26 research outputs found

    Associations of autozygosity with a broad range of human phenotypes

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    In many species, the offspring of related parents suffer reduced reproductive success, a phenomenon known as inbreeding depression. In humans, the importance of this effect has remained unclear, partly because reproduction between close relatives is both rare and frequently associated with confounding social factors. Here, using genomic inbreeding coefficients (F-ROH) for >1.4 million individuals, we show that F-ROH is significantly associated (p <0.0005) with apparently deleterious changes in 32 out of 100 traits analysed. These changes are associated with runs of homozygosity (ROH), but not with common variant homozygosity, suggesting that genetic variants associated with inbreeding depression are predominantly rare. The effect on fertility is striking: F-ROH equivalent to the offspring of first cousins is associated with a 55% decrease [95% CI 44-66%] in the odds of having children. Finally, the effects of F-ROH are confirmed within full-sibling pairs, where the variation in F-ROH is independent of all environmental confounding.Peer reviewe

    Perfluorocarbons cause thrombocytopenia, changes in RBC morphology and death in a baboon model of systemic inflammation.

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    A perfluorocarbon (PFC) investigated for treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI) delivers oxygen to support brain function, but causes transient thrombocytopenia. TBI can cause acute inflammation with resulting thrombocytopenia; an interaction between the PFC effects and TBI inflammation might exacerbate thrombocytopenia. Therefore, PFC effects on platelet (PLT) function and hemostasis in a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) model of inflammation in the baboon were studied. Animals were randomized to receive saline ±LPS, and ± one of two doses of PFC. PLT count, transmission electron microscopy, and microparticle populations were quantified at baseline (BL) and at 2, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours; hemostatic parameters for aggregometry and for blood clotting were measured at baseline (BL) and days 3 and 4. Injection of vehicle and LPS caused thrombocytopenia within hours; PFCs caused delayed thrombocytopenia beginning 48 hours post-infusion. LPS+PFC produced a more prolonged PLT decline and decreased clot strength. LPS+PFC increased ADP-stimulated aggregation, but PFC alone did not. Microparticle abundance was greatest in the LPS+PFC groups. LPS+PFC caused diffuse microvascular hemorrhage and death in 2 of 5 baboons in the low dose LPS-PFC group and 2 of 2 in the high dose LPS-PFC group. Necropsy and histology suggested death was caused by shock associated with hemorrhage in multiple organs. Abnormal morphology of platelets and red blood cells were notable for PFC inclusions. In summary, PFC infusion caused clinically significant thrombocytopenia and exacerbated LPS-induced platelet activation. The interaction between these effects resulted in decreased hemostatic capacity, diffuse bleeding, shock and death

    Allelopathic effects of Eucalyptus citriodora on amaryllis and associated grassy weed Efeitos alelopáticos do Eucalyptus citriodora sobre amarílis e em gramíneas daninhas associadas

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    A Petri dish assay was carried out for screening different concentrations of aqueous extracts of fresh and dry leaves of Eucalyptus citriodora on germination and seedling growth of wild oat weed (Avena fatua). Seed germination, root and shoot length of wild oat exhibited different degrees of inhibition according to the concentration of the aqueous extract. Maximum inhibitions of germination percentage, root and shoot length were recorded when using 25% fresh leaf extract. Based on this preliminary work (Petri dish assay), studies were conducted under greenhouse conditions at the National Research Center, Egypt, in the two winter seasons of 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 to evaluate the effects of foliar and soil treatments of aqueous extracts of Eucalyptus citriodora fresh and dry leaves on wild oat weed as well as on the growth and flowering of amaryllis (Hippeastrum hybridum), compared with the recommended dose of the herbicide tralkoxydim. Amaryllis fresh and dry weights as well as flowering increased significantly when treated with the previous extracts, especially the fresh leaf extract. However, the fresh and dry weights of wild oat were significantly reduced by the aqueous extracts, either fresh or dry, indicating phytotoxic effects. Tralkoxydim caused complete inhibition of wild oat as compared with the control. The studies involved estimation of the endogenous contents of total phenols in weed. With all the treatments, the inhibitory effects on weeds were correlated with accumulation of the internal contents of total phenols, compared to their respective controls. The amount of phenols correlated well with the weed's growth performance. This study establishes the effect of the aqueous extracts on the weed wild oat, associated with amaryllis, which may serve as a tool in establishing their herbicidal potential.<br>Um experimento em placas de Petri foi realizado para a seleção de diferentes concentrações de extratos aquosos de folhas frescas e secas de Eucalyptus citriodora na germinação e no crescimento inicial de aveia-selvagem (Avena fatua). A germinação da semente, a raiz e o comprimento da brotação apresentaram diferentes graus de inibição, de acordo com a concentração do extrato aquoso. As maiores porcentagens de inibição da germinação, de raiz e de comprimento de brotação foram registradas com extrato fresco das folhas a 25%. Com base no trabalho preliminar (experimento em placa de Petri), foram conduzidos estudos na estufa do Centro de Pesquisa Nacional, Egito, em duas estações de inverno: 2006/2007 e 2007/2008. Nesse local, foram avaliados os efeitos de tratamentos foliar e do solo de extratos aquosos das folhas frescas e secas de Eucalyptus citriodora na aveia-selvagem, assim como no crescimento e no florescimento da espécie Hippeastrum hybridum, em comparação com a dose recomendada do herbicida tralkoxydim. Os pesos frescos e secos do amarílis sofreram aumento significativo, bem como o florescimento, quando tratados com os extratos, principalmente com a pulverização do extrato das folhas frescas. Entretanto, os pesos frescos e secos da aveia-selvagem foram reduzidos significativamente pelos extratos aquosos, tanto frescos como secos, indicando intoxicação. O herbicida tralkoxydim causou a inibição completa de aveia-selvagem em comparação ao controle. Os estudos envolveram a avaliação dos índices endógenos de fenóis totais na espécie daninha. Em todos os tratamentos, os efeitos inibitórios nas espécies daninhas foram correlacionados com o acúmulo de índices internos dos fenóis totais, comparados aos respectivos controles. Constatou-se boa correlação entre a quantidade de fenóis e o desempenho do crescimento na espécie daninha. Este estudo estabeleceu o efeito dos extratos aquosos sobre a espécie daninha aveia-selvagem associada ao amarílis, o que pode servir como ferramenta para estabelecer seu potencial herbicida