38 research outputs found

    Advances in diffusion MRI acquisition and processing in the Human Connectome Project

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    The Human Connectome Project (HCP) is a collaborative 5-year effort to map human brain connections and their variability in healthy adults. A consortium of HCP investigators will study a population of 1200 healthy adults using multiple imaging modalities, along with extensive behavioral and genetic data. In this overview, we focus on diffusion MRI (dMRI) and the structural connectivity aspect of the project. We present recent advances in acquisition and processing that allow us to obtain very high-quality in-vivo MRI data, whilst enabling scanning of a very large number of subjects. These advances result from 2 years of intensive efforts in optimising many aspects of data acquisition and processing during the piloting phase of the project. The data quality and methods described here are representative of the datasets and processing pipelines that will be made freely available to the community at quarterly intervals, beginning in 2013

    Increased metabolic activity in nucleus basalis of Meynert neurons in elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment as indicated by the size of the Golgi apparatus.

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    In this study, we examined the metabolic activity of nucleus basalis of Meynert (NBM) neurons in individuals clinically diagnosed with no cognitive impairment (NCI, n = 8), mild cognitive impairment (MCI, n = 9), and subjects with moderate Alzheimer disease (AD, n = 7). We used Golgi apparatus (GA) size as a measure of neuronal metabolic activity. Subjects with MCI showed increased NBM metabolic activity; they had significantly more neurons with larger GA size as compared with NCI and AD subjects. In contrast, more NBM neurons with extremely small GA sizes, indicating reduced metabolic activity, were seen in AD. When these cases were classified according to their AD pathology (Braak I-II, III-IV, or V-VI), Braak III-IV subjects showed significantly increased GA sizes, comparable with the increase in clinically diagnosed MCI, whereas in Braak V-VI, GA sizes were dramatically reduced. Of all MCI and NCI subjects with similar Braak III-IV pathology, the MCI subjects again had significantly larger GA sizes. The larger NBM neuronal GA size seen in MCI suggests increased metabolic activity, associated with both the clinical progression from NCI to MCI, and with the early stages of AD pathology

    Increased metabolic activity in nucleus basalis of Meynert neurons in elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment as indicated by the size of the Golgi apparatus.

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    In this study, we examined the metabolic activity of nucleus basalis of Meynert (NBM) neurons in individuals clinically diagnosed with no cognitive impairment (NCI, n = 8), mild cognitive impairment (MCI, n = 9), and subjects with moderate Alzheimer disease (AD, n = 7). We used Golgi apparatus (GA) size as a measure of neuronal metabolic activity. Subjects with MCI showed increased NBM metabolic activity; they had significantly more neurons with larger GA size as compared with NCI and AD subjects. In contrast, more NBM neurons with extremely small GA sizes, indicating reduced metabolic activity, were seen in AD. When these cases were classified according to their AD pathology (Braak I-II, III-IV, or V-VI), Braak III-IV subjects showed significantly increased GA sizes, comparable with the increase in clinically diagnosed MCI, whereas in Braak V-VI, GA sizes were dramatically reduced. Of all MCI and NCI subjects with similar Braak III-IV pathology, the MCI subjects again had significantly larger GA sizes. The larger NBM neuronal GA size seen in MCI suggests increased metabolic activity, associated with both the clinical progression from NCI to MCI, and with the early stages of AD pathology.

    Neuronal sorting protein-related receptor sorLA/LR11 regulates processing of the amyloid precursor protein

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    sorLA (sorting protein-related receptor) is a type-1 membrane protein of unknown function that is expressed in neurons. Its homology to sorting receptors that shuttle between the plasma membrane, endosomes, and the Golgi suggests a related function in neuronal trafficking processes. Because expression of sorLA is reduced in the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), we tested involvement of this receptor in intracellular transport and processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) to the amyloid β-peptide (Aβ), the principal component of senile plaques. We demonstrate that sorLA interacts with APP in vitro and in living cells and that both proteins colocalize in endosomal and Golgi compartments. Overexpression of sorLA in neurons causes redistribution of APP to the Golgi and decreased processing to A{beta}, whereas ablation of sorLA expression in knockout mice results in increased levels of Aβ in the brain similar to the situation in AD patients. Thus, sorLA acts as a sorting receptor that protects APP from processing into Aβ and thereby reduces the burden of amyloidogenic peptide formation. Consequently, reduced receptor expression in the human brain may increase Aβ production and plaque formation and promote spontaneous AD