1,032 research outputs found

    Maluco, una aproximación a la noción del inter-sujeto y sus aportes desde el socioconstrucionismo

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    En este artículo de reflexión describo las relaciones que ofrece el enfoque socioconstruccionista a la lectura de la novela Maluco, del escritor uruguayo Napoleón Baccino Ponce de León, como expresión de la Nueva Novela Histórica Latinoamericana y, con este pretexto, doy cuenta de la importancia de considerar el sentido de lo intersubjetivo como la característica fundamental a la hora de construir críticas literarias diferentes y pertinentes sobre la novela histórica en América Latina. Asimismo, intento actualizar y renovar la identidad y sentidos del narrador como una experiencia concreta de construcción de la realidad y mostrar cómo la ficción es una opción real para la invención de realidades intersubjetivas.This article offers a socioconstructionist reading of the novel Maluco, by the Uruguayan writer Napoleon Baccino Ponce de Leon. The book can be seen as an expression of the New Historical Novel in Latin America. I argue that intersubjectivity is the key feature in building a different and more appropriate literary critique of the historical novel in Latin America. I also attempt to update and renew the importance of the narrator's identity and experience in the construction of reality, and to show that fiction is a real option for the invention of intersubjective realities

    O alcance dos dispositivos artísticos e poéticos na pesquisa em saúde e saúde mental

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    Introduction: A common theme that has characterized the evolution of qualitative methodologies in recent decades is a “transdisciplinary turn” in the form of the incorporation of techniques derived from the arts. Objective: To carry out a critical analysis of this trend in the field of health and mental health, through the description and explanation of the scope of two dispositifs, the artistic and the poetic. Method: The work is developed from duo-ethnography, understood as a dialogic process that generates new meanings to social phenomena and epistemological constructs. Results: The described dispositifs have a significant impact on the relationship of artistic expression with the foundations of qualitative research. Conclusions: The arts have pushed qualitative research to move beyond logocentrism in representational concerns. As a consequence, the use of art is no longer thought of as a tool, but as an experience of construction of subjectivity that allows an authentic experience of construction of reality with the active and critical involvement of the researcher in their projects.Introducción: Un tema en común que ha caracterizado la evolución de las metodologías cualitativas en las últimas décadas es un “giro transdisciplinario” en forma de la incorporación de técnicas derivadas de las artes. Objetivo: Realizar un análisis crítico de esta tendencia en el campo de la salud y la salud mental, a través de la descripción y explicación de los alcances de dos dispositivos, el artístico y el poético. Método: El trabajo se desarrolla desde la duo-etnografía, entendida como un proceso dialógico que genera nuevos significados a los fenómenos sociales y constructos epistemológicos. Resultados: Los dispositivos descritos tienen un impacto significativo en la relación de la expresión artística con los fundamentos de la investigación cualitativa. Conclusiones: Las artes han impulsado la investigación cualitativa para ir más allá del logocentrismo en las preocupaciones representacionales. Como consecuencia se ha dejado de pensar el uso del arte como una herramienta, sino como una vivencia de construcción de la subjetividad que permite una auténtica experiencia de construcción de la realidad con la implicación activa y crítica por parte del investigador en sus proyectos.Introdução: Um tema comum que tem caracterizado a evolução das metodologias qualitativas nas últimas décadas é uma “volta transdisciplinar” na forma da incorporação de técnicas derivadas das artes. Objetivo: Realizar uma análise crítica desta tendência no campo da saúde e da saúde mental, através da descrição e explicação do alcance de dois dispositivos, o artístico e o poético. Método: O trabalho é desenvolvido a partir da duo-etnografia, entendida como um processo dialógico que gera novos significados para os fenômenos sociais e construções epistemológicas. Resultados: Os dispositivos descritos têm um impacto significativo sobre a relação da expressão artística com os fundamentos da pesquisa qualitativa. Conclusões: As artes têm impulsionado a pesquisa qualitativa para ir além do logocentrismo nas preocupações de representação. Como consequência, o uso da arte não é mais pensado como uma ferramenta, mas como uma vivência de construção da subjetividade que permite uma experiência autêntica de construção da realidade com o envolvimento ativo e crítico do pesquisador em seus projetos

    Los géneros literarios en la vida social: una aproximación narrativa, audiovisual y poética

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    Mit meinem Beitrag versuche ich für die akademische Psychologie und für verwandte sozialwissenschaftliche Gebiete die wesentlichen Beiträge literarischer Genres zu zeigen, wie sie sich aus einem sozialkonstruktivistischen Verständnis von (Alltags-) Erzählung und aus der interaktiven Konstruktion narrativer Collagen ergeben. Dem zugrunde liegt eine eigene Untersuchung "Der Beitrag strukturalistischer Literaturtheorie für die Entwicklung eines narrativen 'Selbst' in einem sozialkonstruktionistischen Ansatz", die von der Universität Santo Tomás (Bogota, Kolumbien) finanziert wurde und die alternative Optionen – Metaphern, visualisierte Narrationen und interaktive, künstlerische Performances – für die Ergebnispräsentation nutzt, um das Publikum zur Teilhabe einzuladen und zu ermöglichen, dass relevante Konzepte der Konsolidierung sozialer Konstruktionsweisen des Alltäglichen nachvollziehbar gemacht werden. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0802373The proposal, "Literary Genres in Social Life: a Narrative, Audio-visual and Poetic Approach", attempts, by objective, to present/display to the academic psychology community and compatible social science disciplines the main contributions of literary genre theory through a social constructionist understanding of narrations and daily stories, and by means of an interactive construction of narrative collage. This work, sustained by an investigation financed by the University Santo Tomás in Bogota, Colombia, "Understanding of structuralist literary theories in the development of the narrative 'I' within the social constructionist approach", tries to propose alternative spaces for the presentation of its investigative results through the expression of metaphors, visual narrative sequences and interactive artistic forms, which invite the spectator to share in and to include/understand important concepts in the consolidation of social forms of construction of the quotidian. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0802373La propuesta "Los géneros literarios en la vida social: una aproximación narrativa, audiovisual y poética" tiene por objetivo presentar a la comunidad académica de la psicología y disciplinas afines a las ciencias sociales los principales aportes de la teoría de los géneros literarios en la comprensión construccionista social de las narraciones y los relatos cotidianos mediante la construcción interactiva de un collage narrativo. Este trabajo, sustentado en el proyecto de investigación financiado por la Universidad Santo Tomás, en Bogotá, Colombia "Comprensión de las teorías literarias estructuralistas en el desarrollo del yo narrador dentro del enfoque construccionista social", intenta proponer espacios alternativos para la presentación de resultados de investigación en la expresión de metáforas, secuencias narrativas visuales y formas artísticas interactivas que inviten al espectador a compartir y comprender conceptos importantes en la consolidación de formas sociales de construcción de la realidad cotidiana. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs080237

    Reseña/Review (Marxen, Eva ‘Deinstitutionalizing Art of the No-madic Museum. Practicing and Theorizing Critical Art Therapy with Adolescents’, New York, Routledge, ISBN: 978-1-351-11666-4 (ebk), 238 págs. 2020)

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    Reseña/Review (Marxen, Eva ‘Deinstitutionalizing Art of the Nomadic Museum. Practicing and Theorizing Critical Art Therapy with Adolescents’, New York, Routledge, ISBN: 978-1-351-11666-4 (ebk), 238 págs. 2020)Reseña/Review (Marxen, Eva ‘Deinstitutionalizing Art of the Nomadic Museum. Practicing and Theorizing Critical Art Therapy with Adolescents’, New York, Routledge, ISBN: 978-1-351-11666-4 (ebk), 238 págs. 2020)Reseña/Review (Marxen, Eva ‘Deinstitutionalizing Art of the Nomadic Museum. Practicing and Theorizing Critical Art Therapy with Adolescents’, New York, Routledge, ISBN: 978-1-351-11666-4 (ebk), 238 págs. 2020

    Las participaciones empresariales de las entidades de depósito y su vinculación con el sector turístico

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    La investigación realizada toma como punto de partida el fuerte incremento registrado en la cartera de valores de las principales entidades de depósito españolas para hacer frente a la caída de los márgenes de intermediación a lo largo de la década de los noventa. Se demuestra que la composición sectorial de las participaciones en empresas no financieras no es arbitraria, sigue un perfecto criterio que establece un patrón común a todas ellas y que hace que estas inversiones se concentren en tres sectores mayoritariamente: energía, telecomunicaciones e inmobiliarias. ¿Cuál es el papel que el sector turístico desempeña en dichas carteras?. Prácticamente no se observan participaciones significativas de ninguna entidad como consecuencia de la escasa rentabilidad que tradicionalmente ha ofrecido el sector. El reto planteado por el declive de la banca tradicional es doble, ya que es necesario mantener la solvencia del sistema financiero al mismo tiempo que se reestructura la industria bancaria para conseguir la estabilidad financiera a largo plazo

    CONMEBOL Libertadores Cup: Altitude impact on goals and results in 16 years of soccer matches

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    Background: The CONMEBOL Libertadores Cup, is the continent’s most important international club tournament. Teams are exposed to different altitudes with short acclimatization periods. The present study describe the effect of altitude on the results and goals of soccer club teams matches between 2000 and 2015 in the CONMEBOL Libertadores Cup. Materials & Methods: All home and visiting matches from the group phase onwards and which have been played at the traditional team venue were taken into account, thus, 2039 games were analysed. The teams were classified into altitude categories according to the physiological impact and registered hometown altitude. Poisson´s generalized linear model was used to study the relationship between the altitude of both home and visiting teams and the number of goals scored for each team according to the altitude category. The probabilities that the home team winning, drawing, or losing the match were estimated using a regression model for ordinal variables and assuming a multinomial probability distribution with the logistic linkage. Factors as heat, temperature and general performance of the teams were not considered. Results: Local team scores more (2.62 goals) when the visiting team descends three altitude categories, followed by a descent of two altitude categories (2.01 goals) and an ascent of three altitude categories (1.89 goals). This is associated with an increase probability of winning for the local team, being 5.5 times more likely when the visiting team descends three altitude categories, 2.3 times more when it descends two categories, and 2.5 times more when it ascends three altitude categories. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the visiting team is more likely to lose a match when it has to descend two or three altitude categories and when it ascends three altitude categories

    Novel interactions between phytoplankton and bacteria shape microbial seasonal dynamics in coastal ocean waters

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    Trophic interactions between marine phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria are at the base of the biogeochemical carbon cycling in the ocean. However, the specific interactions taking place between phytoplankton and bacterial taxa remain largely unexplored, particularly out of phytoplankton blooming events. Here, we applied network analysis to a 3.5-year time-series dataset to assess the specific associations between different phytoplankton and bacterial taxa along the seasonal scale, distinguishing between free-living and particle-attached bacteria. Using a newly developed network post-analysis technique we removed bacteria-phytoplankton correlations that were primarily driven by environmental parameters, to detect potential biotic interactions. Our results indicate that phytoplankton dynamics may be a strong driver of the inter-annual variability in bacterial community composition. We found the highest abundance of specific bacteria-phytoplankton associations in the particle-attached fraction, indicating a tighter bacteria-phytoplankton association than in the free-living fraction. In the particle-associated fraction we unveiled novel potential associations such as the one between Planctomycetes taxa and the diatom Leptocylindrus spp. Consistent correlations were also found between free-living bacterial taxa and different diatoms, including novel associations such as those between SAR11 with Naviculales diatom order, and between Actinobacteria and Cylindrotheca spp. We also confirmed previously known associations between Rhodobacteraceae and Thalassiosira spp. Our results expand our view on bacteria-phytoplankton associations, suggesting that taxa-specific interactions may largely impact the seasonal dynamics of heterotrophic bacterial communities

    Design Of A Minicomputer Separator Of Urban Solid Waste (RSU)

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    In Mexico, the society in general lacks the habit and ethics of properly disposing garbage or in taking care of the environment. This paper focuses on analyzing and disposing garbage in an automated way. The present study also seeks to create and promote care for the planet. The minicomputer (GreenScanProcess) is an automated system whose process is based on an algorithm that stands out for its functionality. GreenScanProcess has sensors that allow the analysis and scanning of garbage. It also measures the weight and humidity of the garbage. The minicomputer also examines the garbage to know its composition. Likewise, GreenScanProcess takes the garbage to the container according to the garbage. The benefits obtained when conducting the research were: environmental, economic, technological, and educational

    Maintenance therapy with bortezomib plus thalidomide or bortezomib plus prednisone in elderly multiple myeloma patients included in the GEM2005MAS65 trial

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    [EN]Maintenance therapy has become a hot field in myeloma, and it may be particularly relevant in elderly patients because the major benefit results from the initial therapy. We report the results of a randomized comparison of maintenance with bortezomib plus thalidomide (VT) or prednisone (VP) in 178 elderly untreated myeloma patients who had received 6 induction cycles with bortezomib plus either melphalan and prednisone or thalidomide and prednisone. The complete response (CR) rate increased from 24% after induction up to 42%, higher for VT versus VP (46% vs 39%). Median progression-free survival (PFS) was superior for VT (39 months) compared with VP (32 months) and overall survival (OS) was also longer in VT patients compared with VP (5-year OS of 69% and 50%, respectively) but the differences did not reach statistical significance. CR achievement was associated with a significantly longer PFS (P < .001) and 5-year OS (P < .001). The incidence of G3-4 peripheral neuropathy was 9% for VT and 3% for VP. Unfortunately, this approach was not able to overcome the adverse prognosis of cytogenetic abnormalities. In summary, these maintenance regimens result in a significant increase in CR rate, remarkably long PFS, and acceptable toxicity profile. The trial is registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00443235

    Ambient air pollution and thyroid function in Spanish adults. A nationwide population-based study ([email protected] study)

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    Background Recent reports have suggested that air pollution may impact thyroid function, although the evidence is still scarce and inconclusive. In this study we evaluated the association of exposure to air pollutants to thyroid function parameters in a nationwide sample representative of the adult population of Spain. Methods The [email protected] study is a national, cross-sectional, population-based survey which was conducted in 2008-2010 using a random cluster sampling of the Spanish population. The present analyses included 3859 individuals, without a previous thyroid disease diagnosis, and with negative thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO Abs) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels of 0.1-20 mIU/L. Participants were assigned air pollution concentrations for particulate matter <2.5 mu m (PM2.5) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), corresponding to the health examination year, obtained by means of modeling combined with measurements taken at air quality stations (CHIMERE chemistry-transport model). TSH, free thyroxine (FT4), free triiodothyronine (FT3) and TPO Abs concentrations were analyzed using an electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (Modular Analytics E170 Roche). Results In multivariate linear regression models, there was a highly significant negative correlation between PM2.5 concentrations and both FT4 (p<0.001), and FT3 levels (p<0.001). In multivariate logistic regression, there was a significant association between PM2.5 concentrations and the odds of presenting high TSH [OR 1.24 (1.01-1.52) p=0.043], lower FT4 [OR 1.25 (1.02-1.54) p=0.032] and low FT3 levels [1.48 (1.19-1.84) p=<0.001] per each IQR increase in PM2.5 (4.86 mu g/m(3)). There was no association between NO2 concentrations and thyroid hormone levels. No significant heterogeneity was seen in the results between groups of men, pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women. Conclusions Exposures to PM2.5 in the general population were associated with mild alterations in thyroid function.CIBERDEM (Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad-ISCIII), Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad-ISCIII, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI17/02136, PI20/01322), Consejeria de Salud y familias (PI-0144-2018), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) "A way to build Europe". GRM belongs to the regional Nicolas Monardes research program of the Consejeria de Salud (RC-0006-2016; Junta de Andalucia, Spain). CMA is recipient of a "Rio Hortega" research contract (CM19/00186, Instituto de Salud Carlos III). VKDG is recipient of a "Rio Hortega" research contract (CM21/00214, Instituto de Salud Carlos III)