418 research outputs found

    Deformation of the Fermi surface in the extended Hubbard model

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    The deformation of the Fermi surface induced by Coulomb interactions is investigated in the t-t'-Hubbard model. The interplay of the local U and extended V interactions is analyzed. It is found that exchange interactions V enhance small anisotropies producing deformations of the Fermi surface which break the point group symmetry of the square lattice at the Van Hove filling. This Pomeranchuck instability competes with ferromagnetism and is suppressed at a critical value of U(V). The interaction V renormalizes the t' parameter to smaller values what favours nesting. It also induces changes on the topology of the Fermi surface which can go from hole to electron-like what may explain recent ARPES experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 ps figure

    Three-loop \beta-functions for top-Yukawa and the Higgs self-interaction in the Standard Model

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    We analytically compute the dominant contributions to the \beta-functions for the top-Yukawa coupling, the strong coupling and the Higgs self-coupling as well as the anomalous dimensions of the scalar, gluon and quark fields in the unbroken phase of the Standard Model at three-loop level. These are mainly the QCD and top-Yukawa corrections. The contributions from the Higgs self-interaction which are negligible for the running of the top-Yukawa and the strong coupling but important for the running of the Higgs self-coupling are also evaluated.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. Few extra citations are added; the plots are improved. Results in computer readable form can be retrieved from http://www-ttp.particle.uni-karlsruhe.de/Progdata/ttp12/ttp12-012

    General Gauge Mediation at the Weak Scale

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    We completely characterize General Gauge Mediation (GGM) at the weak scale by solving all IR constraints over the full parameter space. This is made possible through a combination of numerical and analytical methods, based on a set of algebraic relations among the IR soft masses derived from the GGM boundary conditions in the UV. We show how tensions between just a few constraints determine the boundaries of the parameter space: electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB), the Higgs mass, slepton tachyons, and left-handed stop/sbottom tachyons. While these constraints allow the left-handed squarks to be arbitrarily light, they place strong lower bounds on all of the right-handed squarks. Meanwhile, light EW superpartners are generic throughout much of the parameter space. This is especially the case at lower messenger scales, where a positive threshold correction to mhm_h coming from light Higgsinos and winos is essential in order to satisfy the Higgs mass constraint.Comment: 43 pages, 20 figures, mathematica package included in the sourc

    Reverse Hall-Petch effect in ultra nanocrystalline diamond

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    We present atomistic simulations for the mechanical response of ultra nanocrystalline diamond, a polycrystalline form of diamond with grain diameters of the order of a few nm. We consider fully three-dimensional model structures, having several grains of random sizes and orientations, and employ state-of-the-art Monte Carlo simulations. We calculate structural properties, elastic constants and the hardness of the material; our results compare well with experimental observations for this material. Moreover, we verify that this material becomes softer at small grain sizes, in analogy to the observed reversal of the Hall-Petch effect in various nanocrystalline metals. The effect is attributed to the large concentration of grain boundary atoms at smaller grain sizes. Our analysis yields scaling relations for the elastic constants as a function of the average grain size.Comment: Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Modelling Nanomaterials and Nanosystems, Aalborg, Denmark, May 19-22 2008; to be published in the IUTAM Bookseries by Springe

    Role of the electro-thermo-mechanical multiple coupling on the operation of RF microswitch

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    A phenomenological approach is proposed to identify some effects occurring within the structure of the microswitch conceived for radio frequency application. This microsystem is operated via a nonlinear electromechanical action imposed by the applied voltage. Unfortunately, it can be affected by residual stress, due to the microfabrication process, therefore axial and flexural behaviors are strongly coupled. This coupling increases the actuation voltage required to achieve the so-called ‘‘pull-in'' condition. Moreover, temperature may strongly affect strain and stress distributions, respectively. Environmental temperature, internal dissipation of material, thermo-elastic and Joule effects play different roles on the microswitch flexural isplacement. Sometimes buckling phenomenon evenly occurs. Literature show that all those issues make difficult an effective computation of ‘‘pull-in'' and ‘‘pull-out'' voltages for evenly distinguishing the origin of some failures detected in operation. Analysis, numerical methods and experiments are applied to an industrial test case to investigate step by step the RF-microswitch operation. Multiple electro-hermomechanical coupling is first modeled to have a preliminary and comprehensive description of the microswitch behavior and of its reliability. ‘‘Pull-in'' and ‘‘pull-out'' tests are then performed to validate the proposed models and to find suitable criteria to design the RF-MEM

    Mechanics of fragmentation of crocodile skin and other thin films

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    Fragmentation of thin layers of materials is mediated by a network of cracks on its surface. It is commonly seen in dehydrated paintings or asphalt pavements and even in graphene or other two-dimensional materials, but is also observed in the characteristic polygonal pattern on a crocodile’s head. Here, we build a simple mechanical model of a thin film and investigate the generation and development of fragmentation patterns as the material is exposed to various modes of deformation. We find that the characteristic size of fragmentation, defined by the mean diameter of polygons, is strictly governed by mechanical properties of the film material. Our result demonstrates that skin fragmentation on the head of crocodiles is dominated by that it features a small ratio between the fracture energy and Young’s modulus, and the patterns agree well with experimental observations. Understanding this mechanics-driven process could be applied to improve the lifetime and reliability of thin film coatings by mimicking crocodile skin

    Structural hierarchies define toughness and defect-tolerance despite simple and mechanically inferior brittle building blocks

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    Mineralized biological materials such as bone, sea sponges or diatoms provide load-bearing and armor functions and universally feature structural hierarchies from nano to macro. Here we report a systematic investigation of the effect of hierarchical structures on toughness and defect-tolerance based on a single and mechanically inferior brittle base material, silica, using a bottom-up approach rooted in atomistic modeling. Our analysis reveals drastic changes in the material crack-propagation resistance (R-curve) solely due to the introduction of hierarchical structures that also result in a vastly increased toughness and defect-tolerance, enabling stable crack propagation over an extensive range of crack sizes. Over a range of up to four hierarchy levels, we find an exponential increase in the defect-tolerance approaching hundred micrometers without introducing additional mechanisms or materials. This presents a significant departure from the defect-tolerance of the base material, silica, which is brittle and highly sensitive even to extremely small nanometer-scale defects

    The effective Standard Model after LHC Run I

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    We treat the Standard Model as the low-energy limit of an effective field theory that incorporates higher-dimensional operators to capture the effects of decoupled new physics. We consider the constraints imposed on the coefficients of dimension-6 operators by electroweak precision tests (EWPTs), applying a framework for the effects of dimension- 6 operators on electroweak precision tests that is more general than the standard S, T formalism, and use measurements of Higgs couplings and the kinematics of associated Higgs production at the Tevatron and LHC, as well as triple-gauge couplings at the LHC. We highlight the complementarity between EWPTs, Tevatron and LHC measurements in obtaining model-independent limits on the effective Standard Model after LHC Run 1. We illustrate the combined constraints with the example of the two-Higgs doublet model

    Role of transcriptional regulation in the evolution of plant phenotype: A dynamic systems approach

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    © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. A growing body of evidence suggests that alterations in transcriptional regulation of genes involved in modulating development are an important part of phenotypic evolution, and this can be documented among species and within populations. While the effects of differential transcriptional regulation in organismal development have been preferentially studied in animal systems, this phenomenon has also been addressed in plants. In this review, we summarize evidence for cis-regulatory mutations, trans-regulatory changes and epigenetic modifications as molecular events underlying important phenotypic alterations, and thus shaping the evolution of plant development. We postulate that a mechanistic understanding of why such molecular alterations have a key role in development, morphology and evolution will have to rely on dynamic models of complex regulatory networks that consider the concerted action of genetic and nongenetic components, and that also incorporate the restrictions underlying the genotype to phenotype mapping process.CONACyT 180098, 180380, 167705, 152649 and PAPIIT UNAM IN203214-3, IN203113-3, IN203814-3. BFU2012–34821 (MINECO) to C.G. and an institutional grant from Fundación Ramón Aceres to CBMSOPeer Reviewe

    Mapping the Conformational Dynamics and Pathways of Spontaneous Steric Zipper Peptide Oligomerization

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    The process of protein misfolding and self-assembly into various, polymorphic aggregates is associated with a number of important neurodegenerative diseases. Only recently, crystal structures of several short peptides have provided detailed structural insights into -sheet rich aggregates, known as amyloid fibrils. Knowledge about early events of the formation and interconversion of small oligomeric states, an inevitable step in the cascade of peptide self-assembly, however, remains still limited