99 research outputs found

    Multiple exophytic osteomas of craniofacial bones not associated with Gardner s Syndrome: a case report

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    Exophytic osteomas are mature bone protuberances required to be carefully differentiated from other lesions. The authors present a male, 44 year-old patient s report presenting multiple exophytic osteomas located in both sides of the vestibulomaxillary, premolar and molar regions not-associated with Gardner s Syndrome.Osteomas exofíticos são protuberâncias de osso maduro que necessitam ser cuidadosamente diferenciados de outras lesões. Os autores apresentam relato de paciente do sexo masculino, com 44 anos de idade, apresentando osteomas exofíticos múltiplos localizados na região vestíbulo-maxilar em ambos os lados, região de pré-molares e molares não associados à Síndrome de Gardner.UNIFESP-EPMUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Mathematical Modeling of Switched Reluctance Machines: Development and Application

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    The usage of switched reluctance machines (SRMs) grows following the power electronics development. For this reason, a precise mathematical model is crucial for the development of SRM automatic control projects due to the nonlinearities caused by the machine topology and working principle. This chapter focuses on SRM characterization procedure, enlightening the nonlinear characteristics and the importance of the magnetization curves to accomplish precise automatic control of SRM. Different methods found in the literature are commented. The blocked rotor test is detailed, and an automatic acquirement system to obtain the SRM magnetization curves is reasoned. Magnetization curves are processed to create the mathematical model of the SRM. The computational algorithm used to process the acquired data is presented with the purpose of clarifying the production of the lookup tables used in the mathematical model. The developed mathematical model is implemented in Matlab/Simulink® environment. The system simulates the SRM operating both in motoring and generating mode. The mathematical simulation results are compared to experimental results. The developed model is accurate and may be used to study SRM behavior and control systems for SRM applications


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    A aplicação de materiais carbonizados em solos pode resultar em melhoria de seus atributos químicos, físicos e físico-químicos. Entretanto, trabalhos que foquem sobre o efeito da aplicação da cinza da casca de arroz em solos ainda são escassos na literatura. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da aplicação da cinza de casca de arroz sobre os atributos químicos, físicos, e físico-químicos do solo. Foram coletadas amostras de solo (Luvissolo) sob pastagem em Dom Pedrito, RS. A amostragem foi feita em topossequência nas seguintes condições: i) pastagem com aplicação de cinza da casca de arroz (4,8 Mg ha-1) e; ii) pastagem sem aplicação de cinza. Posteriormente, foram determinados atributos químicos, físicos e físico-químicos de solo. Através dos resultados, averiguou-se que o uso da cinza no solo tem a capacidade de diminuir a acidez, aumentar a disponibilidade de nutrientes e melhora as condições estruturais dos perfis de solo analisados. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Resíduos Industriais, Fertilidade do Solo, Matéria orgânica do solo, Acidez do solo.Application of pyrolized materials to soils may result in improvement of their chemical, physical and physicochemical attributes. However, studies focusing on the effect of applying rice husk ash to soils are still scarce in the literature. This study aimed to investigate the application effects of rice husk ash on the chemical, physical and physicochemical soil attributes. Soil samples were collected (Luvisol) under Grass in Dom Pedrito – RS. The soil samples were collected in toposequence under the following conditions: i) Grassland with rice husk ash application (4.8 Mg ha-1) and; ii) Grassland without   ash    application.      Subsequently,      chemical,  physical  and physico-chemical soil attributes were determined. Through the results, it was found that the use of rice husk ash in the soil has the ability to decrease acidity, increase the nutrients availability and improve the soil structural conditions. KEYWORDS: Industrial waste, Soil Fertility, Soil organic matter, Soil acidity.La aplicación de materiales carbonizados en los suelos puede mejorar sus atributos químicos, físicos y fisicoquímicos. Sin embargo, los estudios que se centran en el efecto de aplicar cenizas de cáscara de arroz a los suelos aún son escasos en la literatura. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar los efectos de la aplicación de ceniza de cáscara de arroz en los atributos químicos, físicos y fisicoquímicos del suelo. Se recogieron muestras de suelo (Luvissolo) bajo pasto en Dom Pedrito - RS. Las muestras de suelo se tomaron en pedosecuencia bajo las siguientes condiciones: i) pasto con aplicación de ceniza de cáscara de arroz (4.8 Mg ha-1) y; ii) pastos sin aplicación de cenizas. Posteriormente, se determinaron los atributos químicos, físicos y fisicoquímicos del suelo. A través de los resultados, se descubrió que el uso de cenizas de cáscara de arroz en el suelo tiene la capacidad de disminuir la acidez, aumentar la disponibilidad de nutrientes necesarios para el desarrollo de las plantas y mejorar las condiciones estructurales de los perfiles de suelo analizados. PALABRAS CLAVES: Residuos industriales, Fertilidad del suelo, Materia orgánica del suelo, Acidez del suelo

    “Quem ensina também aprende” : a formação pela prática de professores primários na província do Paraná

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    Resumo Segundo a historiografia da educação brasileira, muitas foram as ações relacionadas aos modos de formar professores primários durante o período imperial. Desses estudos, a maioria se centra na formação de professores atrelada à instituição das escolas normais, entretanto, há uma parcela menor de trabalhos que se propõem a discutir outro aspecto da formação de professores ao longo do século XIX, mais especificamente, a forma como sujeitos que não frequentaram esse espaço institucional (a escola normal), constituíram-se docentes primários. O artigo que aqui se apresenta partilha dessa perspectiva, e volta o olhar para os modos de formação pela prática de professores primários no Paraná na segunda metade do século XIX, por compreender que esse tipo de formação marcou um período em que a instrução pública estava se consolidando em meio a ações, deliberações, dificuldades e tensões, na tentativa de melhorias de sua condição. A pesquisa valeu-se da consulta da legislação educacional do período e de documentos advindos dos sujeitos envolvidos com a instrução pública, naquele momento, disponíveis no acervo do Arquivo Público do Paraná. No cotejamento e análise das fontes, é possível afirmar, que a formação pela prática dos professores primários na província do Paraná se deu no decorrer do desenvolvimento do processo de constituição do magistério primário

    Estimating the global conservation status of more than 15,000 Amazonian tree species

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    Estimates of extinction risk for Amazonian plant and animal species are rare and not often incorporated into land-use policy and conservation planning. We overlay spatial distribution models with historical and projected deforestation to show that at least 36% and up to 57% of all Amazonian tree species are likely to qualify as globally threatened under International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List criteria. If confirmed, these results would increase the number of threatened plant species on Earth by 22%. We show that the trends observed in Amazonia apply to trees throughout the tropics, and we predict thatmost of the world’s >40,000 tropical tree species now qualify as globally threatened. A gap analysis suggests that existing Amazonian protected areas and indigenous territories will protect viable populations of most threatened species if these areas suffer no further degradation, highlighting the key roles that protected areas, indigenous peoples, and improved governance can play in preventing large-scale extinctions in the tropics in this century

    Estimating the global conservation status of more than 15,000 Amazonian tree species

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    The Microcephaly Epidemic Research Group Paediatric Cohort (MERG-PC): A Cohort Profile.

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    This cohort profile aims to describe the ongoing follow-up of children in the Microcephaly Epidemic Research Group Paediatric Cohort (MERG-PC). The profile details the context and aims of the study, study population, methodology including assessments, and key results and publications to date. The children that make up MERG-PC were born in Recife or within 120 km of the city, in Pernambuco/Brazil, the epicentre of the microcephaly epidemic. MERG-PC includes children from four groups recruited at different stages of the ZIKV microcephaly epidemic in Pernambuco, i.e., the Outpatient Group (OG/n = 195), the Microcephaly Case-Control Study (MCCS/n = 80), the MERG Pregnant Women Cohort (MERG-PWC/n = 336), and the Control Group (CG/n = 100). We developed a comprehensive array of clinical, laboratory, and imaging assessments that were undertaken by a 'task force' of clinical specialists in a single day at 3, 6, 12, 18 months of age, and annually from 24 months. Children from MCCS and CG had their baseline assessment at birth and children from the other groups, at the first evaluation by the task force. The baseline cohort includes 711 children born between February 2015 and February 2019. Children's characteristics at baseline, excluding CG, were as follows: 32.6% (184/565) had microcephaly, 47% (263/559) had at least one physical abnormality, 29.5% (160/543) had at least one neurological abnormality, and 46.2% (257/556) had at least one ophthalmological abnormality. This ongoing cohort has contributed to the understanding of the congenital Zika syndrome (CZS) spectrum. The cohort has provided descriptions of paediatric neurodevelopment and early epilepsy, including EEG patterns and treatment response, and information on the frequency and characteristics of oropharyngeal dysphagia; cryptorchidism and its surgical findings; endocrine dysfunction; and adenoid hypertrophy in children with Zika-related microcephaly. The study protocols and questionnaires were shared across Brazilian states to enable harmonization across the different studies investigating microcephaly and CZS, providing the opportunity for the Zika Brazilian Cohorts Consortium to be formed, uniting all the ZIKV clinical cohorts in Brazil