13 research outputs found

    Gala Gölü’nün (Edirne) cladocera ve copepoda (crustacea) türleri üzerine faunistik bir çalışma

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    Gala Lake is an alluvial dam lake located between İpsala and Enez counties of Edirne city in Turkey, where Meriç River flows to the Aegean Sea. This study was carried out at monthly intervals from March 2004 to January 2005 in order to determine the Cladocera and Copepoda fauna in Gala Lake. Cladocera and Copepoda samples were collected from different parts of the lake using a plankton net with a mesh size of 55 μm and were fixed in 4% formalin. A total of 42 species, 26 from Cladocera and 16 from Copepoda, were identified as a result of investigation of the collected material. Among these species, Chydorus ovalis Kurz, 1875 is new record for the Turkish fauna. In addition, former studies performed in the lake were examined and Cladocera and Copepoda fauna of the lake was determined.Gala Gölü, Türkiye-Yunanistan sınırını oluşturan Meriç Nehri’nin Ege Denizi’ne döküldüğü Edirne İli İpsala-Enez İlçeleri arasında yer alan alüvyon set gölüdür. Bu araştırma, Gala Gölü’nün Cladocera ve Copepoda faunasını belirlemek amacıyla Mart 2004-Ocak 2005 tarihleri arasında aylık periyotlar halinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Cladocera ve Copepoda örnekleri gölün değişik bölgelerinde 55 µm göz açıklığına sahip plankton kepçesi ile toplanmış ve %4’lük formolde fiske edilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında elde edilen örneklerin incelenmesi sonucunda 26’sı Cladocera türü, 16'sı Copepoda türü olmak üzere toplam 42 tür tespit edilmiştir. Bu türlerden Chydorus ovalis Kurz, 1875 Türkiye faunası için ilk kayıt niteliği taşımaktadır. Ayrıca bu gölde yapılan önceki çalışmalar da incelenerek gölün Cladocera ve Copepoda faunası belirlenmiştir

    A Study on Associated Microcrustacea (Cladocera, Copepoda) With Macrophytes in Gala Lake National Park

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    DergiPark: 245959trakyafbdBu çalışma, Gala gölü milli parkında dominant olarak bulunan Typha spp., Ceratophyllum spp. ve Nymphaea spp. üzerinde yaşayan Cladocera ve Copepoda nın tespiti ve makrofit tercihlerini ortaya çıkarılması amacıyla gerçekleştirildi. Typha spp., Ceratophyllum spp. ve Nymphaea spp. üzerinde 8 Cladocera, 5 Copepoda türü bulunmuştur. Cladocera dan Chydorus sphaericus tüm makrofitler üzerinde bulunurken; C. latus Ceratophyllum spp. yi; Pleuroxus aduncus Nymphaea spp. yi; Alona guttata, A.costata A.rectangula, A.guadrangularis, Oxyurella tenuicaudis Typha spp. yi tercih etmektedir. Copepoda dan Nitocra hibernica yine tüm makrofitlerde yaşarken; N.lacustris Typha spp. ve Ceratophyllum spp. yi; Onychocamptus mohammed Nymphaea sp yi; Horsiella breviconis, H.trisetosa Typha spp. yı tercih etmektedir.This study was performed in order to determine the Cladocera and Copepoda living on Typha spp., Ceratophyllum spp. and Nymphaea spp. constituting the dominant species in Gala Lake National Park and to reveal their macrophyt preferences. 8 Cladocera and 5 Copepoda species were determined on these plants. The cladoceran Chydorus sphaericus was found on all macrophytes while C. latus preferred Ceratophyllum spp., Pleuroxus aduncus preferred Nymphaea spp. and Alona guttata, A.costata, A. rectangula, A.guadrangularis and Oxyurella tenuicaudis preferred Typha spp. The Copepoda species Nitocra hibernica was found on all macrophytes while N. lacustris preferred Typha spp. and Ceratophyllum spp., Onychocamptus mohammed prefered Nymphaea spp. and Horsiella breviconis and H.trisetosa prefered Typha spp

    Zooplankton fauna (rotifera, cladocera, copepoda) of Süloğlu Dam Lake (Edirne) and its seasonal changes

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    Bu araştırma, Süloğlu Baraj Gölü’ndeki zooplanktonik organizmaların tür çeşitliliğini ve bu türlerin popülasyon yoğunluğunu belirlemek amacıyla Mart 2013-Şubat 2014 tarihleri arasında yapılmıştır. Zooplankton örnekleri gölde belirlenen dört istasyonda 55 μm göz açıklığına sahip plankton kepçesi ile toplanmış ve % 4 lük formolde fikse edilmiştir. Örneklerin incelenmesi sonucunda Cladocera’dan 11, Copepoda’dan 6 ve Rotifera’dan 32 olmak üzere toplam 49 tür tespit edilmiştir. Zooplankton örneklerinin kantitatif olarak değerlendirilmesi sonucunda; Süloğlu Baraj Gölü’nde yıllık ortalama 150.566 birey/m3 zooplanktonik organizma bulunmuştur. Rotifera (% 59) 89.003 birey/m³ ile dominant grup olurken bunu 40.628 birey/m3 Cladocera (% 27) ve 20.936 birey/m3 Copepoda (% 14) grupları izlemiştir. Zooplankton’un istasyonlara göre dağılımında ise en fazla birey 3. istasyonda (285.342 birey/m3), en azda 1. istasyonda (36.267 birey/m3) bulunmuştur. En fazla organizma sayısına ilkbahar, en az da kış mevsiminde rastlanmıştır. Baraj Gölü’nde belirlenen türlere ve zooplanktonu oluşturan bireylerin yüzde dağılımlarına göre Süloğlu Baraj Gölü’nün zooplankton açısından oligo-mezotrofik karakterde olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.This study was carried out between March 2013 and February 2014 in order to determine the zooplankton composition and density in Süloğlu Dam Lake. Zooplankton samples were collected at 4 stations in the lake using a plankton net with a mesh size of 55 µm and fixed in 4 % formalin. The examination of the zooplankton samples revealed a total of 49 species; 11 species from Cladocera, 6 species from Copepoda and 32 species from Rotifera. The quantitative evaluation of the samples showed that the zooplankton density was represented with an annual average of 150,566 ind./m³. Rotifera (59 %) was the dominant group in the dam lake with 89,003 ind./m³ followed by Cladocera (27 %) with 40,628 ind./m³ and Copepoda (14 %) with 20,936 ind./m³. In spatial distribution, maximum density was detected at the 3rd station (285,342 ind./m3 ), whereas minimum density was at the 1st station (36,267 ind./m3 ). The highest individual organism number was detected in spring and the lowest was detected in winter. According to the zooplankton composition and percentage distribution of zooplanktonik groups, Süloğlu Dam Lake was concluded to have an oligo-mesotrofic characteristic

    Gala Gölü (Edirne/Türkiye) fitoplanktonunun mevsimsel dağılımı

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    This study was performed from March 2004 to February 2005 in 4 stations in Gala Lake, a shallow lake located inside Gala Lake National Park in Meriç Delta. Water samples were taken from the lake in order to determine the phytoplankton present in the lake and to perform physicochemical analysis. A total of 112 taxa from 5 divisio were identified during the study period. Chlorophyta was the most diversed group in the lake with 47 taxa and diatoms were found to have the highest cell counts with a mean value of 670011 cell L-1. The general pattern of seasonal succession in phytoplankton of the lake was represented with Chlorophyta in June and with Cyanophyta in September and Diatoms were the dominant group of the lake in all other months. A spatial heterogeneity was observed in the lake where a slight Microsystis spp. increase occurred in early autumn months. Comparison with former phytoplankton data showed distinct differences in terms of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the phytoplankton community of Lake Gala, which indicates lake deterioration.Bu çalışma Meriç deltasında Gala Gölü Milli Parkı içerisinde bulunan ve sığ bir göl olan Gala Gölü’nde belirlenen 4 istayonda Mart 2004-Şubat 2005 tarihleri arasında yapılmıştır. Gölden alınan su örneklerinde fitoplanktonun belirlenmesinin yanı sıra bazı fizikokimyasal analizler de yapılmıştır. Çalışma süresince 5 divizyoya ait toplam 112 taxa gözlemlenmiştir. En fazla tür sayısının 47 tür ile Chlorophyta’ya ait olduğu gölde Diatomlar ortalama 670011 hücre L-1 ile en çok hücre sayısına sahip grup olmuştur. Göl fitoplanktonunun mevsimsel süksesyonunda genel yapı Haziran ayında Chlorophyta, Eylül ayında ise Cyanophyta hakimiyeti şeklindedir. Bu ayların dışında tüm örnekleme periyodu boyunca Diatomlar gölün hakim organizmaları konumundadır. Bunun yanısıra sonbahar aylarında hafif bir Microsystis spp. çoğalmasının meydana geldiği gölde fitoplanktonun yıl boyunca değiştiği gözlemlenmiştir. Daha önceki veriler ile karşılaştırıldığında Gala Gölü fitoplanktonunda nitel ve nicel olarak farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir

    Analysis of the common genetic component of large-vessel vasculitides through a meta- Immunochip strategy

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    Giant cell arteritis (GCA) and Takayasu's arteritis (TAK) are major forms of large-vessel vasculitis (LVV) that share clinical features. To evaluate their genetic similarities, we analysed Immunochip genotyping data from 1,434 LVV patients and 3,814 unaffected controls. Genetic pleiotropy was also estimated. The HLA region harboured the main disease-specific associations. GCA was mostly associated with class II genes (HLA-DRB1/HLA-DQA1) whereas TAK was mostly associated with class I genes (HLA-B/MICA). Both the statistical significance and effect size of the HLA signals were considerably reduced in the cross-disease meta-analysis in comparison with the analysis of GCA and TAK separately. Consequently, no significant genetic correlation between these two diseases was observed when HLA variants were tested. Outside the HLA region, only one polymorphism located nearby the IL12B gene surpassed the study-wide significance threshold in the meta-analysis of the discovery datasets (rs755374, P?=?7.54E-07; ORGCA?=?1.19, ORTAK?=?1.50). This marker was confirmed as novel GCA risk factor using four additional cohorts (PGCA?=?5.52E-04, ORGCA?=?1.16). Taken together, our results provide evidence of strong genetic differences between GCA and TAK in the HLA. Outside this region, common susceptibility factors were suggested, especially within the IL12B locus

    Identification Of Multiple Genetic Susceptibility Loci In Takayasu Arteritis

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    Takayasu arteritis is a rare inflammatory disease of large arteries. The etiology of Takayasu arteritis remains poorly understood, but genetic contribution to the disease pathogenesis is supported by the genetic association with HLA-B*52. We genotyped similar to 200,000 genetic variants in two ethnically divergent Takayasu arteritis cohorts from Turkey and North America by using a custom-designed genotyping platform (Immunochip). Additional genetic variants and the classical HLA alleles were imputed and analyzed. We identified and confirmed two independent susceptibility loci within the HLA region (r(2) < 0.2): HLA-B/MICA (rs12524487, OR = 3.29, p = 5.57 x 10(-16)) and HLA-DQB1/HLA-DRB1 (rs113452171, OR = 2.34, p = 3.74 x 10(-9); and rs189754752, OR = 2.47, p = 4.22 x 10(-9)). In addition, we identified and confirmed a genetic association between Takayasu arteritis and the FCGR2A/FCGR3A locus on chromosome 1 (rs10919543, OR = 1.81, p = 5.89 x 10(-12)). The risk allele in this locus results in increased mRNA expression of FCGR2A. We also established the genetic association between IL12B and Takayasu arteritis (rs56167332, OR = 1.54, p = 2.18 x 10(-8)).WoSScopu

    Identification of susceptibility loci for Takayasu arteritis through a large multi-ancestral genome-wide association study

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    Takayasu arteritis is a rare inflammatory disease of large arteries. We performed a genetic study in Takayasu arteritis comprising 6,670 individuals (1,226 affected individuals) from five different populations. We discovered HLA risk factors and four non-HLA susceptibility loci in VPS8, SVEP1, CFL2, and chr13q21 and reinforced IL12B, PTK2B, and chr21q22 as robust susceptibility loci shared across ancestries. Functional analysis proposed plausible underlying disease mechanisms and pinpointed ETS2 as a potential causal gene for chr21q22 association. We also identified \u3e60 candidate loci with suggestive association (p \u3c 5 × 10(-5)) and devised a genetic risk score for Takayasu arteritis. Takayasu arteritis was compared to hundreds of other traits, revealing the closest genetic relatedness to inflammatory bowel disease. Epigenetic patterns within risk loci suggest roles for monocytes and B cells in Takayasu arteritis. This work enhances understanding of the genetic basis and pathophysiology of Takayasu arteritis and provides clues for potential new therapeutic targets

    Identification of susceptibility loci for Takayasu arteritis through a large multi-ancestral genome-wide association study

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    Takayasu arteritis is a rare inflammatory disease of large arteries. We performed a genetic study in Takayasu arteritis comprising 6,670 individuals (1,226 affected individuals) from five different populations. We discovered HLA risk factors and four non-HLA susceptibility loci in VPS8, SVEP1, CFL2, and chr13q21 and reinforced IL12B, PTK2B, and chr21q22 as robust susceptibility loci shared across ancestries. Functional analysis proposed plausible underlying disease mechanisms and pinpointed ETS2 as a potential causal gene for chr21q22 association. We also identified >60 candidate loci with suggestive association (p < 5 × 10(−5)) and devised a genetic risk score for Takayasu arteritis. Takayasu arteritis was compared to hundreds of other traits, revealing the closest genetic relatedness to inflammatory bowel disease. Epigenetic patterns within risk loci suggest roles for monocytes and B cells in Takayasu arteritis. This work enhances understanding of the genetic basis and pathophysiology of Takayasu arteritis and provides clues for potential new therapeutic targets