7 research outputs found
Functional Profiling of a Yeast Genome
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A study of VVOxPb Josephson tunnel junctions
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Use of Sequence-Derived QSPR Descriptors for Predicting Highly Connected Proteins (Hubs) in Protein-Protein Interactions
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Protein complexity, gene duplicability and gene dispensability in the yeast genome
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Babber
- Bishop Charles
- Boles
- Candler
- Candler
- Candler
- Candler
- Candler
- Charnes
- Clarke
- Dean
- Dillon
- Dorfman
- Dorfman
- Dorfman
- Fisher
- Frank
- Freund
- Glaever
- Gomory
- Heady
- Heady
- Heady
- Heady
- Heady
- Heady Earl
- Heady Earl
- Hildreth
- Hildreth
- Hildreth
- King
- Mackenzie
- Markowitz
- Markowitz
- Markowitz Harry
- Mauldon
- McCorkle
- McFarquhar
- Peterson
- Peterson
- Puterbaugh
- Sasieni
- Saunders
- Swanson
- Tintner
- Waugh
- White
- Woodworth
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Paradigmatic Role of Galactose Switch
- Author
- A Anders
- A Cornish-Bowden
- A Wagner
- AJ Gally
- B Ren
- BD Hall
- CT Hittinger
- CT Hittinger
- D Fell
- D Hwang
- D Hwang
- DA Hume
- Dietrich
- DV Mehta
- Glaever
- HH McAdaams
- HH McAdams
- HM Kalckar
- J Peccoud
- J Stelling
- JD Hoheisel
- JJ Kupiec
- K Lai
- K Moller
- KE Holde
- KK Leuther
- LM Mylin
- M Kellis
- M Koern
- M Ptashne
- M Rubio-Taxiera
- M Thattai
- M Verma
- MA Becskel
- MA White
- MB Elowitz
- MJ Raser
- MK Hawkins
- NQ Balaban
- OM Kew
- P Legrain
- PA Frey
- PJ Bhat
- PJ Bhat
- PJ Bhat
- PS Swain
- R Janine
- R Kemkemer
- RF Goldberger
- S Field
- S Fields
- S Semsey
- SA Ramsey
- SA Teichmann
- SE McGuire
- ST Sweeney
- T Idekar
- T Kodama
- U Alon
- XE Yang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study
Signalling pathways as target for anticancer drug development
- Author
- Adachi
- Akinaga
- Akiyama
- Albino
- Alvarez
- Anafi
- Andreeson
- Aoki
- App
- Arteaga
- Baratte
- Barbacid
- Barr
- Basu
- Berggren
- Berggren
- Berridge
- Bishayees
- Bleasdale
- Bleasdale
- Block
- Bomalaski
- Bonser
- Boone
- Borner
- Borner
- Bowtell
- Boyd
- Boyer
- Boyle
- Brautigan
- Bronner
- Brookfield
- Bruns
- Buday
- Cadena
- Camps
- Cantley
- Carafoli
- Carpenter
- Chackalaparampil
- Chiarugi
- Cho-Chung
- Cho-Chung
- Chubb
- Cicchetti
- Cockcroft
- Coffefy
- Cook
- Cook
- Cook
- Coughlin
- Crews
- Crooke
- Crowell
- Cuadrado
- Cuadrano
- Cushman
- Cushman
- Cuttita
- Daniel
- Daniel
- Deuel
- Devita
- Difiore
- Divgi
- Dolnick
- Domchek
- Donella-Deana
- Downes
- Eberle
- Egan
- Eldar
- Ennis
- Escobedo
- Escobedo
- Exton
- Fantl
- Fearon
- Feig
- Foster
- Fry
- Fukami
- Gabev
- Gadbois
- Garcia
- Garcia-Morales
- Gatica
- Gazit
- Geahlen
- Gescher
- Ghosh
- Gibbs
- Gibbs
- Gill
- Glaever
- Glenney
- Goldschmidt-Clermont
- Gratas
- Gray
- Grief
- Gulbins
- Gutkind
- Haas
- Haber
- Hagiwara
- Han
- Hannun
- Hannun
- Hannun
- Heimbrook
- Helene
- Helfman
- Hensey
- Hepler
- Herbert
- Herbert
- Hiles
- Hocevar
- Hooper
- Housey
- Hsieh
- Hsu
- Hug
- Hunter
- Hupe
- Hupe
- Hurst
- Husebye
- Imamura
- Imoto
- Inagaki
- Irvine
- Irvine
- Ito
- Itoh
- James
- Jones
- Kaarin
- Kalinec
- Kanoh
- Kaplan
- Kashani-Sabet
- Katoh
- Katz
- Kauffman
- Kawamoto
- Kikkawa
- Kim
- Kiss
- Klarlund
- Klausner
- Kobayashi
- Koch
- Kohl
- Kohn
- Korsmeyer
- Kozikowski
- Kozikowski
- Krauss
- Kreuter
- Kriz
- Kung
- Kunz
- Kyriakis
- Lacal
- Lacal
- Langeveld
- Levin
- Levitzki
- Lforgia
- Lucibelio
- Lundberg
- Lyall
- Macara
- Mahadevan
- Mahoney
- Maki
- Margolis
- Margolis
- Markovits
- Markovits
- Marta
- Masui
- Matter
- Mazzei
- McCormick
- McGuire
- Meier
- Meyer
- Mihich
- Miller
- Mischak
- Mochly-Rosen
- Moodie
- Moolenaar
- Moran
- Morla
- Morris
- Morrison
- Mukhopadhyay
- Mulcahy
- Neal
- Newman
- Nishida
- Nishimura
- Nishioka
- Nishioka
- Nishioka
- Nixon
- Nånberg
- O'Brian
- O'Brian
- O'Brian
- Ogawara
- Oishi
- Oishi
- Oishi
- Okamoto
- Onoda
- Otsuka
- Patterson
- Pawelczyk
- Peles
- Peles
- Pelosin
- Pendergast
- Perrella
- Perrella
- Persons
- Pessin
- Peters
- Phan
- Pike
- Plevin
- Postel
- Powis
- Powis
- Powis
- Powis
- Powis
- Powis
- Preiss
- Presek
- Putney
- Radulovic
- Rath
- Raynor
- Rea
- Rhee
- Riabowol
- Rialet
- Robertson
- Rock
- Rossi
- Rotenberg
- Sachinidis
- Sainsburg
- Saison-Behmoaras
- Schacht
- Schlessinger
- Schmidt
- Schu
- Schütze
- Sebti
- Secrist
- Seewald
- Seewald
- Seewald
- Serunian
- Seth
- Shen
- Shibaski
- Shindo-Okada
- Shiraishi
- Shirasawa
- Shou
- Shull
- Shurtleff
- Simon
- Sinha
- Sjölander
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smrcka
- Song
- Songyang
- Soriano
- Stein
- Stein
- Sturgill
- Suganuma
- Sultzman
- Suzuki-Sekimori
- Taetle
- Takahashi
- Takeuchi
- Takuwa
- Takuwa
- Tamaoki
- Tannock
- Tannock
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thomas
- Thun
- Toi
- Tones
- Tonks
- Uberall
- Uehara
- Uings
- Ullrich
- Umezawa
- Usui
- Valius
- Valius
- Van Oosterom
- Vogel
- Wages
- Wahl
- Wakelam
- Ward
- Whitaker
- Woll
- Wood
- Worley
- Wright
- Wu
- Wu
- Xu
- Yamashita
- Yarbro
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study