48 research outputs found

    Morfometría actual de las piezas dentarias anteriores de la dentición permanente humana

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    Introducción: Los grupos dentarios incisivo y canino ubicados en la porción anterior de las arcadas dentarias, toman gran importancia debido a que integran junto con los maxilares un armazón donde se apoyan las partes blandas determinando los rasgos que configuran el carácter y la personalidad del individuo, brindan estabilidad a la arcada dentaria y cumplen funciones estéticas específicas en relación a la forma y tamaño de los mismos, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la forma y tamaño de las piezas anteriores en la actualidad.Facultad de Odontologí

    Estudio de la profundidad semántica y el lenguaje complejo en estudiantes sordos en tránsito escolar

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    Aportar información sobre la amplitud y profundidad de vocabulario pero también observar habilidades que requieren de la integración y la coordinación del conocimiento semántico y gramatical al servicio de la comprensión y expresión de ideas (incluyendo el conocimiento gramatical)sobre alumnado sordo en situación de tránsito escolar de Primaria a Secundaria con el objetivo de poder planificar un programa de enriquecimiento lingüístico para el alumnadoUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Propuesta para la Reestructuración Funcional de la Figura del Coordinador de Virtualización en la UNED

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    El sistema organizativo académico de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) está integrado por docentes en la Sede Central y profesores tutores en los Centros Asociados repartidos por el territorio español. A partir del nuevo panorama educativo en la enseñanza universitaria europea (Espacio Europeo de Enseñanza Superior, -EEES), la UNED se fue adaptando y situándose en un escenario moderno e innovador, iniciándose la mejora y homogeneización de los servicios que reciben los estudiantes mediante los cursos virtuales. En este contexto, se precisó la formación a profesores tutores y a estudiantes en la utilización de los cursos virtuales de la universidad, surgiendo así el rol del Coordinador de Virtualización (CV). En la actualidad hay 62 coordinadores (uno por cada centro asociado). Tras la implantación de las nuevas titulaciones dentro del marco del EEES y, una vez consolidada esta figura en la institución, se ha hecho necesario ofrecer una nueva organización en las funciones y tareas que los CV han de ejercer. Este trabajo describe la nueva propuesta organizativa diseñada para su aplicación a partir del próximo curso 2014-2015, y para cuya elaboración se han seguido los siguientes pasos: identificación del tipo de tareas a desarrollar (apoyo tecnológico a estudiantes y asesoramiento a profesores tutores), establecimiento de los contextos de trabajo (presencial y virtual), y clasificación por categorías para permitir una asignación de actividades básicas a todos los CV y de actividades más especializadas entre subgrupos de CV. Palabras llave: Aprendizaje semipresencial; Formación de profesorado; Competencias tecnológicas; Habilidades digitales. Virtualization Coordinator: Trainer of Tutor-Professors and Support for Students in the UNED Associate CenterAbstract The academic organizational structure of the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) is composed of professors at Central Headquarters and tutor-professors at the Associate Centers spread across the Spanish territory. From the new educational landscape in European university education (European Higher Education Area - EHEA), UNED was adapting and placing itself in a modern and innovative stage, beginning with the improvement and standardization of services provided to students through the online courses. In this context, training for both tutor-professors and students in the use of online courses was required, and that´s how the role of Virtualization Coordinator (VC) emerged. At present time, there are 66 VCs (one for each Associate Center). After implementation of the new qualifications within the framework of the EHEA and once established this role in the institution, it is necessary to provide a new organization in the functions and tasks that have to exercise VC. This paper describes a new organizational proposal designed for use from next year 2014-2015, and to whose development we have followed the following steps: identification of the type of tasks to be performed (technical support to students and advice to tutor-professors), establishment of working contexts (presential and virtual), and categorization to allow distribution of basic activities among all the VC, and more specialized activities among subgroups of VC.Keywords: Blended learning; Teachers training; Technological competences; Digital skills

    Eculizumab in secondary atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome

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    Background. Complement dysregulation occurs in thrombotic microangiopathies (TMAs) other than primary atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome (aHUS). A few of these patients have been reported previously to be successfully treated with eculizumab. Methods. We identified 29 patients with so-called secondary aHUS who had received eculizumab at 11 Spanish nephrology centres. Primary outcome was TMA resolution, defined by a normalization of platelet count (>150 × 109/L) and haemoglobin, disappearance of all the markers of microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia (MAHA), and improvement of renal function, with a ≥25% reduction of serum creatinine from the onset of eculizumab administration. Results. Twenty-nine patients with secondary aHUS (15 drug-induced, 8 associated with systemic diseases, 2 with postpartum, 2 with cancer-related, 1 associated with acute humoral rejection and 1 with intestinal lymphangiectasia) were included in this study. The reason to initiate eculizumab treatment was worsening of renal function and persistence of TMA despite treatment of the TMA cause and plasmapheresis. All patients showed severe MAHA and renal function impairment (14 requiring dialysis) prior to eculizumab treatment and 11 presented severe extrarenal manifestations. A rapid resolution of the TMA was observed in 20 patients (68%), 15 of them showing a ≥50% serum creatinine reduction at the last follow-up. Comprehensive genetic and molecular studies in 22 patients identified complement pathogenic variants in only 2 patients. With these two exceptions, eculizumab was discontinued, after a median of 8 weeks of treatment, without the occurrence of aHUS relapses. Conclusion. Short treatment with eculizumab can result in a rapid improvement of patients with secondary aHUS in whom TMA has persisted and renal function worsened despite treatment of the TMA-inducing conditionWork in this report was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III: REDinREN (RD 016/009 Feder Funds), the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (13/02502 and ICI14/00350), the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (SAF2015-66287R) and the Autonomous Region of Madrid (S2010/BMD-2316; Grupo de Investigación Complemento-CM). SRdeC is funded by the Seventh Framework Programme European Union Project EURenOmics (305608

    Proposta metodológica para exame, registo e representação gráfica dos brocados aplicados

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    La falta de una fórmula común entre los profesionales y estudiosos que trabajan con los brocados aplicados ha llevado al grupo de trabajo europeo de especialistas en escultura policromada a definir un procedimiento para el examen, registro y representación gráfica que permita profundizar en el estudio de esta delicada y frágil técnica a través de una información normalizada. Este trabajo recoge los aspectos del brocado aplicado que han de ser examinados; cómo éstos pueden ser recogidos y registrados atendiendo a las condiciones y estrategias más inocuas para la obra y propone, por último, un procedimiento para su representación gráfica.The lack of a common formula among professionals and scholars for the study of applied brocades has led the European working group of specialists in polychrome sculpture to define a standardized procedure for examination, registration and graphic representation that allows a deeper understanding of this delicate and fragile technique. This work gathers the aspects of the applied brocade that have to be examined; how these can be collected and registered according to the most harmless conditions and strategies and proposes a procedure for their graphic representation.A falta de uma fórmula comum entre os profissionais e estudiosos que trabalham com brocados aplicados levou o grupo de trabalho europeu de especialistas em escultura policromada a definir um procedimento de exame, registo e representação gráfica que permita aprofundar o estudo desta delicada e frágil técnica através de uma informação normalizada. Este trabalho reúne os aspetos do brocado aplicado que devem ser examinados; como estes podem ser recolhidos e registados de acordo com as condições e estratégias mais inócuas para a obra e propõe, por fim, um procedimento para a sua representação gráfica

    Healthcare workers hospitalized due to COVID-19 have no higher risk of death than general population. Data from the Spanish SEMI-COVID-19 Registry

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    Aim To determine whether healthcare workers (HCW) hospitalized in Spain due to COVID-19 have a worse prognosis than non-healthcare workers (NHCW). Methods Observational cohort study based on the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry, a nationwide registry that collects sociodemographic, clinical, laboratory, and treatment data on patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in Spain. Patients aged 20-65 years were selected. A multivariate logistic regression model was performed to identify factors associated with mortality. Results As of 22 May 2020, 4393 patients were included, of whom 419 (9.5%) were HCW. Median (interquartile range) age of HCW was 52 (15) years and 62.4% were women. Prevalence of comorbidities and severe radiological findings upon admission were less frequent in HCW. There were no difference in need of respiratory support and admission to intensive care unit, but occurrence of sepsis and in-hospital mortality was lower in HCW (1.7% vs. 3.9%; p = 0.024 and 0.7% vs. 4.8%; p<0.001 respectively). Age, male sex and comorbidity, were independently associated with higher in-hospital mortality and healthcare working with lower mortality (OR 0.211, 95%CI 0.067-0.667, p = 0.008). 30-days survival was higher in HCW (0.968 vs. 0.851 p<0.001). Conclusions Hospitalized COVID-19 HCW had fewer comorbidities and a better prognosis than NHCW. Our results suggest that professional exposure to COVID-19 in HCW does not carry more clinical severity nor mortality

    Programa intensivo ERASMUS: TOPCART. Documentación Geométrica del Patrimonio (memoria de actividades 2010-2011)

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    [EN] Data contained in this record come from the following accademic activity (from which it is possible to locate additional records related with the Monastery):● LDGP_inv_002: "Intensive Program ERASMUS: TOPCART. Geometric Documentation of the Heritage (administrative and academic documentation)", http://hdl.handle.net/10810/9906[ES] Los datos de este registro provienen de la una actividad académica que también aparece descrita en el repositorio y desde donde se puede acceder a otros trabajos relacionados con el Monasterio:● LDGP_inv_002: "Programa intensivo ERASMUS: TOPCART. Documentación Geométrica del Patrimonio (documentación administrativa y académica)", http://hdl.handle.net/10810/9906[EN] The main objective this project is looking for is the exchange of practical methodologies, in topics related with the measure and representation of heritage, between teachers and specially students from different countries. For the achievement of this aim we expect the participation of a group of about 30 students and 8 lecturers from Germany, Italy, Greece, Lithuania and Spain.Activities will be focused on the development of concrete projects in documentation of heritage, specifically in the San Prudencio Monastery (La Rioja, Spain). In this site, digital techniques for the acquisition of geometric information from GPS equipment, surveying total stations, laser scanner and photogrammetry systems, will be put into practice.Obtained data will be processed as follows: first of all, they will be documented by adding necessary metadata in order to ensure their use in the future, then, they will be treated to obtain cartographic representations and virtual models which can be distributed on the Internet.As results we expect: metric data of the monument, graphic models for difussion and collaboration partnertships.[ES] El objetivo principal que se persigue en este proyecto es el intercambio de metodológico práctico, en materias afines a la medida y la representación del patrimonio, entre profesores y fundamentalmente alumnos, de diferentes países. Para la consecución de este fin se espera la participación de un grupo de aproximadamente 25 alumnos y 8 profesores de (Alemania, Italia, Grecia, Lituania y España).Las actividades se centrarán en el desarrollo de proyectos concretos de documentación de elementos patrimoniales, en concreto el apartado práctico se desarrollará en el Monasterio de San Prudencio (La Rioja, España). En el se aplicarán técnicas digitales de registro de información geométrica, constituidas por receptores GPS, estaciones totales topográficas, escáneres láser y sistemas fotogramétricos.Los datos obtenidos serán tratados de la siguiente manera: en primer lugar serán documentados, mediante la adición de la metainformación necesaria para garantizar su utilidad a lo largo del tiempo, seguidamente serán procesados con el fin de obtener las representaciones cartográficas y modelos virtuales de representación que puedan ser difundidas por medio de Internet.Como resultados se pretenden: un conjunto de registros métricos del momento de la intervención, modelos gráficos de difusión y finalmente relaciones de colaboración interpersonal e interinstitucional.European Commission, DG Education and Culture (Erasmus 2009-1-ES1-ERAIP-0013, 2010-1-ES1-ERA10-0024); Organismo Autónomo Programas Educativos Europeos (OAPEE); Gobierno de La Rioja (Spain); Universidad de La Rioja; Clavijo City Council; Logroño City Council; Ilustre Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos en Topografía (Delegación de La Rioja)[ES] Memoria de proyecto (PDF) [es el último fichero de la lista, el enlace directo es https://addi.ehu.es/bitstream/10810/7053/1053/ldgp_mem011-1_Clavijo_SanPrudencio.pdf] + 11 imágenes de la visita preliminar en abril de 2009, en formato JPEG + 19 nubes de puntos en formato txt (comprimido en ZIP junto a un fichero de metadatos y una imagen que sirve de croquis y que también se presenta suelta) + 27 fotografías tomadas desde un helicóptero radicontrolado en 2011 por el grupo H (JPEG) + 18 fotografías métricas del edificio en forma de -L- tomadas desde el Sur + 13 fotografías métricas del edificio en forma de -L- tomadas desde el Este + 95 fotografías métricas del interior del edificio en forma de -L- (JPEG) + 35 fotografías métricas tomadas desde el cerro que se encuentra al sur (JPEG) + 8 fotografías métricas que forman 4 pares estereoscópicos (2 del grupo B y 2 del grupo D) (JPEG) + 183 fotografías métricas que forman 91 tripletas (grupos B, C y D) (JPEG). [NOTA: este registro no está cerrado, se irán incorporando nuevos materiales de forma progresiva][EN] General report (PDF) [it is the last file of the list, the direct link is https://addi.ehu.es/bitstream/10810/7053/1053/ldgp_mem011-1_Clavijo_SanPrudencio.pdf] + 11 pictures taken during the preliminary visit in April 2009 (JPEG format) + 19 point clouds in plain text (compressed in a ZIP file together with a file with metadata and an image PNG as sketch, these image are also presented on their own) + 27 photographs taken from a remote-controlled helicopter for the group H in 2011(JPEG) + 18 metric pictures of the L-shaped building taken from the South (JPEG) + 13 metric pictures of the L-shaped building taken from the East (JPEG) + 95 metric pictures of the inside part of the L-shaped building (JPEG) + 35 metric photographs taken from the hill opposite in the Southern + 8 metric photographs in four stereopairs (2 from group B and 2 from group D) (JPEG) + 183 metric photographs arranged in 91 triplets from groups B, C and D (JPEG). [NOTE: this record is not closed, more data will be uploaded progressively

    Effectiveness of an intervention for improving drug prescription in primary care patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy:Study protocol of a cluster randomized clinical trial (Multi-PAP project)

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    This study was funded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias ISCIII (Grant Numbers PI15/00276, PI15/00572, PI15/00996), REDISSEC (Project Numbers RD12/0001/0012, RD16/0001/0005), and the European Regional Development Fund ("A way to build Europe").Background: Multimorbidity is associated with negative effects both on people's health and on healthcare systems. A key problem linked to multimorbidity is polypharmacy, which in turn is associated with increased risk of partly preventable adverse effects, including mortality. The Ariadne principles describe a model of care based on a thorough assessment of diseases, treatments (and potential interactions), clinical status, context and preferences of patients with multimorbidity, with the aim of prioritizing and sharing realistic treatment goals that guide an individualized management. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a complex intervention that implements the Ariadne principles in a population of young-old patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy. The intervention seeks to improve the appropriateness of prescribing in primary care (PC), as measured by the medication appropriateness index (MAI) score at 6 and 12months, as compared with usual care. Methods/Design: Design:pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial. Unit of randomization: family physician (FP). Unit of analysis: patient. Scope: PC health centres in three autonomous communities: Aragon, Madrid, and Andalusia (Spain). Population: patients aged 65-74years with multimorbidity (≥3 chronic diseases) and polypharmacy (≥5 drugs prescribed in ≥3months). Sample size: n=400 (200 per study arm). Intervention: complex intervention based on the implementation of the Ariadne principles with two components: (1) FP training and (2) FP-patient interview. Outcomes: MAI score, health services use, quality of life (Euroqol 5D-5L), pharmacotherapy and adherence to treatment (Morisky-Green, Haynes-Sackett), and clinical and socio-demographic variables. Statistical analysis: primary outcome is the difference in MAI score between T0 and T1 and corresponding 95% confidence interval. Adjustment for confounding factors will be performed by multilevel analysis. All analyses will be carried out in accordance with the intention-to-treat principle. Discussion: It is essential to provide evidence concerning interventions on PC patients with polypharmacy and multimorbidity, conducted in the context of routine clinical practice, and involving young-old patients with significant potential for preventing negative health outcomes. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT02866799Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Development and validation of a nomogram to predict kidney survival at baseline in patients with C3 glomerulopathy

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    10 p.-4 fig.-2 tab. 1 graph. abst.Background: C3 glomerulopathy is a rare and heterogeneous complement-driven disease. It is often challenging to accurately predict in clinical practice the individual kidney prognosis at baseline. We herein sought to develop and validate a prognostic nomogram to predict long-term kidney survival.Methods: We conducted a retrospective, multicenter observational cohort study in 35 nephrology departments belonging to the Spanish Group for the Study of Glomerular Diseases. The dataset was randomly divided into a training group (n = 87) and a validation group (n = 28). The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) regression was used to screen the main predictors of kidney outcome and to build the nomogram. The accuracy of the nomogram was assessed by discrimination and risk calibration in the training and validation sets.Results: The study group comprised 115 patients, of whom 46 (40%) reached kidney failure in a median follow-up of 49 months (range 24–112). No significant differences were observed in baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), proteinuria or total chronicity score of kidney biopsies, between patients in the training versus those in the validation set. The selected variables by LASSO were eGFR, proteinuria and total chronicity score. Based on a Cox model, a nomogram was developed for the prediction of kidney survival at 1, 2, 5 and 10 years from diagnosis. The C-index of the nomogram was 0.860 (95% confidence interval 0.834–0.887) and calibration plots showed optimal agreement between predicted and observed outcomes.Conclusions: We constructed and validated a practical nomogram with good discrimination and calibration to predict the risk of kidney failure in C3 glomerulopathy patients at 1, 2, 5 and 10 years.Work on this study was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III / Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ISCIII/FEDER; grants PI16/01685 and PI19/1624) and Red de Investigación Renal (RD12/0021/0029; to M.P.) and the Autonomous Region of Madrid (S2017/BMD-3673; to M.P.). S.R.d.C. is supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (grant PID2019-104912RB-I00) and the Autonomous Region of Madrid (grant S2017/BMD-3673).Peer reviewe