57 research outputs found

    Back to the ‘roots’ of research: a hypothesis‐driven approach provides predictive understanding of plant–herbivore–microbe interactions

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    This article is a Commentary on Böttner et al. (2023), 239: 1475–1489

    Plant biodiversity promotes sustainable agriculture directly and via belowground effects

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    While the positive relationship between plant biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF) is well established, the extent to which this is mediated via belowground microbial processes is poorly understood. Growing evidence suggests that plant community structure influences soil microbial diversity, which in turn promotes functions desired for sustainable agriculture. Here, we outline the ‘plant-directed’ and soil microbe-mediated mechanisms expected to promote positive BEF. We identify how this knowledge can be utilized in plant diversification schemes to maximize ecosystem functioning in agroecosystems, which are typically species poor and sensitive to biotic and abiotic stressors. In the face of resource overexploitation and global change, bridging the gaps between biodiversity science and agricultural practices is crucial to meet food security in the Anthropocene.Peer reviewe

    Microbial diversity drives carbon use efficiency in a model soil

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Domeignoz-Horta, L. A., Pold, G., Liu, X. A., Frey, S. D., Melillo, J. M., & DeAngelis, K. M. Microbial diversity drives carbon use efficiency in a model soil. Nature Communications, 11(1), (2020): 3684, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-17502-z.Empirical evidence for the response of soil carbon cycling to the combined effects of warming, drought and diversity loss is scarce. Microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) plays a central role in regulating the flow of carbon through soil, yet how biotic and abiotic factors interact to drive it remains unclear. Here, we combine distinct community inocula (a biotic factor) with different temperature and moisture conditions (abiotic factors) to manipulate microbial diversity and community structure within a model soil. While community composition and diversity are the strongest predictors of CUE, abiotic factors modulated the relationship between diversity and CUE, with CUE being positively correlated with bacterial diversity only under high moisture. Altogether these results indicate that the diversity × ecosystem-function relationship can be impaired under non-favorable conditions in soils, and that to understand changes in soil C cycling we need to account for the multiple facets of global changes.Funding for this project was provided by the Department of Energy grant DE-SC0016590 to K.M.D. and S.D.F., and an American Association of University Women Dissertation fellowship to G.P. We would also like to thank Stuart Grandy and Kevin Geyer for the fruitful discussions and Mary Waters, Courtney Bly and Ana Horta for their help with samples processing

    Tree species diversity increases soil microbial carbon use efficiency in a subtropical forest

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    Plant communities strongly influence soil microbial communities and, in turn, soil carbon (C) cycling. Microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) is an important parameter for predicting soil C accumulation, yet how plant and soil microbial community traits influence microbial CUE remains poorly understood. Here, we determined how soil microbial CUE is influenced by plant and soil microbial community traits, by studying a natural gradient of plant species diversity in a subtropical forest. Our results showed that microbial CUE increased with increasing tree species diversity, suggesting a correlation between plant community traits and soil C storage. The specific soil properties that explained the greatest variation in microbial CUE were associated with microbial communities (biomass, enzyme activities and the ratio of oligotrophic to copiotrophic taxa); there were weaker correlations with plant-input properties, soil chemistry and soil organic C quality and its mineral protection. Overall, high microbial CUE was associated with soil properties correlated with increased tree species diversity: higher substrate availability (simple SOM chemical structures and weak mineral organic associations) and high microbial growth rates despite increased community dominance by oligotrophic strategists. Our results point to a mechanism by which increased tree species diversity may increase the forest C sink by affecting carbon use with the soil microbial community

    Substrate availability and not thermal acclimation controls microbial temperature sensitivity response to long‐term warming

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    Microbes are responsible for cycling carbon (C) through soils, and predicted changes in soil C stocks under climate change are highly sensitive to shifts in the mechanisms assumed to control the microbial physiological response to warming. Two mechanisms have been suggested to explain the long-term warming impact on microbial physiology: microbial thermal acclimation and changes in the quantity and quality of substrates available for microbial metabolism. Yet studies disentangling these two mechanisms are lacking. To resolve the drivers of changes in microbial physiology in response to long-term warming, we sampled soils from 13- and 28-year-old soil warming experiments in different seasons. We performed short-term laboratory incubations across a range of temperatures to measure the relationships between temperature sensitivity of physiology (growth, respiration, carbon use efficiency, and extracellular enzyme activity) and the chemical composition of soil organic matter. We observed apparent thermal acclimation of microbial respiration, but only in summer, when warming had exacerbated the seasonally-induced, already small dissolved organic matter pools. Irrespective of warming, greater quantity and quality of soil carbon increased the extracellular enzymatic pool and its temperature sensitivity. We propose that fresh litter input into the system seasonally cancels apparent thermal acclimation of C-cycling processes to decadal warming. Our findings reveal that long-term warming has indirectly affected microbial physiology via reduced C availability in this system, implying that earth system models including these negative feedbacks may be best suited to describe long-term warming effects on these soils

    NosL is a dedicated copper chaperone for assembly of the Cuz center of nitrous oxide reductase

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    Nitrous oxide reductase (N2OR) is the terminal enzyme of the denitrification pathway of soil bacteria that reduces the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) to dinitrogen. In addition to a binuclear CuA site that functions in electron transfer, the active site of N2OR features a unique tetranuclear copper cluster bridged by inorganic sulfide, termed CuZ. In copper-limited environments, N2OR fails to function, resulting in truncation of denitrification and rising levels of N2O released by cells to the atmosphere, presenting a major environmental challenge. Here we report studies of nosL from Paracoccus denitrificans, which is part of the nos gene cluster, and encodes a putative copper binding protein. A Paracoccus denitrificans ΔnosL mutant strain had no denitrification phenotype under copper-sufficient conditions but failed to reduce N2O under copper-limited conditions. N2OR isolated from ΔnosL cells was found to be deficient in copper and to exhibit attenuated activity. UV-visible absorbance spectroscopy revealed that bands due to the CuA center were unaffected, while those corresponding to the CuZ center were significantly reduced in intensity. In vitro studies of a soluble form of NosL without its predicted membrane anchor showed that it binds one Cu(I) ion per protein with attomolar affinity, but does not bind Cu(II). Together, the data demonstrate that NosL is a copper-binding protein specifically required for assembly of the CuZ center of N2OR, and thus represents the first characterised assembly factor for the CuZ active site of this key environmental enzyme, which is globally responsible for the destruction of a potent greenhouse gas

    Compound driven differences in N2 and N2O emission from soil; the role of substrate use efficiency and the microbial community

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    Organic C is an important control on the process of denitrification, a process that can result in the production and reduction of the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). This study identified the influence of different low molecular weight C (LMW-C) compounds on the production of nitrous oxide (N2O) and dinitrogen (N2) and the associated role of the size and structure of the microbial community. We examined this following application of glucose, glutamine or citric acid (250 mg C kg−1 dry soil) and 15N-KNO3 (100 mg N kg−1 dry soil) to a sandy loam soil and measured the production of N2 and N2O by denitrifiers using 15N labeling techniques, changes in the bacterial community as measured by T-RFLP on 16SrDNA fragments and changes in the gene copy number of 16SrDNA, nirK, nirS and nosZ over 144 h. Addition of glucose, citric acid and glutamine all increased emissions of 15N-N2 above that found in the control (P < 0.05) while the addition of glucose and glutamine resulted in higher emissions of 14+15N-N2O (P < 0.001) than the addition of citric acid, resulting in a lower 15N-N2O to 15N-N2 ratio in the citric acid treatment. The 16SrDNA gene copy number increased after addition of citric acid and glutamine, whilst 16SrDNA showed significant shifts in community composition in all C treatments although over different time periods. The gene copy number of nosZ only significantly increased at 120 h in the glutamine treatment (P < 0.05) and nirS at 120 h in the citric acid and glutamine treatments (P < 0.05). This suggests that where C is added as a single input, differences in N2 and N2O emissions between LMW-C compounds were not caused by selection for denitrifiers but likely driven by differences in substrate use efficiency and subsequent differences in C partitioning between growth and respiration. The differing influence of the three selected C compounds on denitrification indicates the potential for lowering net N2O emissions through regulation of C compound availability

    Ecologie des bactéries dénitrifiantes du sol en relation avec les émissions de N2O

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    Microbial diversity drives carbon use efficiency in a model soil

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    Dataset corresponding to paper published in Nature Communications by Domeignoz-Horta et al., 202

    Ecology of N2O reducing bacteria in arable soils

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    Le protoxyde d’azote (N2O) est un gaz Ă  effet de serre (GES) important et la principale substance attaquant la couche d'ozone. Les sols agricoles sont la principale source anthropique de ce GES. La concentration de N2O dans l'atmosphĂšre est en constante augmentation, mais nous manquons de connaissances sur les facteurs contrĂŽlant sa production et sa consommation dans les sols. La rĂ©duction du N2O en N2 par des microorganismes porteurs du gĂšne codant pour la N2O rĂ©ductase (nosZ) est le seul processus biologique capable de rĂ©duire ce GES. Des Ă©tudes rĂ©centes ont mis en Ă©vidence un clade prĂ©cĂ©demment inconnu de rĂ©ducteurs du N2O qui interfĂšre de maniĂšre significative avec la quantitĂ© de N2O produite dans les sols. Cette thĂšse a cherchĂ© Ă  mieux comprendre l'Ă©cologie des rĂ©ducteurs du N2O dans les sols agricoles.Une combinaison d'expĂ©riences d'incubation en laboratoire mais aussi d’expĂ©riences en plein champs a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour essayer de mieux comprendre la production de N2O dans le sol, en analysant l’influence conjointe des producteurs et rĂ©ducteurs de N2O. Nous avons aussi Ă©valuĂ© l’impact des pratiques agricoles et leurs potentiels Ă  modifier ces communautĂ©s microbiennes. Suite aux essais rĂ©alisĂ©s en laboratoire, nous avons montrĂ© que l'ajout d'une souche non-dĂ©nitrifiante Dyadobacter fermentans,possĂ©dant la N2O rĂ©ductase NosZII, permettait de rĂ©duire la production de N2O dans 1/3 des sols testĂ©s. Certains sols sont mĂȘme devenus consommateurs de N2O suite Ă  l'ajout de la souche nosZII. Cette expĂ©rience a dĂ©montrĂ© la contribution des bactĂ©ries nosZII non-dĂ©nitrifiantes dans la consommation de N2O dans le sol.D’autre part, nos analyses en contexte agricole ont montrĂ© que les pratiques agricoles testĂ©es ont peu d’influence sur les communautĂ©s microbiennes considĂ©rĂ©es, les exceptions Ă©tant le travail du sol (labour), et le systĂšme de culture (annuel ou pĂ©renne). L’intensifiant du travail du sol induit une augmentation de la diversitĂ© de nosZII. Nous observons le mĂȘme phĂ©nomĂšne dans le systĂšme de culture annuel comparĂ© au systĂšme de culture pĂ©renne. D’autres rĂ©sultats nous permettent aussi d’affirmer que le clade rĂ©cemment identifiĂ© de rĂ©ducteurs du N2O est plus sensible aux variables environnementales que le clade prĂ©cĂ©demment connu (nosZI). Les variations de propriĂ©tĂ©s du sol, notamment pH et C:N structurent les communautĂ©s microbiennes appartenant Ă  ces 2 clades indiquant une spĂ©cialisation de niche pour chacun de ces deux clades de N2O-rĂ©ducteurs.Pour mieux comprendre les relations entre les communautĂ©s microbiennes et les processus impliquĂ©s, nous avons Ă©valuĂ© les activitĂ©s potentielles de dĂ©nitrification et de nitrification, et les Ă©missions de N2O in situ. La production potentielle de N2O et l'activitĂ© potentielle de dĂ©nitrification ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour calculer le ratio de production de N2O (N2O:N2). La diversitĂ© du clade nosZII est nĂ©gativement corrĂ©lĂ©e au ratio N2O:N2, et explique Ă  elle seule la plus grande part de variance observĂ©e du ratio N2O:N2. Les variations de production potentielle de N2O et d'activitĂ© potentielle de dĂ©nitrification sont elles expliquĂ©es principalement par les variations de propriĂ©tĂ©s du sol. Afin de mieux Ă©valuer la contribution des diffĂ©rents facteurs Ă©daphiques et microbiologiques aux variations d’émission in situ de N2O, 70000 mesures ont Ă©tĂ© subdivisĂ©es en diffĂ©rentes gammes d’émission de N2O, dâ€˜Ă©missions dites de base Ă  des Ă©missions Ă©levĂ©es. Fait intĂ©ressant, les variations d’émissions in situ de N2O dites de base sont seulement liĂ©es Ă  des variations du pH du sol, alors que les variations d’émissions dites Ă©levĂ©es sont Ă©galement fortement associĂ©es aux variations de diversitĂ© des communautĂ©s microbiennes. Parmi les variables microbiennes importantes, nous avons constatĂ© que la diversitĂ© des nosZII est nĂ©gativement liĂ©e aux Ă©missions de N2O in situ dites Ă©levĂ©es.En conclusion, nos rĂ©sultats mettent en Ă©vidence l’importance du clade nosZII pour le cycle du N2O dans le sol (...).Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas (GHG) and the main ozone depleting substance. Agricultural soils are the main anthropogenic-induced source of this GHG. The concentration of N2O in the atmosphere is steadily increasing, but we still lack knowledge on the factors controlling its production and consumption in soils. The reduction of N2O to N2 by microorganisms harboring the N2O reductase gene (nosZ) is the only known biological process able to consume this GHG. Recent studies revealed a previously unknown clade of N2O-reducers which was shown to be important to the N2O sink capacity of soils. This thesis seeks to gain a greater understanding on the ecology of N2O-reducers in agricultural soils. A combination of laboratory incubation and field experiments were used to gain knowledge on the importance of N2O-producers and N2O-reducers to the soil N2O production. Additionally, the potential of agricultural practices to modify those microbial communities were assessed.We showed experimentally, in laboratory incubations, that the addition of a non-denitrifying strain Dyadobacter fermentans, which possesses the previously unaccounted N2O reductase NosZII, reduced N2O production in 1/3 of the tested soils. Remarkably, after addition of the nosZII strain, some soils became a N2O sink, as negative rates were recorded. This experiment provided unambiguous evidence that the overlooked non-denitrifying nosZII bacteria can contribute to N2O consumption in soil.Our evaluation of agricultural field experiments showed limited impact of agricultural practices on the microbial communities except for tillage management, and differences observed between an annual and a perennial cropping system. Increasing tillage management enhanced nosZII diversity. Higher diversity of the nosZII clade was also observed in the annual cropping system than in the perennial cropping system. Overall, the recently identified clade of N2O-reducers was more sensitive to environmental variables than the previously known clade (nosZI). The community structure of these two groups was explained by common and uncommon soil properties suggesting niche specialization between the two N2O-reducers.In an attempt to understand the relationship between the microbial communities and process rates, we assessed the potential denitrification and nitrification rates, and in situ N2O emissions. Potential N2O production and potential denitrification activity were used to calculate the denitrification end-product ratio. The diversity of nosZII was negatively related to the N2O:N2 ratio and explained the highest fraction of its variation (26%), while the potential N2O production and potential denitrification activity were mainly explained by the soil properties. To better evaluate the contribution of different factors to the in situ emissions, more than 70000 N2O measurements were subdivided into different ranges, from low to high rates. Interestingly, the low range of in situ N2O emissions was only related to soil pH, while the high ranges were also strongly related to the microbial communities. This result suggests that the “base-line” N2O emissions might be more regulated by soil edaphic conditions than by microorganisms, the lasts being more important for the high emissions ranges. Among the significant microbial variables, we found that the diversity of nosZII was negatively related to the high ranges of in situ N2O emissions.In conclusion, our results highlight the relevance of the second clade of N2O-reducers to the fate of N2O in soil. Our results also suggest niche differentiation between the two N2O-reducing clades with nosZII being more responsive to environmental variables. Agricultural practices showed limited impact on the two guilds. Further research is needed to test the niche specialization between the two groups, to disentangle their controlling factors, and to evaluate their potential for N2O mitigation
