16 research outputs found

    Variation in clutch size in relation to nest size in birds

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    Habitats urbanisés : des trappes écologiques potentielles pour les oiseaux sauvages ?

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    Urbanization is an increasing phenomenon inducing dramatic modifications of natural habitats facing biodiversity. These rapid and drastic environmental changes create new conditions, potentially constraining individuals. Indeed, artificial parameters, such as light, noise and chemical pollution, coupled with human presence and food resources which are often modified and less available, should constrain survival and reproduction of urban species. Moreover, urban habitat changes could lead individuals to misinterpret natural environmental cues, inducing maladaptive responses and populations into an ecological trap. In this context, we developed this research project on great tits, Parus major to improve our understanding of avian adaptation in cities. We monitored great tit reproduction breeding in nest-boxes within an urbanization gradient, which has been quantified, in the city of Montpellier. We experimentally manipulated nesting-cavity size using different types of nest-boxes. We found that the birds preferred the largest artificial cavities for breeding when they could choose between small, medium-sized and large cavities. Individuals from the largest cavities also invested more in egg production, yet had a lower fledging success than those from medium-sized cavities. These results are an experimental demonstration of a trap mechanism in free-living animals. To test our hypothesis that food resources are an environmental key factor limiting reproductive performance in our urban great tit population, we conducted experiments modulating constraints on food resources. The conclusion of these experiments is that food is a limiting factor for reproduction. In addition, in a local adaptation framework, we examined if urban great tits possess particular phenotypic traits that differ from great tits that live in more natural conditions. We found that urban and rural great tits expressed differences in morphology and personality profiles both at the inter-habitat and intra-habitat level. Additional studies will be required to better understand the underlying mechanisms that link phenotypic and reproductive performance in individuals that face rapid environmental change and increased urbanization, also to improve biodiversity conservation programs in these environments.L’urbanisation des milieux est un phénomène croissant induisant des changements importants des habitats naturels auxquels doit faire face la biodiversité. Ces modifications rapides et profondes de l’environnement vont créer de nouvelles conditions potentiellement contraignantes pour les individus. En effet, le cocktail de paramètres artificiels (par exemple : lumière, bruit, pollution chimique) couplé à une présence humaine ainsi qu’une ressource alimentaire souvent modifiée et/ou peu disponible peuvent contraindre la survie et la reproduction des espèces ayant colonisées les milieux urbains. Par ailleurs, les modifications profondes des habitats urbains sont susceptibles d’amener les individus à mal décrypter les indices communément utilisés dans les milieux non perturbés conduisant ces derniers à des réponses maladaptatives, et les populations associées jusqu’à des situations de trappe écologique. C’est dans ce contexte que s’inscrivent ces travaux de thèse chez la Mésange charbonnière, Parus major. Ces oiseaux ont été suivis en reproduction dans des nichoirs placés sur des sites présentant des niveaux d’artificialisation variables, que nous avons quantifiés, au sein de la ville de Montpellier. La taille de la cavité de reproduction a été également manipulée expérimentalement (manipulation de l’indice). Nous avons pu observer une préférence pour les cavités les plus grandes ainsi qu’un investissement dans la ponte plus important mais un nombre de jeunes envolés plus faible relativement aux cavités de taille plus petite. Cette réponse maladaptative associée à la taille de la cavité nous a amené à nous questionner plus précisément sur le rôle des ressources alimentaires associées au milieu urbain et sur le potentiel adaptatif de nos oiseaux urbains. Les expériences menées, en lien avec les ressources alimentaires, ont mis en évidence qu’effectivement la ressource est un facteur clé contraignant la reproduction des mésanges urbaines. Par ailleurs, grâce à un dispositif forestier historique situé à une vingtaine de kilomètres de notre site d’étude urbain, nous avons testé la présence de deux écotypes urbains et ruraux. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence des différences de morphologies entre habitats, sans détecter pour autant de différence de condition physique. Pourtant, à l’échelle plus fine du gradient d’urbanisation, ces différences apparaissent. De plus, l’étude des personnalités des oiseaux a mis également en évidence un différentiel de personnalités inter-habitat mais aussi intra-habitat, qui soulève encore à l’heure actuelle des questions d’adaptation autour de ces phénotypes particuliers. Ces travaux soulignent la complexité des questions écologiques et évolutives dans les environnements fortement perturbés que sont les milieux urbains et nécessitent de continuer à approfondir nos connaissances afin d’apporter au mieux des solutions pour la gestion de la biodiversité urbaine

    Urban habitats : potential ecological traps for wild birds ?

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    L’urbanisation des milieux est un phénomène croissant induisant des changements importants des habitats naturels auxquels doit faire face la biodiversité. Ces modifications rapides et profondes de l’environnement vont créer de nouvelles conditions potentiellement contraignantes pour les individus. En effet, le cocktail de paramètres artificiels (par exemple : lumière, bruit, pollution chimique) couplé à une présence humaine ainsi qu’une ressource alimentaire souvent modifiée et/ou peu disponible peuvent contraindre la survie et la reproduction des espèces ayant colonisées les milieux urbains. Par ailleurs, les modifications profondes des habitats urbains sont susceptibles d’amener les individus à mal décrypter les indices communément utilisés dans les milieux non perturbés conduisant ces derniers à des réponses maladaptatives, et les populations associées jusqu’à des situations de trappe écologique. C’est dans ce contexte que s’inscrivent ces travaux de thèse chez la Mésange charbonnière, Parus major. Ces oiseaux ont été suivis en reproduction dans des nichoirs placés sur des sites présentant des niveaux d’artificialisation variables, que nous avons quantifiés, au sein de la ville de Montpellier. La taille de la cavité de reproduction a été également manipulée expérimentalement (manipulation de l’indice). Nous avons pu observer une préférence pour les cavités les plus grandes ainsi qu’un investissement dans la ponte plus important mais un nombre de jeunes envolés plus faible relativement aux cavités de taille plus petite. Cette réponse maladaptative associée à la taille de la cavité nous a amené à nous questionner plus précisément sur le rôle des ressources alimentaires associées au milieu urbain et sur le potentiel adaptatif de nos oiseaux urbains. Les expériences menées, en lien avec les ressources alimentaires, ont mis en évidence qu’effectivement la ressource est un facteur clé contraignant la reproduction des mésanges urbaines. Par ailleurs, grâce à un dispositif forestier historique situé à une vingtaine de kilomètres de notre site d’étude urbain, nous avons testé la présence de deux écotypes urbains et ruraux. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence des différences de morphologies entre habitats, sans détecter pour autant de différence de condition physique. Pourtant, à l’échelle plus fine du gradient d’urbanisation, ces différences apparaissent. De plus, l’étude des personnalités des oiseaux a mis également en évidence un différentiel de personnalités inter-habitat mais aussi intra-habitat, qui soulève encore à l’heure actuelle des questions d’adaptation autour de ces phénotypes particuliers. Ces travaux soulignent la complexité des questions écologiques et évolutives dans les environnements fortement perturbés que sont les milieux urbains et nécessitent de continuer à approfondir nos connaissances afin d’apporter au mieux des solutions pour la gestion de la biodiversité urbaine.Urbanization is an increasing phenomenon inducing dramatic modifications of natural habitats facing biodiversity. These rapid and drastic environmental changes create new conditions, potentially constraining individuals. Indeed, artificial parameters, such as light, noise and chemical pollution, coupled with human presence and food resources which are often modified and less available, should constrain survival and reproduction of urban species. Moreover, urban habitat changes could lead individuals to misinterpret natural environmental cues, inducing maladaptive responses and populations into an ecological trap. In this context, we developed this research project on great tits, Parus major to improve our understanding of avian adaptation in cities. We monitored great tit reproduction breeding in nest-boxes within an urbanization gradient, which has been quantified, in the city of Montpellier. We experimentally manipulated nesting-cavity size using different types of nest-boxes. We found that the birds preferred the largest artificial cavities for breeding when they could choose between small, medium-sized and large cavities. Individuals from the largest cavities also invested more in egg production, yet had a lower fledging success than those from medium-sized cavities. These results are an experimental demonstration of a trap mechanism in free-living animals. To test our hypothesis that food resources are an environmental key factor limiting reproductive performance in our urban great tit population, we conducted experiments modulating constraints on food resources. The conclusion of these experiments is that food is a limiting factor for reproduction. In addition, in a local adaptation framework, we examined if urban great tits possess particular phenotypic traits that differ from great tits that live in more natural conditions. We found that urban and rural great tits expressed differences in morphology and personality profiles both at the inter-habitat and intra-habitat level. Additional studies will be required to better understand the underlying mechanisms that link phenotypic and reproductive performance in individuals that face rapid environmental change and increased urbanization, also to improve biodiversity conservation programs in these environments

    Urban Great Tits (Parus major) Show Higher Distress Calling and Pecking Rates than Rural Birds across Europe

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    Environmental change associated with urbanization is considered one of the major threats to biodiversity. Some species nevertheless seem to thrive in the urban areas, probably associated with selection for phenotypes that match urban habitats. Previous research defined different “copying styles” in distress behavior during the handling of birds. These behaviors vary along a continuum from “proactive” to “reactive” copers. By studying avian distress behaviors we aimed to broaden our understanding of the relationship between coping styles and urbanization. Using a large-scale comparative study of seven paired rural and urban sites across Europe, we assayed distress behaviors during handling of urban and rural-dwelling populations of the great tit Parus major. We detected no consistent pairwise differences in breath rate between urban and rural habitats. However, urban great tits displayed more distress calling (fear screams) and higher pecking rate (handling aggression) than rural birds. These findings suggest that urban great tits have a more proactive coping strategy when dealing with stressful conditions. This finding is in line with previous studies implying that urban great tits are more explorative, less neophobic, and display shorter flight distances than their rural counterparts, representing further aspects of the same “proactive,” coping strategy. Future research should investigate whether reported differences in distress behavior are due to local adaption caused by natural selection or due to phenotypic plasticity

    Urbanization Is Associated with Divergence in Pace-of-Life in Great Tits

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    As an extension of the classic life history theory, the recently highlighted pace-of-life syndrome hypothesis predicts the coevolution of behavioral, physiological and life-history traits. For instance, bolder and shyer individuals do not only differ in personality profiles, but also in neuro-endocrinology and breeding patterns. While theory predicts that bolder (i.e., proactive), more aggressive individuals should colonize more rapidly urbanized habitats than shyer (i.e., reactive), less aggressive individuals, it is also predicted that across generations, adaptive selection processes could favor shyer individuals that are more sensitive to novel environmental cues. Here we compared two personality traits (handling aggression, exploration score in a novel environment), one physiological trait related to stress response (breath rate) and four breeding traits (lay date, clutch size, hatching success and fledging success) in a rural and an urban study population of Mediterranean great tits Parus major. Mixed models revealed strong phenotypic divergence between forest and city in most traits explored, in particular in personality, whereby urban great tits were more reactive to stress and faster explorers compared to rural birds (yet not more aggressive). Urban birds also laid smaller broods earlier in spring compared to their rural conspecifics, and city broods resulted in lower hatching success yet interestingly fledging success was similar. Nest-box centered measures of anthropogenic (artificial light, pedestrians, and cars) perturbation and resource abundance allowed us to go beyond the classical forest/city comparison by exploring the phenotypic variation across an urbanization gradient. This revealed that high urbanization in nest-box surroundings was associated overall with earlier breeding and smaller clutches, but also with faster breath rate, although these trends showed strong annual variation. Ongoing rapid urbanization and non-random gene flow between rural and urban great tits could both contribute to the high prevalence of bold breeders in the city. Our study suggests the existence of urban and rural great tit ecotypes with different pace-of-life, but also a finer-scale divergence along the degree of urbanization within the city. Future studies are required to determine whether this phenotypic variation at different spatiotemporal scales is adaptive and whether it has a genetic basis or results from phenotypic plasticity

    Data from: Great tits and the city: distribution of genomic diversity and gene-environment associations along an urbanization gradient

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    Urbanization is a growing concern challenging the evolutionary potential of wild populations by reducing genetic diversity and imposing new selection regimes affecting many key fitness traits. However, genomic footprints of urbanization have received little attention so far. Using RAD sequencing, we investigated the genome-wide effects of urbanization on neutral and adaptive genomic diversity in 140 adult great tits Parus major collected in locations with contrasted urbanization levels (from a natural forest to highly urbanized areas of a city (Montpellier, France). Heterozygosity was slightly lower in the more urbanized sites compared to the more rural ones. Low but significant effect of urbanization on genetic differentiation was found, at the site-level but not at the nest-level, indicative of the geographic scale of urbanization impact and of the potential for local adaptation despite gene flow. Gene-environment association tests identified numerous SNPs with small association scores to urbanization, distributed across the genome, from which a subset of 97 SNPs explained up to 81% of the variance in urbanization, overall suggesting a polygenic response to selection in the urban environment. These findings open stimulating perspectives for broader applications of high-resolution genomic tools on other cities and larger sample sizes to investigate the consistency of the effects of urbanization on the spatial distribution of genetic diversity and the polygenic nature of gene-urbanization association

    Great tits and the city: Distribution of genomic diversity and gene-environment associations along an urbanization gradient

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    International audienceUrbanization is a growing concern challenging the evolutionary potential of wild populations by reducing genetic diversity and imposing new selection regimes affecting many key fitness traits. However, genomic footprints of urbanization have received little attention so far. Using RAD sequencing, we investigated the genomewide effects of urbanization on neutral and adaptive genomic diversity in 140 adult great tits Parus major collected in locations with contrasted urbanization levels (from a natural forest to highly urbanized areas of a city; Montpellier, France). Heterozygosity was slightly lower in the more urbanized sites compared to the more rural ones. Low but significant effect of urbanization on genetic differentiation was found, at the site level but not at the nest level, indicative of the geographic scale of urbanization impact and of the potential for local adaptation despite gene flow. Gene-environment association tests identified numerous SNPs with small association scores to urbanization, distributed across the genome, from which a subset of 97 SNPs explained up to 81% of the variance in urbanization, overall suggesting a polygenic response to selection in the urban environment. These findings open stimulating perspectives for broader applications of high-resolution genomic tools on other cities and larger sample sizes to investigate the consistency of the effects of urbanization on the spatial distribution of genetic diversity and the polygenic nature of gene-urbanization association


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    TEXT file containing information (coordinates, site, urbanization scores ) regarding Parus major individual genotyped found in the VCF file

    An avian urban morphotype: how the city environment shapes great tit morphology at different life stages

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    International audienceUrbanization is a worldwide phenomenon associated with tremendous modifications of natural habitats. Understanding how city dwelling species are affected by those changes is becoming a pressing issue. We presently lack fine scale spatio-temporal studies investigating the impact of urbanization across different life stages and along urbanization gradients. Based on 8 years of monitoring of urban and forest great tits (Parus major), we investigated how city life shapes morphological characteristics at different life stages in the city versus the forest, and within the urban habitat (along naturalness and pedestrian frequency gradients). We found that urban nestlings were significantly smaller than forest ones, but not in lower body condition. Urban breeders showed reduced tarsus, wing and tail lengths compared to forest birds. Within the city, variation in nestling tarsus length and body condition along the naturalness gradient highly depended on the year, with no consistent pattern. For breeders, tarsus length and body condition were positively correlated to the naturalness gradient, although only in 2019 for tarsus, and only in older individuals for body condition. Finally, we found that males had smaller wing lengths in more urbanized parts of the city. These results suggest that urbanization affects morphology early on in development, influencing many morphological attributes. While the mechanisms underlying the urban morphotype remain to be determined, we discuss the potential origins for the documented differences between forest and urban morphotypes, and argue that they most probably result from urban environmental constraints linked to food availability

    Great Tits Build Shallower Nests than Blue Tits

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    Comparative studies predicted or reported weaker or stronger positive relationships between nest size and body size both within and across avian species. Here we show that in relatively small nest-chambers, larger Great Tits (Parus major) build shallower nests than smaller Blue Tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). Our results from the Mediterranean region support findings from published studies that were conducted at more northerly latitudes (UK and Poland). Potential impacts of the local climate and predation risks on the species-specific expression of the size of fresh nests are discussed