10 research outputs found
On The Power of Enterprise Sanctions
企业作为经济组织,要完成它既定的生产经营目标,需以良好的生产经营秩序为前提。为使日常管理能顺利有效进行,内部秩序得以维护,一般而言企业都制定有内部规章制度。但如果企业仅仅有权制定各项规章制度,却对劳动者违反规章制度、有损企业利益、有碍顺利实现生产经营目标的行为无权实施惩戒,则企业正常生产经营秩序的维系实无可能。 如果没有惩戒权作为后盾,企业规章制度就会成为一纸空文,承认企业享有一定的惩戒权是必要的。然而,由于企业与劳动者存在利益不一致之处,如果对企业惩戒权的行使缺乏必要和有效的限制,就极易侵害劳动者的合法权益,因此企业行使惩戒权的行为应受到严格限制,必须在法律允许的框架内进行。我国现行劳动法...A good production operation order is the premise of an enterprise which is the economic organization to achieve the production operation goal. In general, the enterprise has its own internal regulations, which enable it to maintain the internal order to carry on routine business smoothly and effectively. However, if the enterprise has power to draw up regulations but has no right to enforce sancti...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200512017