debido a su toxicidad y sus efectos sobre la alimentación y la seguridad de los piensos animales y alimentos para los humanos, la determinación de sustancias tóxicas en estas plantas está ganado interés. Los principales componentes tóxicos son la escopolamina y la atropina (mezcla racémica de (+) y (-)-hiosciamina). Aunque la atropina sea una mezcla racémica, solo el enantiómero encontrado naturalmente, la (-)-hiosciamina, tiene actividad farmacológica, siendo un potente anticolinérgico [1,2]. La racemización ocurre en el proceso de extracción de la (-)-hiosciamina, con temperaturas elevadas y prolongadas y pH básico, siendo muy escasos los estudios realizados en este sentido [3]. Así mismo resulta de interés conocer las condiciones en las que se produce la racemización de un compuesto en otro, ya que las mismas son también de aplicación en procesos del cocinado (cocción u horneado) de alimentos que contengan pequeñas cantidades de semillas de plantas de la familia de las Solenaceaes. En la presente comunicación se realiza un estudio de la influencia del pH y la temperatura en dicho proceso. A tal fin se realizaron experiencias a valores de pH de 3, 5, 7 y 9 y temperaturas de 30, 50 y 80ºC. Así mismo se estudió la influencia del mantenimiento de algunas condiciones (pH 5 y 9 a 80ºC) en el proceso de conversión de racemización. Para estudiar estos factores se hace uso de un método basado en cromatografía de líquidos de alto rendimiento acoplada a espectrometría de masas en tándem (HPLCMS/ MS), empleando una columna quiral, Chiralpak-AY3. La separación se realiza en modo isocrático usando etanol al 0,1% dietanolamina como fase móvil, en un tiempo de 10 minutos. La extracción de la hiosciamina de las semillas de estramonio se realiza mediante el método QuEChERS

    Fenología de la especie amenazada Leptocereus scopulophilus (Cactaceae) en un bosque semideciduo de Cuba occidental

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    Background and Aims: Phenological studies have shown their utility in understanding the ecosystem dynamics and could be useful for the conservation of plant species. In cacti, studies evaluating reproductive and vegetative phenology are still scarce, particularly in species inhabiting semi-deciduous forest. The present study addresses different aspects of the phenology of Leptocereus scopulophilus, an endemic threatened cactus inhabiting a semi-deciduous forest of western Cuba. The main objectives of this study are to characterize the phenology of L. scopulophilus, to compare its interannual behavior in years with different rainfall regimes, and to evaluate the relationships between phenophases and environmental variables. Methods: Fifty adult individuals were selected and the number of buds, flowers, fruits, as well as vegetative growth and retrogressions of a randomly selected branch were recorded monthly for three years. The percentage of lighting, temperature, relative humidity and rainfall was evaluated monthly. The annual and interannual patterns of each phenophase were compared using circular statistics. The relationship between climatic variables and the phenophases was evaluated using a Spearman correlation. Key results: Flowering and fruiting patterns were unimodal with lagged maximums in one month. Flowering coincided with the late dry season and fruiting occurred at the beginning of the rainy season. Vegetative growth generally occurred randomly and simultaneously with reproduction, while the retrogressions occurred during the rainy season. The variable most correlated with the phenophases was lighting. Conclusions: The opening of the canopy of the semi-deciduous forest where L. scopulophilus occurs favors the reproduction and growth of its branches. This event was modulated by the duration and intensity of the rains of the previous season.Antecedentes y Objetivos: Los estudios fenológicos han mostrado su utilidad para entender la dinámica de los ecosistemas y pueden ser útiles para la conservación de especies vegetales. En cactáceas son escasos los estudios que evalúan la fenología reproductiva y vegetativa, en particular sobre especies de bosques semideciduos. El presente estudio aborda diferentes aspectos de la fenología de Leptocereus scopulophilus, una cactácea amenazada y endémica presente en un bosque semideciduo de Cuba occidental. Este estudio tiene como objetivos principales caracterizar la fenología de L. scopulophilus, comparar su comportamiento interanual con diferentes regímenes de precipitación y evaluar las relaciones entre las fenofases y las variables ambientales. Métodos: Se seleccionaron 50 individuos adultos y se registraron, mensualmente durante tres años, el número de botones, flores, frutos, así como el crecimiento vegetativo y los retrocesos de una rama seleccionada al azar. Se evaluaron mensualmente el porcentaje de iluminación, la temperatura, la humedad relativa y las precipitaciones. Los patrones anuales e interanuales de cada fenofase fueron comparados mediante estadística circular. La relación existente entre variables ambientales y las fenofases se evaluó con una correlación de Spearman. Resultados clave: Los patrones de floración y fructificación resultaron unimodales con máximos desfasados en un mes. La floración coincidió con el final de la época seca y la fructificación ocurrió al inicio de la época lluviosa. El crecimiento vegetativo fue generalmente de forma aleatoria y simultáneo a la reproducción, mientras el retroceso de las ramas sucedió durante la época lluviosa. La variable más correlacionada con las fenofases fue la iluminación. Conclusiones: La apertura del dosel del bosque semideciduo donde habita L. scopulophilus favorece la reproducción y el crecimiento de sus ramas. Este evento estuvo modulado por la duración e intensidad de las lluvias de la temporada previa

    Genetic patterns in neotropical magnolias (Magnoliaceae) using de novo developed microsatellite markers

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    Conserving tree populations safeguards forests since they represent key elements of the ecosystem. The genetic characteristics underlying the evolutionary success of the tree growth form: high genetic diversity, extensive gene flow and strong species integrity, contribute to their survival in terms of adaptability. However, different biological and landscape contexts challenge these characteristics. This study employs 63 de novo developed microsatellite or SSR (Single Sequence Repeat) markers in different datasets of nine Neotropical Magnolia species. The genetic patterns of these protogynous, insect-pollinated tree species occurring in fragmented, highly-disturbed landscapes were investigated. Datasets containing a total of 340 individuals were tested for their genetic structure and degree of inbreeding. Analyses for genetic structure depicted structuring between species, i.e. strong species integrity. Within the species, all but one population pair were considered moderate to highly differentiated, i.e. no indication of extensive gene flow between populations. No overall correlation was observed between genetic and geographic distance of the pairwise species’ populations. In contrast to the pronounced genetic structure, there was no evidence of inbreeding within the populations, suggesting mechanisms favouring cross pollination and/or selection for more genetically diverse, heterozygous offspring. In conclusion, the data illustrate that the Neotropical Magnolias in the context of a fragmented landscape still have ample gene flow within populations, yet little gene flow between populations

    Momento Económico (45)

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    En este número Momento político, Roberto Boja Ochoa 2. Crisis, armamentismo y la cuestión de la paz, José Luis Ceceña G. y Fausto Burgueño L. 3. Ricardo Torres Gaitán Maestro Emérito de la UNAM, Emilio Romero Polanco y Gerardo Minto 5. México hoy: avanza la pobreza y la desnutrición, Emilio Romero Polanco 6. Indicadores económicos, José Antonio Moreno, José Antonio Moguel 9. El nuevo reglamento sobre inversión extranjera, Ma. Luisa Sánchez Fuentes 14. Aspectos sobresalientes de la deuda externa. Informe del Banco de México 1988, Alicia Girón 17. El presupuesto para 1989: ¿una nueva perspectiva para la deuda?, Constantino Pérez Morales 20. A 10 años del triunfo: la vocación de paz de Nicaragua, José Enrique González Ruiz 25. El punto de partida de la modernización del abasto alimentario en México, Felipe Torres Torres 29. Temas de hoy, José Antonio Moreno 32

    Material híbrido a base de MgAl-Cloxacilina para la inhibición de Salmonella Typhi

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    Artículo número 31 de la Sección 3. Química de Materiales. NanoquímicaGracias al espacio interlaminar que poseen los hidróxidos dobles laminares, estos pueden actuar como matrices inorgánicas biocompatibles, hospedadoras de moléculas orgánicas, en específico fármacos, para mejorar la liberación o bien proteger de condiciones adversas. En este trabajo se estudió la síntesis del material híbrido MgAl-Cloxacilina para la inhibición de Salmonella typhi. Los materiales híbridos consistieron en la asociación de un hidróxido doble laminar inorgánico a base de MgAl, obtenido por el método de coprecipitación, con la molécula orgánica de cloxacilina, intercalada por el método de reconstrucción, los cuales fueron caracterizados por difracción de rayos X, espectroscopia de IR por transformada de Fourier, análisis termogravimétrico y microscopía electrónica de barrido. La eficiencia de estos materiales fue probada en la evaluación de la actividad antibacterial de cultivos de cepas de Salmonella typhi. Se determinó que solo el material híbrido MgAl-Cloxacilina inhibió el crecimiento bacteriano en un 25% en 2 horas. Por lo tanto, la intercalación de cloxacilina juega un papel esencial en la inhibición de Salmonella typhi, considerando que la matriz inorgánica MgAl no exhibió propiedades antibacterianas.Thanks to the interlaminar space that the lamellar double hydroxides have, they can act as biocompatible inorganic matrices, hosts of organic molecules, specifically drugs, to improve the release or protect against adverse conditions. In this work, the synthesis of the MgAl-Cloxacillin hybrid material was studied to inhibit Salmonella typhi. The hybrid materials consisted of the association of an inorganic MgAl-based layered double hydroxide obtained by the coprecipitation method with the organic molecule of cloxacillin, intercalated by the reconstruction method, which were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and scanning electron microscopy. The efficiency of these materials was tested by evaluating the antibacterial activity of cultures of Salmonella typhi strains. It was determined that only the MgAl-Cloxacillin hybrid material inhibited bacterial growth by 25% within 2 hours. Therefore, the intercalation of Cloxacillin plays an essential role in inhibiting Salmonella typhi, considering that the inorganic matrix MgAl did not exhibit antibacterial properties

    Analysis of the productive and immune response of lambs infected with gastrointestinal nematodes and fed with saccharin

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    Objective: To determine the productive traits and immune response in Blackbelly lambs infected with gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) fed with saccharin. Design / methodology / approach: Three treatments (T) were randomly assigned to 18 Blackbelly lambs, with an initial live weight (LW) of 13.9 + 3.2 kg. In T1 anthelmintic + base diet (CTah) was used; T2 without anthelmintic + base diet (STah) and T3 were grazing lambs without anthelmintic (STPS). The experimental design was completely randomized with measures repeated over time and the averages of the treatments were compared using Lsmeans. Evaluations included live weight (LW), egg per gram of feces (EPG), packed cell volume (PCV), total plasma protein (TPP), differential leukocyte count (WBC), and IgA level by ELISA with Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongylus colubriformis antigens Results: The STah and CTah lambs showed a higher number of EPG (885 ± 142) and LW (29.73 ± 5.06 kg). While grazing lambs (STPS) showed the lowest PCV (26.4 ± 0.5%) compared to STah and CTah lambs (27.4 to 28.4%), caused by the high prevalence of H. contortus. The IgA level in grazing lambs was from 20.2 to 24.5% with respect to the positive standard, RPS, while the stabled lambs (STah and CTah) showed values ??close to 5% RPS. Study limitations / implications: Due to anthelmintic resistance problems, it was not possible to keep lambs free of infection in grazing, so this group was not included. Findings / conclusions: Feeding with saccharin allows increasing the resilience of sheep and achieving adequate weight gains in parasitized lambsObjective: Determine the productive and immune response of Blackbelly lambs infectedwith gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) and fed with saccharin.Design/ methodology/ approach: A total of 18 Blackbelly lambs, with an initial live weight (LW) of 13.9 + 3.2 kg, were randomly assigned to three different treatments (T): T1, anthelmintic treatment + basal diet (CTah); T2, basal diet without anthelmintic treatment (STah); and T3, grazing lambs without anthelmintic treatment (STPS). This experiment followed a completely randomized design with repeated measures over time; mean values were compared using Lsmeans. The parameters evaluated included live weight (LW), fecal egg count per gram (FEC), packed-cell volume (PCV), plasma protein (PP), white blood celldifferential count (LEU), and IgA concentration by ELISA with Haemonchus contortusand Trichostrongylus colubriformis antigens.Results: STah and CTah lambs showed higher FEC (885 ± 142) and LW (29.73 ± 5.06kg). Grazing lambs (STPS) had lower PCV (26.4 ± 0.5%) compared to the STah andCTah lambs (27.4 to 28.4%) due to the high prevalence of H. contortus. The IgAconcentration in grazing lambs ranged from 20.2 to 24.5% of the positive standardserum titer. The feedlot lambs (STah and CTah) showed values close to 5%.Study limitations/ implications: Due to anthelmintic resistance problems, it wasimpossible to maintain grazing lambs free of infection; therefore, this group was notincluded.Findings/ conclusions: Saccharin increases sheep resilience and achieves adequateweight gains in parasitized lambs

    Integrated analysis of microRNA regulation and its interaction with mechanisms of epigenetic regulation in the etiology of systemic lupus erythematosus

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    The aim of this study was to identity in silico the relationships among microRNAs (miRNAs) and genes encoding transcription factors, ubiquitylation, DNA methylation, and histone modifications in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). To identify miRNA dysregulation in SLE, we used miR2Disease and PhenomiR for information about miRNAs exhibiting differential regulation in disease and other biological processes, and HMDD for information about experimentally supported human miRNA-disease association data from genetics, epigenetics, circulating miRNAs, and miRNA-target interactions. This information was incorporated into the miRNA analysis. High-throughput sequencing revealed circulating miRNAs associated with kidney damage in patients with SLE. As the main finding of our in silico analysis of miRNAs differentially expressed in SLE and their interactions with disease-susceptibility genes, post-translational modifications, and transcription factors; we highlight 226 miRNAs associated with genes and processes. Moreover, we highlight that alterations of miRNAs such as hsa-miR-30a-5p, hsa-miR-16-5p, hsa-miR-142-5p, and hsa-miR-324-3p are most commonly associated with post-translational modifications. In addition, altered miRNAs that are most frequently associated with susceptibility-related genes are hsa-miR-16-5p, hsa-miR-374a-5p, hsa-miR-34a-5p, hsa-miR-31-5p, and hsa-miR-1-3p

    Integrated analysis of microRNA regulation and its interaction with mechanisms of epigenetic regulation in the etiology of systemic lupus erythematosus

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    The aim of this study was to identity in silico the relationships among microRNAs (miRNAs) and genes encoding transcription factors, ubiquitylation, DNA methylation, and histone modifications in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). To identify miRNA dysregulation in SLE, we used miR2Disease and PhenomiR for information about miRNAs exhibiting differential regulation in disease and other biological processes, and HMDD for information about experimentally supported human miRNA-disease association data from genetics, epigenetics, circulating miRNAs, and miRNA-target interactions. This information was incorporated into the miRNA analysis. High-throughput sequencing revealed circulating miRNAs associated with kidney damage in patients with SLE. As the main finding of our in silico analysis of miRNAs differentially expressed in SLE and their interactions with disease-susceptibility genes, post-translational modifications, and transcription factors; we highlight 226 miRNAs associated with genes and processes. Moreover, we highlight that alterations of miRNAs such as hsa-miR-30a-5p, hsa-miR-16-5p, hsa-miR-142-5p, and hsa-miR-324-3p are most commonly associated with post-translational modifications. In addition, altered miRNAs that are most frequently associated with susceptibility-related genes are hsa-miR-16-5p, hsa-miR-374a-5p, hsa-miR-34a-5p, hsa-miR-31-5p, and hsa-miR-1-3p

    Effect of intravenous pulses of methylprednisolone 250 mg versus dexamethasone 6 mg in hospitalised adults with severe COVID ‐19 pneumonia: An open‐label randomised trial

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    Producción CientíficaBackground: The efficacy and safety of high versus medium doses of glucocorticoids for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 has shown mixed outcomes in controlled trials and observational studies. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of methylprednisolone 250 mg bolus versus dexamethasone 6 mg in patients with severe COVID-19. Methods: A randomised, open-label, controlled trial was conducted between February and August 2021 at four hospitals in Spain. The trial was suspended after the first interim analysis since the investigators considered that continuing the trial would be futile. Patients were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive dexamethasone 6 mg once daily for up to 10 days or methylprednisolone 250 mg once daily for 3 days. Results: Of the 128 randomised patients, 125 were analysed (mean age 60 ± 17 years; 82 males [66%]). Mortality at 28 days was 4.8% in the 250 mg methylprednisolone group versus 4.8% in the 6 mg dexamethasone group (absolute risk difference, 0.1% [95% CI, −8.8 to 9.1%]; p = 0.98). None of the secondary outcomes (admission to the intensive care unit, non-invasive respiratory or high-flow oxygen support, additional immunosuppressive drugs, or length of stay), or prespecified sensitivity analyses were statistically significant. Hyperglycaemia was more frequent in the methylprednisolone group at 27.0 versus 8.1% (absolute risk difference, −18.9% [95% CI, −31.8 to - 5.6%]; p = 0.007). Conclusions: Among severe but not critical patients with COVID-19, 250 mg/d for 3 days of methylprednisolone compared with 6 mg/d for 10 days of dexamethasone did not result in a decrease in mortality or intubation