2,432 research outputs found

    Should Croatia Declare an Exclusive Economic Zone?

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    The paper deals with the EEC legal regime and discuses whether Croatia should declare one. In order to provide comprehensive understanding of the relevant issues, the paper fi rstly analyses the legal institute of the EEC and gives an overview of all relevant characteristics thereof, as set forth in the third United Nations’ Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Then it presents some of the questions arising from the process of the declaration and delimitation of the EEC by reviewing the most relevant case law on this matter. The Republic of Croatia has incorporated all the up to date provisions in its Maritime Code relative to the EEC. However, it decided to proclaim an Ecological-Fishery Zone with only some of the sovereign rights which a state is entitled to exercise in the EEC according to UNCLOS. Subsequently, it suspended this Zone thus making the protection of Croatian maritime resources dubious

    Radovi doktorskih kandidata s Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u hrvatskim časopisima [Publications in the Croatian medical journals by doctoral candidates at University of Zagreb School of Medicine]

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    By searching Medline/PubMed bibliographic database we collected data on publications of two groups of PhD candidates who earned their PhD degrees at University of Zagreb Medical School in 2000 and 2010. We identifed their publications in the Croatian medical journals and separately in the Croatian language. First group of PhD candidates (y 2000) published in the Croatian journals 34% of all published papers, with a share of 29% in the Croatian language. Another group (y 2010) published in the Croatian journals 44% of all published papers in which the number of papers published in the Croatian journals in English language grow significantly (5% vs. 31%). The number of papers published in the Croatian language decreased to 13%. Our results agreed with the global decreasing trend of the number of medical papers in non-English languages. The importance of mother-tongue in the medical education and health care may have influence on preserving scientific communication in non-English medical journals

    Searching for patterns in political event sequences: Experiments with the KEDs database

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    This paper presents an empirical study on the possibility of discovering interesting event sequences and sequential rules in a large database of international political events. A data mining algorithm first presented by Mannila and Toivonen (1996), has been implemented and extended, which is able to search for generalized episodes in such event databases. Experiments conducted with this algorithm on the Kansas Event Data System (KEDS) database, an event data set covering interactions between countries in the Persian Gulf region, are described. Some qualitative and quantitative results are reported, and experiences with strategies for reducing the problem complexity and focusing on the search on interesting subsets of events are described

    Bibliometric indicators for assessing the quality of scientific journals

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    Znanstveni časopisi zauzimaju važno mjesto u znanstvenoj zajednici te obavljaju različite uloge, među kojima posebice valja spomenuti objavljivanje i diseminacija rezultata znanstvenih istraživanja, vrednovanje zaprimljenih članaka kroz recenzijski postupak, zaštita intelektualnog vlasništva autora te njegovo predstavljanje znanstvenoj zajednici. Znanstveni časopisi također zauzimaju i važnu ulogu u procjeni kvalitete znanstvenoga istraživanja pa se od 60-tih godina 20. stoljeća nadalje uočava porast kvantitativnih istraživanja svojstava časopisa, odnosno radova/članaka koje oni objavljuju kao osnovnih jedinica na kojima se provode, tzv., bibliometrijske analize. U ovom su poglavlju opisani bibliometrijski pokazatelji o časopisima kao što su to faktor odjeka časopisa (IF), SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) i h-indeks. Također je i razjašnjena metodologija njihovog izračuna te je donesen i kritički pregled njihovih prednosti i mana, kao i naglašena važnost razumijevanja kontektsta unutar kojih se spomenuti bibliometrijski pokazatelji o časopisima moraju interpretirati. Donesen i pregled relevantnih citatnih baza podataka koje bilježe podatke o citiranosti pojedinih radova objavljenih u časopisima, a na temelju kojih se izračunavaju razni bibliometrijski pokazatelji o časopisima (Web of Science Core Collection i Scopus), kao i besplatne citatne baze podataka Google Znalac. Kao alternativa, ali i dopuna bibliometrijskim pokazateljima o časopisima donesen je i pregled altmetrijskih pokazatelja o radovima objavljenim u časopisima koji se temelje, primjerice, na broju posjeta nečkom članku u digitalnoj verziji, broju preuzimanja, dijeljenja i spominjanja na raznim društvenim mrežama i sl

    Informacijski mrežni servis: potpora knjižnice u provođenju prakse utemeljene na znanstvenim dokazima [Online information service: the library support for evidence-based practice]

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    It frequently happens that physicians do not have adequate skills or enough time for searching and evaluating evidence needed in their everyday practice. Medical librarian can serve as a mediator in enabling physicians to utilize the potential offered by contemporary evidence-based medicine. The Central Medical Library (CML) at University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, designed a web-based information service aimed at the promotion of evidence-based practice in the Croatian medical community. The users can ask for a help in finding information on their clinical problems. A responsible librarian will analyse the problem, search information resources and evaluate the evidence. The answer is returned to the user by an e-mail. In the 2008-2012 period 166 questions from 12 clinical fields were received and most of them (36.1%) came from internal medicine doctors. The share of treatment-related questions was 70.5%. In the setting of underdeveloped ICT infrastructure and inadequate EBM resources availability, such information service can help in transfer of scientific evidence into the everyday clinical practice

    Percepcija sukoba i emocionalni napor u sestrinstvu

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    More and more intense way of life and work, global crisis which causes lack of work resources, make it more difficult to provide adequate health care and lead to stress and conflict at different levels of healthcare activities. Healthcare professionals are exposed to emotional labour on a daily basis. Continuous management and regulation of their emotions may exhaust them, make their work harder and increase the occurrence of conflict. On the other hand, it is possible that conflict itself could be the source of stress and negative emotions which require greater emotional labour in order to be concealed or suppressed. The aim of this research was to examine different features of conflict in the workplace, the level of emotional labour experienced by nurses, and the relationship between the perception of conflict and emotional labour. The research was carried out anonymously on the convenience sample of 104 female (94.2%) and male (5.8%) nurses at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Zagreb. The average age of the participants was 36 years, and their average work experience was 15.9 years. For the purpose of the research the Questionnaire on Various Features of Conflict by Stojčić & Perković, and the Questionnaire on Emotional labour by Näring, Briët & Brouwers were used. 76% of the participants perceive conflict as destructive. Conflict in the workplace is not frequent, and the majority of the participants consider themselves as successful in constructive resolution of conflict. Persons with longer work experience enter into conflict more often. Nurses are not exposed to intense emotional labour; workers with secondary education invest greater emotional labour than those with university education. The hierarchical analysis has shown that it is possible to explain 38.4% of the variance of conflict frequency with sets of predictors (age, education level, different work problems, emotional labour). The most important predictors were age, problematic behavior of colleagues and expressing positive emotions. Emotional labour has a significant, but small part in conflict frequency.Sve intenzivniji način života i rada te globalna kriza koja za sobom povlači nedostatak sredstava za rad otežavaju pružanje adekvatne zdravstvene skrbi i dovode do stresa i sukoba na različitim razinama zdravstvene djelatnosti. Zdravstveni djelatnici svakodnevno su izloženi emocionalnom naporu − upravljanju i reguliranju svojih emocija, što ih može iscrpljivati, otežavati rad i pospješiti pojavu sukoba. No moguće je i da su sukobi izvor stresa i negativnih emocija koje zahtijevaju veći emocionalni napor za njihovo prikrivanje ili potiskivanje. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati različita obilježja sukoba na radnom mjestu, razinu emocionalnog napora koje doživljavaju medicinske sestre te odnos percepcije sukoba i emocionalnog napora. Istraživanje je provedeno anonimno na prigodnom uzorku od 104 medicinskih sestara (94,2%) i tehničara (5,8%) u Klinici za infektivne bolesti u Zagrebu. Prosječna je dob sudionika 36 godina, a radnog staža 15,9 godina. Korišten je upitnik o različitim obilježjima sukoba autora Stojčić i Perković te Upitnik emocionalnog napora autora Näring, Briët i Brouwers. 76% sudionika percipira sukob kao destruktivnu pojavu. Sukobi na radnom mjestu nisu učestali, a većina sudionika smatra se uspješnima u konstruktivnom rješavanju sukoba. Više se sukobljavaju oni s dužim radnim stažem. Medicinske sestre nisu izložene intenzivnom emocionalnom naporu; djelatnici sa srednjom stručnom spremom ulažu veći emocionalni trud u odnosu na one s višim obrazovanjem. Hijerarhijska analiza pokazala je da se setovima prediktora (dob i stručna sprema, različiti problemi u radu, emocionalni napor) može objasniti 38,4% varijance učestalosti sukoba, pri čemu su značajni prediktori dob, problematična ponašanja suradnika i izražavanje pozitivnih emocija. Emocionalni napor ima značajan, ali skroman udio u učestalosti sukoba