25 research outputs found


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    The aim of the current study was to validate the General Paranoia Scale for Portuguese Adolescents population (GPS-A). This scale assesses the paranoid ideation in non-clinical population. Results from a confirmatory factor analysis of the scale on 1218 youths confirmed an alternative model to the one-dimensional model proposed by Fenigstein and Vanable (1992) comprising three different dimensions (Mistrust thoughts, persecutory ideas and depreciation). This alternative model presented a good fit: χ2 (162)= 727.200, p = .000; CFI = .925; RMSEA = .054, P(rmsea ≤0.05) = .000; PCFI = .788; AIC = 863.200. All items presented adequate factor loadings (λij ≥0.5) and individual reliability ((λij)2 ≥0.25). Further data analysis on the scale revealed that the GPS-A is an adequate assessment tool for adolescents, with good psychometric characteristics and high internal consistency

    Self-attention and the egocentric assumption of shared perspectives

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    Five studies looked at the relationship between self-directed attention and the egocentric assumption that others think in the same way as the self. In each study, subjects were asked to make two different judgments, one based on their own reasoning and another indicating what they thought others would think. Self-attention was examined both as an experimental manipulation and as a dispositional variable. Each study found that as self-focus or public self-consciousness increased, so did the assumption of shared perspectives. Discussion focused on the relationship between self-focused attention and self-centered thought

    Public and private self-consciousness: Assessment and theory.

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    Paranoia in the general population: A revised version of the General Paranoia Scale for adults

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    Paranoid ideation has been regarded as a cognitive and a social process used as a defence against perceived threats. According to this perspective, paranoid ideation can be understood as a process extending across the normal-pathological continuum. Methods: In order to refine the construct of paranoid ideation and to validate a measure of paranoia, 906 Portuguese participants from the general population and 91 patients were administered the General Paranoia Scale (GPS), and two conceptual models (one - and tridimensional) were compared through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results: Results from the CFA of the GPS confirmed a different model than the one-dimensional model proposed by Fenigstein and Vanable, which com-prised three dimensions (mistrust thoughts, persecutory ideas, and self-deprecation). This alternative model presented a better fit and increased sensitivity when compared with the one-dimensional model. Further data analysis of the scale revealed that the GPS is an adequate assessment tool for adults, with good psychometric characteristics and high internal consistency. Conclusion: The model proposed in the current work leads to further refinements and enrichment of the construct of paranoia in different populations, allowing the assessment of three dimensions of paranoia and the risk of clinical paranoia in a single measure for the general population