
Plaće su dohodak radnika ostvaren kao naknada za obavljeni rad, a sastoje se od pet osnovnih dijelova: osnovne plaće, na temelju koje se naknadno odreĊuju stimulativni dijelovi plaće, dodataka na plaću, naknada i udjela u dobiti. Plaća se isplaćuje radniku u novcu, a treba razlikovati bruto od neto plaće. Iz bruto plaće izdvajaju se doprinosi za buduću mirovinu i porezi za davanja državi te se od plaće odbija osobni odbitak, koji ovisi o broju djece ili uzdržavanih ĉlanova korisnika plaće. Nakon što se oduzmu svi porezi i doprinosi iz plaće, ostaje neto plaća koja se isplaćuje radniku.Salaries (wages) are worker's income and it is amount of money that worker gets for work every month. Main components of salaries are: basic salary –of which it is subsequently determined stimulation, allowances, fees and share in profits. Worker gets salary in money, and it is important to distinguish gross and net salary. From gross salary there are some parts that goes in future retirement fond, and some taxes for the state, and salary is deducted for personal allowance, that depends on how much children worker has or depedents. After adding and subtract of all taxes and contributions from and on salary, worker gets net salary

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