38 research outputs found

    QCSP on semicomplete digraphs

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    We study the (non-uniform) quantified constraint satisfaction problem QCSP(H) as H ranges over semicomplete digraphs. We obtain a complexity-theoretic trichotomy: QCSP(H) is either in P, is NP-complete or is Pspace-complete. The largest part of our work is the algebraic classification of precisely which semicompletes enjoy only essentially unary polymorphisms, which is combinatorially interesting in its own right


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    Plaće su dohodak radnika ostvaren kao naknada za obavljeni rad, a sastoje se od pet osnovnih dijelova: osnovne plaće, na temelju koje se naknadno odreĊuju stimulativni dijelovi plaće, dodataka na plaću, naknada i udjela u dobiti. Plaća se isplaćuje radniku u novcu, a treba razlikovati bruto od neto plaće. Iz bruto plaće izdvajaju se doprinosi za buduću mirovinu i porezi za davanja državi te se od plaće odbija osobni odbitak, koji ovisi o broju djece ili uzdržavanih ĉlanova korisnika plaće. Nakon što se oduzmu svi porezi i doprinosi iz plaće, ostaje neto plaća koja se isplaćuje radniku.Salaries (wages) are worker's income and it is amount of money that worker gets for work every month. Main components of salaries are: basic salary –of which it is subsequently determined stimulation, allowances, fees and share in profits. Worker gets salary in money, and it is important to distinguish gross and net salary. From gross salary there are some parts that goes in future retirement fond, and some taxes for the state, and salary is deducted for personal allowance, that depends on how much children worker has or depedents. After adding and subtract of all taxes and contributions from and on salary, worker gets net salary

    Topological properties of regular generalized function algebras

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    We investigate density of various subalgebras of regular generalized functions in the special Colombeau algebra of generalized functions.Comment: 6 page


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    Up to isomorphism, there are 61 ai-semirings of order three. The finite basis problem for these semirings is investigated. This problem for 45 semirings of them is answered by some results in the literature. The remaining semirings are studied using equational logic. It is shown that with the possible exception of the semiring S7S_7, all ai-semirings of order three are finitely based

    Cancer-selective antiproliferative activity is a general property of some G-rich oligodeoxynucleotides

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    Oligodeoxynucleotide libraries containing randomly incorporated bases are used to generate DNA aptamers by systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX). We predicted that combinatorial libraries with alternative base compositions might have innate properties different from the standard library containing equimolar A + C + G + T bases. In particular, we hypothesized that G-rich libraries would contain a higher proportion of quadruplex-forming sequences, which may impart desirable qualities, such as increased nuclease resistance and enhanced cellular uptake. Here, we report on 11 synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide libraries of various base combinations and lengths, with regard to their circular dichroism, stability in serum-containing medium, cellular uptake, protein binding and antiproliferative activity. Unexpectedly, we found that some G-rich libraries (composed of G + T or G + C nucleotides) strongly inhibited cancer cell growth while sparing non-malignant cells. These libraries had spectral features consistent with G-quadruplex formation, were significantly more stable in serum than inactive libraries and showed enhanced cellular uptake. Active libraries generally had strong protein binding, while the pattern of protein binding suggested that G/T and G/C libraries have distinct mechanisms of action. In conclusion, cancer-selective antiproliferative activity may be a general feature of certain G-rich oligodeoxynucleotides and is associated with quadruplex formation, nuclease resistance, efficient cellular uptake and protein binding

    Isomorphisms of algebras of Colombeau generalized functions

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    We show that for smooth manifolds X and Y, any isomorphism between the special algebra of Colombeau generalized functions on X, resp. Y is given by composition with a unique Colombeau generalized function from Y to X. We also identify the multiplicative linear functionals from the special algebra of Colombeau generalized functions on X to the ring of Colombeau generalized numbers. Up to multiplication with an idempotent generalized number, they are given by an evaluation map at a compactly supported generalized point on X.Comment: 10 page

    Stacking of G-quadruplexes: NMR structure of a G-rich oligonucleotide with potential anti-HIV and anticancer activity†

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    G-rich oligonucleotides T30695 (or T30923), with the sequence of (GGGT)4, and T40214, with the sequence of (GGGC)4, have been reported to exhibit anti-HIV and anticancer activity. Here we report on the structure of a dimeric G-quadruplex adopted by a derivative of these sequences in K+ solution. It comprises two identical propeller-type parallel-stranded G-quadruplex subunits each containing three G-tetrad layers that are stacked via the 5′-5′ interface. We demonstrated control over the stacking of the two monomeric subunits by sequence modifications. Our analysis of possible structures at the stacking interface provides a general principle for stacking of G-quadruplexes, which could have implications for the assembly and recognition of higher-order G-quadruplex structures


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    Plaće su dohodak radnika ostvaren kao naknada za obavljeni rad, a sastoje se od pet osnovnih dijelova: osnovne plaće, na temelju koje se naknadno odreĊuju stimulativni dijelovi plaće, dodataka na plaću, naknada i udjela u dobiti. Plaća se isplaćuje radniku u novcu, a treba razlikovati bruto od neto plaće. Iz bruto plaće izdvajaju se doprinosi za buduću mirovinu i porezi za davanja državi te se od plaće odbija osobni odbitak, koji ovisi o broju djece ili uzdržavanih ĉlanova korisnika plaće. Nakon što se oduzmu svi porezi i doprinosi iz plaće, ostaje neto plaća koja se isplaćuje radniku.Salaries (wages) are worker's income and it is amount of money that worker gets for work every month. Main components of salaries are: basic salary –of which it is subsequently determined stimulation, allowances, fees and share in profits. Worker gets salary in money, and it is important to distinguish gross and net salary. From gross salary there are some parts that goes in future retirement fond, and some taxes for the state, and salary is deducted for personal allowance, that depends on how much children worker has or depedents. After adding and subtract of all taxes and contributions from and on salary, worker gets net salary