32 research outputs found

    Incorporating life cycle assessment and ecodesign tools for green chemical engineering: a case study of competences and learning outcomes assessment

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    Chemical engineers assume a broad range of roles in industry, spanning the development of new process designs, the maintenance and optimization of complex systems, and the production of intermediate materials, final products and new technologies. The technical aptitude that enables chemical engineers to fulfill these various roles along the value chain makes them compelling participants in the environmental assessment of the product in question. Therefore, the introduction of life cycle assessment (LCA) and ecodesign concepts into the chemical engineering curriculum is essential to help these future professionals to face design problems with a holistic view of the technical, economic, social and environmental impacts of their solutions. The teaching of these and other disciplines by means of student-centered methods, based on a holistic structure, have demonstrated better teamwork and communication skills. For that reason, this paper proposes a Micro (Assess-Analyze-Act) (M-3A) model of assessment mainly focused on closing the loop of the learning activities. This model has been applied to an ecodesign case study of the "University master's Degree in chemical engineering" of the University of Cantabria/University of the Basque Country, with positive feedback of the students. They felt that the approach has allowed them to utilize their analytical skills in quantifying a situation before applying other subjective measures, and that the public discussion of the results was a satisfactory element for improving their communication skills. Moreover, the students found that the workload was nicely adjusted, highlighting the acquisition of 4 competences preferentially: teamwork, creativity; relevance of environmental issues and initiative and entrepreneurship. Finally, the students suggest that the application of this methodology into their degree could motivate future students improving their performance

    Etiopathogenic role of HLA-B27 alleles in ankylosing spondylitis

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    HLA-B27 is the major genetic susceptibility factor for ankylosing spondylitis (AS). However, its precise role in the pathogenesis of AS still remains unclear, even though its gene has been cloned and sequenced, and its crystallographic structure has been defined. Arthritogenic peptide and molecular mimicry hypotheses propose mechanisms related to an antigen-presenting function of HLA-B27 to be responsible for disease development. However, peculiar aspects of its immunobiology, such as its misfolding and heavy chain dimerization raise the possibility of involvement of pathogenic mechanisms unrelated to its physiological function. Moreover, HLA-B27 is not a single allele, but a family of 31 different alleles, named HLA-B*2701 to HLA-B*2727. Studies worldwide indicate that the relatively common alleles (subtypes) HLA-B*2705, B*2704, and B*2702 are strongly associated with AS, whereas HLA-B*2706 which is prevalent in South-east Asia and HLA-B*2709 which is prevalent on the Italian island of Sardinia, seem to lack such an association. The distinction between the disease-associated subtypes and those that are not associated, may provide clues to the actual role of HLA-B27 in disease pathogenesis. B*2706 differs from B*2704 by only two residues, and B*2709 differs from B*2705 by only one residue. Moreover, both B*2706 and B*2709 bind an endogenous peptide (derived from vasoactive intestinal peptide type 1 receptor) and also an exogenous peptide (latent membrane protein 2 of Epstein-Barr virus) but in two drastically diverse conformations. These recent X-ray diffraction studies of individual peptides in the context of different HLA-B27 alleles broaden our perception of the possible pathogenetic role of this molecule in the development of AS and related spondyloarthopathies. In summary, the pathogenetic role of HLA-B27 in AS seem to be quite heterogenous, and cannot be explained by a single mechanism, and new ideas have been raised based on the aberrant immunobiologic features of HLA-B27. ©Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology