59 research outputs found

    Soviet Criminal Jurisprudence

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    The Effect of Composition and Architecture on Polymer Behavior in Homopolymer Blends and Inter-filament Bonding in 3D Printed Models

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    This dissertation presents work that increases our understanding of the effects of composition and architecture on copolymer structure and dynamics and how they affect material diffusion between filaments in a 3D printed model. Copolymers are polymer chains made up of at least two different monomers. The ordering and arrangement of the two monomer species within a copolymer can have drastic effects on the behavior and properties of the copolymer. The first chapter of this dissertation examines how the copolymer composition affects the structure and dynamics of the chain in a homopolymer blend. This study used a modified Monte Carlo BFM to simulate random polystyrene(PS)-polymethymethacrylate(PMMA) copolymers in a PMMA matrix. The results suggest that the faster moving PS segments in the copolymer chain dominate the chain’s motion. However, concentration fluctuations in the local volume around segments of the chain ultimately slow the chain down. This work sheds light into why a randomly distributed copolymer will move faster than a di-block copolymer of the same monomer composition. The next project focused on the effect of copolymer architecture on the structure and dynamics of branched polymers in a homopolymer matrix using a Monte Carlo simulation. In these simulations, branched polymer consisted of a backbone and the side-chains being unlike monomer species. The number and the molecular weight of the branches was varied to study the effects of branch packing densities on homopolymer copolymer comb structure and motion. Additionally, the temperature varied to determine the effect of available thermal energy on each architectural copolymer configuration. The results of this project concluded that the structure and motion of a branched polymer are a result of the balance in the thermodynamic environment surrounding the copolymer. Finally, the effect of inter-filament heat and copolymer diffusion on inter-filament bonding in 3D printed part was examined. In this study the importance of thermal history in the print environment was determined quantitatively and its effect on the adhesion between acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymer filaments was probed. Additionally, the interface between ABS filaments was improved using a chemical cross-linker. These studies provide insight into improving the mechanical strength of 3D printed parts

    Youthful Internationalism in the Age of ‘Socialism in One Country’: Komsomol'tsy, Pioneers and ‘World Revolution’ in the Interwar Period

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    This article examines the complex and multifaceted engagement of young Soviet communists with the idea of revolutionary internationalism and international solidarity in the interwar period. In spite of the introduction of the official doctrine of ‘Socialism in One Country’ and the ritualization of internationalism in in the 1920s, youth activists continued to encounter the powerful charismatic idea of ‘world revolution’. Moscow’s central role in the Communist International and developments in Asia and Europe meant that the members of the Pioneer organization and the Komsomol had to engage with revolutionary events abroad through the official discourse as well as through their league’s practices. The article seeks to reveal the interplay and tensions between the Komsomol’s official rhetoric and policies concerning its leading role in the international communist youth movement and the idiosyncratic revolutionary identities and beliefs of young activists. By examining the shifting rhetoric and realities in expressions and enactments of international solidarity by young communists, the paper will question the potency of the idea of ‘revolutionary internationalism’ amongst the communist youth movement and its significance in the intergenerational discourse

    Literary studies and the academy

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    In 1885 the University of Oxford invited applications for the newly created Merton Professorship of English Language and Literature. The holder of the chair was, according to the statutes, to ‘lecture and give instruction on the broad history and criticism of English Language and Literature, and on the works of approved English authors’. This was not in itself a particularly innovatory move, as the study of English vernacular literature had played some part in higher education in Britain for over a century. Oxford University had put English as a subject into its pass degree in 1873, had been participating since 1878 in extension teaching, of which literary study formed a significant part, and had since 1881 been setting special examinations in the subject for its non-graduating women students. What was new was the fact that this ancient university appeared to be on the verge of granting the solid academic legitimacy of an established chair to an institutionally marginal and often contentious intellectual pursuit, acknowledging the study of literary texts in English to be a fit subject not just for women and the educationally disadvantaged but also for university men

    Le créole : de l\u27oraliture à la littérature

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    Le créole constitue tout un monde par sa langue et sa culture. La langue encore vivace à l\u27oral « met les griffes en terre » pour s\u27accrocher à son terroir et ne pas disparaître. Les bibliothèques et les auteurs créolophones participent à ce combat culturel vital pour sa survie notamment avec la Journée du 28 octobre

    Soviet Criminal Jurisprudence

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    La peste de 1720 à Marseille & en France d'après des documents inédits ...

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    At head of title: Paul Gaffarel et Mis de Duranty.Mode of access: Internet

    L’animation : quel sens pour les sociétés périphériques

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    Les modèles de l’intervention sociale et de l’animation socioculturelle ont pour caractéristiques de partir de diagnostics et d’états des lieux dans le but d’élaborer des projets, des plans d’action, des dispositifs d’accompagnement et de programmation afin de trouver les solutions les plus adaptées aux difficultés que rencontrent les individus et les collectivités. Or, en situation postcoloniale, marquée par des structures informelles vernaculaires et formelles importées de la métropole, on observe au sein des dispositifs d’animation et d’intervention des tensions relatives aux luttes institutionnelles se confondant aux luttes partisanes et aux luttes interprofessionnelles doublées de luttes interpersonnelles. Les auteurs s’interrogent dans cet article sur le sens de l’animation socioculturelle et de l’intervention sociale dans des sociétés en transition ainsi que sur la manière dont les animateurs et les intervenants s’inscrivent dans la recherche de sens au sein de ces sociétés.The models of social intervention and sociocultural community development have for characteristics to start from diagnoses and current situations with the aim of developing projects, action plans, devices of support and programming to find the most adapted solutions to the difficulties which individuals and communities meet. Yet, in postcolonial situation, marked by vernacular and informal structures and formal ones imported from the metropolis, one can observe within the strategies used in the sociocultural field tensions relative to institutional conflicts mixing with partisan conflicts and to interprofessional conflicts doubled by interpersonal conflicts. The authors wonder in this article about the signification of sociocultural community development and social intervention in societies in transition as well as on the way sociocultural community developers and social actors contribute to the search for meaning within these societies.Los modelos de la intervención social y de la animación sociocultural tienen para características de partir de diagnósticos y de estados de los lugares para elaborar proyectos, planes de acción, dispositivos de acompañamiento y de programación con el fin de encontrar las soluciones las más adaptadas a las dificultades que encuentran los individuos y las colectividades. Entonces, en situación poscolonial, marcada por estructuras informales vernáculas y formales importadas por la metrópoli, observamos en el seno de los dispositivos de animación y de intervención tensiones relativas a las luchas institucionales que se confunden a las luchas partidarias y a las luchas interprofesionales dobladas de luchas interpersonales. Los autores se interrogan en este artículo la dirección de la animación sociocultural y de la intervención social en sociedades en transición así como sobre la manera en la que los animadores y los interventores se inscriben en la búsqueda de segnificado en el seno de estas sociedades

    Études laryngoscopiques. Diagnostic des paralysies motrices des muscles du larynx, par le Dr Émile Nicolas-Duranty,...

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