74 research outputs found

    Johtamiskulttuurin kehittÀminen valmennusprosessina: Case tutkimus Balentor Oy

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    TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan johtamiskulttuuria ja miten sitÀ voidaan kehittÀÀ ulkoisen valmennusprosessin avulla. Tutkimuksessa kuvataan, kuinka johtamiskulttuuri koostuu johtamisen rakenteista ja kÀytÀnteistÀ sekÀ johtamiseen liittyvistÀ uskomuksista ja asenteista. Johtamiskulttuuri vaikuttaa laajasti organisaation toimintoihin sekÀ menestymiseen, joten sen kehittÀminen on tÀrkeÀÀ organisaation kilpailukyvyn parantamiseksi. Tutkimuksen taustalla toimii ajatus, ettÀ ulkopuolisena tarkkailijana yritysvalmentaja on erityisasemassa ja voi tarkastella kohdeorganisaatiota objektiivisesti sekÀ rÀÀtÀlöidÀ valmennusta asiakkaan tarpeiden mukaan ja nÀin ollen olla hyvÀ kumppani johtamiskulttuurin kehittÀmisessÀ. Tutkimuksessa tarkastelun alla ovat johtamiskulttuurin valmennusprosessin eri vaiheet sekÀ niihin liittyvÀt keskeiset asiat. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli luoda johtamiskulttuurin valmentamisen malli, mikÀ avaa valmennusprosessin vaiheita ja niihin liittyviÀ asioita prosessimaiseen kaavioon. Tavoitteena oli analysoida johtamiskulttuurin valmennusprosessia ja selvittÀÀ tarkemmin, mitkÀ asiat ovat keskeisiÀ valmennusprosessin eri vaiheiden kannalta sekÀ miten nÀitÀ asioita voidaan hoitaa. TÀmÀ tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena case-tutkimuksena, missÀ kohdeorganisaatio oli Balentor Oy. Balentor Oy toimii organisaatioiden kehityskumppanina ja muutoksen vauhdittajana. Empiirinen aineisto kerÀttiin haastattelemalla kolmea Balentor Oy:n työntekijÀÀ. Kaksi haastateltavaa työskentelevÀt yritysvalmentajina ja yksi työskentelee tutkimusjohtajana. Haastattelut toteutettiin teemahaastatteluina ja niitÀ varten muodostettiin haastattelurunko, minkÀ mukaan kÀytiin johtamiskulttuurin valmennusprosessin vaiheita jÀrjestelmÀllisesti. KerÀtty aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavalla sisÀllönanalyysillÀ ja se esitetÀÀn taulukossa, johon kerÀttiin alaluokat, ylÀluokat, pÀÀluokat ja kokoava kÀsite. Tutkimuksen tulokseksi laadittiin johtamiskulttuurin valmennusprosessin malli. Tulokset osoittivat, ettÀ johtamiskulttuuria voidaan kehittÀÀ selkeÀsti rakennetun valmennusprosessin avulla. Valmennusprosessissa korostuu johtamiskulttuurin tavoitetilan mÀÀrittÀminen, johtamiskulttuurin nykytilan kartoittaminen suhteessa tavoitetilaan ja muutoksen toteuttamisen toimenpiteet. Empiirinen aineisto toi kirjallisuudesta eroavaa tietoa esiin. NÀin ollen valmennusprosessin mallia varten yhdisteltiin kirjallisuutta ja empiiristÀ aineistoa. Empiirisen aineiston pohjalta yritysvalmennuksessa korostuu sen prosessinomaisuus, jotta osaaminen ja vastuu saadaan siirrettyÀ organisaatioon jÀrjestelmÀllisesti. Tutkimus avaa johtamiskulttuurin valmennusprosessia ja esittÀÀ syventÀvÀÀ tietoa prosessin eri vaiheista. Kaaviota voidaan hyödyntÀÀ valmennusprosessin suunnittelussa ja lÀpiviennissÀ sekÀ sillÀ voidaan esittÀÀ asiakkaalle, ettÀ mitÀ valmennuskonseptilla tarkoitetaan ja mitÀ sillÀ voidaan tehdÀ

    Microbial Safety and Quality of Fresh Herbs from Los Angeles, Orange County, and Seattle Farmers’ Markets

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    BACKGROUND: Farmers\u27 markets have been growing in popularity in the United States, but the microbial quality and safety of the food sold at these markets is currently unknown. The purpose of this study was to assess the microbial safety and quality of fresh basil, parsley and cilantro sold at farmers\u27 markets in the Los Angeles, Orange County and greater Seattle areas. RESULTS: A total of 133 samples (52 basil, 41 cilantro and 40 parsley) were collected from 13 different farmers\u27 markets and tested for Salmonella and generic Escherichia coli. One sample (parsley) was confirmed positive for Salmonella and 24.1% of samples were positive for generic E. coli, with a range of 0.70-3.15 log CFU g(-1). Among the herbs tested, basil showed the highest percentage of samples with generic E. coli (26.9%), followed by cilantro (24.4%) and then parsley (20.0%). For 12% of samples, the levels of generic E. coli exceeded guidelines established by the Public Health Laboratory Service for microbiological quality of ready-to-eat foods. CONCLUSION: Overall, this study indicates the presence of Salmonella and generic E. coli in fresh herbs sold at farmers\u27 markets; however, additional studies are needed to determine the sources and extent of contamination

    Environmental surveillance for Salmonella Typhi as a tool to estimate the incidence of typhoid fever in low-income populations.

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    Background: The World Health Organisation recommends prioritised use of recently prequalified typhoid conjugate vaccines in countries with the highest incidence of typhoid fever. However, representative typhoid surveillance data are lacking in many low-income countries because of the costs and challenges of diagnostic clinical microbiology. Environmental surveillance (ES) of Salmonella Typhi in sewage and wastewater using molecular methods may offer a low-cost alternative, but its performance in comparison with clinical surveillance has not been assessed. Methods: We developed a harmonised protocol for typhoid ES and its implementation in communities in India and Malawi where it will be compared with findings from hospital-based surveillance for typhoid fever. The protocol includes methods for ES site selection based on geospatial analysis, grab and trap sample collection at sewage and wastewater sites, and laboratory methods for sample processing, concentration and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect Salmonella Typhi. The optimal locations for ES sites based on digital elevation models and mapping of sewage and river networks are described for each community and their suitability confirmed through field investigation. We will compare the prevalence and abundance of Salmonella Typhi in ES samples collected each month over a 12-month period to the incidence of blood culture confirmed typhoid cases recorded at referral hospitals serving the study areas. Conclusions: If environmental detection of Salmonella Typhi correlates with the incidence of typhoid fever estimated through clinical surveillance, typhoid ES may be a powerful and low-cost tool to estimate the local burden of typhoid fever and support the introduction of typhoid conjugate vaccines. Typhoid ES could also allow the impact of vaccination to be assessed and rapidly identify circulation of drug resistant strains

    Measuring transfer of human norovirus during sandwich production: Simulating the role of food, food handlers and the environment.

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    Foodborne outbreaks associated with transmission of norovirus are increasingly becoming a public health concern. Foods can be contaminated with faecal material at the point of production or during food preparation, in both the home and in commercial premises. Transmission of norovirus occurs through the faecal-oral route, either via person-to-person contact or through faecal-contamination of food, water, or environmental surfaces. Understanding the role and pathways of norovirus transmission - either via food handlers' hands, contaminated foods or the environment - remains a key public health priority to reduce the burden of norovirus-associated gastroenteritis. However the proportion of norovirus that is typically transferred remains unknown. Understanding this is necessary to estimate the risk of infection and the burden of gastroenteritis caused by norovirus. In this paper we present a novel method of capture, concentration and molecular detection of norovirus from a wider range of complex food matrices than those demonstrated in existing published methods. We demonstrate that this method can be used as a tool to detect and quantify norovirus from naturally contaminated food, and for monitoring norovirus transfer between food handlers' gloved hands, food or the environment. We measure the effect of introducing contamination at different food production process stages, to the final food product, to determine whether this could cause infection and disease. Between 5.9 and 6.3 Log10 cDNA copies/?l of norovirus GII were inoculated onto food handlers' gloved hands, food or the environment and 1.1-7.4% of norovirus contamination was recovered from all samples tested. When interpreted quantitatively, this percentage equates to levels predicted to be sufficient to cause infection and disease through consumption of the final food product, demonstrating a public health risk. Overall detection and quantification of norovirus from foods, food handlers' gloved hands and the environment, when suspected to be implicated in foodborne transmissions, is paramount for appropriate outbreak investigation

    National outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa associated with an aftercare solution following piercings, July to September 2016, England.

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    We report a national Pseudomonas aeruginosa outbreak from a common source following piercings between July and September 2016 in England. The multi-agency outbreak investigation included active case finding, microbiological testing of environmental samples and case specimens including Variable Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) typing and a retrospective cohort study. Overall, 162 outbreak cases (29 confirmed, 14 probable and 119 possible) and 14 non-outbreak cases were identified; all confirmed cases had ear piercings (93% cartilage). Outbreak cases were predominantly female (95%) and had a median age of 18 years (interquartile range: 13-56 years). Nineteen outbreak cases required surgery under general anaesthetic The same outbreak VNTR type (11,3,5,3,3,3,6,4,7) was isolated from bottles of an aftercare solution from a single manufacturer and in specimens from confirmed cases who attended eight different piercing studios supplied with this product. In the cohort study, use of aftercare solution was associated with becoming a case (aOR: 4.60, 95% confidence interval: 1.65-12.90). Environmental, microbiological and epidemiological investigations confirmed that contamination during production of aftercare solution was the source of this national outbreak; highlighting challenges in the regulation of a cosmetic products used in the piercing industry and that guidance on piercing aftercare may need to be reviewed

    Extended-spectrum ÎČ-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in human-derived and foodchain-derived samples from England, Wales, and Scotland: an epidemiological surveillance and typing study

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    Background: Escherichia coli isolates producing extended-spectrum ÎČlactamases (‘ESBL-E. coli’) cause >5000 bacteraemias annually in the UK. The contribution of the food chain to this challenge is debated. Methods: Selective media were used to seek ESBL-E. coli in routinely-submitted human faeces, sewage, farm slurry, and retail foodstuffs in London, East Anglia, Northwest England, Scotland and Wales. Recovered isolates were sequenced and compared with 293 bloodstream and 83 veterinary surveillance ESBL-E. coli isolates from the same regions. Findings: 10.7% (2157/20243) of human faeces contained ESBL-E. coli, rising to 17.0% (678/3995) in London. ESBL-E. coli also were frequent in sewage and present in 65.4% (104/159) of retail chicken, but rare in other meats and absent from plant-based foods. Sequence Type (ST) 131 dominated among ESBL-E. coli from human blood (188/293, 64.2%), faeces (128/360, 35.6%) and sewage (14/65, 21.5%) with STs 38 and 648 also widespread; CTX-M-15 was the predominant ESBL in these lineages. By contrast, STs 602, 23, 117 - mostly with CTX-M-1 ESBL - dominated among food and veterinary isolates, with only two ST131 organisms recovered. ST10 occurred in both animals and humans: being frequent in surveillance bovines and representing 4.2% (15/360) of human faecal isolates (but only 1% [3/293] from bacteraemias); however both human and animal ST10 isolates were diverse in serotype. Interpretation: Most human bacteraemias with ESBL-E. coli in the UK involve successful human-associated STs, particularly ST131; non-human reservoirs made little contribution to invasive human disease. Funding: NIHR Policy Research

    Environmental surveillance for Salmonella Typhi and its association with typhoid fever incidence in India and Malawi

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    Background Environmental surveillance (ES) for Salmonella Typhi potentially offers a low-cost tool to identify communities with a high burden of typhoid fever. Methods We developed standardised protocols for typhoid ES, including sampling site selection, validation, characterisation; grab or trap sample collection, concentration; and quantitative PCR targeting Salmonella genes (ttr, staG and tviB) and a marker of human faecal contamination (HF183). ES was implemented over 12-months in a historically high typhoid fever incidence setting (Vellore, India) and a lower incidence setting (Blantyre, Malawi) during 2021-2022. Results S. Typhi prevalence in ES samples was higher in Vellore compared with Blantyre; 39/520 (7.5%, 95% Confidence Interval 4.4-12.4%) vs. 11/533 (2.1%, 1.1-4.0%) in grab and 79/517 (15.3%, 9.8-23.0%) vs. 23/594 (3.9%, 1.9-7.9%) in trap samples. Detection was clustered by ES site and correlated with site catchment population in Vellore but not Blantyre. Incidence of culture-confirmed typhoid in local hospitals was low during the study and zero some months in Vellore despite S. Typhi detection in ES. Conclusions ES describes the prevalence and distribution of S. Typhi even in the absence of typhoid cases and could inform vaccine introduction. Expanded implementation and comparison with clinical and serological surveillance will further establish its public health utility

    EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ) Panel; Scientific Opinion on the risk posed by pathogens in food of non-animal origin. Part 1 (outbreak data analysis and risk ranking of food/pathogen combinations)

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    Food of non-animal origin (FoNAO) is consumed in a variety of forms, and a major component of almost all meals. These food types have the potential to be associated with large outbreaks as seen in 2011 associated with VTEC O104. A comparison of the incidence of human cases linked to consumption of FoNAO and of food of animal origin (FoAO) was carried out to provide an indication of the proportionality between these two groups of foods. It was concluded that outbreak data reported as part of EU Zoonoses Monitoring is currently the only option for EU-wide comparative estimates. Using this data from 2007 to 2011, FoNAO were associated with 10% of the outbreaks, 26% of the cases, 35% of the hospitalisations and 46% of the deaths. If the data from the 2011VTEC O104 outbreak is excluded, FoNAO was associated with 10% of the outbreaks, 18% of cases, but only 8% of the hospitalisations and 5% of the deaths. From 2008 to 2011 there was an increase in the numbers of reported outbreaks, cases, hospitalisations and deaths associated with food of non-animal origin. In order to identify and rank specific food/pathogen combinations most often linked to human cases originating from FoNAO in the EU, a model was developed using seven criteria: strength of associations between food and pathogen based on the foodborne outbreak data from EU Zoonoses Monitoring (2007-11), incidence of illness, burden of disease, dose-response relationship, consumption, prevalence of contamination and pathogen growth potential during shelf life. Shortcomings in the approach using outbreak data were discussed. The top ranking food/pathogen combination was Salmonellaspp. and leafy greens eaten raw followed by (in equal rank) Salmonellaspp. and bulb and stem vegetables, Salmonellaspp. and tomatoes, Salmonellaspp. and melons, and pathogenic Escherichia coli and fresh pods, legumes or grain

    Meta-analysis of the incidence of foodborne pathogens in vegetables and fruits from retail establishments in Europe

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    In this study, a systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted to summarise available information on the occurrence of Salmonella spp. Listeria monocytogenes and shigatoxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in fruits and vegetables sold at retail establishments in several European countries. Overall, L. monocytogenes was the main pathogen detected in all kinds of vegetables, packaged or not (3.4%; 95% CI: 2.15.4%) with Salmonella spp. being the pathogen of lowest incidence (0.9%; 95% CI: 0.51.2%). The pooled occurrence rate of pathogens in either packed or unpacked vegetables was estimated at 1.9% (95% CI: 1.23.1%), with 2.1% of prevalence (95% CI: 1.33.4%) for unpacked vegetables and 1.7% (95% CI: 0.92.9%) for packed ones. For the three pathogens, the category of spices and herbs was the most frequently contaminated with pathogens, whereas salads presented the lowest occurrence. The vegetable category with highest incidence of Salmonella spp. (1.7%; 95% CI: 0.74.1%) and L. monocytogenes (2.2%; 95% CI: 1.04.7%) is leafy greens whilst STEC is more frequently recovered from sprouts (1.9%; 95% CI: 0.55.9%). In the case of fruits, the pooled prevalence estimates for Salmonella spp., L. monocytogenes and STEC were 1.60% (0.54%; 95% CI: 0.554.60%), 1.91% (0.50%; 95% CI: 0.933.88%) and 4.71% (1.52%; 95% CI: 1.7312.2%), correspondingly.Dr. Gonzales-Barron wishes to acknowledge the financial support provided by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the award of a five-year Investigator Fellowship (IF) in the mode of Development Grants (IF/00570).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Possibility of posters and flyers distribution coustraints in mailboxes

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    SaziƆa ir komunikācijas veids starp daĆŸÄda tiesiskā stutusa personām, kas nepiecieĆĄama tiesisko attiecÄ«bu regulēơanai. Nereti saziƆai tiek izmantota arÄ« reklāma. Komersantiem ir diezgan plaĆĄas izvēles iespējas kā reklamēt savu preci vai pakalpojumu un viens no to veidiem ir drukāti, neadresēti sĆ«tÄ«jumi, jeb skrejlapas. Ć obrÄ«d skrejlapu nekontrolētā izplatÄ«ba ir nokÄŒuvusi sabiedrÄ«bas redzeslokā kā problēma, kura skar kā vidi, tā arÄ« sabiedrÄ«bas privātās intereses un visbeidzot arÄ« pasta sĆ«tÄ«jumu droĆĄumu, tāpēc gan valsts, gan sabiedrÄ«bas lÄ«menÄ« ir notikuĆĄi mēģinājumi cÄ«nÄ«ties ar ĆĄo problēmu. Darbā autors pēta pastkastÄ«tes kā privātÄ«paĆĄuma subjektu un ar sabiedrÄ«bas viedokÄŒa palÄ«dzÄ«bu noskaidro tās attieksmi pret skrejlapu ierobeĆŸoĆĄanu, kā arÄ« analizē jau notikuĆĄos mēģinājumus to ierobeĆŸot. Atslēgvārdi: pastkaste, privātÄ«paĆĄums, ierobeĆŸojums, reklāma, cilvēktiesÄ«bas.Interaction is a form of communication in order to adjust legal relationship between persons of different legal status. Advertising is often used as part of interaction. Merchants have quite a wide range of choice how to advertise their product or service and one of the ways is printed unaddressed items, or flyers. At present, the uncontrolled spread of the flyers has come into public scrutiny as a problem that affects the environment as well as private interests of the community, and finally, mail security. So both the national and community level have sought to tackle the problem. The author explores the mailbox as a private entity and through public opinion tries to clarify its attitude to the limitation of the flyer distribution, as well as analyzes efforts already taken to contain it. Keywords: mailbox, private property, constraint, advertisement, human rights
