12 research outputs found

    Satisfaction of staff of Swiss insurance companies with medical appraisals: a cross sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A high quality of timely delivered medical appraisals is crucial for social and other insurances to judge possible occupational reintegration measures for patients with medical conditions who are in danger to lose their job. However, little is known about the satisfaction of staff of insurance companies with medical appraisals that they have commissioned.</p> <p>Our questionnaire survey prospectively included all medical appraisals arriving at Swiss insurances from FEB to APR 2008. We assessed the satisfaction of the commissioner with medical appraisals performed by medical assessors. In addition, we evaluated the contribution of several factors to overall satisfaction. The unit of sample was the medical appraisal.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We analysed 3165 medical appraisals, 2444 (77%) of them from the public disability insurance, 678 (22%) from private accident, liability and loss of income insurances and 43 (1%) from other insurances. Overall satisfaction of staff of insurance companies in Switzerland was high, but satisfaction of the disability insurance with appraisals was generally lower compared to satisfaction of private insurances. The staff of the disability insurance judged time for preparation as too long in 30%. For staff of private insurance companies 20% of appraisals were not "worth its price". Well-grounded and comprehensible conclusions were the single most important factor for high overall satisfaction (OR 10.1; 95%-CI: 1.1-89.3).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>From the viewpoint of staff of insurance companies, a relevant part of medical appraisals arrives too late. Medical assessors have to take the specific needs of insurances into account, to perform more appraisals with sound conclusions in due time.</p

    Bauen in Brasilien

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    Im Herbst 2014 fand die große Exkursion 2014 der FakultĂ€t Bauingenieurwesen der HTWG Konstanz nach Brasilien unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Horst Werkle und Prof. Dr. Peter Hirschmann statt. Auf dem Programm stand der Besuch der StĂ€dte Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro und Iguacu. Der Bericht schildert den Besuch interessanter Baustellen und großer Bauprojekte wie des im Bau befindlichen futuristisch anmutenden „Museum of Tomorrow“, des Maracana-Stadions mit seiner neuen Membrandachkonstruktion sowie des zweitgrĂ¶ĂŸten Wasserkraftwerks der Welt

    Vom E-Learning zu integrierten E-Learning Services: InterdisziplinĂ€re Netzwerke als SchlĂŒssel zu erfolgreichen E-Learning Angeboten. Ergebnisse der externen Begleitforschung zum L3-Projekt

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    Treumann KP, Ehlers U-D. Vom E-Learning zu integrierten E-Learning Services: InterdisziplinĂ€re Netzwerke als SchlĂŒssel zu erfolgreichen E-Learning Angeboten. Ergebnisse der externen Begleitforschung zum L3-Projekt. In: Ehlers U-D, Gerteis W, Holmer T, Jung H, eds. E-Learning-Services im Spannungsfeld von PĂ€dagogik, Ökononomie und Technologie. Bielefeld: /Bertelmann; 2003: 367-401

    Identification of Patient Attitudes and Preferences Regarding Treatment of Depression

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    OBJECTIVES: To identify attitudes that influence patient help-seeking behavior and aspects of treatment that influence patient preferences for management of depression. DESIGN: Three focus group discussions (two patient groups stratified by race and one professional group). Questions addressed experience with depression, help-seeking behaviors, treatment preferences, and perceived barriers to mental health care. SETTING: Academic medical center. PATIENTS/PARTICIPANTS: Eight black patients and eight white patients with depression; seven health care professionals (four physicians and three social workers). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Discussions were audiotaped, transcribed, and reviewed independently by two investigators to identify and group distinct comments into categories with specific themes. Differences were adjudicated by a third investigator. Comments within categories were then checked for relevance and consistency by a health services researcher and a psychiatrist. More than 90% of the 806 comments could be grouped into one of 16 categories. Black patients raised more concerns than white patients regarding spirituality and stigma. Patients made more comments than professionals regarding the impact of spirituality, social support systems, coping strategies, life experiences, patient-provider relationships, and attributes of specific treatments. They discussed the role these factors played in their help-seeking behavior and adherence to treatment. CONCLUSIONS: In-depth focus group discussions with depressed patients can provide valuable and unique information about patient experiences and concerns regarding treatment for depression. Clinicians, researchers, and policymakers need to incorporate the range of factors identified by patients into their decision making for individuals with depression