146 research outputs found

    A Developmental Framework for Mentorship in SoTL Illustrated by Three Examples of Unseen Opportunities for Mentoring

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    Mentoring relationships that form between scholars of teaching and learning occur formally and informally, across varied pathways and programs. In order to better understand such relationships, this paper proposes an adapted version of a three-stage model of mentoring (McKinsey 2016), using three examples of unseen opportunities for mentoring in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) to illustrate how this framework might be operationalized. We discuss how the adapted framework might be useful to SoTL scholars in the future to examine mentorship and how unseen opportunities for mentoring might shape how we consider this subset of mentorship going forward

    α-Catenin levels determine direction of YAP/TAZ response to autophagy perturbation

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    The factors regulating cellular identity are critical for understanding the transition from health to disease and responses to therapies. Recent literature suggests that autophagy compromise may cause opposite effects in different contexts by either activating or inhibiting YAP/TAZ co-transcriptional regulators of the Hippo pathway via unrelated mechanisms. Here, we confirm that autophagy perturbation in different cell types can cause opposite responses in growth-promoting oncogenic YAP/TAZ transcriptional signalling. These apparently contradictory responses can be resolved by a feedback loop where autophagy negatively regulates the levels of α-catenins, LC3-interacting proteins that inhibit YAP/TAZ, which, in turn, positively regulate autophagy. High basal levels of α-catenins enable autophagy induction to positively regulate YAP/TAZ, while low α-catenins cause YAP/TAZ activation upon autophagy inhibition. These data reveal how feedback loops enable post-transcriptional determination of cell identity and how levels of a single intermediary protein can dictate the direction of response to external or internal perturbations

    Radio-frequency capacitance spectroscopy of metallic nanoparticles

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    Recent years have seen great progress in our understanding of the electronic properties of nanomaterials in which at least one dimension measures less than 100 nm. However, contacting true nanometer scale materials such as individual molecules or nanoparticles remains a challenge as even state-of-the-art nanofabrication techniques such as electron-beam lithography have a resolution of a few nm at best. Here we present a fabrication and measurement technique that allows high sensitivity and high bandwidth readout of discrete quantum states of metallic nanoparticles which does not require nm resolution or precision. This is achieved by coupling the nanoparticles to resonant electrical circuits and measurement of the phase of a reflected radio-frequency signal. This requires only a single tunnel contact to the nanoparticles thus simplifying device fabrication and improving yield and reliability. The technique is demonstrated by measurements on 2.7 nm thiol coated gold nanoparticles which are shown to be in excellent quantitative agreement with theory

    Radio-frequency capacitance spectroscopy of metallic nanoparticles.

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    Recent years have seen great progress in our understanding of the electronic properties of nanomaterials in which at least one dimension measures less than 100 nm. However, contacting true nanometer scale materials such as individual molecules or nanoparticles remains a challenge as even state-of-the-art nanofabrication techniques such as electron-beam lithography have a resolution of a few nm at best. Here we present a fabrication and measurement technique that allows high sensitivity and high bandwidth readout of discrete quantum states of metallic nanoparticles which does not require nm resolution or precision. This is achieved by coupling the nanoparticles to resonant electrical circuits and measurement of the phase of a reflected radio-frequency signal. This requires only a single tunnel contact to the nanoparticles thus simplifying device fabrication and improving yield and reliability. The technique is demonstrated by measurements on 2.7 nm thiol coated gold nanoparticles which are shown to be in excellent quantitative agreement with theory.The work in the UK has been supported by EPSRC. The work in Japan has been partially supported by Elements Strategy Initiative to Form a Core Research Center, funded by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT); the Collaborative Research Project of Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology; the Collaborative Research Program of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University; and the BK21 plus Program through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Korea

    Therapeutic targeting of autophagy in neurodegenerative and infectious diseases.

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    Autophagy is a conserved process that uses double-membrane vesicles to deliver cytoplasmic contents to lysosomes for degradation. Although autophagy may impact many facets of human biology and disease, in this review we focus on the ability of autophagy to protect against certain neurodegenerative and infectious diseases. Autophagy enhances the clearance of toxic, cytoplasmic, aggregate-prone proteins and infectious agents. The beneficial roles of autophagy can now be extended to supporting cell survival and regulating inflammation. Autophagic control of inflammation is one area where autophagy may have similar benefits for both infectious and neurodegenerative diseases beyond direct removal of the pathogenic agents. Preclinical data supporting the potential therapeutic utility of autophagy modulation in such conditions is accumulating.We are grateful to the Wellcome Trust (095317/Z/11/Z Principal Research Fellowship to D.C. Rubinsztein and strategic award 100140), the National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Unit in Dementia at Addenbrooke’s Hospital (D.C. Rubinsztein), and the National Institutes of Health (AI042999 and AI111935; V. Deretic) for funding our work. D.C. Rubinsztein has received grant funding from MedImmune and is a scientific advisor for E3Bio and Bioblast.This is the final version. It was first published by Rockefeller University Press at http://jem.rupress.org/content/early/2015/06/17/jem.20150956.full