622 research outputs found

    The ‘subaltern’ foreign policies of North African countries: old and new responses to economic dependence, regional insecurity and domestic political change

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis (Routledge)via the DOI in this record.This article introduces the special issue by explaining why researching change and continuity in the foreign policies of North African states is relevant in spite of these countries’ peripheral and ‘subaltern’ position within the global system. It situates the special issue’s content in the context of the extant academic literature on the foreign policies of dependent/Third World/Global South countries, the foreign policies of MENA states and the consequences of the 2011 Arab uprisings in terms of international relations. It then moves on to discuss the case study selection by outlining key commonalities and differences between Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt in terms of historical, political and economic foreign policy determinants. The country case studies each focus on a particular level of analysis, from the global – Tunisia’s financial predicaments and foreign debt negotiations – through the (sub)regional – Egypt’s relationship of necessity with Saudi Arabia, Algeria’s half-hearted policies towards the conflicts in Libya and Mali – to the domestic sphere – Morocco’s power balance between the monarchy and the Islamist Justice and Development Party (PJD) heading the government, Libya’s extreme state weakness and internal power competition among proliferating private actors –, reaching also the deeper non-state societal level – Mauritania’s new forms of social activism questioning the official religious identity and the socio-political makeup of the state. The last part of the introduction critically relates the empirical findings of the special issue to theoretical debates on subalternity in International Relations and Mohammed Ayoob’s subaltern realism in particular.The research leading to this article was funded by the grant ‘The International Dimension of Political Transformations in the Arab World’ (CSO2014-52998-C3-3-P), awarded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain to the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

    A Business Model Assessment and Evaluation Framework for City Logistics Collaborative Strategic Decision Support

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    Several City Logistics (CL) initiatives have emerged in the last two decades with the aim to reduce the negative externalities of freight distribution in urban areas. Such initiatives can be public and/or private but need to not break or impeach current operations efficiency so to not hinder their profitability. In order to provide business value to CL initiatives and thus fostering their long-term success, it is necessary to understand the decision-making of private companies operating in the urban freight ecosystem. This paper proposes an ex-ante assessment and evaluation framework built around the concept of an ecosystem business modelling that includes the decision-making by CL stakeholders. A theoretical framework previously developed is extended to evaluate a collaborative business model of an Urban Consolidation Centre (UCC). Cost-Benefit analysis (CBA is used estimate the impact of the business model configuration. Finally, research and practice implications are also addressed

    La contratación pública de obras: situación actual y puntos de mejora

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    La construcción pública ha sido, es y será uno de los pilares fundamentales del sector construcción español, si bien la actual situación de crisis económica y la reducción de la inversión pública en nuevas infraestructuras ha generado un descenso de actividad hasta niveles similares a los años noventa. El retorno a índices de actividad más elevados no solo se conseguirá con la recuperación de la economía del país, sino que será necesario realizar ciertas mejoras en los procesos de licitación con objeto de conseguir una mayor funcionalidad y flexibilidad en la contratación pública de obras

    A new urban freight distribution scheme and an optimization methodology for reducing its overall cost

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    The paper refers to an innovative urban freight distribution scheme, aimed at reducing the externalities connected with the freight delivery process. Both packages destined to commercial activities and to end consumers (e-commerce) are taken into account. Each package is characterized by an address and dimensions. In the proposed transport system, freight is firstly delivered to the UDC on the border of urban areas through trucks or trains which perform the long distance transport. After, freight is reorganized and consolidated into load units, i.e. the FURBOT boxes, according to packages dimensions and to the addresses of receivers. Each box is addressed to a temporary unloading bay and it is delivered there by a FURBOT vehicle. The receivers are in charge of collecting their packages in the related unloading bays where they have been delivered. The paper concerns a methodology for optimizing this freight transport system's performances. The overall methodology receives in input the actual freight demand and the road network, and finds the transport system parameters (number of required FURBOT boxes, their temporary unloading bay, the FURBOT fleet dimension and the FURBOT vehicle routing) that minimize the system overall cost. The overall cost is a sum of the users' cost, which depends on the distance they have to walk for collecting their packages in the FURBOT box, and of the operator's cost, which depends on the number of required boxes, the total distance travelled by the FURBOT vehicles and the required number of FURBOT vehicles. The overall procedure has been applied to the case study of Barreiro old town, a suburb of Lisbon, Portugal

    Impact of tobacco control policies on smoking prevalence and quit ratios in 27 European Union countries from 2006-2014

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    Background: Smoking is still highly prevalent in Europe. According to the WHO, tobacco control policies vary substantially across countries. The Tobacco Control Scale (TCS) was developed to quantify the implementation of tobacco control policies at country level in Europe. The objective was to assess the impact of tobacco control policies (quantified by TCS scores) on smoking prevalence and quit ratios and their relative changes from 2006-2014 in 27 European Union (EU27) countries. Methods: We conducted an ecological study at the country level. We used TCS scores in EU27 in 2007, and the prevalence of tobacco and quit ratios (No. ex-smokers/ No. ever smokers) data from the Eurobarometer surveys (2006 and 2014 waves). We analysed the relationship between the TCS scores and smoking prevalence and quit ratios and their relative changes by means of scatter plots, Spearman rank-correlation coefficients (rsp), and a multiple linear regression model adjusted for all TCS components. Results: In EU27, the smoking prevalence decreased by 14% (95%CI:7.3%-20.6%) (2006-2014) and varied from a relative decrease of 48.9% in Sweden to 0.4% in Bulgaria. The increase in the quit ratio in EU27 was 19.2% (95%CI:5.4%-33.1%) (2006-2014) and ranged from 125.8% in Sweden to 4.3% in Bulgaria. The correlation between TCS scores and smoking prevalence was negative (rsp=-0.444;p=0.02). A positive correlation was observed between TCS scores and quit ratios in 2014 (rsp=0.373;p=0.06) and in the relative changes in smoking prevalence (rsp=0.415;p=0.03). The percentage of smoking prevalence in 2014 explained by all TCS components in the regression model was 28.9% Conclusions: European countries with higher TCS scores, which indicates higher tobacco control efforts, have lower prevalence of smokers, higher quit ratios, and higher relative decreases in their smoking prevalence over the last decade. Funding: EC Horizon2020 HCO-6-2015 (EUREST-PLUS No. 681109); Government of Spain & European Regional Development Fund (RTICC RD12/0036/0053); Government of Catalonia (2014SGR999)

    Multimorbidity and weight loss in obese primary care patients: Longitudinal study based on electronic healthcare records

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    Objective: To analyse the association between cardiovascular and mental comorbidities of obesity and weight loss registered in the electronic primary healthcare records. Design and setting: Longitudinal study of a cohort of adult patients assigned to any of the public primary care centres in Aragon, Spain, during 2010 and 2011. Participants: Adult obese patients for whom data on their weight were available for 2010 (n=62 901), and for both 2010 and 2011 (n=42 428). Outcomes: Weight loss (yes/no) was calculated based on the weight difference between the first value registered in 2010 and the last value registered in 2011. Multivariate logistic regression models were adjusted for individuals' age, sex, total number of chronic comorbidities, type of obesity and length of time between both weight measurements. Results: According to the recorded clinical information, 9 of 10 obese patients showed at least one chronic comorbidity. After adjusting for covariates, weight loss seemed to be more likely among obese patients with a diagnosis of diabetes and/or dementia and less likely among those with hypertension, anxiety and/or substance use problems (p<0.05). The probability of weight loss was also significantly higher in male patients with more severe obesity and older age. Conclusions: An increased probability of weight loss over 1 year was observed in older obese male patients, especially among those already manifesting high levels of obesity and severe comorbidities such as diabetes and/or dementia. Yet patients with certain psychological problems showed lower rates of weight reduction. Future research should clarify if these differences persist beyond potential selective weight documentation in primary care, to better understand the trends in weight reduction among obese patients and the underlying role of general practitioners regarding such trends

    Food hub: Una alternativa para alimentar las ciudades de manera sostenible

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    La tarea de alimentar las ciudades es un reto al que hoy se enfrentan todos los gobiernos e implica una coordinación de múltiples productores, distribuidores, operadores logísticos y comerciantes de alimentos perecederos. Este artículo pretende analizar los Food hubs en el sistema de distribución urbano de alimentos, de manera crítica y sistemática desde la literatura. Se presenta en primera instancia un estado del arte sobre el concepto de Food hub, luego se presenta una propuesta de tipificación de Food hubs de acuerdo a unos criterios, concentrándose en actores implicados en el proceso de distribución de alimentos, estructura jurídica y sus funciones. También se describen los impactos sociales, económicos y medioambientales que traería consigo la implementación de un Food hub. Finalmente, se presentan las principales oportunidades para la expansión de Food hubs urbanos y se exponen cuatro ejemplos latinoamericanos, relacionándolos con la tipología propuesta. Food hub as an efficient alternative to sustainably feed the cities. The task of feeding cities is a challenge that nowadays all governments face, it involves the coordination of multiple producers, distributors, logistics operators and traders of perishable foods. This paper analyzes the Food hubs concept and its impact on urban development in a critical perception from the literature review. The state of the art on the concept of Food Hub is presented at first instance. Then a classification of different types of Food hub is done by focusing on the actors involved in the food system distribution process, structure and functions. After that, an analysis of the prospects of the implementation of Food hubs is performed, evaluating its economic, social and environmental impacts. Finally, the main opportunities for the deployment of urban Food hubs are presented, and four Latin-American cases are introduced, linked them with the proposed typolog

    Impact of tobacco control policies on smoking prevalence and quit ratios in 27 European Union countries from 2006 to 2014

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    BACKGROUND: Tobacco use is still highly prevalent in Europe, despite the tobacco control efforts made by the governments. The development of tobacco control policies varies substantially across countries. The Tobacco Control Scale (TCS) was introduced to quantify the implementation of tobacco control policies across European countries OBJECTIVE: To assess the midterm association of tobacco control policies on smoking prevalence and quit ratios among 27 European Union (EU) Member States (EU27). METHODS: Ecological study. We used the TCS in EU27 in 2007 and the prevalence of tobacco and quit ratios data from the Eurobarometer survey (2006 (n=27 585) and 2014 (n=26 793)). We analysed the relationship between the TCS scores and smoking prevalence and quit ratios and their relative changes (between 2006 and 2014) by means of scatter plots and multiple linear regression models. RESULTS: In EU27, countries with higher scores in the TCS, which indicates higher tobacco control efforts, have lower prevalence of smokers, higher quit ratios and higher relative decreases in their prevalence rates of smokers over the last decade. The correlation between TCS scores and smoking prevalence (rsp=-0.444; P=0.02) and between the relative changes in smoking prevalence (rsp=-0.415; P=0.03) was negative. A positive correlation was observed between TCS scores and quit ratios (rsp=0.373; P=0.06). The percentage of smoking prevalence explained by all TCS components was 28.9%. CONCLUSION: EU27 should continue implementing comprehensive tobacco control policies as they are key for reducing the prevalence of smoking and an increase tobacco cessation rates in their population
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