2,305 research outputs found

    Protocooperative Social Networks

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    The principle of relativism proposes that a fact should not be categorically defined as the interpretation of their validity is given due time, context, space, social group, etc. So I use this doctrine to assert that with the changing technology and communication, the usual ways of analyzing the relationship of the public with many different media should be reviewed, as well as the ways in which the media themselves relate to each other

    Protocooperative Social Networks

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    Este trabajo hace uso de la interdisciplinariedad con la biología, para construir un concepto que explica la configuración actual de la Web 2.0, su expansión y el crecimiento. Para ilustrar el proceso he utilizado la analogía con las relaciones ecológicas que se pueden establecer sobre la base de las interacciones entre las especies neutras, positivas o negativas. Este trabajo hace referencia al hecho que las redes sociales están invirtiendo una cantidad muy baja en la publicidad, en proporción a sus ingresos y el uso de inversiones en tecnologías para atraer a los productores de contenidos y anuncios publicitarios posibles. Al mismo tiempo, los generadores de contenidos y las empresas están utilizando este espacio para la auto-promoción a través de hipervínculos, imágenes, texto, recursos de audio y video, en una interacción positiva para ambos. El enfoque en la relación de esta investigación se ejemplifica través del interacción entre la red social Facebook Inc. y una selección de blogs y sitios que crean y administran el contenido que conforma la red. Por lo tanto, este artículo tiene como objetivo describir cómo esta relación puede ser nombrado como Protocooperational y se considera beneficiosa tanto para los generadores de contenidos y las empresas que compran espacios publicitarios y de difusión de la propia red social. Este artículo pretende analizar cómo conviven ambos emprendimientos sin relación entre ellos, aunque en menor escala, y demostrar en qué medida esto será una simbiosis mutua.This work makes use of interdisciplinarity with biology, to build a concept that explains the current configuration of Web 2.0, its expansion and growth. To illustrate the process, I used the analogy with the ecological relationships that can be established based on interactions between neutral, positive or negative species. This work make reference to the fact that social networks are investing a very low quantity in advertising, in proportion to their revenue, and using investments in technologies to attract content producers and potential advertisements. Concomitantly, content generators and companies are using this space for self-promotion through hyperlinks, images, text, audio and video resources, in a positive interaction for both. The relationship focus of this research will be exemplified through the interaction between the social network Facebook Inc. and through a selection of blogs and sites that create and manage the content that makes up the network. Thus, this article aims to describe how this relationship can be named as Protocooperative and be considered beneficial both to the content generators and companies that buy advertising space, and for the dissemination of the social network itself. This article also aims to analyze how both ventures coexist without the relationship between them, even if on a smaller scale and to demonstrate in what extent this will be a mutual symbiosis

    Broadly tunable (440-670 nm) solid-state organic laser with disposable capsules

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    An innovative concept of thin-film organic solid-state laser is proposed, with diffraction-limited output and a broad tuning range covering the visible spectrum under UV optical pumping. The laser beam is tunable over 230 nm, from 440 to 670 nm, with a 3 nm full width at half maximum typical spectral width. The structure consists of a compact fixed bulk optical cavity, a polymeric intracavity etalon for wavelength tuning, as well as five different disposable glass slides coated with a dye-doped polymer film, forming a very simple and low-cost gain medium. The use of interchangeable/disposable "gain capsules" is an alternative solution to photodegradation issues, since gain chips can be replaced without realignment of the cavity. The laser lifetime of a single chip in ambient conditions and without encapsulation was extrapolated to be around 107 pulses at a microjoule energy-per-pulse level

    Alternativas de desarrollo personal para el grupo "Envejecimiento Feliz", comunidad de Orosi

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    Este artículo describe los hallazgos de un estudio cualitativo realizado con 22 personas adultas mayores pertenecientes al grupo "Envejecimiento Feliz", de la comunidad de Orosi, provincia de Cartago. El objetivo de la investigación es establecer alternativas de desarrollo personal y de esparcimiento para las personas de ese grupo. La recopilación de la información se hizo por medio de la observación participante y los datos obtenidos en las entrevistas semiestructuradas, así como en las actividades grupales realizadas. El proyecto consta de sesiones educativas basadas en los temas solicitados por las personas adultas mayores, actividades recreativas y manualidades. Se utilizan técnicas participativas: lecturas, discusiones de grupo y conversatorios, entre otros. Entre los resultados obtenidos destaca la apropiación y el compromiso de los participantes con el proyecto, quienes pasan de ser simples receptores a creadores del programa. Ellos mismos deciden y analizan las necesidades reales del grupo así como sus posibilidades. Los resultados demuestran que el proceso grupal que se genera produce empoderamiento y despierta nuevos intereses en cada una de las personas participantes. Esto, a su vez, mejora el compromiso y la productividad del grupo como tal

    Severo Sarduy e as transgressões na arte no período da ditadura militar na América Latina – algumas considerações.

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo fazer algumas considerações sobre o ensaio de Severo Sarduy, La simulación, publicado em 1982, no que se refere ao travestismo como forma de transgressão. Os movimentos de gênero que ocorreram na América Latina nos levam a crer que tais manifestações e práticas artísticas estiveram relacionadas à transgressão como ato político durante o período da ditadura militar e pós ditadura

    Fronteira entre a arteterapia e a arte/educação : uma narrativa ficcional em contexto hospitalar

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Artes Visuais, 2013.Esta investigação parte de vivências em contexto hospitalar e revisão de literatura, em arte/educação 1 e arteterapia 2 , e constituem uma valiosa fonte de análise e inspiração. Experiências com diferentes enfoques, sendo a arte um de seus pontos em comum. Após conhecer uma parte desses universos que constituem suas teorias e práticas e percebendo conexões, surgiu o questionamento sobre a relação entre essas duas áreas, suas aproximações e distanciamentos dentro do recorte e limitação deste estudo. Para realização desta pesquisa será necessário buscar algumas delimitações, analisar as fronteiras históricas entre essas áreas a partir do século XX e discorrer sobre os fundamentos conceituais e metodológicos que colaboram para essa investigação. Será também necessário relatar e analisar a experiência de observação da prática pedagógica em artes visuais do Hospital Sarah. Além disso, essa pesquisa tem como proposta a criação de uma narrativa ficcional de arteterapia em ambiente hospitalar utilizando conceitos da arte, educação, psicologia e psicanálise, áreas que permeiam a arteterapia e a arte/educação

    Homegardens In A Micro-regional Scale: Contributions To Agrobiodiversity Conservation In An Urban-rural Context

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    Homegardens are conservation units for native plants and reservoirs of exotic species from different origins. We analysed the species composition and diversity of edible plants on three groups of homegardens in a gradient from urban to rural situations, but under the same historical and cultural contexts, and verified how these homegardens can favour the conservation of plants from different origins. The size of each homegarden was measured and complete inventories were carried out to assess the total edible plant diversity. Plants were collected for taxonomic identification or identified in the field, and were classified for their biogeographic origin. We compared species richness and diversity among the groups of homegardens (urban, periurban and rural), and analysed their floristic similarity. A total of 109 homegardens were studied (39 urban, 60 periurban, and 10 rural). We registered a total of 101 species, 45 botanical families and 41 varieties, with 71% of the species occurring in less than 10% of the homegardens. Rural homegardens were more diverse than periurban ones, and periurban and urban homegardens are equally diverse. We found a low but significant correlation between floristic similarity and geographic distance to the urban area. Most plants were introduced, with different origins, especially from South America Lowlands. A significant amount of plants were exchanged between relatives and neighbours. These homegardens can be considered agrobiodiversity reservoirs in a micro-regional scale, being important areas for in situ and on farm conservation and including native and exotic plants.

    Lessons, discoveries, challenges, and results in an interdisciplinary learning community of higher education teachers

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    The present study describes how a group of higher education teachers, from different disciplinary areas, came to constitute themselves as a learning community. Learning communities allow the exchange of information, tools, experiences, innovative practices, as well as knowledge transfer between colleagues in a faster and more relevant way. Despite the disciplinary diversity, the focus on university pedagogy grounded new practices. Teachers learned lessons through peer observation, discovered skills and competencies in the joint discussion, and accepted challenges to witness their experiences in professional forums foreign to their previous experience. It should be noted that the collaborative learning experience factor, which counts on another teacher as a reflective pair, allowed progressive social learning in this learning community that is ongoing for two years.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio