7,067 research outputs found

    Behavior monitoring and behavioral exchange: an approach from geospatial technologies involving gamification techniques

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.In the last years the concerns about ecologic problems derived from human activities and CO2 emissions have increased, leading population to a rising awareness on green behavior. This paper discusses an approach to the evaluation and exchange of the green behavior of a community from the viewpoint of a project in the frame of smart cities, where the flow of information among the members of the community becomes a basic part of decision making. This approach is developed from a perspective based on mobile technologies, with the application of gamification techniques in order to get the community involved in the process of data acquisition, and with the final goal of making possible a behavioral exchange of the members of the community

    Preparing for generation Z:how can technology enhanced learning be firmly embedded in our students' learning experience? A case study from Abertay University

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    Abertay is a relatively small, modern university (undergraduate population of around 4000) with a wide portfolio and a diverse student population. Around 35% of our students are direct entry from local partner colleges to years 2 and 3 of our programmes and a significant number are first generation higher education within their families. As such, partnership working with colleges and support to aid student transitions are key aspects of Abertay’s provision. Since 2013/14, the university has developed and implemented a new Teaching and Learning Enhancement strategy that has catalysed wholescale transformation across the institution. This paper provides an overview of technology enhanced learning at the university with the drivers for change being to the quality of our students' learning experience, improve student retention and progression and enhance learners’ engagement

    Determinant factors of pull up performance in trainedathletes

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    Aim: to investigate the relationship among pull up and lat pull exercises and differentanthropometric dimensions in trained athletes. Methods: twenty-five males were evaluated for maximum number of pull ups, one-repetitionmaximum lat pull (1RM Lat Pull), lat pull repetitions at 80% 1RM (Lat Pull at 80% 1RM), latpull repetitions at a load equivalent to body mass (Lat Pull at BM-load), and differentanthropometric variables. Furthermore, the subjects were divided in higher (HPG, n = 12) andlower pull up performance (LPG, n = 13) to compare the differences in the variables analyzedbetween both levels. Results: pull ups were significantly correlated with Lat Pull at BM-load (r = .62, P < .01) butneither with 1RM Lat Pull (r = .09) nor with Lat Pull at 80% 1RM (r = -.15). Pull ups showed asignificant (P < .05) negative relationship with body mass (BM, r = -.55), lean body mass(LBM, r = -.51), and fat mass (FM, r = -.52), while BM and LBM were significantly correlatedwith 1RM Lat Pull (r = .55, P < .05). HPG showed significantly (P < .05) lower BM (0/3/97%),FM (1/3/97%) and LBM (1/4/95%) than LPG. Furthermore, HPG attained significantly (P < .05– .001) greater performance in Lat Pull at BM-load (100/0/0%) and 1RM Lat Pull•BM-1(96/3/2%) than LPG. Conclusion: these findings suggest that pull up and lat pull exercises have common elements.Moreover, the anthropometric dimensions seem to influence differently on both exercises,depending on the strength indicator evaluated

    Teenage visions of gender violence and couple relations

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    A través del presente trabajo pretendemos reflejar algunas de las creencias que los/las jóvenes y adolescentes encuestados/as tienen en torno a la violencia y a las relaciones de pareja, poniéndose de manifiesto las distorsiones de las mismas, lo cuál les puede llevar a configurar una relación de pareja no igualitaria, reproducir roles estereotipados legitimados socialmente como masculinos o femeninos y tolerar situaciones de abuso, puesto que no reconocen o minimizan determinadas señales de violencia.Trough this work we want to put forward some of the beliefs that the youngsters and teenagers surveyed share in relation to gender violence and couple relations. Such beliefs show certain distortions that may drive to the configuration of gender discriminatory relationships, the reproduction of socially legitimated male/female stereotypes, and tolerance of abusive situations that make youngsters either minimize or be unable to recognize certain signs of violenc

    Cálculo de elementos estructurales

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    Descripció del recurs: el 21 de setembre de 2011El presente libro ha sido concebido como una introducción al cálculo de estructuras complejas y se dirige a estudiantes que ya han superado un primer curso de resistencia de materiales. Los capítulos 1 y 2 explican el cálculo de estructuras modelizables como elementos estructurales 1D (barras esbeltas). El capítulo 3 explica el cálculo de elementos estructurales bidimensionales (2D), como placas y paredes delgadas de depósitos para fluidos a presión. Los capítulos 4 y 5 estudian los elementos de cimentación que han de ser tratados como elementos estructurales 3D. Finalmente, en el capítulo 6 se introduce el cálculo dinámico aplicado al cálculo sísmico de edificios simples

    Infraestructura de datos espaciales de la confederación hidrográfica del Guadalquivir

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    La CHG tiene entre sus competencias la planificación hidrológica de los recursos hídricos que discurren por la demarcación del Guadalquivir, la realización de obras de interés general, así como la gestión del Domino Público Hidráulico fuera de la Comunidad autónoma de Andalucía. Esto precisa una ingente cantidad de datos relativos al agua y al territorio, que son representados sobre cartografía digital. La CHG ha trabajado en la construcción de una Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales que, además de aglutinar información cartográfica y alfanumérica de calidad contrastada, ofrece servicios remotos de acceso a los datos geoespaciales. Asimismo, de cara a la implementación de las especificaciones de la Directiva Infraestructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) y de su ley de transposición al ámbito nacional, se ha prestado atención a las recomendaciones del Grupo de Trabajo de la Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de España (GT-IDEE). Igualmente, para la implementación de la Directiva Marco del Agua (DMA), se han seguido las guías técnicas desarrolladas por los Grupos de Sistemas de Información del Agua y Reporting. El fin último de la IDE-CHG es facilitar el conocimiento de la compleja realidad geográfica de la cuenca y potenciar las relaciones con los usuarios a través de una mayor presencia en la web.The CHG have among its responsibilities, the hydrological planning of water resources, which flow through the demarcation of the Guadalquivir, the execution of works of general interest as well as the management of Hydraulic Public Domain outside the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. This requires an enormous amount of data related to water and territory, which are represented on digital cartography.The CHG has worked in the construction of a Spatial Data Infrastructure that, in addition to bringing together cartographic and alphanumeric proven quality information, provides remote access to geospatial data. Also, with a view to implementing the requirements of Directive Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) and its law of nationwide transposition, CHG has paid attention to the recommendations of the Working Group on Spatial Data Infrastructure of Spain (GT-IDEE). Similarly, for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), they have followed the technical guidelines developed by the groups of Water Information Systems and Reporting. The final goal of the IDE-CHG is to facilitate the understanding of the complex geographic reality of the watershed and enhance relationships with users through a greater presence on the web

    Bismuth incorporation and the role of ordering in GaAsBi/GaAs structures

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    The structure and composition of single GaAsBi/GaAs epilayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy were investigated by optical and transmission electron microscopy techniques. Firstly, the GaAsBi layers exhibit two distinct regions and a varying Bi composition profile in the growth direction. In the lower (25 nm) region, the Bi content decays exponentially from an initial maximum value, while the upper region comprises an almost constant Bi content until the end of the layer. Secondly, despite the relatively low Bi content, CuPtB-type ordering was observed both in electron diffraction patterns and in fast Fourier transform reconstructions from high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images. The estimation of the long-range ordering parameter and the development of ordering maps by using geometrical phase algorithms indicate a direct connection between the solubility of Bi and the amount of ordering. The occurrence of both phase separation and atomic ordering has a significant effect on the optical properties of these layers

    Movil-Izate Project: promoting physical activity in school through mobile apps

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    El objetivo del estudio era dar a conocer una propuesta práctica desarrollada en el contexto educativo para fomentar los niveles de actividad física (AF) extraescolar y, a su vez, analizar el grado de utilidad y satisfacción de los participantes con el programa. Para ello, se contó con un total de 1043 alumnos (M = 14.93; DT = .88) de 3º y 4º de ESO pertenecientes a 22 centros diferentes. La intervención realizada estaba centrada en cuatro pilares fundamentales: 1) un taller con alumnos, encaminado a concienciar a los adolescentes sobre la importancia de crear estilos de vida saludables; 2) un taller práctico en el que se explicaba el funcionamiento de una App móvil destinada al registro de la AF; 3) un concurso cooperativo, con el que se pretendía fomentar la práctica de AF de forma autónoma; y 4) un taller con padres/madres, con el fin de exponerles una serie de estrategias para fomentar en sus hijos/as la práctica de AF extraescolar. Tras la realización del programa, tanto los alumnos como los profesores completaron un cuestionario encaminado a valorar la percepción de la propuesta, comprobándose con ello la idoneidad de este tipo de iniciativas para fomentar la práctica de AF en la población adolescente.The aim of the study was to provide a practical proposal developed in an educational context to promote extracurricular physical activity (PA) and, in turn, analyze the degree of usefulness and participant satisfaction with the program. To this aim, a total of 1043 students (M = 14.93, SD = .88) in secondary 3 and 4 from 22 high schools participated in the study. The intervention was focused on four points: 1) a workshop with students, aiming to educate teens about the importance of adopting healthy lifestyles; 2) a workshop in which the operation of a mobile app designed to record the PA was explained; 3) a cooperative competition, intended to encourage the practice of PA autonomously; and 4) a workshop with fathers/mothers,in order to present a series of strategies to encourage their children to engage in regular PA. After completion of the program, both students and teachers completed a questionnaire aimed at assessing the perception of the proposal, and thus at demonstrating the suitability of these type of initiatives to encourage the practice of PA in the adolescent population.peerReviewe