3,939 research outputs found

    The ATLAS Forward Detectors and their Physics Potential

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    The forward detectors of the ATLAS experiment are presented, discussing the goals and requirements they have to fulfill and the status of the various projects in the view of the sturtup of the LHC functioning. The importance of the measurement of the luminosity delivered by the machine is discussed underlying the interplay between the different parts of the experiment needed to achieve the foreseen O(%\%) precision for many physics analyses, as well as the need of a continuous relative luminosity monitoring as a tool for a proper quality of the data acquired. The foreseen forward physics program is also presented as well as the future upgrades under discussion, able to open additional fields on the overall physics potential of the experiment

    A NLP Pipeline for the Automatic Extraction of a Complete Microorganism’s Picture from Microbiological Notes

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    The Italian “Istituto Superiore di Sanità” (ISS) identifies hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) as the most frequent and serious complications in healthcare. HAIs constitute a real health emergency and, therefore, require decisive action from both local and national health organizations. Information about the causative microorganisms of HAIs is obtained from the results of microbiological cultures of specimens collected from infected body sites, but microorganisms’ names are sometimes reported only in the notes field of the culture reports. The objective of our work was to build a NLP-based pipeline for the automatic information extraction from the notes of microbiological culture reports. We analyzed a sample composed of 499 texts of notes extracted from 1 month of anonymized laboratory referral. First, our system filtered texts in order to remove nonmeaningful sentences. Thereafter, it correctly extracted all the microorganisms’ names according to the expert’s labels and linked them to a set of very important metadata such as the translations into national/international vocabularies and standard definitions. As the major result of our pipeline, the system extracts a complete picture of the microorganism

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis Surgical Site Infection after Cardiac Surgery in the COVID-19 Era: A Case Report

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    Infection of surgical wounds with acid-fast bacilli, including tubercle bacilli, is rare, and is poorly described in the literature. We present the case of a 74-year-old male who developed a sternal wound infection after cardiac surgery due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, diagnosed post-mortem. SARS-CoV-2 infection contributed to worsened clinical conditions and surgical site infection. A high degree of suspicion to avoid unnecessary treatments and progression to severe disease with dismal prognosis is necessary in these types of infections

    The HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG XI. GJ 685 b: a warm super-Earth around an active M dwarf

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    Small rocky planets seem to be very abundant around low-mass M-type stars. Their actual planetary population is however not yet precisely understood. Currently several surveys aim to expand the statistics with intensive detection campaigns, both photometric and spectroscopic. We analyse 106 spectroscopic HARPS-N observations of the active M0-type star GJ 685 taken over the past five years. We combine these data with photometric measurements from different observatories to accurately model the stellar rotation and disentangle its signals from genuine Doppler planetary signals in the RV data. We run an MCMC analysis on the RV and activity indexes time series to model the planetary and stellar signals present in the data, applying Gaussian Process regression technique to deal with the stellar activity signals. We identify three periodic signals in the RV time series, with periods of 9, 24, and 18 d. Combining the analyses of the photometry of the star with the activity indexes derived from the HARPS-N spectra, we identify the 18 d and 9 d signals as activity-related, corresponding to the stellar rotation period and its first harmonic respectively. The 24 d signals shows no relations with any activity proxy, so we identify it as a genuine planetary signal. We find the best-fit model describing the Doppler signal of the newly-found planet, GJ 685\,b, corresponding to an orbital period Pb=24.1600.047+0.061P_b = 24.160^{+0.061}_{-0.047} d and a minimum mass MPsini=9.01.8+1.7M_P \sin i = 9.0^{+1.7}_{-1.8} M_\oplus. We also study a sample of 70 RV-detected M-dwarf planets, and present new statistical evidence of a difference in mass distribution between the populations of single- and multi-planet systems, which can shed new light on the formation mechanisms of low-mass planets around late-type stars.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Poisson structures for reduced non-holonomic systems

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    Borisov, Mamaev and Kilin have recently found certain Poisson structures with respect to which the reduced and rescaled systems of certain non-holonomic problems, involving rolling bodies without slipping, become Hamiltonian, the Hamiltonian function being the reduced energy. We study further the algebraic origin of these Poisson structures, showing that they are of rank two and therefore the mentioned rescaling is not necessary. We show that they are determined, up to a non-vanishing factor function, by the existence of a system of first-order differential equations providing two integrals of motion. We generalize the form of that Poisson structures and extend their domain of definition. We apply the theory to the rolling disk, the Routh's sphere, the ball rolling on a surface of revolution, and its special case of a ball rolling inside a cylinder.Comment: 22 page

    Population genetics of Bursatella leachii (De Blainville, 1817) and implications for the origin of the Mediterranean population

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    Abstract The sea hare Bursatella leachii (de Blainville 1817) (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Aplysiidae) is a pantropical sea slug that has colonized the Mediterranean Sea in modern times. Because the initial records in the non-native range started in the Eastern Mediterranean, and its pattern of spread was relatively consistent with those observed in well-known Lessepsian invaders, B. leachii is commonly considered to be a migrant from the Red Sea. In this study, we investigate for the first time the origin of the Mediterranean populations of B. leachii inferring their population structure and assessing relatedness levels of different regional populations. Sequence data from the cytochrome oxidase I were used to conduct population genetic analyses on this species, particularly by investigating the genetic structure of Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Indo-Pacific populations. Our results confirm that B. leachii is a truly pantropical species which displays geographic structure among major ocean basins. More importantly, sequenced Mediterranean and Atlantic animals share similar or identical haplotypes, which are distinct in at least 5 substitutions from haplotypes recovered from Indo-Pacific specimens. The results suggest that the Mediterranean population of B. leachii here examined probably have an Atlantic origin, and for the first time casts doubts on the assumed primary pathway of migration into the Mediterranean Sea

    HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. VII. Rotation and activity of M-Dwarfs from time-series high-resolution spectroscopy of chromospheric indicators

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    We aim to investigate the presence of signatures of magnetic cycles and rotation on a sample of 71 early M-dwarfs from the HADES RV programme using high-resolution time-series spectroscopy of the Ca II H & K and Halpha chromospheric activity indicators, the radial velocity series, the parameters of the cross correlation function and the V-band photometry. We used mainly HARPS-N spectra, acquired over four years, and add HARPS spectra from the public ESO database and ASAS photometry light-curves as support data, extending the baseline of the observations of some stars up to 12 years. We provide log(R'hk) measurements for all the stars in the sample, cycle length measurements for 13 stars, rotation periods for 33 stars and we are able to measure the semi-amplitude of the radial velocity signal induced by rotation in 16 stars. We complement our work with previous results and confirm and refine the previously reported relationships between the mean level of chromospheric emission, measured by the log(R'hk), with the rotation period, and with the measured semi-amplitude of the activity induced radial velocity signal for early M-dwarfs. We searched for a possible relation between the measured rotation periods and the lengths of the magnetic cycle, finding a weak correlation between both quantities. Using previous v sin i measurements we estimated the inclinations of the star's poles to the line of sight for all the stars in the sample, and estimate the range of masses of the planets GJ 3998 b and c (2.5 - 4.9 Mearth and 6.3 - 12.5 Mearth), GJ 625 b (2.82 Mearth), GJ 3942 b (7.1 - 10.0 Mearth) and GJ 15A b (3.1 - 3.3 Mearth), assuming their orbits are coplanar with the stellar rotation.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures, 10 table

    Searching for transits in the Wide Field Camera Transit Survey with difference-imaging light curves

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    The Wide Field Camera Transit Survey is a pioneer program aiming at for searching extra-solar planets in the near-infrared. The images from the survey are processed by a data reduction pipeline, which uses aperture photometry to construct the light curves. We produce an alternative set of light curves using the difference-imaging method for the most complete field in the survey and carry out a quantitative comparison between the photometric precision achieved with both methods. The results show that differencephotometry light curves present an important improvement for stars with J > 16. We report an implementation on the box-fitting transit detection algorithm, which performs a trapezoid-fit to the folded light curve, providing more accurate results than the boxfitting model. We describe and optimize a set of selection criteria to search for transit candidates, including the V-shape parameter calculated by our detection algorithm. The optimized selection criteria are applied to the aperture photometry and difference-imaging light curves, resulting in the automatic detection of the best 200 transit candidates from a sample of ~475 000 sources. We carry out a detailed analysis in the 18 best detections and classify them as transiting planet and eclipsing binary candidates. We present one planet candidate orbiting a late G-type star. No planet candidate around M-stars has been found, confirming the null detection hypothesis and upper limits on the occurrence rate of short-period giant planets around M-dwarfs presented in a prior study. We extend the search for transiting planets to stars with J ≤ 18, which enables us to set a stricter upper limit of 1.1%. Furthermore, we present the detection of five faint extremely-short period eclipsing binaries and three M-dwarf/M-dwarf binary candidates. The detections demonstrate the benefits of using the difference-imaging light curves, especially when going to fainter magnitudes.Peer reviewe

    FMRI resting slow fluctuations correlate with the activity of fast cortico-cortical physiological connections

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    Recording of slow spontaneous fluctuations at rest using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) allows distinct long-range cortical networks to be identified. The neuronal basis of connectivity as assessed by resting-state fMRI still needs to be fully clarified, considering that these signals are an indirect measure of neuronal activity, reflecting slow local variations in de-oxyhaemoglobin concentration. Here, we combined fMRI with multifocal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a technique that allows the investigation of the causal neurophysiological interactions occurring in specific cortico-cortical connections. We investigated whether the physiological properties of parieto-frontal circuits mapped with short-latency multifocal TMS at rest may have some relationship with the resting-state fMRI measures of specific resting-state functional networks (RSNs). Results showed that the activity of fast cortico-cortical physiological interactions occurring in the millisecond range correlated selectively with the coupling of fMRI slow oscillations within the same cortical areas that form part of the dorsal attention network, i.e., the attention system believed to be involved in reorientation of attention. We conclude that resting-state fMRI ongoing slow fluctuations likely reflect the interaction of underlying physiological cortico-cortical connections