78 research outputs found
Análise da vibração induzida por vórtices em tubos flexÃveis utilizando modelo fenomenológico
Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de BrasÃlia, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2012.Este trabalho apresenta dois modelos fenomenológicos para a predição de vibração induzida por vórtices (VIV) em risers. A motivação e o desenvolvimento são apresentados de forma a deixar o leitor mais próximo do assunto, uma vez que esses modelos são recentes. Um código em matlab foi criado para resolver o sistema e apresentar os resultados da VIV. Posteriormente, dados experimentais foram utilizados para validar o código. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis paper presents two phenomenological models for the prediction of vortex induced vibration (VIV) on risers. The motivation and development are presented in order to let the reader closer to the subject, as long as these models are recent. A matlab code has been created to solve the system and present the results of the VIV. Subsequently, experimental data were used to validate the code
Solanáceas em sistema orgânico no Brasil: tomate, batata e physalis
A pesquisa cientÃfica brasileira voltada para sistemas orgânicos ainda tem sido permeada por uma lógica baseada na mera substituição de insumos. Falta um aprofundamento em relação ao reconhecimento dos componentes dos sistemas de produção (ecofisiologia; manejo e fertilidade do solo; conservação de água e solo; manejo fitossanitário) e como estes podem ser investigados de forma holÃstica. Baseado em tais lacunas discute-se neste artigo de revisão as principais particularidades relacionadas a produção orgânica de tomate e batata, principais oleráceas da famÃlia Solanaceae, e de uma frutÃfera exótica potencial para sistemas orgânicos, a physalis (Physalis peruviana L.).
Optimization of total carotenoids extraction from pequi pulp (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) using a mixture planning method/ Otimização da extração de carotenoides totais da polpa de pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) usando método de planejamento de misturas
The pequi is a native fruit of the Brazilian Savanna and the consumption of its carotenoid-rich pulp has been associated with several health benefits. However, there are considerable differences in carotenoid content reported for this fruit, mainly due to the diversity of extraction methods used in the recovery of these compounds from pequi pulp. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of different organic solvents and mixtures in the extraction of total carotenoids from pequi pulp. For the carotenoids extraction, pure solvents and the mixtures of acetone, ethyl alcohol and petroleum ether were used. The mixture planning was used to determine the proportions of the solvents in each treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first study to identify that the most efficient treatment for total carotenoid extraction from pequi pulp is pure petroleum ether solvent (234.40 μg/g). In contrast, ethyl alcohol was the solvent that extracted the lowest concentration of total carotenoids (124.03 μg/g). Pure acetone, one of the most used solvents in the extraction of carotenoids from pequi, showed intermediate efficiency (166.07 μg/g). Thus, pure petroleum ether is the solvent recommended for total carotenoid extraction, mainly in the samples rich in carotenoid and lipids, such as pequi pulp
Primer registro de Chloridea (Heliothis) subflexa (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Heliothinae) en uchuva en Brasil
1 recurso en lÃnea (páginas 267-272) : ilustraciones color.Chloridea (Heliothis) subflexa (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Heliothinae) is a frugivorous and monophagous species with plant hosts in the genus Physalis. In the last few years, the subflexus straw moth became the main pest-insect in tomatillo crops (Physalis ixocarpa Brotero) in Mexico and cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) crops in Argentina. The objective was to provide the first record of C. subflexa on P. peruviana in Brazil. The specimens were collected in the larval stage and kept on a natural diet until reaching the adult stage. Species identification was carried out based on morphological criteria. Damage from C. subflexa on P. peruviana fruits cultivated in an organic system were recorded. This is the first record in Brazil.Chloridea (Heliothis) subflexa (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Heliothinae) es una especie frugÃvora y monófoga con hospederos que consta de las plantas del género Physalis. En los últimos años, gusano del tomato de cascara se convirtió en la principal plagas-insectos en cultivos de tomatillo (Physalis ixocarpa Brotero de México) y cultivo de la uchuva (Physalis peruviana L.) en Argentina. El objetivo fue reportar el primer registro de C. subflexa en P. peruviana en Brasil. Los especÃmenes se recogieron en la fase larvaria y se mantuvieron en una dieta natural hasta llegar a la etapa adulta. La identificación de especies se realizó en base a criterios morfológicos. Se registraron la presencia y daños causados por C. subflexa en frutos de P. peruviana, producidos en un sistema orgánico. Este es el primer registro para Brasil.BibliografÃa: páginas 270-27
Production of phosphate biofertilizer through composting and vermicomposting process
The production of organic mineral fertilizers enriched with natural phosphates may increase the solubility of phosphorus, minimizing the dependence of acidulated phosphate fertilizers. In view of the above, the objective was to evaluate the bioavailability of nutrients due to the incorporation of phosphate sources through vermicomposting and composting. It was used a completely randomized design in a 4 x 3 factorial design, with five replicates and four sources of P (1 - Ammonium single superphosphate, 2 - Itafós phosphate, 3 - Araxá phosphate and 4 - termophosphate) and three methods of phosphorus sources addition in the production of organo-mineral fertilizer process: 1 - Vermicompost produced adding the P sources at the beginning of the vermicomposting process (VPB), 2 - Vermicompost produced adding the P sources at the end of the vermicomposting process (VPE) and 3 - Compound, non-vermicomposting, produced with addition of the P sources at the beginning of the composting process (CP). The addition of Araxá or Itafós natural phosphate in composting or after vermicomposting process leads to the production of an organo-mineral fertilizer with good availability of nutrients, such as calcium and phosphorus.The production of organic mineral fertilizers enriched with natural phosphates may increase the solubility of phosphorus, minimizing the dependence of acidulated phosphate fertilizers. In view of the above, the objective was to evaluate the bioavailability of nutrients due to the incorporation of phosphate sources through vermicomposting and composting. It was used a completely randomized design in a 4 x 3 factorial design, with five replicates and four sources of P (1 - Ammonium single superphosphate, 2 - Itafós phosphate, 3 - Araxá phosphate and 4 - termophosphate) and three methods of phosphorus sources addition in the production of organo-mineral fertilizer process: 1 - Vermicompost produced adding the P sources at the beginning of the vermicomposting process (VPB), 2 - Vermicompost produced adding the P sources at the end of the vermicomposting process (VPE) and 3 - Compound, non-vermicomposting, produced with addition of the P sources at the beginning of the composting process (CP). The addition of Araxá or Itafós natural phosphate in composting or after vermicomposting process leads to the production of an organo-mineral fertilizer with good availability of nutrients, such as calcium and phosphorus
The objective of this work was to observe the performance of creole genotypes of common bean and the limiting phytosanitary factors in three growing seasons in the organic system. Three trials were carried out, with plantations in October 2017, January 2018 and May 2018. A random experimental block design was used, consisting of 4 replicates and 10 treatments (commercial: BRS Esplendor (preto) and BRS Estilo (carioca), and the creoles: Amarelinho, Bolinha Vermelho, Cavalo Bolinha, Mouro, Paquinho, Palhacinho, Preto Jacaré and Roxão). The number of chrysomelidae damaged plants, whitefly nymph incidence, incidence of Bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV), thrips and heteropteran incidence were quantified. Besides, the grain mass and quality of grains (yield, normal grains, spotted grains and chocho grains) were measured. The first season of growing had the highest heteropteran incidence; BGMV was observed only on second season. Third season of sowing produced highest yield and lower insect incidence. Insect incidence varied between the genotypes at all data of sowing, with minor differences between the creoles and commercial materials. BGMV in second season prevented bean production in all genotypes.O objetivo deste trabalho foi observar o desempenho de genótipos crioulos de feijão e os fatores fitossanitários limitantes em três épocas de cultivo sob sistema de cultivo orgânico. Foram realizados três ensaios, com plantios em outubro de 2017, janeiro de 2018 e maio de 2018. Foi utilizado um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, composto por 4 repetições e 10 tratamentos (comercial: BRS Esplendor (preto) e BRS Estilo (carioca) e o crioulos: Amarelinho, Bolinha Vermelho, Cavalo Bolinha, Mouro, Paquinho, Palhacinho, Preto Jacaré e Roxão). Foram quantificados o número de plantas danificadas por crisomelÃdeos, incidência de ninfas de mosca-branca, incidência do vÃrus do mosaico dourado (BGMV), tripes e heterópteros. Além disso, a massa e a qualidade dos grãos (rendimento, grãos normais, grãos manchados e grãos chochos) foram avaliados. A maior incidência de heterópteros ocorreu na primeira época de cultivo. Enquanto o BGMV foi observado apenas na segunda época. As plantas cultivadas na terceira época de semeadura tiveram maior rendimento e menor incidência de insetos. A incidência de insetos variou entre os genótipos em todas as datas de semeadura, com pouca diferença entre os crioulos e os materiais comerciais. A ocorrência de BGMV na segunda safra impediu a produção de feijão em todos os genótipos
Algumas considerações sobre as finalidades e o funcionamento do Centro de Pesquisas da Infância e da Adolescência "Dante Moreira Leite" - unidade auxilar da FCL-CAR-UNESP
This paper describes functions and activities in Research Centre of Childhood and Adolescence "Dante Moreira Leite". Este artigo descreve as funções do Centro de Pesquisas da Infância e da Adolescência "Dante Moreira Leite" e suas atividades de atendimento e prestação de serviços à comunidade
Physiological and biochemical evaluation of different types of recovery in national level Paralympic powerlifting
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