699 research outputs found
Structures in surface-brightness profiles of LMC and SMC star clusters: evidence of mergers?
The LMC and SMC are rich in binary star clusters, and some mergers are
expected. It is important to characterize single clusters, binary clusters and
candidates to mergers. We selected a sample of star clusters in each Cloud with
this aim. Surface photometry of 25 SMC and 22 LMC star clusters was carried
with the ESO Danish 1.54 m telescope. 23 clusters were observed for the first
time for these purposes. We fitted Elson, Fall and Freeman (1987, EFF) profiles
to the data, deriving structural parameters, luminosities and masses. We also
use isophotal maps to constrain candidates to cluster interactions.} {The
structural parameters, luminosities and masses presented good agreement with
those in the literature. Three binary clusters in the sample have a double
profile. Four clusters (NGC 376, K 50, K 54 and NGC 1810) do not have
companions and present as well important deviations from EFF profiles. The
present sample contains blue and red Magellanic clusters. Extended EFF profiles
were detected in some blue clusters. We find evidence that important deviations
from the body of EFF profiles might be used as a tool to detect cluster
mergers.Comment: 16 pages and 8 figures. Accepted by A&
Comparing attitudes of public servants and outsourced employees
Purpose – The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention of professors, technical-administrative servants and outsourced workers of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Design/methodology/approach – The authors conducted analyses of variance, with the multiple comparisons made using Tukey’s post hoc tests, as well as regression analyses. The sample of 297 workers included 115 faculty members, 86 technical-administrative servants and 96 outsourced employees. Findings – The results showed that the job satisfaction of outsourced workers was significantly higher than that of the public servants. On the other hand, professors presented the highest level of affective commitment, significantly higher than technical-administrative employees and outsourced workers. Turnover intention of outsourced workers was lower than that of technical-administrative employees, despite the stability of the latter group. Practical implications – From a practical standpoint, the results may guide the development human resource management policies and practices aligned with the reality and the needs of public servants and outsourced employees, thus fostering their job satisfaction, commitment and retention. Originality/value – This study is relevant given the increased use of outsourced labor in the public administration and the relative paucity of empirical studies with this group of workers, as evidenced by the review of the national literature. Moreover, as the theme of outsourcing is quite controversial, the authors hope this new evidence contributes to the debate
Letramento digital e pressupostos teórico-pedagógicos : neotecnicismo pedagógico?
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2013.Esta investigação, de cunho qualitativo-crítico, parte da problemática da introdução das tecnologias digitais na educação escolar em sua dimensão pedagógica. Neste sentido, o objetivo foi investigar quais eram os pressupostos teóricos e pedagógicos que orientavam as práticas de letramento digital de professores e alunos, quando esses faziam usos dos computadores e da internet no laboratório de informática de um colégio público estadual localizado em Anápolis – GO. Com o desenvolvimento das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs), estas configuram-se um novo tipo de linguagem denominada de digital. Entre as múltiplas TICs, a linguagem digital se expressa também através do computador e da internet. As práticas sociais decorrentes dos usos que as pessoas fazem da linguagem digital, mediada pelo computador e internet, são denominadas de práticas de letramento digital. Em relação aos pressupostos teóricos e pedagógicos, para Saviani, esses podem se manifestar na prática escolar de duas maneiras: hegemônica ou contrahegemonicamente. A primeira orienta as práticas pedagógicas escolares para a conservação da sociedade, mantendo a ordem existente e leva em consideração, primeiramente, os interesses dominantes. Em contrapartida, a segunda segue projetos que buscam intencional e sistematicamente colocar a educação a serviços das forças que lutam para transformar a ordem vigente, visando à instauração de uma nova sociedade. Como procedimento metodológico, elegeu-se o nível explicativo com o delineamento do estudo de caso. Para a coleta dos dados foram realizadas observações das práticas de letramento digital de professores e alunos quando esses faziam usos do computador e da internet no laboratório de informática do colégio; análise do projeto político pedagógico do colégio; e realização de entrevistas com três professoras da instituição pesquisada. Esses procedimentos, após passarem por um processo inicial de tratamento, constituíram-se no corpus da investigação e foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo. A pesquisa evidencia contradições entre o nível discursivo e o prático. Ainda que a concepção de educação, que orienta as práticas de letramento digital de professores e alunos, esteja subsidiada em discursos contra-hegemônicos que possibilitam visões críticas e transformadoras da realidade social, contraditoriamente há indícios de que as práticas de letramento digital destes mesmos sujeitos educativos estejam sendo subsidiadas por pressupostos hegemônicos do neotecnicismo em que identificou-se e analisou-se no corpus da pesquisa: a) o conceito de aprendizagem na noção do aprender “sempre”; b) o de formação, considerado uma constante ao longo de toda carreira por exigência natural do mercado; c) as capacidades e comportamento como interagir positivamente no colégio, trabalhar em equipe de forma empreendedora e criativa e capacidade de tomar iniciativa; d) o de metodologia explicitada, que é o “aprender/aprendendo”. O entendimento de que esses conceitos são desdobramentos do conceito de ensino “renovado”, também identificado e analisado no corpus da pesquisa, reforça a conclusão de que as práticas de letramento digital dos professores e alunos orientam-se por pressupostos pedagógicos hegemônicos, pois tanto o neotecnicismo, quanto o ensino “renovado” surgem e se desenvolvem com a finalidade de manter a educação e os fenômenos que a compõem atrelados aos interesses produtivo-capitalistas. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis research, a qualitative-critical, the problem starts from the introduction of digital technologies in school education in its pedagogical dimension. In this sense, the aim was to investigate what were the theoretical and pedagogical practices that guided the digital literacy of teachers and pupils, when these were using computers and internet in the computer lab of a state school for basic education located in Anápolis – GO. With the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) sets up a new type of language called digital. Among the multiple ICTs, the digital language is also expressed through the computer and the internet. Social practices arising from the use that people make of the digital language, mediated by computer and Internet, are called digital literacy practices. Regarding the theoretical and pedagogical pressuposition, to Saviani, these can manifest in school practice in two ways: hegemonic or not hegemonic. The first one guides the school pedagogical practices for the conservation of society, keeping the existing order and takes into account, first, the dominant interests. In contrast, the second follows projects that seek to intentionally and systematically put the education to services the forces fighting to transform the existing order, aiming at the establishment of a new society. As a methodological procedure, we chose the explanatory level with the delimitation of the case study. For data collection were carried out observations of the digital literacy practices of teachers and students when these were using computers and Internet in the computer lab of the college; analysis of the political pedagogical project, and interviews with three teachers of the institution researched. These procedures, after passing through an initial process of treatment, it was constituted the corpus of research and were subjected to content analysis. The research highlights the contradictions between discursive and practical level. Although the conception of education that guides the practices of digital literacy of teachers and students is subsidized in speeches not hegemonics that enable critical and transformative visions of social reality, there is contradictory evidence that digital literacy practices of these same educational subjects are being subsidized by pressuposition hegemonic of the neotecnicism in that we identify and analyze the corpus of the research: : A) the concept of learning in the notion of "always learn"; b) the concept training, considered a constant throughout career by natural requirement of the market c) the capabilities and behavior as positively interact at school, work as a team in an entrepreneurial and creative ability to take initiative; d) the concept of methodology explained, is that " learn / learning." The idea that these concepts are offshoots of the concept of teaching "renewed", also identified and analyzed in the research corpus, reinforces the conclusion that the digital literacy practices of teachers and students are guided by pedagogical assumptions hegemonic because both neotecnicismo and "renewed" teaching appear and develop in order to maintain education and phenomena that comprise interests tied to capitalist-productive
Continuing lack of evidence for the psychotic subtyping of PTSD
Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psychiat, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psychiat, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc
Medidas e estratégias das Entidades supervisoras e a crise económico-financeira de 2007: o caso particular dos sistemas financeiros português e Cabo-verdiano
O escopo principal deste estudo corresponde a uma análise das medidas e estratégias adotadas pelas Entidades Supervisoras e também pelos próprios Estados em resposta à crise económico-financeira de 2007, bem como as reformas emergentes no contexto pós-crise – equacionando em paralelo essas reformas no quadro da União Europeia (UE) em função da necessária perspetiva supranacional que tem de ser observada neste domínio à luz da importante transferência de poderes de regulação e supervisão do setor financeiro para a esfera da UE, no essencial desencadeada mediante as reformas provenientes do Relatório LAROSIÈRE que fez conhecer uma nova aceleração na regulação financeira europeia com a criação do Sistema Europeu de Supervisão Financeira e, em particular, no subsetor bancário com o lançamento do processo da União Bancária. Com efeito, debruçamo-nos sobre os setores financeiros português (sempre numa perspetiva integrada no contexto europeu) e cabo-verdiano, tendo em conta a sua relação comercial com a Europa, visando saber se, naquela altura, as medidas tomadas foram as mais adequadas e eficazes para a salvaguarda da estabilidade do sistema financeiro e reestabelecer a confiança dos investidores nos mercados financeiros num contexto adverso e de incertezas. Para uma melhor compreensão da temática em análise fizemos uma contextualização da crise financeira de 2007 e apontamos algumas das suas potenciais causas, salientando também os impactos negativos decorrentes dessa crise, registados nas grandes economias ao redor do mundo e, em particular, em Portugal e Cabo Verde. Além disso, fizemos referência ao enquadramento histórico, constitucional e a caraterização dos respetivos sistemas financeiros, sobre os quais pretendemos centrar o nosso estudo.The focus of this study is to analyze the measures and strategies adopted by the Supervisory Entities and also by the different States themselves in response to the economic and financial crisis of 2007, as well as the emerging reforms in the post-crisis context - solving these reforms in parallel with the European Union (EU) according to the necessary supranational perspective, which has to be followed in this domain under important regulation and supervision power transfer of financial sector to EU, essentially triggered by reforms of LAROSIÈRE Report, which sped up the financial regulation in EU by creating the European System of Financial Regulation and, especially, in subdomain of bank in launching the process of Banking Union. Under these terms, we stressed the portuguese financial sector (always in a framed European context) and capeverdean system considering its trades with Europe - trying to know if the measures taken were the most suitable and more effective, in that time, to ensure the stability of financial system and to restore investor confidence in financial markets in an adverse and uncertain context. For a better understanding of the subject under analysis, we contextualized the financial crisis of 2007 and pointed out some of its potential causes, by highlighting the negative impacts resulted from this crisis registered in the major economies worldwide and, especially, in Portugal and Cape Verde Islands. In addition, we made reference to the historical and constitutional contexts, and the characterization of the financial systems on which we intend to focus our study
A utilização de filmes na disciplina de História
Orientador : Elson FaxinaArtigo (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, Curso de Especialização em Mídias Integradas na Educação.Inclui referência
Computational Modeling for the Ag Nanoparticle Coalescence Process: A Case of Surface Plasmon Resonance
Motivated by recent transmission electron microscopy (TEM) experiments on α-Ag2WO4, the coalescence process of Ag nanoparticles (NPs) is investigated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. These Ag NPs are formed by irradiation of α-Ag2WO4 crystals by electrons from a TEM gun. This behavior can be considered as a clear example of surface plasmon resonance (SPR), in which Ag NP coalescence processes are controlled by dipole–dipole interaction forming larger clusters. The interactions between Ag NPs along the coalescence processes are studied using MD simulations with embedded atom method (EAM) effective potentials for Ag. With these choices of methods, coalescence is studied by addressing different scenarios for the interacting NPs, which all could possibly occur in experiments
Memórias Resistentes As Construções Das Memórias Das Ditaduras No Brasil E Na Argentina A Partir Da Preservação De Edifícios Da Repressão
Between The Years Of 1960 And 1970 Latin America Experienced Successive Military Coups For The Installation Of National Security Dictatorships. The 1980s, On The Other Hand, Were Marked By The Political Reopening In Some Of These Countries. Understanding That These Political Processes, Traumatic Due To The Great Violence In Several Senses, Generated Harsh Memories, Has Created A Challenge To The Respective Societies: What To Preserve Or What To Forget? Considering All Particularities Of Each Process, These Dictatorships Were Characterized By Institutionalization Violence And The Centrality Of Repression In Their Regimes. Some Institutions Of Repression Worked Systematically, Producing The Reality Of Terror, Based In Arrestements, Kidnappings, Torture, Disappearances, Murders And Other Violence. In This Sense, The Preservation Of Places Where Terror Organs Have Functioned Has Been An Important Instrument For, At Least, The Public Recognition Of This Violent Past. The Procedures For Creating These Places Of MemEntre Os Anos De 1960 E 1970 A América Latina Vivenciou Sucessivos Golpes Militares Para A Instalação De Ditaduras De Segurança Nacional. Já A Década De 1980, Por Outro Lado, Foi Marcada Pela Reabertura Política Em Alguns Desses Países. Entendendo Que Esses Processos Políticos, Traumáticos Pela Tamanha Violência Em Diversos Sentidos, Geraram Memórias Difíceis, Criaram Um Desafio Às Respectivas Sociedades: O Que Preservar Ou O Que Esquecer? Consideradas As Particularidades Em Cada Processo, Essas Ditaduras Se Caracterizaram Pela Institucionalização Da Violência E Da Centralidade Da Repressão Em Seus Regimes. Algumas Instituições Da Repressão Funcionaram De Modo Sistemático, Produzindo Uma Realidade De Terror, Baseada Em Prisões, Sequestros, Torturas, Desaparecimentos, Assassinatos E Outras Violências. Nesse Sentido, A Preservação De Lugares Em Que Funcionaram Órgãos De Terror Tem Sido Um Instrumento Importante Para, Ao Menos, O Reconhecimento Público Desse Passado Violento. Os Procedimentos De Criação Desses LDados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2018
Vanadium doping effect on multifunctionality of SnO2 nanoparticles
In the present study, tin oxide (SnO2) nanoparticles were synthesized by a precursor polymeric method. The obtained nanoparticles were doped with vanadium. The samples were characterized by powder XRD, TEM, optical UV and EPR studies. XRD and TEM showed the rutile crystal structure and its revealed that the lattice cell parameters and particles size were decreased with dopant level. Optical and EPR data confirmed that the doped V enters into SnO2 and distorted the host material symmetry. The films sensing characteristics have been studied from the aspect of doping level of sensing material and microstructure. It is found that V doping on SnO2 enhance sensor sensitivity towards CO gas. The results demonstrated that V doping can improving numerous applications which the SnO2 response is maximized.Fil: Alvarez Roca, Roman. Universidade Federal do São Carlos; BrasilFil: Desimone, Paula Mariela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales; ArgentinaFil: da Silva, Mitchell. Universidade Federal do São Carlos; BrasilFil: Ponce, Miguel Adolfo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales; ArgentinaFil: Longo, Elson. Universidade Federal do São Carlos; Brasi
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