104 research outputs found

    Price Linkage and Transmission between Shippers and Retailers in the French Fresh Vegetable Channel

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    The existence and the kind of asymmetry that characterize the relationships between shipping-point and retail prices are investigated for two major French fresh vegetables: tomatoes and chicory. Weekly data allow considering these relationships at very detailed levels such as region or supermarket chain. Moreover, the methodology proposes an implicit treatment of asymmetries in price transmission by using recently developed threshold cointegration methods. Our results do not give evidence to the widespread assertion that shipping-point price increases are completely and rapidly passed by middlemen on to consumers while there is a slower and less complete transmission of shipping-point price declines. As already emphasized in the literature, these results may be linked to the perishable nature of the two considered fresh vegetables.Agribusiness, L66, L81, Q13,

    Organic Food Consumption Patterns in France

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    This research addresses two important issues for the future expansion of organic consumption in France. The first one is related to knowing whether the organic choice is a permanent feature of consumer’s attitude or not: Do organic buyers occasionally pick one organic product or do they choose organic for “several” categories? The second issue concerns the impact of prices on buying organics which is revisited, distinguishing between capturing new consumers and increasing the demand coming from people already involved in organic markets. These questions are examined using the market basket approach; the price issue requires further estimations of demand models. The study relies on two staple food products, eggs and milk. The findings are : (i) choosing organic for one of the two items reinforces the probability of purchasing also the organic version of the second item; (ii) marginal reductions of the organic price have no impact on the decision of buying organic rather than conventional products; (iii) on the contrary, when people already purchase organic products, price elasticities are rather high; (iv) organic buyers’ demographic profile is not related to income neither to age nor to family size, but to the educational level.market basket approach, purchasing behavior, logit model, Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, C35, D12, Q13,

    Filière fruits et légumes : comment la grande distribution transmet-elle aux consommateurs les variations de prix à la production

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    La formation des prix au sein des filières agro-alimentaires présente un intérêt considérable pour les acteurs de ces filières ainsi que pour les pouvoirs publics. En témoignent les manifestations récurrentes de producteurs agricoles qui dénoncent la responsabilité des intermédiaires et notamment de la grande distribution. La filière des fruits et légumes frais est l'une des plus concernées. L'absence de transformation industrielle des produits accentue le caractère direct de la confrontation entre les producteurs et une grande distribution dont la part de marché est désormais prépondérante (environ 60% des ventes de fruits et légumes en France sont réalisées en grande et moyenne surfaces (GMS)). L'un des reproches les plus fréquemment adressés aux GMS est de répercuter plus facilement au consommateur les hausses de prix intervenues en amont que les baisses. Un tel comportement aggraverait naturellement les crises de surproduction. En effet, dans ce cas, la rigidité des prix de détail empêche que l'effet négatif de la baisse des prix sur le revenu soit compensé par une augmentation des volumes écoulés. Cette recherche vise à verser à ce dossier des éléments objectifs d'appréciation. Ceux-ci sont issus d'un traitement économétrique des données de prix recueillies par le Service des Nouvelles des Marchés (SNM, ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche), à différents stades de la filière fruits et légumes. Trois produits sont considérés : tomate, endive, chou-fleur.


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    Objetivo: o presente artigo tem o objetivo de expor perspectivas quanto à função da tributação utilizada por políticas públicas para o enfrentamento de crises estruturais, tal como a originada pela pandemia da COVID-19, além de traçar um breve panorama de como, no Brasil, os três poderes têm atuado na esfera tributária em relação à crise, em esfera federal, estadual e municipal.Metodologia: Para tanto, a primeira parte do artigo foca em algumas colocações doutrinárias acerca do papel da tributação nas crises, com especial colaboração das ideias de Políticas Fiscais Anticíclicas de Keynes, enquanto a segunda parte apresenta um levantamento normativo das medidas tributárias adotadas no Brasil relativas à crise, além de considerações acerca do papel adotado pelo Judiciário, a partir de levantamento jurisprudencial.Resultados: Com a metodologia aplicada, pôde verificar-se como vêm sendo aplicadas na prática as ideias referentes às normas tributárias com função extrafiscal e simplificadora, bem como o modo pelo qual vem se comportando o Judiciário ao analisar os pleitos formulados pelos contribuintes relacionados à tributação na pandemia.Contribuição: Assim, pretende-se contribuir para o debate acerca das medidas que envolvam, em maior ou menor medida, a postura estatal no tocante à exigência de tributos no cenário de crise decorrente da atual pandemia.Palavras-chave: Política Fiscal Anticíclica Keynesiana; COVID-19; Tributação no Brasil. ABSTRACTObjectives: this article aims to expose perspectives regarding the function of taxation utilized by public policies towards the confrontation of structural crisis, such as the one generated by COVID-19 pandemic, besides outlining a brief overview of how, in Brazil, the three branches have acted in taxation regards during the crisis, federal, state and municipal-wise.Methodology: to do it, the article’s first part focus on a few doctrinal contributions regarding the role of taxation in crisis, with special collaboration of the ideas of Keynes about Countercyclical Fiscal Policies, while the second part presents some norms concerning crisis-related fiscal measures adopted in Brazil and a few considerations about the role adopted by Judiciary, from a jurisprudential research.Results: by applying such methodology, it could be verified how, in practice, the ideas regarding fiscal norms with extrafiscal and simplifier functions have been applied, and the way the Judiciary has been analyzing the demands made by taxpayers concerning pandemics taxation.Contribution: Therefore, it is intended to contribute to the debate about the measures regarding, in greater or lesser measure, the state’s position on tax collecting during the crisis generated from the current pandemic.Keywords: Keynesian Countercyclical Fiscal Policies; COVID-19; Taxation in Brazil

    Características morfogênicas e estruturais de pastos de papuã manejados sob lotação contínua

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alguns aspectos morfogênicos e estruturais para explicar eventuais alterações no acúmulo de forragem de pastos de papuã (Urochloa (Syn. Brachiaria) plantaginea) sob lotação contínua. Os tratamentos experimentais corresponderam a quatros alturas de dossel (10, 20, 30 e 40 cm), alocados às unidades experimentais conforme um delineamento de blocos completos casualisados, com três repetições. As variáveis analisadas foram: taxa de alongamento, aparecimento e senescência foliar; densidade populacional de perfilhos; comprimento e número de lâminas foliares por perfilho; índice de área foliar (IAF); taxa de acúmulo de forragem. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste t de "Student" (P≤0,05). Os principais resultados obtidos foram: i) diferentes alturas de manejo apresentam diferentes ritmos de aparecimento, crescimento e morte de tecidos; ii) pastos manejados entre 30-40 cm apresentaram os maiores valores de IAF e foram semelhantes entre si; iii) a taxa de acúmulo aumentou com o aumento da altura de manejo, mas não foi alterada a partir de 30 cm. Recomenda-se manejar pastos de papuã sob lotação contínua com não menos que 30 cm quando o objetivo for maximizar a produção de forragem

    Status of the PSF Reconstruction Work Package for MICADO ELT

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    MICADO is a workhorse instrument for the ESO ELT, allowing first light capability for diffraction limited imaging and long-slit spectroscopy at near-infrared wavelengths. The PSF Reconstruction (PSF-R) Team of MICADO is currently implementing, for the first time within all ESO telescopes, a software service devoted to the blind reconstruction of the PSF. This tool will work independently of the science data, using adaptive optics telemetry data, both for Single Conjugate (SCAO) and Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics (MCAO) allowed by the MORFEO module. The PSF-R service will support the state-of-the-art post-processing scientific analysis of the MICADO imaging and spectroscopic data. We provide here an update of the status of the PSF-R service tool of MICADO, after successfully fulfilling the Final Design Review phase, and discuss recent results obtained on simulated and real data gathered on instruments similar to MICADO.Comment: to appear in the Proceedings 12185-149 of the SPIE conference Adaptive Optics Systems VIII, Astronomical Telescopes+Instrumentation 2022 Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table; updated affiliation

    Análisis de los decretos emitidos por el Poder Ejecutivo de la Provincia de Buenos Aires durante el año 2018

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    El presente trabajo es el resultado de un intenso proceso de investigación que tuvo como objeto de estudio el análisis detallado de todos los decretos dictados por el Poder Ejecutivo de la Provincia de Buenos Aires durante el 2018 –año correspondiente al punto intermedio del mandato de María Eugenia Vidal (2015-2019)–. El propósito principal de esta propuesta es aportar una descripción minuciosa sobre una significativa porción de la actividad desarrollada por la Gobernadora durante el año demarcado, cuya importancia reside, en primer lugar, en el volumen de decretos analizados -un total de mil novecientos sesenta y nueve (1969)-; en segundo lugar, en la actualidad de la información que presentan –dado que 2018 es el último año completo de su gestión–; y, por último, en la diversidad de datos que estos documentos presentan.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Analysis of the decrees issued by the Executive Power of the Province of Buenos Aires during 2019

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    El presente trabajo es el resultado de un proceso de investigación que tuvo como objeto de estudio el análisis de los decretos dictados por la Gobernadora saliente de la provincia de Buenos Aires durante el 2019. El propósito principal de esta propuesta es aportar una descripción sobre una significativa porción de la actividad desarrollada por el Poder Ejecutivo durante el año demarcado, cuya importancia reside, en primer lugar, en el volumen de decretos analizados -un total de mil ochocientos sesenta y tres (1863); en segundo lugar, en la actualidad e importancia de la información que presentan –dado que 2019 es el último año de su gestión–; y, por último, en la diversidad de datos que estos documentos ilustran. En ese sentido, en el curso de la investigación se procedió a la búsqueda y recopilación de la totalidad de los decretos emitidos durante el período comprendido entre el 1° de enero y el 10 de diciembre del año referenciado. A continuación, a partir de la compilación normativa efectuada y del estudio de los procesos administrativos involucrados, se llevaron a cabo las tareas de lectura y análisis de la totalidad de los decretos, de creación de una base de datos específica y la sistematización de los resultados. La última tarea realizada ha sido la difusión de la investigación mediante la elaboración del presente artículo, que ofrece un análisis de tipo estadístico que dimensiona la actividad desarrollada y que, además, permite visualizar información variada relativa a los plazos que insume cada proceso, a las áreas intervinientes y a los resultados obtenidos.The present work is the result of a research process whose object of study was the analysis of the decrees issued by the outgoing Gover- nor of the province of Buenos Aires during 2019. The main purpose of this proposal is to provide a description of a significant portion of the activity carried out by the Executive Power during the demarcated year, the importance of which resides, first, in the volume of decrees analyzed - a total of one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three (1863); secondly, the current and importance of the information they present –since 2019 is the last year of their administration–; and, finally, in the diversity of data that these documents illustrate. In that sense, during the course of the investigation, all the decrees issued during the period between January 1 and December 10 of the referenced year were searched and compiled. Then, based on the regulatory compilation carried out and the study of the administrative processes involved, the tasks of reading and analysis of all the decrees, the creation of a specific database and the systematization of the results were carried out. . The last task carried out has been the dissemination of the research through the preparation of this article, which offers a statistical analysis that measures the activity carried out and which, in addition, allows the visualization of various information related to the deadlines that each process takes, the intervening areas and the results obtained.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Antimicrobial resistance among migrants in Europe: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Rates of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are rising globally and there is concern that increased migration is contributing to the burden of antibiotic resistance in Europe. However, the effect of migration on the burden of AMR in Europe has not yet been comprehensively examined. Therefore, we did a systematic review and meta-analysis to identify and synthesise data for AMR carriage or infection in migrants to Europe to examine differences in patterns of AMR across migrant groups and in different settings. METHODS: For this systematic review and meta-analysis, we searched MEDLINE, Embase, PubMed, and Scopus with no language restrictions from Jan 1, 2000, to Jan 18, 2017, for primary data from observational studies reporting antibacterial resistance in common bacterial pathogens among migrants to 21 European Union-15 and European Economic Area countries. To be eligible for inclusion, studies had to report data on carriage or infection with laboratory-confirmed antibiotic-resistant organisms in migrant populations. We extracted data from eligible studies and assessed quality using piloted, standardised forms. We did not examine drug resistance in tuberculosis and excluded articles solely reporting on this parameter. We also excluded articles in which migrant status was determined by ethnicity, country of birth of participants' parents, or was not defined, and articles in which data were not disaggregated by migrant status. Outcomes were carriage of or infection with antibiotic-resistant organisms. We used random-effects models to calculate the pooled prevalence of each outcome. The study protocol is registered with PROSPERO, number CRD42016043681. FINDINGS: We identified 2274 articles, of which 23 observational studies reporting on antibiotic resistance in 2319 migrants were included. The pooled prevalence of any AMR carriage or AMR infection in migrants was 25·4% (95% CI 19·1-31·8; I2 =98%), including meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (7·8%, 4·8-10·7; I2 =92%) and antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative bacteria (27·2%, 17·6-36·8; I2 =94%). The pooled prevalence of any AMR carriage or infection was higher in refugees and asylum seekers (33·0%, 18·3-47·6; I2 =98%) than in other migrant groups (6·6%, 1·8-11·3; I2 =92%). The pooled prevalence of antibiotic-resistant organisms was slightly higher in high-migrant community settings (33·1%, 11·1-55·1; I2 =96%) than in migrants in hospitals (24·3%, 16·1-32·6; I2 =98%). We did not find evidence of high rates of transmission of AMR from migrant to host populations. INTERPRETATION: Migrants are exposed to conditions favouring the emergence of drug resistance during transit and in host countries in Europe. Increased antibiotic resistance among refugees and asylum seekers and in high-migrant community settings (such as refugee camps and detention facilities) highlights the need for improved living conditions, access to health care, and initiatives to facilitate detection of and appropriate high-quality treatment for antibiotic-resistant infections during transit and in host countries. Protocols for the prevention and control of infection and for antibiotic surveillance need to be integrated in all aspects of health care, which should be accessible for all migrant groups, and should target determinants of AMR before, during, and after migration. FUNDING: UK National Institute for Health Research Imperial Biomedical Research Centre, Imperial College Healthcare Charity, the Wellcome Trust, and UK National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit in Healthcare-associated Infections and Antimictobial Resistance at Imperial College London