2,038 research outputs found

    A new twist on Lorenz links

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    Twisted torus links are given by twisting a subset of strands on a closed braid representative of a torus link. T--links are a natural generalization, given by repeated positive twisting. We establish a one-to-one correspondence between positive braid representatives of Lorenz links and T--links, so Lorenz links and T--links coincide. Using this correspondence, we identify over half of the simplest hyperbolic knots as Lorenz knots. We show that both hyperbolic volume and the Mahler measure of Jones polynomials are bounded for infinite collections of hyperbolic Lorenz links. The correspondence provides unexpected symmetries for both Lorenz links and T-links, and establishes many new results for T-links, including new braid index formulas.Comment: This version will be published in J. Topology (2009). 31 pages, 6 figure

    Influences of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency on nutrient digestibility, growth parameters as well as anatomical and histological morphology of the intestine in a juvenile pig model

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    In a pig model, pancreatic duct ligation (PL) leads to a complete loss of exocrine function, causing an exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) without affecting endocrine function, allowing research of clinical effects and therapy options. This study aimed to investigate effects of experimentally induced EPI in juvenile pigs on digestion and intestinal morphology. Eight female juvenile cross-bred pigs (BW 54.8 kg at the start of the study) were included. Three animals were considered as a control (CON group), and in five animals the ductus pancreaticus accessorius was ligated (PL group). During the 10-week trial period, body weight and body measurements were recorded regularly. At the end of the trial, gastrointestinal tract (GIT) was investigated macroscopically and histologically and weight and digesta samples of individual segments were obtained. The pigs in the CON showed a significantly higher apparent total tract digestibility of crude protein and crude fat (87.8 and 79.9%, respectively) compared to PL (52.4 and 16.6%, respectively). Significant differences were noted in relative weights of duodenum, jejunum and colon (with and without digesta) and also in absolute weights of jejunum and colon. The mean number of nuclei in the transverse section in stratum circulare were significantly higher in all intestinal segments in CON compared to PL. Overall, EPI results in impaired nutrient digestibility with a greater filling of the GIT with digesta. The elongation of the small intestine does not represent “stretching” of the intestine, but rather increased synthesis of intestinal tissue

    Clinical and pathological assessment of different suture techniques for microvascular anastomosis in rat femoral artery

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    This study examined the clinical and pathological features after a microvascular anastomosis of a rat femoral artery using four different suture techniques. Sixty Sprage-Dawely rats were divided randomly into 4 groups. Fifteen bisected arteries (one from each animal) in Group I, II, III and IV were sutured with the simple interrupted suture, continuous suture, sleeve suture and cuff suture, respectively. The anastomosis times in Group I, II, III and IV were 28.67, 14.67, 15.47 and 15.93 min, respectively. Immediate bleeding that stopped without intervention (grade I) was observed in 67%, 73% and 60% of the anastomosed vessels in Groups II, III and IV, respectively, while 60% of the vessels in Group I showed light bleeding that was inhibited by gentile pressure (grade II). All vessels examined appeared to be patent at 5 and 15 min after the anastomosis. On the 7th day postoperatively, the vessels of Group I showed the highest patency rate (93%) compared with Groups II (67%), III (73%) and IV (87%). Moreover, there were more pronounced pathological changes in Group I than in the other groups. These changes included endothelial loss, endothelial proliferation, degeneration and necrosis of the tunica media. Suture materials surrounded by an inflammatory reaction were also observed. In conclusion, the simple interrupted suture is preferable for microvascular anastomosis due to its highest patency rate. The other techniques investigated can be good alternatives because of their short anastomotic time and moderate pathological changes

    Palmitoylation and Membrane Association of the Stress Axis Regulated Insert (STREX) Controls BK Channel Regulation by Protein Kinase C

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    Large-conductance, calcium- and voltage-gated potassium (BK) channels play an important role in cellular excitability by controlling membrane potential and calcium influx. The stress axis regulated exon (STREX) at splice site 2 inverts BK channel regulation by protein kinase A (PKA) from stimulatory to inhibitory. Here we show that palmitoylation of STREX controls BK channel regulation also by protein kinase C (PKC). In contrast to the 50% decrease of maximal channel activity by PKC in the insertless (ZERO) splice variant, STREX channels were completely resistant to PKC. STREX channel mutants in which Ser(700), located between the two regulatory domains of K(+) conductance (RCK) immediately downstream of the STREX insert, was replaced by the phosphomimetic amino acid glutamate (S700E) showed a ∌50% decrease in maximal channel activity, whereas the S700A mutant retained its normal activity. BK channel inhibition by PKC, however, was effectively established when the palmitoylation-mediated membrane-anchor of the STREX insert was removed by either pharmacological inhibition of palmitoyl transferases or site-directed mutagenesis. These findings suggest that STREX confers a conformation on BK channels where PKC fails to phosphorylate and to inhibit channel activity. Importantly, PKA which inhibits channel activity by disassembling the STREX insert from the plasma membrane, allows PKC to further suppress the channel gating independent from voltage and calcium. Our results present an important example for the cross-talk between ion channel palmitoylation and phosphorylation in regulation of cellular excitability

    Evaluation of plant biomass resources available for replacement of fossil oil

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    The potential of plants to replace fossil oil was evaluated by considering the scale of production required, the area of land needed and the types of plants available. High yielding crops (50 tonnes/ha) that have a high conversion efficiency (75%) would require a global land footprint of around 100 million ha to replace current (2008) oil consumption. Lower yielding or less convertible plants would require a larger land footprint. Domestication of new species as dedicated energy crops may be necessary. A systematic analysis of higher plants and their current and potential uses is presented. Plant biotechnology provides tools to improve the prospects of replacing oil with plant-derived biomass by increasing the amount of biomass produced per unit area of land and improving the composition of the biomass to increase the efficiency of conversion to biofuel and biomaterials. Options for the production of high value coproducts and the expression of processing aids such as enzymes in the plant may add further value to plants as bioenergy resources

    Architecture of the chromatin remodeler RSC and insights into its nucleosome engagement.

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    Eukaryotic DNA is packaged into nucleosome arrays, which are repositioned by chromatin remodeling complexes to control DNA accessibility. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae RSC (Remodeling the Structure of Chromatin) complex, a member of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeler family, plays critical roles in genome maintenance, transcription, and DNA repair. Here, we report cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and crosslinking mass spectrometry (CLMS) studies of yeast RSC complex and show that RSC is composed of a rigid tripartite core and two flexible lobes. The core structure is scaffolded by an asymmetric Rsc8 dimer and built with the evolutionarily conserved subunits Sfh1, Rsc6, Rsc9 and Sth1. The flexible ATPase lobe, composed of helicase subunit Sth1, Arp7, Arp9 and Rtt102, is anchored to this core by the N-terminus of Sth1. Our cryo-EM analysis of RSC bound to a nucleosome core particle shows that in addition to the expected nucleosome-Sth1 interactions, RSC engages histones and nucleosomal DNA through one arm of the core structure, composed of the Rsc8 SWIRM domains, Sfh1 and Npl6. Our findings provide structural insights into the conserved assembly process for all members of the SWI/SNF family of remodelers, and illustrate how RSC selects, engages, and remodels nucleosomes

    Organophosphonate bridged anatase mesocrystals: low temperature crystallization, thermal growth and hydrogen photo-evolution

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    The sol-gel co-condensation of organo-phosphonates to titanium alkoxides enables access to novel organic-inorganic hybrids based on phosphonate-bridged titanium dioxide. In this contribution, we bring new perspectives to the long established sol-gel mineralization of titanium alkoxide species, by harnessing the virtues of the well-designed phosphonate-terminated phosphorus dendrimers as reactive amphiphilic nanoreactor, confined medium and cross-linked template to generate discrete crystalline anatase nanoparticles at low temperature (T = 60 degrees C). An accurate investigation on several parameters (dendrimer generation, dendrimer-to-titanium alkoxide ratio, precursor reactivity, temperature, solvent nature, salt effect) allows a correlation between the network condensation, the opening porous framework and the crystalline phase formation. The evolution of the dendrimer skeleton upon heat treatment has been deeply monitored by means of P-31 NMR, XPS and Raman spectroscopy. Increasing the heteroatom content within a titania network provides the driving force for enhancing their photocatalytic water splitting ability for hydrogen production.Brahmi, Y.; Katir, N.; Macia Agullo, JA.; Primo Arnau, AM.; Bousmina, M.; Majoral, J.; GarcĂ­a GĂłmez, H.... (2015). Organophosphonate bridged anatase mesocrystals: low temperature crystallization, thermal growth and hydrogen photo-evolution. Dalton Transactions. 44(35):15544-15556. doi:10.1039/c5dt02367jS1554415556443

    Increased Expression of Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte-Associated Protein 4 by T Cells, Induced by B7 in Sera, Reduces Adaptive Immunity in Patients With Acute Liver Failure.

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Patients with acute liver failure (ALF) have defects in innate immune responses to microbes (immune paresis) and are susceptible to sepsis. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA4), which interacts with the membrane receptor B7 (also called CD80 and CD86), is a negative regulator of T-cell activation. We collected T cells from patients with ALF and investigated whether inhibitory signals down-regulate adaptive immune responses in patients with ALF. METHODS: We collected peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with ALF and controls from September 2013 through September 2015 (45 patients with ALF, 20 patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure, 15 patients with cirrhosis with no evidence of acute decompensation, 20 patients with septic shock but no cirrhosis or liver disease, and 20 healthy individuals). Circulating CD4+ T cells were isolated and analyzed by flow cytometry. CD4+ T cells were incubated with antigen, or agonist to CD3 and dendritic cells, with or without antibody against CTLA4; T-cell proliferation and protein expression were quantified. We measured levels of soluble B7 molecules in supernatants of isolated primary hepatocytes, hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells, and biliary epithelial cells from healthy or diseased liver tissues. We also measured levels of soluble B7 serum samples from patients and controls, and mice with acetaminophen-induced liver injury using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. RESULTS: Peripheral blood samples from patients with ALF had a higher proportion of CD4+ CTLA4+ T cells than controls; patients with infections had the highest proportions. CD4+ T cells from patients with ALF had a reduced proliferative response to antigen or CD3 stimulation compared to cells from controls; incubation of CD4+ T cells from patients with ALF with an antibody against CTLA4 increased their proliferative response to antigen and to CD3 stimulation, to the same levels as cells from controls. CD4+ T cells from controls up-regulated expression of CTLA4 after 24-48 hours culture with sera from patients with ALF; these sera were found to have increased concentrations of soluble B7 compared to sera from controls. Necrotic human primary hepatocytes exposed to acetaminophen, but not hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells and biliary epithelial cells from patients with ALF, secreted high levels of soluble B7. Sera from mice with acetaminophen-induced liver injury contained high levels of soluble B7 compared to sera from mice without liver injury. Plasma exchange reduced circulating levels of soluble B7 in patients with ALF and expression of CTLA4 on T cells. CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral CD4+ T cells from patients with ALF have increased expression of CTLA4 compared to individuals without ALF; these cells have a reduced response to antigen and CD3 stimulation. We found sera of patients with ALF and from mice with liver injury to have high concentrations of soluble B7, which up-regulates CTLA4 expression by T cells and reduces their response to antigen. Plasma exchange reduces levels of B7 in sera from patients with ALF and might be used to restore antimicrobial responses to patients

    Biodiversity in the Cladosporium herbarum complex (Davidiellaceae, Capnodiales), with standardisation of methods for Cladosporium taxonomy and diagnostics

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    The Cladosporium herbarum complex comprises five species for which Davidiella teleomorphs are known. Cladosporium herbarum s. str. (D. tassiana), C. macrocarpum (D. macrocarpa) and C. bruhnei (D. allicina) are distinguishable by having conidia of different width, and by teleomorph characters. Davidiella variabile is introduced as teleomorph of C. variabile, a homothallic species occurring on Spinacia, and D. macrospora is known to be the teleomorph of C. iridis on Iris spp. The C. herbarum complex combines low molecular distance with a high degree of clonal or inbreeding diversity. Entities differ from each other by multilocus sequence data and by phenetic differences, and thus can be interpreted to represent individual taxa. Isolates of the C. herbarum complex that were formerly associated with opportunistic human infections, cluster with C. bruhnei. Several species are newly described from hypersaline water, namely C. ramotenellum, C. tenellum, C. subinflatum, and C. herbaroides. Cladosporium pseudiridis collected from Iris sp. in New Zealand, is also a member of this species complex and shown to be distinct from C. iridis that occurs on this host elsewhere in the world. A further new species from New Zealand is C. sinuosum on Fuchsia excorticata. Cladosporium antarcticum is newly described from a lichen, Caloplaca regalis, collected in Antarctica, and C. subtilissimum from grape berries in the U.S.A., while the new combination C. ossifragi, the oldest valid name of the Cladosporium known from Narthecium in Europe, is proposed. Standard protocols and media are herewith proposed to facilitate future morphological examination of Cladosporium spp. in culture, and neotypes or epitypes are proposed for all species treated
