492 research outputs found

    Short-Interval, Severe Wildfires Alter Saproxylic Beetle Diversity in Andean Araucaria Forests in Northwest Chilean Patagonia

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    The occurrence of short-interval, severe wildfires are increasing drastically at a global scale, and appear as a novel phenomenon in areas where fire historically returns in large time lapses. In forest ecosystems, these events induce drastic changes in population dynamics, which could dramatically impact species diversity. Here, we studied the effect on diversity of recent short-interval, severe wildfires (SISF), which occurred in rapid succession in the summers of 2002 and 2015 in Chilean Northern Patagonian Araucaria–Nothofagus forests. We analyzed the diversity of deadwood-dependent (i.e., saproxylic) and fire-sensitive beetles as biological indicators across four conditions: 2002-burned areas, 2015-burned areas, SISF areas (i.e., burned in 2002 and again in 2015), and unburned areas. Saproxylic beetles were collected using window traps in 2017 to 2019 summer seasons. To investigate the mechanisms underpinning the fire-related disturbance of the assemblage, we evaluated the effects of post-fire habitat quality (e.g., dead wood decomposition) and quantity (e.g., burned dead wood volume and tree density) on the abundances and species richness of the entire assemblage and also multiple trophic groups. Compared with the unburned condition, SISF drastically reduced species richness, evenness, and Shannon’s diversity and altered the composition of the saproxylic beetle assemblages. The between-condition variation in composition was accounted for by a species replacement (turnover) between SISF and 2015-burned areas, but both species replacement and extinction (nestedness) between SISF and unburned areas. Dead wood decomposition and tree density were the variables with the strongest effects on the abundance and species richness of the entire saproxylic beetle assemblage and most trophic groups. These results suggest that SISF, through degraded habitat quality (dead wood decomposition) and quantity (arboreal density), have detrimental impacts on diversity and population dynamics of saproxylic beetle assemblages. Therefore, habitat loss is a central mechanism underpinning fire-related biodiversity loss in these forest ecosystems.F.T. (Francisco Tello) was financially supported by CONICYT doctoral scholarship no. 21171980. F.T. (Francisco Tello), M.E.G., and A.L. were financially supported by ANID/FONDAP center no. 15110009 (CR2). M.E.G. was financially supported by FONDECYT grant no. 1201528. N.V. was financially supported by FONDECYT grants no. 1190529, no. 1181300, and FONDAP center no. 15150003 (IDEAL)

    Contenidos de identificación e indicación clínica de las solicitudes radiográficas para tomografía computarizada de haz cónico de pacientes atendidos en un centro de referencia de radiología oral de la ciudad de Talca entre enero y diciembre del año 2016

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    85 p.PALABRAS CLAVES: Tomografía computarizada de haz cónico, Protección radiológica, Solicitud radiográfica, Completación, Indicación Clínica. INTRODUCCIÓN: La indicación de los exámenes de tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (CBCT) debe ser de acuerdo con examen clínico del paciente y la necesidad de información por parte del solicitante. Para lograr una protección radiológica adecuada del paciente, es imprescindible que los clínicos completen adecuadamente la solicitud radiográfica (SR). La SR asegura una evaluación radiográfica apropiada del paciente, la comunicación eficiente entre el derivante y el radiólogo, y la entrega oportuna del informe radiológico. Existen guías que establecen la información mínima requerida en una SR. Sin embargo, se desconoce el cumplimiento de estas indicaciones en odontología en exámenes de CBCT. OBJETIVO: Evaluación del cumplimiento en la completación de los contenidos de identificación e indicación clínica por parte del odontólogo derivante en las SR para CBCT de pacientes atendidos en un Centro de Referencia de Radiología Oral de la ciudad de Talca entre enero y diciembre del año 2016. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de corte transversal, observacional, descriptivo y cuantitativo. Se evaluaron 501 SR; sus contenidos de identificación e indicación clínica y el cumplimento de indicación según una guía internacional. CONCLUSIONES: Un 45,8% de los odontólogos derivantes presentó un cumplimiento “Regular” en la completación de la solicitud radiográfica. Se encontraron tres contenidos críticos con menor al 50% de presencia en el total de las solicitudes radiográficas evaluadas: Medio de contacto del odontólogo, Firma del odontólogo y Diagnóstico. Un 84,9% cumplió con la indicación clínica del examen según la Guía Europea N°172. La aplicación clínica más frecuentes fue Implantes. La mayoría de los pacientes se realizó el examen dentro de los primeros 14 días a partir de la fecha de solicitud. La Indicación “Desarrollo” presentó el mayor lapso de espera. El FOV mediano fue utilizado en un 81% de los casos. Las indicaciones “Desarrollo” y “Quirúrgica” estuvieron asociadas a un FOV mediano y “Restaurativa” estuvo asociada a un FOV pequeño. Los “Odontólogos generales” presentaron mayor puntaje de cumplimiento en la completación de las SR que los “Especialistas”. Las especialidades de Implantología y Ortodoncia presentaron mayor puntaje./ABSTRACT: KEY WORDS: Cone beam computed tomography, radiological protection, radiographic request form, completion, clinical indication. INTRODUCTION: The indication of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) examinations should be according to the clinical examination of the patient and the need for information on the part of the referrer. To achieve adequate radiological protection of the patient, it is imperative that the clinicians properly complete the radiographic request form (SRF). The SRF ensures an appropriate radiographic evaluation of the patient. It also facilitates an efficient communication between the referrer and the radiologist, and the timely delivery of the radiological report. There are guides that establish the minimum information required in a SRF. However, compliance with these indications in dentistry in CBCT exams remains unknown. OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of compliance in the completion of the contents of identification and clinical indication by the dentist referrer in the SRF for CBCT of patients from a private radiological center of Talca between January and December of 2016. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study, observational, descriptive and quantitative. 501 SRF were evaluated in terms of contents of identification and clinical indication and the compliance of indication according to an international guide. CONCLUSIONS: 45.8% of the dentist referrers showed a "Regular" compliance in the completion of the SRF. Three critical contents were found with less than 50% of presence in the total of the SRF evaluated: Dentist`s contact, Dentist's signature and Diagnosis. 84.9% of the SRF achieved the clinical indication of the examination according to the European Guide No. 172. The most frequent clinical application was Implants. Most patients underwent the CBCT examination within the first 14 days. The Indication "Development" showed the longest waiting period. The medium FOV was used in 81% of the cases. The indications "Development" and "Surgical" were associated with a medium FOV and "Restorative" was associated with a small FOV. "General Dentists" showed higher compliance score in the completion of the SRF than "Specialists". The specialties of Implantology and Orthodontics presented higher compliance scores

    ¿Qué entienden los expertos por comunicación responsable?

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    This paper explores the perspective of communication experts about the concept of responsible communication (RC). Seven experts were interviewed and the results indicate two perspectives: a first one that emphasizes the role of RC as a reactor axis of corporate reputation and a second one that bets on holism as the basis of organizational transversality. As a theoretical category, RC offers a better understanding of how organizations’ public communication may facilitate openness and understanding between organizations and society.Este artigo examina a perspectiva de especialistas sobre a comunicação responsável (CR). Foram entrevistados sete especialistas, e os resultados mostram duas perspectivas: uma que destaca o papel da CR como eixo norteador da reputação corporativa e outra que aposta no holismo como base da transversalidade organizacional. Como categoria teórica, a CR oferece um maior conhecimento sobre como a comunicação pública das organizações pode facilitar a abertura e a compreensão entre organizações e sociedade.Este trabajo explora la perspectiva de especialistas sobre comunicación responsable (CR). Siete expertos fueron entrevistados, y los resultados indican dos perspectivas: una que enfatiza el papel de la CR como eje rector de la reputación corporativa y otra que apuesta por el holismo como base de la transversalidad organizacional. Mientras categoría teórica, la CR ofrece un mayor conocimiento sobre la forma en que la comunicación pública de las organizaciones puede facilitar la apertura y el entendimiento entre organizaciones y sociedad

    Criterios de Implementación ISO 14001:2015 Caso Estudio Sector OIL&GAS

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    Todas fases de las operaciones petroleras impactan al medio ambiente y a la biodiversidad. Las dos principales causas de afectación ambiental son: • Contaminación • Deforestación Los contaminantes pueden ser de distinta naturaleza: • Química, entre los que se incluye el propio petróleo crudo y sus componentes, que ingresan al ambiente a través de las distintas prácticas operacionales, los químicos que se usa para facilitar la extracción petrolera, los compuestos asociados al crudo, etc. • Sonora por las detonaciones que tienen lugar en la prospección sísmica y por el funcionamiento de la maquinaria petrolera. • Lumínica generada en la quema de gas Cada tipo de contaminación produce distinto tipo de impactos en la biodiversidad y el ambiente. En la construcción de infraestructura como plataformas de perforación, campamentos, helipuertos y pozos, así como la apertura de carreteras de acceso, el tendido del oleoductos y líneas secundarias, se produce deforestación. La deforestación se produce por tres causas: • porque se clarea el bosque para instalar toda esta infraestructura • para la construcción de campamentos, empalizar las carreteras, etc. se utilizan miles de tablones extraídos de los bosques aledaños • un impacto indirecto es que las carreteras constituyen una puerta abierta a la colonización y la deforestación.All phases of oil operations impact the environment and biodiversity. The two main causes of environmental involvement are: • Pollution • Deforestation Contaminants can be different in nature: • Quimicas, including crude oil itself and its components, which enter the environment through different operational practices, chemicals used to facilitate oil extraction, crude oil-associated compounds, etc. • Itis the detonations that take place in seismic exploration and by the operation of the oil machinery. • Thermionics’ generated in gas burning Each type of pollution has different types of impacts on biodiversity and the environment. In the construction of infrastructure such as drilling rigs, camps, helipads and wells, as well as the opening of access roads, the laying of the pipeline and secondary lines, deforestation occurs. Deforestation occurs from three causes: • because the forest is cleared to install all this infrastructure • thousands of planks extracted from the surrounding forests are used for the construction of camps, splicing roads, etc. • an indirect impact is that roads are an open door to colonization and deforestation

    Exclusión y Otredad

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    PublishedEl libro que tendrán la oportunidad de leer enmarca las prácticas de convivencia en torno a la otredad y la exclusión en la comunidad universitaria de la Universidad Santiago de Cali (USC), particularmente en los grupos étnicos afro e indígenas, así como en las personas con discapacidad, surge como respuesta a la necesidad de identificar las prácticas de convivencia, los imaginarios y sentidos que se han construido en la comunidad universitaria y que enmarcan una forma de ser y vivir la universidad. Contiene cinco capítulos, de los cuales, los dos primeros abordan el estado del arte de la investigación académica en torno a grupos indígenas, afrocolombianos y personas con discapacidad, y los otros tres recrean las prácticas de convivencia y otredad de estos grupos poblacionales, teniendo en cuenta las prácticas de exclusión, visibilización/invisibilización y sus interacciones. Todo esto como producto de la investigación y el análisis desarrollado desde diferentes ámbitos como el político, educativo, sociológico, antropológico, filosófico, psicológico, puesto que, como un asunto multicausal, entender sus causas, consecuencias, estructuras, vías de producción y reproducción, es sólo posible desde diversos ángulos y disciplina

    Prevalence and factors associated with anxiety and depression symptoms in adults from Chihuahua City, Mexico during COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown measures

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    Introduction: Levels of anxiety and depression have increased internationally during the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective: To determine the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms and identify their associated factors including lockdown measures in the general population over 18 years from Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Cross-sectional study, with online survey and snowball sampling. The GAD-7 (anxiety), PHQ-9 (depression) and Likert (social distancing measures) scales were used. Frequencies, measures of central tendency and dispersion were calculated; a bivariate analysis was performed with odds ratio as a measure of association between those with the presence and absence of anxiety and depression symptoms; for the total population and stratifying by sex, calculating the degree of association between the categorical variables using Fisher's exact test and Chi2, considering a p<.05. Results: From 377 participants, 46% had symptoms of anxiety and 43% depressive symptoms. Being a woman, single, young, student, not exercising, smoking, alcohol consumption, practicing social distancing measures, the history of a previous mental disorder or mental health care, were associated with the presence of symptoms of anxiety and/or depression. Discussion and conclusion: High prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms were found, justifying a follow-up of the mental health of the population. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54167/tecnociencia.v16i1.88

    “Influencia en la aplicación de la metodología en el proceso de aprendizaje en estudiantes del nivel medio ciclo básico de los Institutos Nacionales, muestra representativa de los municipios de Cuyotenango, San Gabriel, Sto. Domingo, San Bernandino, Samayac y San Francisco Zapotitlán del departamento de Suchitepéquez”.

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    El desarrollo de una nación está determinado por los niveles educativos alcanzados, así como la influencia que tienen cada uno de los elementos que se desarrollan y llevan a la educación a cada uno de los lugares del país. Un elemento indispensable dentro del rol educativo es, el docente quien tiene como papel fundamental la aplicación de metodologías para que estas sean absorbidas y luego reflejadas en el proceso de aprendizaje del alumno. Por ello debe mantenerse de forma activa y actualizada, conociendo los procesos actuales, para que con dedicación y esmero impartan sus clases y así el alumno pueda llevar a cabo lo aprendido siendo de manera significativa y con sentido común. El presente informe es del seminario sobre “Influencia en la aplicación de la metodología constructivista en el proceso de aprendizaje de estudiantes del nivel medio ciclo básico de los Institutos Nacionales de Educación Básica, muestra representativa de los municipios de Cuyotenango, San Gabriel, Sto. Domingo, San Bernandino, Samayac y San Francisco Zapotitlán del departamento de Suchitepéquez”. A través del cual se pudo conocer ciertos factores presentes en la educación así como la influencia que estos tienen, además de evidenciar necesidades palpables dentro de las instituciones educativas, para con ello tratar de proponer alternativas que permitan mejorar la calidad educativa. El informe está estructurado en V capítulos; El informe está estructurado en V capítulos; el capítulo I contiene el diseño de investigación dentro del cual están: el problema de investigación, definición del problema, planteamiento del problema, justificación, definición de unidad de análisis, delimitación del problema, objetivos e hipótesis

    IgA vasculitis: influence of CD40, BLK and BANK1 gene polymorphisms

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    CD40, BLK and BANK1 genes involved in the development and signaling of B-cells are identified as susceptibility loci for numerous inflammatory diseases. Accordingly, we assessed the potential influence of CD40, BLK and BANK1 on the pathogenesis of immunoglobulin-A vasculitis (IgAV), predominantly a B-lymphocyte inflammatory condition. Three genetic variants within CD40 (rs1883832, rs1535045, rs4813003) and BLK (rs2254546, rs2736340, rs2618476) as well as two BANK1 polymorphisms (rs10516487, rs3733197), previously associated with inflammatory diseases, were genotyped in 382 Caucasian patients with IgAV and 955 sex- and ethnically matched healthy controls. No statistically significant differences were observed in the genotype and allele frequencies of CD40, BLK and BANK1 when IgAV patients and healthy controls were compared. Similar results were found when CD40, BLK and BANK1 genotypes or alleles frequencies were compared between patients with IgAV stratified according to the age at disease onset or to the presence/absence of gastrointestinal or renal manifestations. Moreover, no CD40, BLK and BANK1 haplotype differences were disclosed between patients with IgAV and healthy controls and between patients with IgAV stratified according to the clinical characteristics mentioned above. Our findings indicate that CD40, BLK and BANK1 do not contribute to the genetic background of IgAV.Funding: This study was supported by European Union FEDER funds and “Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias” (grants PI18/00042 and PI21/00042) from “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (ISCIII, Health Ministry, Spain). D.P.-P. is a recipient of a Río Hortega program fellowship from the ISCIII, co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF, “Investing in your future”) (grant number CM20/00006). F.G. is supported by funds of the RICORS Program from ISCIII, co-funded by the European Union (grant number RD21/0002/0025). V.P.-C. is supported by funds of PI18/00042. S.R.-M. is supported by funds of the RETICS Program (RD16/0012/0009) (ISCIII, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)). O.G. is a staff member of Xunta de Galicia (Servizo Galego de Saude (SERGAS)) through a research-staff stabilization contract (ISCIII/SERGAS) and his work is funded by ISCIII and the European Union FEDER fund (grant numbers RD16/0012/0014 (RIER) and PI17/00409). He is a beneficiary of project funds from the Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Union in the framework of MSCA-RISE Action of the H2020 Program, project 734899—Olive-Net. R.L.-M. is a recipient of a Miguel Servet type II program fellowship from the ISCIII, co-funded by ESF (“Investing in your future”) (grant number CPII21/00004). Acknowledgments: We are indebted to the patients and healthy controls for their essential collaboration on this study. We also thank the National DNA Bank Repository (Salamanca) for supplying part of the control samples

    IgA Vasculitis: Influence of CD40, BLK and BANK1 Gene Polymorphisms

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    CD40, BLK and BANK1 genes involved in the development and signaling of B-cells are identified as susceptibility loci for numerous inflammatory diseases. Accordingly, we assessed the potential influence of CD40, BLK and BANK1 on the pathogenesis of immunoglobulin-A vasculitis (IgAV), predominantly a B-lymphocyte inflammatory condition. Three genetic variants within CD40 (rs1883832, rs1535045, rs4813003) and BLK (rs2254546, rs2736340, rs2618476) as well as two BANK1 polymorphisms (rs10516487, rs3733197), previously associated with inflammatory diseases, were genotyped in 382 Caucasian patients with IgAV and 955 sex- and ethnically matched healthy controls. No statistically significant differences were observed in the genotype and allele frequencies of CD40, BLK and BANK1 when IgAV patients and healthy controls were compared. Similar results were found when CD40, BLK and BANK1 genotypes or alleles frequencies were compared between patients with IgAV stratified according to the age at disease onset or to the presence/absence of gastrointestinal or renal manifestations. Moreover, no CD40, BLK and BANK1 haplotype differences were disclosed between patients with IgAV and healthy controls and between patients with IgAV stratified according to the clinical characteristics mentioned above. Our findings indicate that CD40, BLK and BANK1 do not contribute to the genetic background of IgAV