5,369 research outputs found

    On-line database of voltammetric data of immobilized particles for identifying pigments and minerals in archaeometry, conservation and restoration (ELCHER database)

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    [EN] A web-based database of voltammograms is presented for characterizing artists' pigments and corrosion products of ceramic, stone and metal objects by means of the voltammetry of immobilized particles methodology. Description of the website and the database is provided. Voltammograms are, in most cases, accompanied by scanning electron microphotographs, X-ray spectra, infrared spectra acquired in attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy mode (ATR-FTIR) and diffuse reflectance spectra in the UV-Vis-region. For illustrating the usefulness of the database two case studies involving identification of pigments and a case study describing deterioration of an archaeological metallic object are presented. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Research was conducted within the "Grupo de analisis cientifico de bienes culturales y patrimoniales y estudios de ciencia de la conservacion" Microcluster of the University of Valencia Excellence Campus. Financial support is gratefully acknowledged from the MINECO Projects CTQ2014-53736-C3-1-P and CTQ2014-53736-C3-2-P which are also supported with ERDF funds. The authors would like to thank to Gonzalo Girones Sarrio manager of GongDisseny Co. by the technical support for building the site structure and the structure of the database, Archbishop of Valencia, Dr. Ignacio Bosch Reig and Dr. Pilar Roig Picazo directors of the intervention project in the Basilica de la Virgen de los Desamparados de Valencia, the conservator Estrella Arcos Von Haartman (Quibla Restaura Company) and City Council Town of Malaga, the Museum of Archaeology of Xativa, its director Angel Velasco and the conservators Isabel Martinez Lazaro and Betlem Martinez for facilitating access to samples as well as Manuel Planes Insausti and Dr Jose Luis Moya Lopez technical supervisors of the Electron Microscopy Service of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia where were carried out SEM-EDX analyses.Domenech-Carbo, A.; Domenech Carbo, MT.; Valle-Algarra, FM.; Gimeno-Adelantado, J.; Osete Cortina, L.; Bosch-Reig, F. (2016). On-line database of voltammetric data of immobilized particles for identifying pigments and minerals in archaeometry, conservation and restoration (ELCHER database). Analytica Chimica Acta. 927:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2016.04.052S11292

    Fractura vertebral torácica en espondilitis anquilosante: importancia de la cuarta columna y consideraciones terapéuticas

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    Las fracturas por cizallamiento de la columna torácica con afectación de las tres columnas son altamente inestables y requieren fijación quirúrgica para evitar deterioro neurológico. Los pacientes con espondilitis anquilosante (EA) son susceptibles a este tipo de fracturas con traumatismos mínimos. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 72 años con EA que sufrió una fractura de la columna torácica por cizallamiento afectando a las tres columnas. La fractura paso desapercibida y el paciente estuvo durante dos meses sin ningún tratamiento. Sorprendentemente no se produjo lesión neurológica en este tiempo a pesar de realizar deambulación sin ortesis externa. Se propone el concepto de cuarta columna como posible estabilizador en este caso y se discuten las características del manejo diagnóstico y tratamiento terapéuticoShear fractures affecting the three columns at the thoracic spine are highly instable and require surgical stabilization to avoid neurological injury. Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) are at risk to sustain this type of fracture even with minor trauma. We present the case of a 72 years old male with AS who suffered a shear fracture of the thoracic spine involving all three columns. The injury was overlooked and the patient did not receive any treatment for two months. Surprisingly the patient did not develop neurological injury although he maintained his daily activities without external support. We propose the concept of fourth column as a stabilizer frame in this particular case and the management aspects concerning diagnosis and therapeutic treatment are discussed

    Electrochemical Characterization and Dating of Archaeological Leaded Bronze Objects Using the Voltammetry of Immobilized Particles

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    [EN] The application of solid state electrochemistry techniques for the characterization and dating of leaded bronze objects is described. Characteristic voltammetric signatures of copper and lead corrosion products were used as markers of more or less prolonged corrosion periods. The proposed methodology was applied to samples from the Roman archaeological sites of Valeria (Spain) and Gadara (Jordan), Roman and medieval sites in Xativa (Spain), and modern statuary exhibited outdoors, on the campus of the Universitat Politecnica of Valencia, Spain, covering a time interval between the fourth to second century bc and the 20th century ad. For such samples, the ratio between the signals for copper and lead corrosion products decreased monotonically with the corrosion time. This variation was modelled on the basis of thermochemical and kinetic considerations, the experimental data being consistent with a potential rate law for the corrosion process.Financial support from the MINECO Projects CTQ2014-53736-C3-1-P and CTQ2014-53736-C3-2-P, which are supported by ERDF funds, is gratefully acknowledged. We wish to thank the Fondo de Arte y Patrimonio of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia; the Museu de Prehistoria of Valencia, and its director Helena Bonet and curator Jaime Vives-Ferrandiz; and the Museu Municipal of Xativa and its director Angel Velasco. We also wish to thank Dr Jose Luis Moya Lopez and Mr Manuel Planes Insausti (Microscopy Service of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia) for technical support.Doménech Carbó, A.; Domenech Carbo, MT.; Redondo-Marugán, J.; Osete Cortina, L.; Vivancos Ramón, MV.; Martínez, B.; Martínez Lázaro, ID.... (2018). Electrochemical Characterization and Dating of Archaeological Leaded Bronze Objects Using the Voltammetry of Immobilized Particles. Archaeometry. 60(2):308-324. https://doi.org/10.1111/arcm.12308S30832460

    Electrochemical discrimination of mints: The last Chinese emperors Kuang Hsu and Hsuan T'ung monetary unification

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    [EN] An electrochemical methodology for discriminating monetary emissions, a recurrent problem in much archaeological studies, is introduced. The method is based on the record of voltammetric signatures of cuprite and tenorite corrosion products in the patina using a minimally invasive nanosampling following the voltammetry of immobilized particles methodology. A model for the depth variation of voltammetric electrochemical parameters characterizing the composition of the corrosion patinas is presented. This model permits to rationalize electrochemical data and discriminate different monetary emissions. The application of this technique, corroborated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and focusing ion beam-field emission scanning electron microscopy (FIB-FESEM-EDX), to a series of 10 cash copper coins produced around the Kuang Hsu and Hsuan Tung last Chinese emperors permits to discern different provincial mints and reveals that the monetary unification developed in this period was not uniform.Financial support from the Spanish MINECO Projects CTQ2014-53736-C3-1-P and CTQ2014-53736-C3-2-P which are also supported with ERDF funds. The Universita degli Studi di roma "La Sapienza" has granted a six-months research-scholarship (d.r.n. 965/2016 prot.n.0022041 del 31/03/2016) to the graduated Elena Montagna. The authors also wish to thank Dr. Jose Luis Moya Lopez and Mr. Manuel Planes Insausti (Microscopy Service of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia) for technical supportDomenech-Carbo, A.; Domenech Carbo, MT.; Montagna, E.; Álvarez-Romero, C.; Lee, Y. (2017). Electrochemical discrimination of mints: The last Chinese emperors Kuang Hsu and Hsuan T'ung monetary unification. Talanta. 169:50-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2017.03.025S505616

    Vacuum ultraviolet photolysis of hydrogenated amorphous carbons. III. Diffusion of photo-produced H2 as a function of temperature

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    Hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H) has been proposed as one of the carbonaceous solids detected in the interstellar medium. Energetic processing of the a-C:H particles leads to the dissociation of the C-H bonds and the formation of hydrogen molecules and small hydrocarbons. Photo-produced H2 molecules in the bulk of the dust particles can diffuse out to the gas phase and contribute to the total H2 abundance. We have simulated this process in the laboratory with plasma-produced a-C:H and a-C:D analogs under astrophysically relevant conditions to investigate the dependence of the diffusion as a function of temperature. Plasma-produced a-C:H analogs were UV-irradiated using a microwave-discharged hydrogen flow lamp. Molecules diffusing to the gas-phase were detected by a quadrupole mass spectrometer, providing a measurement of the outgoing H2 or D2 flux. By comparing the experimental measurements with the expected flux from a one-dimensional diffusion model, a diffusion coefficient D could be derived for experiments carried out at different temperatures. Dependance on the diffusion coefficient D with the temperature followed an Arrhenius-type equation. The activation energy for the diffusion process was estimated (ED(H2)=1660+-110 K, ED(D2)=2090+-90 K), as well as the pre-exponential factor (D0(H2)=0.0007+0.0013-0.0004 cm2 s-1, D0(D2)=0.0045+0.005-0.0023 cm2 s-1) The strong decrease of the diffusion coefficient at low dust particle temperatures exponentially increases the diffusion times in astrophysical environments. Therefore, transient dust heating by cosmic rays needs to be invoked for the release of the photo- produced H2 molecules in cold PDR regions, where destruction of the aliphatic component in hydrogenated amorphous carbons most probably takes place

    "Vivir el pasado": imaginación mito-poética en las casas-museo de El Greco y Cervantes

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    Desde el Siglo XIX la idea de recuperar el pasado, de poder revivir literalmente la historia, se convierte en práctica común. El objetivo de este articulo es analizar cómo dos edificios determinados, las casas-museo de Cervantes y del Greco, a partir de su recreación mito-poética, articulan una determinada ideología histórica. El momento histórico preciso -reinado de Alfonso XIII- y la dirección institucional de ambos proyectos -Comisaría Regia de Turismo y Cultura Popular- evidencian una consciente apropiación y utilización de estos dispositivos turísticos, dentro de unas coordenadas contemporáneas precisas: el deseo de revivir, de resucitar, literalmente la historia.During the Nineteenth-Century "Living the Past" became a constant intellectual and political endeavour. The aim of this article is to analyze how a certain historical mindedness was projected upon some heritage spaces: the house-museums of Cervantes and El Greco, at the beginning of the 20th Century. The mythopoetic reconstruction of both spaces altong with its institutional direction through the Comisaria Regia de Turismo, articulate a conscious desire of creating a precise National Identity though the staging of the past

    Lliures volen: el blog com a espai lingüístic. Un treball sociolingüístic transversal amb alumnat de segon de batxillerat

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    Aquest article és el balanç, des del punt de vista didàctic, de tres cursos lectius amb l’ús del blog com a suport de l’aprenentatge presencial de l’assignatura de Valencià: Llengua i Literatura per a segon de batxillerat. L’ús de les eines digitals i de la web 2.0 es va concretar en el blog Lliures volen (http://2nbatpacomolla.blogspot.com.es/) i es va dedicar a la reflexió sociolingüística. La consciència lingüística, la diglòssia, l’autoodi, són aspectes essencials de la nostra realitat lingüística quotidiana que no hauríem de defugir en l’ensenyament del català al País Valencià, on la llengua i la literatura encara es troben lluny d’una situació normalitat plena. L’ús del blog al llarg de tres cursos lectius es va centrar en l’assertivitat i l’autoestima lingüístiques i l’eliminació de prejudicis lingüístics entre l’alumnat de segon de batxillerat de l’IES Poeta Paco Mollà de Petrer (País Valencià) procedent de diversos pobles i ciutats del migjorn valencià com ara Petrer, Elda, Monòver, Novelda, Sax, Montfort, Pinós i Villena. En la valoració d’aquesta experiència també considerem aquells aspectos menys reeixits: l’autocrítica i les propostes de millora són dos punts innegociables en el camí per poder seguir endavant. Cal, però, ser conscients de la naturalesa experimental i canviant de les nostres experiències didàctiques, siguen amb eines digitals o amb altres tipus d’eines. Buscar nous camins i maneres amb les TIC en el present i en futur, amb tot, es presenta com una pràctica fonamental i necessària, amb un potencial fins ara impossible d’imaginar que hem d’aprofitar per a la reflexió sociolingüística en l’aula.This paper is the result, from a didactic point of view, of three school years in which blogging was used as a support in face-to-face learning in the subject of Valencian: Language and Literature with year 13 students. Digital tools and web 2.0 were put into practice in the blog Lliures volen (Freely they fly) (http://2nbatpacomolla.blogspot.com.es/), in which a sociolinguistic study played a key role. Linguistic awareness, diglossia and self-hate are representative aspects of our daily linguistic reality, and thus they should not be avoided in Catalan teaching in the Valencian Country, where Catalan language and literature are still far from normality. Blogging throughout the three school years focused in linguistic assertiveness and self-esteem, as well as getting rid of linguistic prejudices among year 13 students at IES Poeta Paco Mollà in Petrer (Valencian Country), coming from several nearby towns and villages, such as Petrer, Elda, Monòver, Novelda, Sax, Montfort, Pinós and Villena. When evaluating this experience, less outstanding aspects were also taken into account: self-criticism and improvement proposals are two non-negotiable facts key to carry on. However, we must be aware of the experimental and changing nature of our didactic experiences, both with digital or nondigital tools. Looking for new ways of using ICT now and in the future has become a must, an essential practice we should take advantage of to promote sociolinguistic discussion in the classroom

    Search, Nash Bargaining and Rule of Thumb Consumers

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    This paper analyses the effects of introducing typical Keynesian features, namely rule-of-thumb consumers and consumption habits, into a standard labour market search model. It is a well-known fact that labour market matching with Nash-wage bargaining improves the ability of the standard real business cycle model to replicate some of the cyclical properties featuring the labour market. However, when habits and rule-of-thumb consumers are taken into account, the labour market search model gains extra power to reproduce some of the stylised facts characterising the US labour market, as well as other business cycle facts concerning aggregate consumption and investment behaviour.general equilibrium, labour market search, habits, rule-of-tumb consumers