423 research outputs found

    Bismuth coordination networks containing deferiprone: synthesis, characterisation, stability and antibacterial activity

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    A series of bismuth–dicarboxylate–deferiprone coordination networks have been prepared and structurally characterised. The new compounds have been demonstrated to release the iron overload drug deferiprone on treatment with PBS and have also been shown to have antibacterial activity against H. pylori

    INTEGRAL and Swift/XRT observations of IGR~J16460+0849

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    IGR J16460+0849 is reported in the 3rd IBIS catalog with the shortest exposure of about 10 ks among all the detected sources, which makes it the most interesting target to be investigated with a deeper exposure. We analyze all available observations carried out by the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL) on the unidentified source IGR J16460+0849. The data were processed by using the latest version OSA 7.0. In addition we analyze also all the available Swift/XRT data on this source. We find that IGR J16460+0849 has a detection significance of ~ 4.4 sigma in the 20-100 keV band during the observational period between March 2003 and September 2004, when it was exposed by ~ 19 ks. Thereafter the source was not detected anymore, despite an additional exposure of ~ 271 ks. This suggests a flux variability on a timescale of years. The spectral analysis shows that the IBIS/ISGRI data are well presented by a power-law shape, with a photon index obtained as 1.45+-0.86. So far, the source has been detected consistently by IBIS/ISGRI in the subsequent observations and in the adjacent energy bands. We have analyzed the Swift/XRT observations on IGR J16460+0849 as well, and found no source inside the IBIS/ISGRI error circle. The non-detection during the Swift/XRT observation is consistent with the source having a variable nature.Comment: published in A&

    Triaqua­bis­{2-meth­oxy-6-[(phenyl­iminium­yl)meth­yl]phenolate-κO 1}manganese(II) dinitrate

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    The crystal structure of the title compound, [Mn(C14H13NO2)2(H2O)3](NO3)2, is comprised of two Schiff base 2-meth­oxy-6-(N-phenyl­carboximido­yl)phenol (HL) ligands and three coordinated water mol­ecules. The MnII ion lies on a twofold axis that bis­ects one water O atom. The coordination sphere of the five-coordinate Mn atom is completed by the two monodentate HL ligands and three coordinated water mol­ecules binding through their O atoms, affording a distorted tetra­gonal–pyramidal geometry. In the phenolate ligands, the hy­droxy H atom transfers to the imine N atom. This H atom is also involved in an intra­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bond that imposes a nearly planar conformation on each ligand, with dihedral angles of 2.78 (3) and 2.43 (5)° between the aromatic rings of each ligand. In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked by inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    Adiabatic Evolution of Mass-losing Stars

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    We have calculated the equilibrium properties of a star in a circular, equatorial orbit about a Super-Massive Black Hole (SMBH), when the star fills and overflows its Roche lobe. The mass transfer time scale is anticipated to be long compared with the dynamical time and short compared with the thermal time of the star, so that the entropy as a function of the interior mass is conserved. We have studied how the stellar entropy, pressure, radius, mean density, and orbital angular momentum vary when the star is evolved adiabatically, for a representative set of stars. We have shown that the stellar orbits change with the stellar mean density. Therefore, sun-like stars, upper main sequence stars and red giants will spiral inward and then outward with respect to the hole in this stable mass transfer process, while lower main sequence stars, brown dwarfs and white dwarfs will always spiral outward.Comment: 8 pages, 19 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Detectability of Exoplanetary Transits from Radial Velocity Surveys

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    Of the known transiting extra-solar planets, a few have been detected through photometric follow-up observations of radial velocity planets. Perhaps the best known of these is the transiting exoplanet HD 209458b. For hot Jupiters (periods less than ~5 days), the a priori information that 10% of these planets will transit their parent star due to the geometric transit probability leads to an estimate of the expected transit yields from radial velocity surveys. The radial velocity information can be used to construct an effective photometric follow-up strategy which will provide optimal detection of possible transits. Since the planet-harbouring stars are already known in this case, one is only limited by the photometric precision achieveable by the chosen telescope/instrument. The radial velocity modelling code presented here automatically produces a transit ephemeris for each planet dataset fitted by the program. Since the transit duration is brief compared with the fitted period, we calculate the maximum window for obtaining photometric transit observations after the radial velocity data have been obtained, generalising for eccentric orbits. We discuss a typically employed survey strategy which may contribute to a possible radial velocity bias against detection of the very hot Jupiters which have dominated the transit discoveries. Finally, we describe how these methods can be applied to current and future radial velocity surveys.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, minor correctio

    Flammable biomes dominated by eucalypts originated at the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary

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    Fire is a major modifier of communities, but the evolutionary origins of its prevalent role in shaping current biomes are uncertain. Australia is among the most fire-prone continents, with most of the landmass occupied by the fire-dependent sclerophyll and savanna biomes. In contrast to biomes with similar climates in other continents, Australia has a tree flora dominated by a single genus, Eucalyptus, and related Myrtaceae. A unique mechanism in Myrtaceae for enduring and recovering from fire damage likely resulted in this dominance. Here, we find a conserved phylogenetic relationship between post-fire resprouting (epicormic) anatomy and biome evolution, dating from 60 to 62 Ma, in the earliest Palaeogene. Thus, fire-dependent communities likely existed 50 million years earlier than previously thought. We predict that epicormic resprouting could make eucalypt forests and woodlands an excellent long-term carbon bank for reducing atmospheric CO2 compared with biomes with similar fire regimes in other continents

    INTEGRAL and Swift/XRT observations of IGR J19405-3016

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    IGR J19405-3016 is reported in the 3rd IBIS catalog as being one of its lowest significance sources (~4.6 sigma under an exposure of about 371 ks). This leads to a caveat in multi-wavelength study although the source was identified in optical as a Seyfert 1. The currently increased INTEGRAL data stimulate us to investigate the reality of this source. We analyze all available observations carried out by INTEGRAL and Swift on IGR J19405-3016. We find that IGR J19405-3016 has a detection significance of ~ 9.4 sigma in the 20-60 keV band during the observational period between March 2003 and March 2008. Thus confirms a real source detection reported previously. The source position and error location are therefore updated. The source is found to be constant over years at the hard X-rays. Over the three XRT observations, the source flux varied by up to 39% from the average, and the spectrum is generally soft. The combined XRT/ISGRI spectrum is well fitted with a simple power law model (photon index 2.11+-0.03). Such a photon index is well consistent with the mean value 1.98 (dispersion 0.27) as obtained from Swift/BAT AGN samples at 14-195 keV. The spectral slope of IGR J19405-3016 is larger than the average spectral slope found by Molina et al. (2009). A similar discrepancy is found with the results of Beckmann et al. (2009) regarding Seyfert 1 AGNs. A possible explanation of this simple spectral description may be that the low level of the column density allows for the `true' spectrum to appear at soft X-rays as well.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    Tri-Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing and Discrete Flavour Symmetries

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    We review the application of non-Abelian discrete groups to Tri-Bimaximal (TB) neutrino mixing, which is supported by experiment as a possible good first approximation to the data. After summarizing the motivation and the formalism, we discuss specific models, mainly those based on A4 but also on other finite groups, and their phenomenological implications, including the extension to quarks. The recent measurements of \theta_13 favour versions of these models where a suitable mechanism leads to corrections to \theta_13 that can naturally be larger than those to \theta_12 and \theta_23. The virtues and the problems of TB mixing models are discussed, also in connection with lepton flavour violating processes, and the different approaches are compared.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables. V3 submitted to add an acknowledgment to a network. Review written for the special issue on "Flavor Symmetries and Neutrino Oscillations", published in Fortschritte der Physik - Progress of Physic

    A continuum from clear to cloudy hot-Jupiter exoplanets without primordial water depletion

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    PublishedLetterThousands of transiting exoplanets have been discovered, but spectral analysis of their atmospheres has so far been dominated by a small number of exoplanets and data spanning relatively narrow wavelength ranges (such as 1.1 to 1.7 μm). Recent studies show that some hot- Jupiter exoplanets have much weaker water absorption features in their near-infrared spectra than predicted. The low amplitude of water signatures could be explained by very low water abundances, which may be a sign that water was depleted in the protoplanetary disk at the planet’s formation location, but it is unclear whether this level of depletion can actually occur. Alternatively, these weak signals could be the result of obscuration by clouds or hazes, as found in some optical spectra. Here we report results from a comparative study of ten hot Jupiters covering the wavelength range 0.3–5 micrometres, which allows us to resolve both the optical scattering and infrared molecular absorption spectroscopically. Our results reveal a diverse group of hot Jupiters that exhibit a continuum from clear to cloudy atmospheres. We find that the difference between the planetary radius measured at optical and infrared wavelengths is an effective metric for distinguishing different atmosphere types. The difference correlates with the spectral strength of water, so that strong water absorption lines are seen in clear-atmosphere planets and the weakest features are associated with clouds and hazes. This result strongly suggests that primordial water depletion during formation is unlikely and that clouds and hazes are the cause of weaker spectral signatures.European Research Council European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)NASACNES and the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)NSFTennessee State UniversityState of Tennesse
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