2,705 research outputs found

    Compared to high and low cannabis use, moderate use is associated with fewer cognitive deficits in psychosis

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    AbstractLiterature on the relationship of cannabis use and cognition in schizophrenia provides the paradoxical view that cannabis use is sometimes linked with less severe impairment in neurocognition. This paper explored the possibility that this is a reflection of a dose related response between lifetime cannabis use and two forms of cognition, neurocognition and metacognition, in schizophrenia. It was hypothesized that three groups of patients could be differentiated, those with (1) little to no cannabis use with poor levels of cognition, (2) moderate cannabis use and relatively better levels of cognition and (3) high cannabis use with relatively poorer levels of cognition. Sixty-six adults with schizophrenia completed assessments of neurocognition, metacognition and months of lifetime cannabis use. Ak-means cluster analysis yielded three distinct groups based on these assessments. The clusters included: (1) low cannabis/poor cognition (n=34); (2) heavy cannabis/moderately impaired cognition (n=10); and (3) moderate cannabis/higher cognition (n=22). Consistent with our hypothesis, participants with high and moderate lifetime cannabis use had lesser impairment of neurocognition and metacognition compared to low lifetime cannabis use. Participants with moderate lifetime cannabis use also had lesser impairment of metacognition compared to low and heavy use. These findings suggest that a dose related relationship exists between cannabis use and cognition. Results could be due to an influence of pre-existing cognitive level on likelihood of lifetime cannabis use, or to an interaction between use and cognitive function

    First detection of Edwardsiella ictaluri (Proteobacteria: Enterobacteriaceae) in wild Australian catfish

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    The bacterium Edwardsiella ictaluri is considered to be one of the most significant pathogens of farmed catfish in the United States of America and has also caused mortalities in farmed and wild fishes in many other parts of the world. E. ictaluri is not believed to be present in wild fish populations in Australia, although it has previously been detected in imported ornamental fishes held in quarantine facilities. In an attempt to confirm freedom from the bacterium in Australian native fishes, we undertook a risk-based survey of wild catfishes from 15 sites across northern Australia. E. ictaluri was detected by selective culturing, followed by DNA testing, in Wet Tropics tandan (Tandanus tropicanus) from the Tully River, at a prevalence of 0.40 (95% CI 0.21–0.61). The bacterium was not found in fishes sampled from any of the other 14 sites. This is the first report of E. ictaluri in wild fishes in Australia

    Constraints on the black hole spin in the quasar SDSS J094533.99+100950.1

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    The spin of the black hole is an important parameter which may be responsible for the properties of the inflow and outflow of the material surrounding a black hole. Broad band IR/optical/UV spectrum of the quasar SDSS J094533.99+100950.1 is clearly disk-dominated, with the spectrum peaking up in the observed frequency range. Therefore, disk fitting method usually used for Galactic black holes can be used in this object to determine the black hole spin. We develop the numerical code for computing disk properties, including radius-dependent hardening factor, and we apply the ray-tracing method to incorporate all general relativity effects in light propagation. We show that the simple multicolor disk model gives a good fit, without any other component required, and the disk extends down to the marginally stable orbit. The best fit accretion rate is 0.13, well below the Eddington limit, and the black hole spin is moderate, 0.3. The contour error for the fit combined with the constraints for the black hole mass and the disk inclination gives a constraint that the spin is lower than 0.8. We discuss the sources of possible systematic errors in the parameter determinations

    Shining Light on Merging Galaxies I: The Ongoing Merger of a Quasar with a `Green Valley' Galaxy

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    Serendipitous observations of a pair z = 0.37 interacting galaxies (one hosting a quasar) show a massive gaseous bridge of material connecting the two objects. This bridge is photoionized by the quasar (QSO) revealing gas along the entire projected 38 kpc sightline connecting the two galaxies. The emission lines that result give an unprecedented opportunity to study the merger process at this redshift. We determine the kinematics, ionization parameter (log U ~ -2.5 +- 0.03), column density (N_H ~ 10^{21} cm^{-2}), metallicity ([M/H] ~ -0.20 +- 0.15), and mass (~ 10^8 Msun) of the gaseous bridge. We simultaneously constrain properties of the QSO-host (M_DM>8.8x 10^{11} Msun) and its companion galaxy (M_DM>2.1 x 10^{11} Msun; M_star ~ 2 x 10^{10} Msun; stellar burst age=300-800 Myr; SFR~6 Msun/yr; and metallicity 12+log (O/H)= 8.64 +- 0.2). The general properties of this system match the standard paradigm of a galaxy-galaxy merger caught between first and second passage while one of the galaxies hosts an active quasar. The companion galaxy lies in the so-called `green valley', with a stellar population consistent with a recent starburst triggered during the first passage of the merger and has no detectable AGN activity. In addition to providing case-studies of quasars associated with galaxy mergers, quasar/galaxy pairs with QSO-photoionized tidal bridges such as this one offer unique insights into the galaxy properties while also distinguishing an important and inadequately understood phase of galaxy evolution.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables, Submitted to ApJ, revised to address referee's comment

    Reducing recurrent stroke: Methodology of the motivational interviewing in stroke (MIST) randomized clinical trial

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    Rationale Recurrent stroke is prevalent in both developed and developing countries, contributing significantly to disability and death. Recurrent stroke rates can be reduced by adequate risk factor management. However, adherence to prescribed medications and lifestyle changes recommended by physicians at discharge after stroke is poor, leading to a large number of preventable recurrent strokes. Using behavior change methods such as Motivational Interviewing early after stroke occurrence has the potential to prevent recurrent stroke. Aims and/or hypothesis The overall aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of motivational interviewing in improving adherence to medication and lifestyle changes recommended by treating physicians at and after hospital discharge in stroke patients 12 months poststroke to reduce risk factors for recurrent stroke. Design Recruitment of 430 first-ever stroke participants will occur in the Auckland and Waikato regions. Randomization will be to intervention or usual care groups. Participants randomized to intervention will receive four motivational interviews and five follow-up assessments over 12 months. Nonintervention participants will be assessed at the same time points. Study outcomes Primary outcome measures are changes in systolic blood pressure and low-density lipoprotein levels 12 months poststroke. Secondary outcomes include self-reported adherence and barriers to prescribed medications, new cardiovascular events (including stroke), changes in quality of life, and mood. Discussion The results of the motivational interviewing in stroke trial will add to our understanding of whether motivational interviewing may be potentially beneficial in the management of stroke and other diseases where similar lifestyle factors or medication adherence are relevant

    Inflammation reduces mechanical thresholds in a population of transient receptor potential channel A1-expressing nociceptors in the rat

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    Inflammatory hypersensitivity is characterized by behavioural reductions in withdrawal thresholds to noxious stimuli. Although cutaneous primary afferent neurones are known to have lowered thermal thresholds in inflammation, whether their mechanical thresholds are altered remains controversial. The transient receptor potential channel A1 (TRPA1) is a receptor localized to putative nociceptive neurones and is implicated in mechanical and thermal nociception. Herein, we examined changes in the properties of single primary afferents in normal and acutely inflamed rats and determined whether specific nociceptive properties, particularly mechanical thresholds, are altered in the subpopulation of afferents that responded to the TRPA1 agonist cinnamaldehyde (TRPA1-positive afferents). TRPA1-positive afferents in normal animals belonged to the mechanonociceptive populations, many of which also responded to heat or capsaicin but only a few of which responded to cold. In acute inflammation, a greater proportion of afferents responded to cinnamaldehyde and an increased proportion of dorsal root ganglion neurones expressed TRPA1 protein. Functionally, in inflammation, TRPA1-positive afferents showed significantly reduced mechanical thresholds and enhanced activity to agonist stimulation. Inflammation altered thermal thresholds in both TRPA1-positive and TRPA1-negative afferents. Our data show that a subset of afferents is sensitized to mechanical stimulation by inflammation and that these afferents are defined by expression of TRPA1

    The COSMOS AGN Spectroscopic Survey I: XMM Counterparts

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    We present optical spectroscopy for an X-ray and optical flux-limited sample of 677 XMM-Newton selected targets covering the 2 deg^2 COSMOS field, with a yield of 485 high-confidence redshifts. The majority of the spectra were obtained over three seasons (2005-2007) with the IMACS instrument on the Magellan (Baade) telescope. We also include in the sample previously published Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectra and supplemental observations with MMT/Hectospec. We detail the observations and classification analyses. The survey is 90% complete to flux limits of f_{0.5-10 keV}>8 x 10^-16 erg cm^-2 s^-1 and i_AB+<22, where over 90% of targets have high-confidence redshifts. Making simple corrections for incompleteness due to redshift and spectral type allows for a description of the complete population to $i_AB+<23. The corrected sample includes 57% broad emission line (Type 1, unobscured) AGN at 0.13<z<4.26, 25% narrow emission line (Type 2, obscured) AGN at 0.07<z<1.29, and 18% absorption line (host-dominated, obscured) AGN at 0<z<1.22 (excluding the stars that made up 4% of the X-ray targets). We show that the survey's limits in X-ray and optical flux include nearly all X-ray AGN (defined by L_{0.5-10 keV}>3 x 10^42 erg s^-1) to z<1, of both optically obscured and unobscured types. We find statistically significant evidence that the obscured to unobscured AGN ratio at z<1 increases with redshift and decreases with luminosity.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ. 31 pages, 17 figures. Table 2 is available on reques

    Type 1 low z AGN. I. Emission properties

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    We analyze the emission properties of a new sample of 3,579 type 1 AGN, selected from the SDSS DR7 based on the detection of broad H-alpha emission. The sample extends over a broad H-alpha luminosity L_bHa of 10^40 - 10^44 erg s^-1 and a broad H-alpha FWHM of 1,000 - 25,000 km s^-1, which covers the range of black hole mass 10^6<M_BH/M_Sun<10^9.5 and luminosity in Eddington units 10^-3 < L/L_Edd < 1. We combine ROSAT, GALEX and 2MASS observations to form the SED from 2.2 mic to 2 keV. We find the following: 1. The distribution of the H-alpha FWHM values is independent of luminosity. 2. The observed mean optical-UV SED is well matched by a fixed shape SED of luminous quasars, which scales linearly with L_bHa, and a host galaxy contribution. 3. The host galaxy r-band (fibre) luminosity function follows well the luminosity function of inactive non-emission line galaxies (NEG), consistent with a fixed fraction of ~3% of NEG hosting an AGN, regardless of the host luminosity. 4. The hosts of lower luminosity AGN have a mean z band luminosity and u-z colour which are identical to NEG with the same redshift distribution. With increasing L_bHa the AGN hosts become bluer and less luminous than NEG. The implied increasing star formation rate with L_bHa is consistent with the relation for SDSS type 2 AGN of similar bolometric luminosity. 5. The optical-UV SED of the more luminous AGN shows a small dispersion, consistent with dust reddening of a blue SED, as expected for thermal thin accretion disc emission. 6. There is a rather tight relation of nuL_nu(2 keV) and L_bHa, which provides a useful probe for unobscured (true) type 2 AGN. 7. The primary parameter which drives the X-ray to UV emission ratio is the luminosity, rather than M_BH or L/L_Edd.Comment: 33 pages, 23 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS; complete versions of tables 1 and B1 can be found at http://physics.technion.ac.il/~stern/PaperData/Type1AGN1

    Molecular basis of FIR-mediated c-myc transcriptional control

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    The far upstream element (FUSE) regulatory system promotes a peak in the concentration of c-Myc during cell cycle. First, the FBP transcriptional activator binds to the FUSE DNA element upstream of the c-myc promoter. Then, FBP recruits its specific repressor (FIR), which acts as an on/off transcriptional switch. Here we describe the molecular basis of FIR recruitment, showing that the tandem RNA recognition motifs of FIR provide a platform for independent FUSE DNA and FBP protein binding and explaining the structural basis of the reversibility of the FBP-FIR interaction. We also show that the physical coupling between FBP and FIR is modulated by a flexible linker positioned sequentially to the recruiting element. Our data explain how the FUSE system precisely regulates c-myc transcription and suggest that a small change in FBP-FIR affinity leads to a substantial effect on c-Myc concentration.MRC Grant-in-aid U11757455