125 research outputs found

    Morphological complexity of the word

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Although there is much linguistic work concerning morphological complexity of words no study tries to scale their physical form. In this paper firstly we present a scaling of word's morphological complexity considering reduplication, compounding, derivation, inflection and suppletivism. Secondly we show some quantitative analyses of morphological complexity with respect to arc, motif, and distances of words in a Slovak poem as an example

    Symmetry of Japanese Kanji Lexical Productivity on the Left- and Right-hand Sides

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    Japanese kanji combine with other kanji to produce various two-kanji compound words. First, the present study examined whether the extent of left-hand and right-hand productivity of the Japanese 1,945 basic kanji abides by an 'honest' distribution. The result showed that kanji compound building (or kanji lexical productivity) was depicted by a birth-and-death process leading to the negative binomial and/or the Waring distribution. Second, the study investigated whether these basic kanji display symmetry on the left- and right-side lexical productivity. Analysis of these kanji suggested that although each kanji displayed symmetry in lexical productivity, there is no tendency among the basic kanji to produce their compound words to the same extent on the left or the right side on the whole

    Mathematical Modelling for Japanese Kanji Strokes in Relation to Frequency, Asymmetry and Readings

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    The present study investigates the relationship between of Japanese kanji strokes and their printed-frequencies of occurrence, compositional asymmetry and kanji multiple readings. First, distributions of kanji strokes in both samples of the 1,945 basic kanji and of 6,355 kanji appearing in the Asashi Newspaper published between 1985 and 1998 followed a negative hypergeometric distribution as demonstrated by Figure 1. The distribution of strokes of the 1,945 kanji with their printed-frequencies is rather rhapsodic, as shown in Figure 2, but a rough-fitting model is drawn in Figure 3. Mathematical modelling for kanji strokes with lexical compositional asymmetry reveals the interesting tendency of regressive compounding; that is, that the greater the number of strokes in a kanji, the more it tends to produce two-kanji compound words by adding a kanji on the right side of the target kanji, as shown in Figure 4. A kanji may often have multiple readings; this study also examines the number of readings in relation to the number of kanji strokes. As shown in Figure 6, the greater the number of kanji strokes, the fewer the number of readings. In other words, the more visually complex the kanji is, the more specialised its reading becomes. As such, kanji strokes, as one of the central characteristics of kanji, are closely related to other properties such as frequency, asymmetry and readings. The present study uses mathematical modelling to indicate these relations

    Progressive neurodegeneration following spinal cord injury: Implications for clinical trials.

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    OBJECTIVE: To quantify atrophy, demyelination, and iron accumulation over 2 years following acute spinal cord injury and to identify MRI predictors of clinical outcomes and determine their suitability as surrogate markers of therapeutic intervention. METHODS: We assessed 156 quantitative MRI datasets from 15 patients with spinal cord injury and 18 controls at baseline and 2, 6, 12, and 24 months after injury. Clinical recovery (including neuropathic pain) was assessed at each time point. Between-group differences in linear and nonlinear trajectories of volume, myelin, and iron change were estimated. Structural changes by 6 months were used to predict clinical outcomes at 2 years. RESULTS: The majority of patients showed clinical improvement with recovery stabilizing at 2 years. Cord atrophy decelerated, while cortical white and gray matter atrophy progressed over 2 years. Myelin content in the spinal cord and cortex decreased progressively over time, while cerebellar loss decreases decelerated. As atrophy progressed in the thalamus, sustained iron accumulation was evident. Smaller cord and cranial corticospinal tract atrophy, and myelin changes within the sensorimotor cortices, by 6 months predicted recovery in lower extremity motor score at 2 years. Whereas greater cord atrophy and microstructural changes in the cerebellum, anterior cingulate cortex, and secondary sensory cortex by 6 months predicted worse sensory impairment and greater neuropathic pain intensity at 2 years. CONCLUSION: These results draw attention to trauma-induced neuroplastic processes and highlight the intimate relationships among neurodegenerative processes in the cord and brain. These measurable changes are sufficiently large, systematic, and predictive to render them viable outcome measures for clinical trials


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    A bobina de Tesla funciona como um transformador, composta por uma bobina primária e secundária com o objetivo de atingir diferentes níveis de tensão. Ela foi inventada por Nikola Tesla, em 1891, com a ideia de distribuir energia elétrica no mundo. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é estudar e demonstrar a capacidade da Bobina de Tesla de gerar um campo eletromagnético capaz de acender uma lâmpada usando o princípio da ressonância eletromagnética. Além disso, o trabalho visa entender como essa tecnologia pode ser aplicada em diversas áreas, desde educação científica até experimentos em eletricidade de alta potência. A metodologia empregada consiste em montar uma mini Bobina de Tesla clássica, composta por uma bobina primária e secundária. A mini bobina consiste em dois circuitos ressonantes, com frequências de ressonâncias muito próximas ou iguais, para ter a máxima transferência de energia da bobina primária para a bobina secundária, seguindo o mesmo princípio dos transformadores. A bobina primária é conectada a uma fonte de energia de alta frequência, enquanto a secundária é ajustada para entrar em ressonância com a primária. Através do processo de ressonância, a tensão é amplificada na bobina secundária, culminando em uma descarga elétrica impressionante no topo da bobina. O experimento é realizado em condições controladas, com ênfase na segurança e observação precisa dos resultados. Até o momento, os resultados parciais revelam o sucesso da Bobina de Tesla em gerar um campo eletromagnético capaz de acender uma lâmpada. A ressonância entre as bobinas permite uma amplificação significativa da tensão. A capacidade de controlar a intensidade das descargas elétricas também foi evidenciada, demonstrando a adaptabilidade do dispositivo para diferentes configurações. Os resultados preliminares indicam que a Bobina de Tesla é uma ferramenta notável para explorar princípios fundamentais da eletricidade e magnetismo. A ressonância eletromagnética, que desempenha um papel crucial na amplificação da tensão, destaca a importância de sintonizar os sistemas para obter resultados desejados. Embora seu uso prático em aplicações industriais possa ter diminuído, a bobina de Tesla continua a cativar o público e servir como uma plataforma educacional para promover o interesse pela ciência. À medida que a pesquisa continua, espera-se aprofundar a compreensão dos mecanismos subjacentes à operação da Bobina de Tesla e explorar aplicações educacionais e artísticas mais amplas. Os resultados finais serão fundamentais para consolidar o conhecimento sobre essa inovação histórica e inspirar novas abordagens para a educação em ciências e a exploração da eletricidade em suas formas mais intrigantes


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    É um sistema de instalação com um grande espaço físico coberto que visa dar melhores condições de conforto térmico, higiene e pisoteio para os animais. É um manejo muito utilizado em bovinocultura leiteira que melhora os índices produtivos e sanitários dos rebanhos e possibilitar o uso correto de dejetos orgânicos como as fezes e urina. O principal objetivo do Compost Barn é garantir aos animais conforto e um local seco com acesso a água e alimentação de qualidade, esse método concilia produção e o meio ambiente. O Compost Barn oferece aos pequenos e médios produtores uma ótima alternativa para aumento da produtividade e assim gerar mais lucros. Diversas contribuições quando das aplicações corretas de manejos no compost barn são evidenciadas, como maiorprodução de leite, diminuição de odores e incidências de moscas, redução da contagem de células somáticas (CCS, mastite), permite bem estar animal através de uma ventilação e conforto térmico adequado, os animais possuem um amplo espaço para deitar confortavelmente. O piso deve ser conter maravalha que proporcione ao número de animais do rebanho uma cama seca, quanto maior a densidade de gado sobre a cama, maior a compactação pelo tráfego dos animais e problemas com a umidade, devido a produção de esterco e urina. O recomendado é calcular uma disponibilidade de 12m2 por vaca, a qual quando adequadamente manejada tem condições de manter-se seca e minimizar riscos de animais caírem e se machucarem. A alimentação é via cocho instalado na lateral do galpão, deve ser feita de preferência por um desensilador, pois ali você pode acrescentar todos os ingredientes como: silagem, pré-secado, sal comum, sal mineral e ração própria para gado leiteiro. Um dos cuidados é não deixar sobras de alimentos, pois ela irá azedar e os animais não iram comer. Água de qualidade deve ser fornecida à vontade para os animais nas duas pontas do galpão e sempre água limpa de fonte. Em tanques especiais, que seja fácil limpar, não pode acumular limo. Quanto aomanejo da compostagem, a cama deve ser iniciada com 30 a 40cm de profundidade, isso é necessário para que o calor produzido pela fermentação seja isolado abaixo da superfície. O sucesso do compost barn está ligado diretamente na umidade e temperatura da cama, a temperatura da cama abaixo da superfície deve ser estar entre 45 e 50°C. Este calor é formado pela fermentação aeróbica e énecessário para transformar a água ali presente em vapor, secando a cama. Para um bom manejo da cama é utilizado o escarificador e a enxada rotativa. O uso de ventiladores é fundamental para manter a cama seca, assim como para garantir a compostagem do esterco, quando bem manejado a cama tem durabilidade de uso acima de 1 ano. O objetivo deste resumo é descrever as vantagens datécnica de compost barn, quando planejado, instalado e executado através de assistência técnica especializada

    Can three-flavor oscillations solve the solar neutrino problem?

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    The most promising solution to the solar neutrino problem are neutrino oscillations, which usually are analyzed within the reduced 2-flavor scheme, because the solutions found therein reasonably well reproduce the recent data of Super-Kamiokande about the recoil-electron energy spectrum, zenith-angle and seasonal variations, and the event rate data of all the neutrino detectors. In this work, however, a survey of the complete parameter space of 3-flavor oscillations is performed. Basically eight new additional solutions could be identified, where the best one with \Delta m(12)^2=2.7x10^(-10) eV^2, \Delta m(13)^2=1.0x10^(-5) eV^2, \Theta(12)=23, and \Theta(13)=1.3 (denoted SVO) is slightly more probable than any 2-flavor solution. However, including the results of the atmospheric neutrino problem excludes all 3-flavour solutions apart from the SLMA-solution (\Delta m(12)^2=7.9x10^(-6) eV^2, \Delta m(13)^2=2.5x10^(-4) eV^2, \Theta(12)=1.4, and \Theta(13)=20). Besides, the ability of SNO and Borexino to discriminate the various 2- and 3-flavor solutions is investigated. Only with very good statistics in these experiments the correct solution to the solar neutrino problem can be identified unambiguously.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, REVTeX, submitted to Phys.Rev.D, article with better resolved figures available under http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~schlattl/public.htm

    Gender and leadership aspiration:Interpersonal and collective elements of cooperative climate differentially influence women and men

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    Female leaders remain a minority. Because leadership aspiration is a predictor of advancement, understanding stimulating conditions is important. A neglected perspective is the impact of organizational climate. We propose that cooperative climate can engender individuals’ motivation to contribute to the organization through leadership, and that leadership aspiration of women and men is differentially sensitive to interpersonal and collective aspects of cooperative climate. We argue that women are more disposed toward relational self-construal and men toward collective self-construal, and hence women's leadership aspiration is more influenced by the interpersonal element of cooperative climate whereas men's leadership aspiration by the collective element of cooperative climate. Results of a survey of N = 404 employed men and women supported both hypotheses

    Activity and Habitat Use of Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in the Anthropogenic Landscape of Bossou, Guinea, West Africa

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    Many primate populations inhabit anthropogenic landscapes. Understanding their long-term ability to persist in such environments and associated real and perceived risks for both primates and people is essential for effective conservation planning. Primates in forest–agricultural mosaics often consume cultivars to supplement their diet, leading to potentially negative encounters with farmers. When crossing roads, primates also face the risk of encounters with people and collision with vehicles. Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Bossou, Guinea, West Africa, face such risks regularly. In this study, we aimed to examine their activity budget across habitat types and the influence of anthropogenic risks associated with cultivated fields, roads, and paths on their foraging behavior in noncultivated habitat. We conducted 6-h morning or afternoon follows daily from April 2012 to March 2013. Chimpanzees preferentially used forest habitat types for traveling and resting and highly disturbed habitat types for socializing. Wild fruit and crop availability influenced seasonal habitat use for foraging. Overall, chimpanzees preferred mature forest for all activities. They showed a significant preference for foraging at >200 m from cultivated fields compared to 0–100 m and 101–200 m, with no effect of habitat type or season, suggesting an influence of associated risk. Nevertheless, the chimpanzees did not actively avoid foraging close to roads and paths. Our study reveals chimpanzee reliance on different habitat types and the influence of human-induced pressures on their activities. Such information is critical for the establishment of effective land use management strategies in anthropogenic landscapes

    Evidence of effectiveness of herbal medicinal products in the treatment of arthritis

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    Herbal medicinal products (HMPs) that interact with the mediators of inflammation are used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The aim of this study was to update a previous systematic review published in 2000. We searched electronic databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, CISCOM, AMED, CINAHL, Cochrane registers) to June 2007, unrestricted by date or language, and included randomized controlled trials that compared HMPs with inert (placebo) or active controls in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Five reviewers contributed to data extraction. Disagreements were discussed and resolved by consensus with reference to Cochrane guidelines and advice from the Cochrane Collaboration. Twenty studies (10 identified for this review update, and 10 of the 11 studies of the original review) investigating 14 HMPs were included. Meta-analysis was restricted to data from previous seven studies with oils from borage, blackcurrant and evening primrose containing gamma linolenic acid (GLA). GLA doses equal or higher than 1400 mg/day showed benefit in the alleviation of rheumatic complaints whereas lower doses (∼500 mg) were ineffective. Three studies compared products from Tripterygium wilfordii (thunder god vine) to placebos and returned favorable results but data could not be pooled because the interventions and measures differed. Serious adverse effects occurred in one study. In a follow-up study all side effects were mild to moderate and resolved after the intervention ceased, but time to resolution was variable. Two studies comparing Phytodolor N R to placebo were of limited use because some measures were poorly defined. The remaining studies, each considering differing HMPs, were assessed individually. For most HMPs used in the treatment of RA, the evidence of effectiveness was insufficient to either recommend or discourage their use. Interventions with HMPs containing GLA or Tripterygium wilfordii extract appear to produce therapeutic effects but further investigations are warranted to prove their effectiveness and safety. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64567/1/3006_ftp.pd