222 research outputs found

    Las Primas Melodrama a la Fassbinder

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    Edwards, el anfitrión. Nota de lectura

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    Estudio micológico y experimental de un caso de esporotricosis

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    Nota Editorial: Este es un artículo que ha permanecido inédito hasta la fecha, describe el primer caso de Esporotricosis en Chile y hemos querido publicarlo como un homenaje póstumo al Prof. Carlos Flores. Se podrá apreciar que La nomenclatura empleada corresponde a la época de 1951 y que se ha respetado

    Business consulting Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito del Centro

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    La Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito del Centro (Centrocoop), es una cooperativa creada el 20 de octubre de 1963 en la Ciudad de la Oroya, fundada por los trabajadores de la división estructural de la empresa Cerro de Pasco Cooper Corporation, desarrollando la actividad de colocación de préstamos a sus socios. El objetivo del Business Consulting es determinar el principal problema de la cooperativa Coopac Centrocoop y brindar una alternativa viable de solución. Para la identificación del problema se llevaron a cabo varias reuniones entre los funcionarios de la cooperativa y el grupo de consultores; el análisis interno y externo, se aplicó en la matriz de complejidad versus beneficio, concluyendo que el principal problema es la reducción de la base societaria de la cooperativa. El siguiente paso fue la realización de un análisis cualitativo de las entrevistas y encuestas efectuadas; se utilizó el Diagrama de Ishikawa para determinar las causas del problema. Se ha encontrado como problema principal (a) no existe beneficios diferenciados de la competencia, (b) personal de agencias con poca capacidad retención del socio ante su renuncia, (c) información inadecuada sobre fondo de previsión social, (d) se cuenta con un reducido número de nuevos convenios con empresas, (e) no existe un estudio de satisfacción del socio y (f) no existe un plan de marketing. De acuerdo con los hallazgos, el grupo de consultores determinó implementar un Plan de Marketing inbound y relacional enfocado en la atracción de nuevos socios y fidelizar a los actuales con un programa de valor para los socios entre otras herramientas. Se calculó el flujo de caja libre de la Coopac Centrocoop, con un presupuesto de S/. 358,250.00 en sus cuatro fases de implementación, la inversión se recuperará en dos años, cinco meses y 21 días, con un VAN de S/ 133,036.40, con una TIR = 27.94% que es mayor a la tasa de descuento establecida del 13.01%, el beneficio/costo es mayor a 1 (3.65), por cada sol invertido se recupera S/.2,65.The Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito del Centro (Centrocoop), is a cooperative created on October 20, 1963 in the City of La Oroya by workers from the structural division of the Cerro de Pasco Cooper Corporation, developing the activity of granting loans to their partners. The objective of Business Consulting is to determine the main problem of the Coopac Centrocoop cooperative and provide a viable alternative solution. To identify the problem, several meetings were held between the group of consultants and the officials of the cooperative, internal and external analysis, the matrix of complexity versus benefit was applied, concluding that the main problem is the reduction of the cooperative's corporate base. The next step was to carry out a qualitative analysis of the interviews and surveys carried out; the Ishikawa Diagram was extracted to determine the causes of the problem. The causes that originated the main problem were determined (a) there are no benefits differentiated from the competition, (b) staff of agencies with little capacity to retain the partner before his resignation, (c) inadequate information on the social security fund, (d) there is a small number of new agreements with companies, (e) there is no member satisfaction study and (f) there is no marketing plan. According to the findings, it was determined to implement an inbound and relational Marketing Plan focused on attracting new partners and retaining the current ones with a value program for partners among other tools. The free cash flow of Coopac Centrocoop was calculated, with a budget of S/ 358,250.00 in its four phases of implementation, the investment will be recovered in two years, five months and 21 days, with a NPV of S/ 133,036.40, with an IRR = 27.94%, which is greater than the established discount rate of 13.01%, the benefit/cost is greater than 1 (3.65), for each sol invested, S/.2.65 is recovered

    Independent confirmation of a methane spike on Mars and a source region east of Gale Crater

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    Reports of methane detection in the Martian atmosphere have been intensely debated. The presence of methane could enhance habitability and may even be a signature of life. However, no detection has been confirmed with independent measurements. Here, we report a firm detection of 15.5 ± 2.5 ppb by volume of methane in the Martian atmosphere above Gale Crater on 16 June 2013, by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer onboard Mars Express, one day after the in situ observation of a methane spike by the Curiosity rover. Methane was not detected in other orbital passages. The detection uses improved observational geometry, as well as more sophisticated data treatment and analysis, and constitutes a contemporaneous, independent detection of methane. We perform ensemble simulations of the Martian atmosphere, using stochastic gas release scenarios to identify a potential source region east of Gale Crater. Our independent geological analysis also points to a source in this region, where faults of Aeolis Mensae may extend into proposed shallow ice of the Medusae Fossae Formation and episodically release gas trapped below or within the ice. Our identification of a probable release location will provide focus for future investigations into the origin of methane on Mars

    Café Caribe: historia y economía de la caficultura en la Gran Cuenca del Caribe, siglos XVIII-XXI

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    La lectura de esta obra permite conocer, a través de doce capítulos, las dinámicas sociales y económicas de la caficultura en la Gran Cuenca del Caribe, esta macrorregión que nuestro nobel de literatura Gabriel García Márquez delimitó entre el golfo de México, Centroamérica, Antillas Mayores y Menores, norte de Suramérica y nordeste de Brasil, desde que llegaron a esa región los primeros granos traídos por franceses y holandeses hace 300 años, una historia que ha sido poco conocida hasta ahora. Así pues, el libro relata que la isla de Martinica y la Guayana Holandesa fueron los sitios iniciales donde se sembró café por primera vez en América; que Haití, Cuba o Puerto Rico fueron durante algunos años los principales exportadores de café a nivel mundial; que a este último y a Jamaica fueron traídas varias familias para trabajar en los cafetales de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, que Jamaica o Panamá producen uno de los cafés de mayor cotización en el mercado internacional, y otros hechos y acontecimientos notables relacionados con el consumo y mercadeo del café en el territorio analizado.Peer reviewe

    The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization

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    Background: The shift from solitary to social behavior is one of the major evolutionary transitions. Primitively eusocial bumblebees are uniquely placed to illuminate the evolution of highly eusocial insect societies. Bumblebees are also invaluable natural and agricultural pollinators, and there is widespread concern over recent population declines in some species. High-quality genomic data will inform key aspects of bumblebee biology, including susceptibility to implicated population viability threats. Results: We report the high quality draft genome sequences of Bombus terrestris and Bombus impatiens, two ecologically dominant bumblebees and widely utilized study species. Comparing these new genomes to those of the highly eusocial honeybee Apis mellifera and other Hymenoptera, we identify deeply conserved similarities, as well as novelties key to the biology of these organisms. Some honeybee genome features thought to underpin advanced eusociality are also present in bumblebees, indicating an earlier evolution in the bee lineage. Xenobiotic detoxification and immune genes are similarly depauperate in bumblebees and honeybees, and multiple categories of genes linked to social organization, including development and behavior, show high conservation. Key differences identified include a bias in bumblebee chemoreception towards gustation from olfaction, and striking differences in microRNAs, potentially responsible for gene regulation underlying social and other traits. Conclusions: These two bumblebee genomes provide a foundation for post-genomic research on these key pollinators and insect societies. Overall, gene repertoires suggest that the route to advanced eusociality in bees was mediated by many small changes in many genes and processes, and not by notable expansion or depauperation

    X-Ray Polarization of the Black Hole X-Ray Binary 4U 1630-47 Challenges the Standard Thin Accretion Disk Scenario

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    A large energy-dependent X-ray polarization degree is detected by the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) in the high-soft emission state of the black hole X-ray binary 4U 1630-47. The highly significant detection (at ≈50σ confidence level) of an unexpectedly high polarization, rising from ∼6% at 2 keV to ∼10% at 8 keV, cannot be easily reconciled with standard models of thin accretion disks. In this work, we compare the predictions of different theoretical models with the IXPE data and conclude that the observed polarization properties are compatible with a scenario in which matter accretes onto the black hole through a thin disk covered by a partially ionized atmosphere flowing away at mildly relativistic velocities

    Discovery of X-Ray Polarization from the Black Hole Transient Swift J1727.8−1613

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    We report the first detection of the X-ray polarization of the bright transient Swift J1727.8−1613 with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer. The observation was performed at the beginning of the 2023 discovery outburst, when the source resided in the bright hard state. We find a time- and energy-averaged polarization degree of 4.1% ± 0.2% and a polarization angle of 2.°2 ± 1.°3 (errors at 68% confidence level; this translates to ∼20σ significance of the polarization detection). This finding suggests that the hot corona emitting the bulk of the detected X-rays is elongated, rather than spherical. The X-ray polarization angle is consistent with that found in submillimeter wavelengths. Since the submillimeter polarization was found to be aligned with the jet direction in other X-ray binaries, this indicates that the corona is elongated orthogonal to the jet