122 research outputs found

    Vers la synthÚse de la (-) - gymnodimine A et études de relations structure-activité du coeur spiroimine

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    Gymnodimines, spirolides, pinatoxines and pteriatoxines constitute a family of marine toxins with complex structures. They are produced in small quantities by marine microorganisms called dinoflagelles. These toxins are known to block the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR), but the exact mode of action remains to be determined. Different biological tests showed that the spiroimine moiety, common feature to all these molecules, is the main pharmacophore, indispensable for the inhibitive activity. This Ph.D. work has been focused on the synthesis of the spiroimine fragment of the (–)-gymnodimine A, for pharmacological studies of these structures. In a first part, the formation of the quaternary carbon was developped around the Tsuji-Trost reaction. Good yield and enantiomeric excess were obtained. During our work with modele substrate, an original approach was used to functionnalize the allyl chain. We realized a cross metathesis followed by an oxidative cleavage to form an aldehyde used to synthezise the wished spirolactone. After some functional arrangements, a Staudinger cyclisation has been involved to isolate the expected spiroimines. Then, Tsuji-Trost reaction was applied to more functionnalized substrates for a future total synthesis. In a second time, an asymmetric decarboxylative allylation from Beta-cĂ©toesters, was used to form the stereogenic center with good yield and enantiomeric excess. A short synthetic route was developped for the synthesis of the spiroimine moiety. After an isomerisation of the allylic chain, compounds were involved in a 1,3-cycloaddition between an alcene and an azide to form the wished spiroimines. The generalization of the method was just begun. Three spiroimines were isolated and biologically evaluated on nAChRs. Their structure were simpler than GYM A but they show an antagonist effect and even a blocking effect according to the molecule. Their biological activities were lower than the natural product but these results show that spiroimine moiety is one of the pharmacophore of the GYM A.Les gymnodimines, les spirolides, les pinatoxines et les ptĂ©riatoxines constituent une famille de toxines d’origine marine de structures complexes, produites en faibles quantitĂ©s par des microorganismes marins appelĂ©s dinoflagellĂ©s. Ces toxines sont connues pour bloquer les rĂ©cepteurs nicotiniques de l’acĂ©tylcholine (nAChR) sans que leurs modes d’action ne soient connus avec prĂ©cision. D’aprĂšs les diffĂ©rents tests biologiques rĂ©alisĂ©s Ă  ce jour, il semblerait que le motif spiroimine, commun Ă  toutes ces molĂ©cules, soit le pharmacophore principal, indispensable pour toute activitĂ© inhibitrice. Le travail rĂ©alisĂ© au cours de cette thĂšse s’est focalisĂ© sur la synthĂšse du fragment spiroimine de la (–)-gymnodimine A, dans l’optique d’une Ă©tude pharmacologique de ces structures. Dans un premier temps, la crĂ©ation du centre quaternaire a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e en utilisant la rĂ©action Tsuji-Trost qui nous a donnĂ© de bons rĂ©sultats en termes de rendement et d’excĂšs Ă©nantiomĂ©rique. Au cours d’une approche sur des substrats modĂšles, une stratĂ©gie de fonctionnalisation originale de la chaĂźne allylique, mettant en jeu une mĂ©tathĂšse croisĂ©e puis une oxydation, nous a permis d’atteindre l’intermĂ©diaire spirolactone dĂ©sirĂ©. AprĂšs quelques Ă©tapes d’amĂ©nagements fonctionnels, une rĂ©action de Staudinger nous a permis d’isoler les spiroimines attendues. Puis, dans la perspective d’une future synthĂšse totale, la rĂ©action de Tsuji-Trost a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e Ă  des substrats plus fonctionnalisĂ©s. Dans un second temps, une allylation dĂ©carboxylante asymĂ©trique Ă  partir de Beta-cĂ©toesters, nous a aussi permis de former le centre stĂ©rĂ©ogĂ©nique avec de bons rendements et excĂšs Ă©nantiomĂ©riques. Une sĂ©quence rapide et efficace a Ă©tĂ© mise au point pour la synthĂšse de motifs spiroimines. AprĂšs une Ă©tape d’isomĂ©risation, les composĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© engagĂ©s dans une rĂ©action de cycloaddition 1,3-dipolaire entre un alcĂšne et une fonction azoture pour former les spiroimines souhaitĂ©es. La gĂ©nĂ©ralisation de la mĂ©thode a alors pu ĂȘtre dĂ©butĂ©. Les trois spiroimines isolĂ©es au cours de ces travaux ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s biologiquement sur les nAChRs, montrant un effet antagoniste, voire bloquant, selon les structures, de ces rĂ©cepteurs. Leurs structures est beaucoup plus simple que celle de la GYM A et l’activitĂ© biologique est plus faible que la molĂ©cule naturelle. Toutefois, ces rĂ©sultats montrent bien que le motif spiroimine est l’un des pharmacophore de la GYM A

    Dynactin1 depletion leads to neuromuscular synapse instability and functional abnormalities.

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    Dynactin subunit 1 is the largest subunit of the dynactin complex, an activator of the molecular motor protein complex dynein. Reduced levels of DCTN1 mRNA and protein have been found in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients, and mutations have been associated with disease, but the role of this protein in disease pathogenesis is still unknown. We characterized a Dynactin1a depletion model in the zebrafish embryo and combined in vivo molecular analysis of primary motor neuron development with live in vivo axonal transport assays in single cells to investigate ALS-related defects. To probe neuromuscular junction (NMJ) function and organization we performed paired motor neuron-muscle electrophysiological recordings and GCaMP calcium imaging in live, intact larvae, and the synapse structure was investigated by electron microscopy. Here we show that Dynactin1a depletion is sufficient to induce defects in the development of spinal cord motor neurons and in the function of the NMJ. We observe synapse instability, impaired growth of primary motor neurons, and higher failure rates of action potentials at the NMJ. In addition, the embryos display locomotion defects consistent with NMJ dysfunction. Rescue of the observed phenotype by overexpression of wild-type human DCTN1-GFP indicates a cell-autonomous mechanism. Synaptic accumulation of DCTN1-GFP, as well as ultrastructural analysis of NMJ synapses exhibiting wider synaptic clefts, support a local role for Dynactin1a in synaptic function. Furthermore, live in vivo analysis of axonal transport and cytoskeleton dynamics in primary motor neurons show that the phenotype reported here is independent of modulation of these processes. Our study reveals a novel role for Dynactin1 in ALS pathogenesis, where it acts cell-autonomously to promote motor neuron synapse stability independently of dynein-mediated axonal transport

    A Comparison of Airborne In Situ Cloud Microphysical Measurement with Ground-Based C-Band Radar Observations in Deep Stratiform Regions of African Squall Lines

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    This study addresses clouds with significant ice water content (IWC) in the stratiform regions downwind of the convective cores of African squall lines in the framework of the French–Indian satellite Megha-Tropiques project, observed in August 2010 next to Niamey (13.5°N, 2°E) in the southwestern part of Niger. The objectives included comparing the IWC–Z reflectivity relationship for precipitation radars in deep stratiform anvils, collocating reflectivity observed from ground radar with the calculated reflectivity from in situ microphysics for all aircraft locations inside the radar range, and interpreting the role of large ice crystals in the reflectivity of centimeter radars through analysis of their microphysical characteristics as ice crystals larger than 5 mm frequently occurred. It was found that, in the range of 20–30 dBZ, IWC and C-band reflectivity are not really correlated. Cloud regions with high IWC caused by important crystal number concentrations can lead to the same reflectivity factor as cloud regions with low IWC formed by a few millimeter-sized ice crystals

    Study of the diffraction pattern of cloud particles and the respective responses of optical array probes

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    Optical array probes (OAPs) are classical instrumental means to derive shape, size, and number concentration of cloud and precipitation particles from 2-D images. However, recorded 2-D images are subject to distortion based on the diffraction of light when particles are imaged out of the object plane of the optical device. This phenomenon highly affects retrievals of microphysical properties of cloud particles. Previous studies of this effect mainly focused on spherical droplets. In this study we propose a theoretical method to compute diffraction patterns of all kinds of cloud particle shapes in order to simulate the response recorded by an OAP. To check the validity of this method, a series of experimental measurements have been performed with a 2D-S probe mounted on a test bench. Measurements are performed using spinning glass discs with imprinted non-circular opaque particle shapes.</p

    Subtelomere organization in the genome of the microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi: patterns of repeated sequences and physicochemical signatures

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    International audienceThe microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi is an obligate intracellular eukaryotic pathogen with a small nuclear genome (2.9 Mbp) consisting of 11 chromosomes. Although each chromosome end is known to contain a single rDNA unit, the incomplete assembly of subtelomeric regions following sequencing of the genome identified only 3 of the 22 expected rDNA units. While chromosome end assembly remains a difficult process in most eukaryotic genomes, it is of significant importance for pathogens because these regions encode factors important for virulence and host evasion

    Bilateral visual projections exist in non-teleost bony fish and predate the emergence of tetrapods

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    In most vertebrates, camera-style eyes contain retinal ganglion cell neurons that project to visual centers on both sides of the brain. However, in fish, ganglion cells were thought to innervate only the contralateral side, suggesting that bilateral visual projections appeared in tetrapods. Here we show that bilateral visual projections exist in non-teleost fishes and that the appearance of ipsilateral projections does not correlate with terrestrial transition or predatory behavior. We also report that the developmental program that specifies visual system laterality differs between fishes and mammals, as the Zic2 transcription factor, which specifies ipsilateral retinal ganglion cells in tetrapods, appears to be absent from fish ganglion cells. However, overexpression of human ZIC2 induces ipsilateral visual projections in zebrafish. Therefore, the existence of bilateral visual projections likely preceded the emergence of binocular vision in tetrapods.This work was supported by Programme Investissements d’Avenir IHU FOReSIGHT (ANR-18-IAHU-01) (A.C. and F.D.B.), INSERM cross-cutting program HuDeCA 2018 (A.C.), NIH R01OD011116 (I.B.), and UQ Amplify Fellowship (R.S.)Peer reviewe

    Bi-allelic variants in IPO8 cause a connective tissue disorder associated with cardiovascular defects, skeletal abnormalities, and immune dysregulation.

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    Dysregulated transforming growth factor TGF-ÎČ signaling underlies the pathogenesis of genetic disorders affecting the connective tissue such as Loeys-Dietz syndrome. Here, we report 12 individuals with bi-allelic loss-of-function variants in IPO8 who presented with a syndromic association characterized by cardio-vascular anomalies, joint hyperlaxity, and various degree of dysmorphic features and developmental delay as well as immune dysregulation; the individuals were from nine unrelated families. Importin 8 belongs to the karyopherin family of nuclear transport receptors and was previously shown to mediate TGF-ÎČ-dependent SMADs trafficking to the nucleus in vitro. The important in vivo role of IPO8 in pSMAD nuclear translocation was demonstrated by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated inactivation in zebrafish. Consistent with IPO8's role in BMP/TGF-ÎČ signaling, ipo8-/- zebrafish presented mild to severe dorso-ventral patterning defects during early embryonic development. Moreover, ipo8-/- zebrafish displayed severe cardiovascular and skeletal defects that mirrored the human phenotype. Our work thus provides evidence that IPO8 plays a critical and non-redundant role in TGF-ÎČ signaling during development and reinforces the existing link between TGF-ÎČ signaling and connective tissue defects

    Processing of Ice Cloud In-Situ Data Collected by Bulk Water, Scattering, and Imaging Probes: Fundamentals, Uncertainties and Efforts towards Consistency

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    In-situ observations of cloud properties made by airborne probes play a critical role in ice cloud research through their role in process studies, parameterization development, and evaluation of simulations and remote sensing retrievals. To determine how cloud properties vary with environmental conditions, in-situ data collected during different field projects processed by different groups must be used. However, due to the diverse algorithms and codes that are used to process measurements, it can be challenging to compare the results. Therefore it is vital to understand both the limitations of specific probes and uncertainties introduced by processing algorithms. Since there is currently no universally accepted framework regarding how in-situ measurements should be processed, there is a need for a general reference that describes the most commonly applied algorithms along with their strengths and weaknesses. Methods used to process data from bulk water probes, single particle light scattering spectrometers and cloud imaging probes are reviewed herein, with emphasis on measurements of the ice phase. Particular attention is paid to how uncertainties, caveats and assumptions in processing algorithms affect derived products since there is currently no consensus on the optimal way of analyzing data. Recommendations for improving the analysis and interpretation of in-situ data include the following: establishment of a common reference library of individual processing algorithms; better documentation of assumptions used in these algorithms; development and maintenance of sustainable community software for processing in-situ observations; and more studies that compare different algorithms with the same benchmark data sets
