184 research outputs found

    A New Approach to the Study of Stellar Populations in Early-Type Galaxies: K-band Spectral Indices and an Application to the Fornax Cluster

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    New measurements of K-band spectral features are presented for eleven early-type galaxies in the nearby Fornax galaxy cluster. Based on these measurements, the following conclusions have been reached: (1) in galaxies with no signatures of a young stellar component, the K-band Na I index is highly correlated with both the optical metallicity indicator [MgFe]' and central velocity dispersion; (2) in the same galaxies, the K-band Fe features saturate in galaxies with sigma > 150 km/s while Na I (and [MgFe]') continues to increase; (3) [Si/Fe] (and possibly [Na/Fe]) is larger in all observed Fornax galaxies than in Galactic open clusters with near-solar metallicity; (4) in various near-IR diagnostic diagrams, galaxies with signatures of a young stellar component (strong Hbeta, weak [MgFe]') are clearly separated from galaxies with purely old stellar populations; furthermore, this separation is consistent with the presence of an increased number of M-giant stars (most likely to be thermally pulsating AGB stars); (5) the near-IR diagrams discussed here seem as efficient for detecting putatively young stellar components in early-type galaxies as the more commonly used age/metallicity diagnostic plots using optical indices (e.g Hbeta vs. [MgFe]').Comment: 47 pages, 16 figures, ApJ accepte

    The Planetary Mass Companion 2MASS1207-3932 B: Temperature, Mass and Evidence for an Edge-On Disk

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    We present J-band imaging and H+K-band low-resolution spectroscopy of 2MASS1207-3932 AB, obtained with VLT NACO. For the putative planetary mass secondary, we find J = 20.0+/-0.2 mag. The HK spectra of both components imply low gravity, and a dusty atmosphere for the secondary. Comparisons to synthetic spectra yield Teff_A ~ 2550+/-150K, and Teff_B ~ 1600+/-100K, consistent with their late-M and mid-to-late L types. For these Teff, and an age of 5-10 Myrs, evolutionary models imply M_A ~ 24+/-6 M_Jup and M_B ~ 8+/-2 M_Jup. Independent comparisons of these models to the observed colors, spanning ~I to L', also yield the same masses and temperatures. Our primary mass agrees with other recent analyses; however, our secondary mass, while still in the planetary regime, is 2-3 times larger than claimed previously. This discrepancy can be traced to the luminosities: while the absolute photometry and Mbol of the primary agree with theoretical predictions, the secondary is ~ 2.5+/-0.5 mag fainter than expected in all bands from I to L' and in Mbol. This accounts for the much lower secondary mass (and temperature) derived earlier. We argue that this effect is highly unlikely to result from a variety of model-related problems, and is instead real. This conclusion is bolstered by the absence of any luminosity problems in either the primary, or in AB Pic B which we also analyse. We therefore suggest grey extinction in 2M1207B, due to occlusion by an edge-on circum-secondary disk. This is consistent with the observed properties of edge-on disks around T Tauri stars, and with the known presence of a high-inclination evolved disk around the primary. Finally, the system's implied mass ratio of ~0.3 suggests a binary-like formation scenario. (abridged)Comment: Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal, 43 pages text + 16 figs + 1 tabl

    Deep near-infrared luminosity function of a cluster of galaxies at z=0.3

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    The deep near-infrared luminosity function of AC118, a cluster of galaxies at z=0.3, is presented. AC118 is a bimodal cluster, as evidenced both by our near-infrared images of lensed galaxies, by public X-ray Rosat images and by the spatial distribution of bright galaxies. Taking advantage of the extension and depth of our data, which sample an almost unexplored region in the depth vs. observed area diagram, we derive the luminosity function (LF), down to the dwarf regime (M*+5), computed in several cluster portions. The overall LF, computed on a 2.66 Mpc2 areas (H_0=50 km/s/Mpc), has an intermediate slope (alpha=-1.2). However, the LF parameters depend on the surveyed cluster region: the central concentration has 2.6^{+5.1}_{-1.7} times more bright galaxies and 5.3^{+7.2}_{-2.3} times less dwarfs per typical galaxy than the outer region, which includes galaxies at an average projected distance of ~580 kpc (errors are quoted at the 99.9 % confidence level). The LF in the secondary AC118 clump is intermediate between the central and outer one. In other words, the near-infrared AC118 LF steepens going from high to low density regions. At an average clustercentric distance of ~580 kpc, the AC118 LF is statistically indistinguishable from the LF of field galaxies at similar redshift, thus suggesting that the hostile cluster environment plays a minor role in shaping the LF at large clustercentric distances, while it strongly affects the LF at higher galaxy density.Comment: ApJ, in press. The whole paper with all high resolution images is available at http://www.na.astro.it/~andreon/listapub.htm

    Properties of mm galaxies: Constraints from K-band blank fields

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    We have used the IRAM Plateau de Bure mm interferometer to locate with subarcsecond accuracy the dust emission of three of the brightest 1.2mm sources in the NTT Deep Field (NDF) selected from our 1.2mm MAMBO survey at the IRAM 30m telescope. We combine these results with deep B to K imaging and VLA interferometry. Strikingly, none of the three accurately located mm galaxies MMJ120546-0741.5, MMJ120539-0745.4, and MMJ120517-0743.1 has a K-band counterpart down to the faint limit of K>21.9. This implies that these three galaxies are either extremely obscured and/or are at very high redshifts (z>~4). We combine our results with literature data for 11 more (sub)mm galaxies that are identified with similar reliability. In terms of their K-band properties, the sample divides into three roughly equal groups: (i) undetected to K~22, (ii) detected in the near-infrared but not the optical and (iii) detected in the optical with the possibility of optical follow-up spectroscopy. We find a trend in this sample between near-infrared to submm and submm to radio spectral indices, which in comparison to spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of low redshift infrared luminous galaxies suggests that the most plausible primary factor causing the extreme near-infrared faintness of our objects is their high redshift. We show that the near-infrared to radio SEDs of the sample are inconsistent with SEDs that resemble local far-infrared cool galaxies with moderate luminosities, which were proposed in some models of the submm sky. We briefly discuss the implications of the results for our understanding of galaxy formation.Comment: aastex, 5 figures. Accepted by Ap

    A brown dwarf desert for intermediate mass stars in Sco OB2?

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    We present JHK observations of 22 intermediate-mass stars in Sco OB2, obtained with VLT/NACO. The survey was performed to determine the status of (sub)stellar candidate companions of A and late-B members. The distinction between companions and background stars is by a comparison with isochrones and statistical arguments. We are sensitive to companions in the separation range 0.1''-11'' (13-1430 AU) and K<17. We detect 62 secondaries of which 18 are physical companions (3 new), 11 candidates, and 33 background stars. The companion masses are in the range 0.03<M<1.19 Msun, with mass ratios 0.06<q<0.55. We include in our sample a subset of 9 targets with multi-color ADONIS observations from Kouwenhoven et al. (2005). In the ADONIS survey secondaries with K12 as background stars. Our multi-color analysis demonstrates that the simple K=12 criterion correctly classifies the secondaries in ~80% of the cases. We reanalyse the total ADONIS/NACO sample and conclude that of the 176 secondaries, 25 are physical companions, 55 are candidates, and 96 are background stars. Although we are sensitive and complete to brown dwarfs as faint as K=14 in the separation range 130-520 AU, we detect only one, giving a brown dwarf companion fraction of 0.5% (M>30 MJ). However, the number of brown dwarfs is consistent with an extrapolation of the stellar companion mass distribution. This indicates that the physical mechanism for the formation of brown dwarfs around intermediate mass stars is similar to that of stellar companions, and that the embryo ejection mechanism does not need to be invoked in order to explain the small number of brown dwarf companions among these stars.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, accepted by A&

    VLT-ISAAC near-IR Spectroscopy of ISO selected Hubble Deep Field South Galaxies

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    We report the results of near-infrared VLT-ISAAC spectroscopy of a sample of 12 galaxies at z = 0.4-1.4, drawn from the ISOCAM survey of the Hubble Deep Field South. We find that the rest frame R-band spectra of the ISOCAM galaxies resemble those of powerful dust-enshrouded starbursts. Halpha emission is detected in 11 out of 12 objects down to a flux limit of 7x10^(-17) erg/cm^2/s, corresponding to a luminosity limit of 10^41 erg/s at z = 0.6, (for an Ho = 50 and Omega = 0.3 cosmology). From the Halpha luminosities in these galaxies we derive estimates of the star formation rate in the range 2--50 Mo/yr for stellar masses 1--100 Mo. The raw Halpha-based star formation rates are an order of magnitude or more lower than SFR(FIR) estimates based on ISOCAM LW3 fluxes. If the Halpha emission is corrected for extinction the median offset is reduced to a factor of 3. The sample galaxies are part of a new population of optically faint but infrared--luminous active starburst galaxies, which are characterized by an extremely high rate of evolution with redshift up to z~1.5 and expected to contribute significantly to the cosmic far-IR extragalactic background.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, 16 pages, 2 figure

    Statistical mechanics of topological phase transitions in networks

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    We provide a phenomenological theory for topological transitions in restructuring networks. In this statistical mechanical approach energy is assigned to the different network topologies and temperature is used as a quantity referring to the level of noise during the rewiring of the edges. The associated microscopic dynamics satisfies the detailed balance condition and is equivalent to a lattice gas model on the edge-dual graph of a fully connected network. In our studies -- based on an exact enumeration method, Monte-Carlo simulations, and theoretical considerations -- we find a rich variety of topological phase transitions when the temperature is varied. These transitions signal singular changes in the essential features of the global structure of the network. Depending on the energy function chosen, the observed transitions can be best monitored using the order parameters Phi_s=s_{max}/M, i.e., the size of the largest connected component divided by the number of edges, or Phi_k=k_{max}/M, the largest degree in the network divided by the number of edges. If, for example the energy is chosen to be E=-s_{max}, the observed transition is analogous to the percolation phase transition of random graphs. For this choice of the energy, the phase-diagram in the [,T] plane is constructed. Single vertex energies of the form E=sum_i f(k_i), where k_i is the degree of vertex i, are also studied. Depending on the form of f(k_i), first order and continuous phase transitions can be observed. In case of f(k_i)=-(k_i+c)ln(k_i), the transition is continuous, and at the critical temperature scale-free graphs can be recovered.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, minor changes, added a new refernce, to appear in PR

    A search for hot massive extrasolar planets around nearby young stars with the adaptive optics system NACO

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    We report on a survey devoted for the search of exo-planets around young and nearby stars carried out with NACO at the VLT. The detection limit for 28 among the best available targets vs. the angular separation from the star is presented. The non-detection of any planetary mass companion in our survey is used to derive, for the first time, the frequency of the upper limit of the projected separation planet-stars. In particular, we find that in 50 % of cases, no 5 MJ planet (or more massive) has been detected at projected separations larger than 14 AU and no 10 MJ planet (or more massive) has been detected at projected separations larger than 8.5 AU. In 100 % of cases, these values increase to 36 AU and 65 AU respectively. The excellent sensitivity reached by our study leads to a much lower upper limit of the projected planet-star separation compared with previous studies. For example, for the Beta Pictoris group, (~ 12 Myr), we did not detect any 10 MJ planet at distances larger than 15 AU. A previous study carried out with 4 m class telescopes put an upper limit for 10 MJ planets at ~ 60 AU. For our closest target (V 2306 Oph - d = 4.3 pc) it is shown that it would be possible to detect a 10 MJ planet at a minimum projected separation from the star of 1 AU and a 5 MJ planet at a minimum projected separation of 3.7 AU. Our results are discussed with respect to mechanisms explaining planet formation and migration and to forthcoming observational strategies and future planet finder observations from the ground.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures, pdf file, ApJ, accepted, see also http://www.mpia.de/homes/masciad

    Bandgaps in the propagation and scattering of surface water waves over cylindrical steps

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    Here we investigate the propagation and scattering of surface water waves by arrays of bottom-mounted cylindrical steps. Both periodic and random arrangements of the steps are considered. The wave transmission through the arrays is computed using the multiple scattering method based upon a recently derived formulation. For the periodic case, the results are compared to the band structure calculation. We demonstrate that complete band gaps can be obtained in such a system. Furthermore, we show that the randomization of the location of the steps can significantly reduce the transmission of water waves. Comparison with other systems is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Interplay of disorder and nonlinearity in Klein-Gordon models: Immobile kinks

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    We consider Klein-Gordon models with a δ\delta-correlated spatial disorder. We show that the properties of immobile kinks exhibit strong dependence on the assumptions as to their statistical distribution over the minima of the effective random potential. Namely, there exists a crossover from monotonically increasing (when a kink occupies the deepest potential well) to the non-monotonic (at equiprobable distribution of kinks over the potential minima) dependence of the average kink width as a function of the disorder intensity. We show also that the same crossover may take place with changing size of the system.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
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