10 research outputs found

    Método mãe-canguru: percepção da equipe de enfermagem na promoção à saúde do neonato

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    Objetivo: compreender a percepção da equipe de enfermagem da maternidade de um hospital de ensino, em Montes Claros, Minas Gerais-Brasil, em relação ao Método Canguru. Métodos: pesquisa qualitativa e fenomenológica. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista não diretiva, aberta. Participaram desse estudo quatro técnicos de enfermagem e uma enfermeira. Resultados: para os entrevistados, o Método Canguru representa oportunidade de estímulo da ligação entre mãe e filho, sendo considerado fator relevante na recuperação do recém-nascido, pois propicia aumento de peso, estabilidade dos dados vitais e estímulo à amamentação. A capacitação dos profissionais, por meio da educação continuada, quanto à realização da técnica, é essencial para ofertar o cuidado humanizado na assistência neonatal. Conclusão: é, pois, primordial, desenvolver atividades educativas que propiciem espaços de reflexão para que esses profissionais possam discutir sobre sua prática diária e os reflexos desta na aplicação, desenvolvimento e avaliação do Método Canguru

    Método mãe-canguru: percepção da equipe de enfermagem na promoção à saúde do neonato

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    Objective: To know about the perception of the nursing staff about the Kangaroo-Mother Care Method in the maternity ward of a teaching hospital. Methods: Qualitative research, conducted in September and October 2010, in Maria Barbosa Maternity of Clemente de Faria University Hospital, Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil, with five nursing professionals. Non-directive interviews were used for data collection, which were analyzed by means of the content analysis, emerging two categories of analysis: ‘Realizing the Kangaroo-Mother Method as a stimulus to the connection between the mother and the child’ and ‘Understanding the Kangaroo-Mother Method as a benefit to the newborn’s development’. Results: The professionals see the Kangaroo-Mother Method as a stimulus to the establishment of the mother-child bond, allowing this binomial to keep the union that was built since the intrauterine life. The Kangaroo-Mother Method is regarded as a relevant factor in the newborn’s recovery, given that it encourages weight gain, stability of vital data and stimulus to breastfeeding. It is also noticeable that, for the interviewees, professional training through continuing education on the performance of the technique is essential for providing humanized care in neonatal assistance. Conclusion: The nursing professionals interviewed understand the Kangaroo-Mother Method applied in their daily assistance as a search for humanization of care to the newborn, as a form of stimulation of the connection between mother and son, being presented as a relevant factor in the newborn’s recovery, providing improvement in the health of the neonate. doi: 10.5020/18061230.2014.p374Objetivo: Conocer la percepción del equipo de enfermería sobre el Método Madre-Canguru de la maternidad de un hospital universitario. Métodos: Investigación cualitativa realizada en septiembre y octubre de 2010 en la maternidad María Barbosa del Hospital Universitario Clemente de Faria, Montes Claros-MG, Brasil, con cinco profesionales de la enfermería. Para la recogida de datos se utilizó entrevistas no directivas las cuales fueron analizadas a través del análisis de contenido, identificándose dos categorías de análisis: “La percepción del Método Madre-Canguru como un estímulo de relación entre madre e hijo” y “La comprensión del Método Madre-Canguru como beneficio para el desarrollo del recién-nacido”. Resultados: Los profesionales identifican el Método Madre-Canguru como estímulo para el establecimiento de la relación y apego madre-hijo, permitiendo que ese binomio mantenga la unión que fue construida en la vida intra-uterina. El Método Madre-Canguru es considerado un factor relevante en la recuperación del recién-nacido porque conlleva al aumento de peso, estabilidad de datos vitales y estímulo al amamantamiento. Se destaca, todavía, que para los entrevistados, la capacitación de los profesionales sobre la realización de la técnica a través de la educación continuada es fundamental para ofrecer el cuidado humanizado en la asistencia neonatal. Conclusión: Los profesionales de enfermería entrevistados comprenden que el Método Madre-Canguru aplicado en la asistencia a diario como una búsqueda de la humanización del cuidado al recién-nacido, una forma de estímulo de la relación madre-hijo presentándose como factor relevante en la recuperación del recién-nacido y promoviendo la mejoría de su salud. doi: 10.5020/18061230.2014.p374Objetivo: Conhecer a percepção da equipe de enfermagem sobre o Método Mãe-Canguru da maternidade de um hospital de ensino. Métodos: Pesquisa qualitativa, realizada entre setembro e outubro de 2010, na Maternidade Maria Barbosa do Hospital Universitário Clemente de Faria, Montes Claros-MG, Brasil, com cinco profissionais de enfermagem. Utilizaram-se entrevistas não diretivas para coleta dos dados, os quais foram analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo, emergindo duas categorias de análise: “Percebendo o Método Mãe-Canguru como um estímulo de ligação entre a mãe e o filho” e “Compreendendo o Método Mãe-Canguru como benefício para o desenvolvimento do recém-nascido”. Resultados: Os profissionais enxergam o Método Mãe-Canguru como estímulo para o estabelecimento do vínculo e apego mãe-filho, permitindo que esse binômio mantenha a união que foi construída desde a vida intrauterina. O Método Mãe-Canguru é considerado um fator relevante na recuperação do recém-nascido, pois propicia aumento de peso, estabilidade dos dados vitais e estímulo à amamentação. Destaca-se ainda que, para os entrevistados, a capacitação dos profissionais, por meio da educação continuada, quanto à realização da técnica é essencial para ofertar o cuidado humanizado na assistência neonatal. Conclusão: Os profissionais de enfermagem entrevistados compreendem o Método Mãe-Canguru aplicado na sua assistência diária como uma busca pela humanização do cuidado ao recém-nascido, uma forma de estímulo da ligação entre mãe e filho, apresentando-se como fator de relevância na recuperação do recém-nascido e proporcionando melhoria na saúde do neonato. doi: 10.5020/18061230.2014.p37

    New arenavirus isolated in Brazil

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    Adolfo Lutz Institute. Virus Service. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.Adolfo Lutz Institute. Virus Service. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.Paulista Medical School. Infectious Diseases Clinics. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.Adolfo Lutz Institute. Virus Service. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.Adolfo Lutz Institute. Virus Service. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.Adolfo Lutz Institute. Virus Service. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.Ministério da Saúde. Fundação Nacional de Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Belém, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Fundação Nacional de Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Belém, PA, Brasil.Pan American Health Organization. Communicable Diseases Program. Washington, DC, USA.World Health Organization. Microbiology and Immunology Support Section. Geneva, Switzerland.Yale University. School of Medicine. Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. Yale Arbovirus Research Unit. New Haven, CT.Yale University. School of Medicine. Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. Yale Arbovirus Research Unit. New Haven, CT.US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. Virology Division. Frederick, Maryland, USA.Yale University. School of Medicine. Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. Yale Arbovirus Research Unit. New Haven, CT.A new arenavirus, called Sabiá, was isolated in Brazil from a fatal case of haemorrhagic fever initially thought to be yellow fever. Antigenic and molecular characterisation indicated that Sabiá virus is a new member of the Tacaribe complex. A laboratory technician working with the agent was also infected and developed a prolonged, non-fatal influenza-like illness. Sabiá virus is yet another arenavirus causing human disease in South America

    Characterization of Publications on Burns in Brazil and Changes Resulting from Trauma in Brazil: Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Objective: Characterize the profile of scientific publications on burns in Brazil and systemic changes resulting from the trauma. Methods and results: This is a bibliographical, retrospective and descriptive research with a quantitative approach. It was held between April and May, 2016 in the databases Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences (LILACS); Nursing Database (BDENF); Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and the Journal Portal of Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination (CAPES). After the analysis of the inclusion criteria (articles available in full, in Portuguese, published between 2011 and 2015), there were 49 productions, and 16 were selected. Analyzing the sample for the event characteristics, it was observed a higher incidence of accidents in males. The main causes of burns were heated by liquid, followed by direct flame. Regarding the classification, the most frequent injury was the 2nd degree, but also there were burns reports with mixed classification. Also, the upper limbs and trunk were the body parts most affected. In addition to these data, it was also highlighted the most frequent types of systemic changes caused by burns, which were respiratory complications, infection and/or sepsis and metabolic sequels.  Conclusion: The study showed the need to characterize of the publications in burns, since the crossing of this information provides a better understanding of the main causal factors, distribution and identification of risk groups. It also enables the planning of prevention strategies to help to reduce accidents, favoring the reduction of injuries and the number of hospitalizations. Moreover, it is extremely important that health professionals know about the epidemiological profile, to provide support in the evaluation and organization of care, and to prevention campaigns, aiming to decrease burn rates. Keywords: Profile; Burns; Burn Units

    Scale of Assessment of Self-Care Behaviors with Arteriovenous Fistula in Hemodialysis: A Psychometric Study in Brazil

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Brazilian Scale for the Assessment of Self-Care Behaviors with Arteriovenous Fistula in Hemodialysis. Cross-sectional validation study, followed the recommendation provided by Sousa and Rojjanasrirat. Content validity, explanatory and confirmatory factor analyses used to check validity and Cronbach's alpha was the reliability measure. Three hundred hemodialysis patients with arteriovenous fistula were included in the study. The expert committee assessed the content validity. Exploratory factor analysis confirmed the same two-factor structure found for the original scale, explaining 60.10% of the variance. Such solution was checked by confirmatory factor analysis with Cronbach's alpha equal to 0.920, 0.810, and 0.884 for the overall scale, the self-care in management of signs and symptoms and the self-care in prevention of complications subscales respectively. The scale has good psychometric properties to assess self-care behaviors and can be used with Brazilian patients on hemodialysis with arteriovenous fistula.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Implementation of a Brazilian Cardioprotective Nutritional (BALANCE) Program for improvement on quality of diet and secondary prevention of cardiovascular events: A randomized, multicenter trial

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    Background: Appropriate dietary recommendations represent a key part of secondary prevention in cardiovascular disease (CVD). We evaluated the effectiveness of the implementation of a nutritional program on quality of diet, cardiovascular events, and death in patients with established CVD. Methods: In this open-label, multicenter trial conducted in 35 sites in Brazil, we randomly assigned (1:1) patients aged 45 years or older to receive either the BALANCE Program (experimental group) or conventional nutrition advice (control group). The BALANCE Program included a unique nutritional education strategy to implement recommendations from guidelines, adapted to the use of affordable and regional foods. Adherence to diet was evaluated by the modified Alternative Healthy Eating Index. The primary end point was a composite of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular death, cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction, stroke, myocardial revascularization, amputation, or hospitalization for unstable angina. Secondary end points included biochemical and anthropometric data, and blood pressure levels. Results: From March 5, 2013, to Abril 7, 2015, a total of 2534 eligible patients were randomly assigned to either the BALANCE Program group (n = 1,266) or the control group (n = 1,268) and were followed up for a median of 3.5 years. In total, 235 (9.3%) participants had been lost to follow-up. After 3 years of follow-up, mean modified Alternative Healthy Eating Index (scale 0-70) was only slightly higher in the BALANCE group versus the control group (26.2 ± 8.4 vs 24.7 ± 8.6, P <.01), mainly due to a 0.5-serving/d greater intake of fruits and of vegetables in the BALANCE group. Primary end point events occurred in 236 participants (18.8%) in the BALANCE group and in 207 participants (16.4%) in the control group (hazard ratio, 1.15; 95% CI 0.95-1.38; P =.15). Secondary end points did not differ between groups after follow-up. Conclusions: The BALANCE Program only slightly improved adherence to a healthy diet in patients with established CVD and had no significant effect on the incidence of cardiovascular events or death. © 2019 The Author


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    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved