43 research outputs found

    Small-Scale X-ray Variability in the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant

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    A comparison of X-ray observations of the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant taken in 2000, 2002, and 2004 with the Chandra ACIS-S3 reveals the presence of several small scale features (<= 10 arcsec) which exhibit significant intensity changes over a 4 year time frame. Here we report on the variability of six features, four of which show count rate increases from ~ 10% to over 90%, and two which show decreases of ~ 30% -- 40%. While extracted 1-4.5 keV X-ray spectra do not reveal gross changes in emission line strengths, spectral fits using non-equilibrium ionization, metal-rich plasma models indicate increased or decreased electron temperatures for features showing increasing or decreasing count rates, respectively. Based on the observed count rate changes and the assumption that the freely expanding ejecta has a velocity of ~ 5000 km/s at the reverse shock front, we estimate the unshocked ejecta to have spatial scale variations of 0.02 - 0.03 pc, which is consistent with the X-ray emitting ejecta belonging to a more diffuse component of the supernova ejecta than that seen in the optically emitting ejecta, which have spatial scales ~ 0.001 pc.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Astronomical Journa

    High Resolution mid-Infrared Imaging of SN 1987A

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    Using the Thermal-Region Camera and Spectrograph (T-ReCS) attached to the Gemini South 8m telescope, we have detected and resolved 10 micron emission at the position of the inner equatorial ring (ER) of supernova SN 1987A at day 6067. ``Hot spots'' similar to those found in the optical and near-IR are clearly present. The morphology of the 10 micron emission is globally similar to the morphology at other wavelengths from X-rays to radio. The observed mid-IR flux in the region of SN1987A is probably dominated by emission from dust in the ER. We have also detected the ER at 20 micron at a 4 sigma level. Assuming that thermal dust radiation is the origin of the mid-IR emission, we derive a dust temperature of 180^{+20}_{-10} K, and a dust mass of 1.- 8. 10^{-5} Mo for the ER. Our observations also show a weak detection of the central ejecta at 10 micron. We show that previous bolometric flux estimates (through day 2100) were not significantly contaminated by this newly discovered emission from the ER. If we assume that the energy input comes from radioactive decays only, our measurements together with the current theoretical models set a temperature of 90 leq T leq 100 K and a mass range of 10^{-4} - 2. 10^{-3} Mo for the dust in the ejecta. With such dust temperatures the estimated thermal emission is 9(+/-3) 10^{35} erg s^{-1} from the inner ring, and 1.5 (+/-0.5) 10^{36} erg s^{-1} from the ejecta. Finally, using SN 1987A as a template, we discuss the possible role of supernovae as major sources of dust in the Universe.Comment: aastex502, 14 pages, 4 figures; Accepted for publication in ApJ Content changed: new observations, Referee's comments and suggestion

    First Fruits of the Spitzer Space Telescope: Galactic and Solar System Studies

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    This article provides a brief overview of the Spitzer Space Telescope and discusses its initial scientific results on galactic and solar system science.Comment: Review article to appear in slightly different format in Vol.44 of Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 200

    Spitzer Spectral Mapping of Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A

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    We present the global distribution of fine structure infrared line emission in the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant using data from the Spitzer Space Telescope's Infrared Spectrograph. We identify emission from ejecta materials in the interior, prior to their encounter with the reverse shock, as well as from the post-shock bright ring. The global electron density increases by >~100 at the shock to ~10^4 cm^-3, providing evidence for strong radiative cooling. There is also a dramatic change in ionization state at the shock, with the fading of emission from low ionization interior species like [SiII], giving way to [SIV] and, at even further distances, high-energy X-rays from hydrogenic silicon. Two compact, crescent-shaped clumps with highly enhanced neon abundance are arranged symmetrically around the central neutron star. These neon crescents are very closely aligned with the "kick" direction of the compact object from the remnant's expansion center, tracing a new axis of explosion asymmetry. They indicate that much of the apparent macroscopic elemental mixing may arise from different compositional layers of ejecta now passing through the reverse shock along different directions.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Ap

    P-Process Nucleosynthesis inside Supernova-Driven Supercritical Accretion Disks

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    We investigate p-process nucleosynthesis in a supercritical accretion disk around a compact object of 1.4 M_solar, using the self-similar solution of an optically thick advection dominated flow. Supercritical accretion is expected to occur in a supernova with fallback material accreting onto a new-born compact object. It is found that appreciable amounts of p-nuclei are synthesized via the p-process in supernova-driven supercritical accretion disks (SSADs) when the accretion rate m_dot = M_dot c^2/(16 L_Edd) >10^5, where L_Edd is the Eddington luminosity. Abundance profiles of p-nuclei ejected from SSADs have similar feature to those of the oxygen/neon layers in Type II supernovae when the abundance of the fallback gas far from the compact object is that of the oxygen/neon layers in the progenitor. The overall abundance profile is in agreement with that of the solar system. Some p-nuclei, such as Mo, Ru, Sn, and La, are underproduced in the SSADs as in Type II supernovae. If the fallback gas is mixed with a small fraction of proton through Rayleigh-Taylor instability during the explosion, significant amounts of Mo92 are produced inside the SSADs. Ru96 and La138 are also produced when the fallback gas contains abundant proton though the overall abundance profile of p-nuclei is rather different from that of the solar system. The p-process nucleosynthesis in SSADs contributes to chemical evolution of p-nuclei, in particular Mo92, if several percents of fallback matter are ejected via jets and/or winds.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures included, 3 tables, LaTeX emulateapj5.sty, accepted for publication by the Astronomical Journal (March, 2003

    Measuring Dust Production in the Small Magellanic Cloud Core-Collapse Supernova Remnant 1E 0102.2-7219

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    We present mid-infrared spectral mapping observations of the core-collapse supernova remnant 1E 0102.2-7219 in the Small Magellanic Cloud using the InfraRed Spectrograph (IRS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope. The remnant shows emission from fine structure transitions of neon and oxygen as well as continuum emission from dust. Comparison of the mid-IR dust emission with observations at x-ray, radio and optical wavelengths shows that the dust is associated with the supernova ejecta and is thus newly formed in the remnant. The spectrum of the newly formed dust is well reproduced by a model that includes 3x10^-3 solar masses of amorphous carbon dust at 70 K and 2x10^-5 solar masses of Mg2SiO4 (forsterite) at 145 K. Our observations place a lower limit on the amount of dust in the remnant since we are not sensitive to the cold dust in the unshocked ejecta. We compare our results to observations of other core-collapse supernovae and remnants, particularly Cas A where very similar spectral mapping observations have been carried out. We observe a a factor of ~10 less dust in E 0102 than seen in Cas A, although the amounts of amorphous carbon and forsterite are comparable.Comment: submitted to Ap

    XMM-Newton observation of Kepler's supernova remnant

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    We present the first results coming from the observation of Kepler's supernova remnant obtained with the EPIC instruments on board the XMM-Newton satellite. We focus on the images and radial profiles of the emission lines (Si K, Fe L, Fe K) and of the high energy continuum. Chiefly, the Fe L and Si K emission-line images are generally consistent with each other and the radial profiles show that the Si K emission extends to a larger radius than the Fe L emission (distinctly in the southern part of the remnant). Therefore, in contrast to Cas A, no inversion of the Si- and Fe-rich ejecta layers is observed in Kepler. Moreover, the Fe K emission peaks at a smaller radius than the Fe L emission, which implies that the temperature increases inwards in the ejecta. The 4-6 keV high energy continuum map shows the same distribution as the asymmetric emission-line images except in the southeast where there is a strong additional emission. A two color image of the 4-6 keV and 8-10 keV high energy continuum illustrates that the hardness variations of the continuum are weak all along the remnant except in a few knots. The asymmetry in the Fe K emission-line is not associated with any asymmetry in the Fe K equivalent width map. The Si K maps lead to the same conclusions. Hence, abundance variations do not cause the north-south brightness asymmetry. The strong emission in the north may be due to overdensities in the circumstellar medium. In the southeastern region of the remnant, the lines have a very low equivalent width and the X-ray emission is largely nonthermal.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Genesis and evolution of dust in galaxies in the early Universe I. Modeling dust evolution in starburst galaxies

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    We have developed a numerical galactic chemical evolution model. The model is constructed such that the effect of a wide range of parameters can be investigated. It takes into account results from stellar evolution models, a differentiation between diverse types of core collapse SNe and the contribution of AGB stars in the mass range 3-8 Msun. We consider the lifetime-dependent yield injection into the ISM by all sources as well as dust destruction due to SN shocks in the ISM. We ascertain the temporal progression of the dust mass, the dust-to-gas and dust-to-metal mass ratios as well as other physical properties of a galaxy and study their dependence on the mass of the galaxy, the IMF, dust production efficiencies and dust destruction in the ISM. The amount of dust and the physical properties of a galaxy strongly depend on the initial gas mass available. Overall, while the total amount of dust produced increases with galaxy mass, the detailed outcome depends on the SN dust production efficiency, the IMF and the strength of dust destruction in the ISM. Dust masses are higher for IMFs biased towards higher stellar masses, despite the fact that these IMFs are more strongly affected by dust destruction in the ISM. The sensitivity to the IMF increases as the mass of the galaxy decreases. SNe are primarily responsible for a significant enrichment with dust at early epochs (< 200 Myr). Dust production with a dominant contribution by AGB stars is found to be insufficient to account for dust masses in excess of 10^8 Msun within 400 Myr after starburst. We find that galaxies with initial gas masses between 1-5 x 10^11 Msun are sufficiently massive to enable production of dust masses >10^8 Msun. Our preferred scenario is dominated by SN dust production in combination with top-heavy IMFs and moderate dust destruction in the ISM.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, 4 table

    Dust Formation In Early Galaxies

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    We investigate the sources and amount of dust in early galaxies. We discuss dust nucleation in stellar atmospheres using published extended atmosphere models, stellar evolution tracks and nucleation conditions and conclude that the (TPAGB) phase of intermediate mass stars is likely to be the most promising site for dust formation in stellar winds. The implications of chemical evolution models for high redshift galaxies are investigated and we show there is no difficulty in producing dusty galaxies at redshifts above 5 if supernovae are a dominant source of interstellar dust. If dust does not condense efficiently in SNe then significant dust masses can only be generated at by galaxies with a high star formation efficiency. We find the visual optical depth for individual star forming clouds can reach values greater than 1 at very low metallicity (1/100 solar) provided that the mass-radius exponent of molecular clouds is less than two. Most of the radiation from star formation will emerge at IR wavelengths in the early universe provided that dust is present. The (patchy) visual optical depth through a typical early galaxy will however, remain less than 1 on average until a metallicity of 1/10 solar is reached.Comment: in press MNRAS, 17 pages with 19 figs, corrected typo